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Posts posted by T-Bone

  1. Nah we shouldnt...we should bow down and get on our knees like E$PN does for the Pats right??  ;)  :blink:


    And Im sure 99 percent of Pats fans knew Brady was the real deal when they saw his name come over the draft pick ticker on E$PN2  :lol:  :lol:



    of course, why do you think us Patriot fans were ready to get rid of Bledsoe... ;)

  2. After reading through this whole thread, I just want to make a couple of comments.


    JP Loseman has not played a single down in the NFL, sure he had a great career in college, so did Ryan Leaf and Rick Mirer...just don't get your hopes too high for him until you actually seen him play. MacGahee was the same deal, until he proved himself, people were setting themselves up for a lot of heart ache...and thank god the Bills did not trade him at the beginning of this year like a lot of people were calling for.


    The NFL should have a modified salary cap so that veterans like Bruce Smith and Thurmond Thomas can end there careers with the Team that drafted them and nutured them. NBA has it and the NFL should have it too.


    Just my two cents.

  3. That doesn't mean you have to try and look like the Buddha.




    You know, I really would like to see some of you guy's photos and since what kind of great shape you all are in...but I don't think that will happen anytime soon... :w00t:

  4. I moved to CT in 1986 and started to watch the Patriots on a regular basis...I rooted for them against the Bears, saw that Super Bowl down in NJ.


    When I was a kid I liked the Dolphins but when Jimmy Johnson was hired I lost all respect for them and have rooted against them ever since.


    So living in New England for 18+ years and watching them on the Tube over that time has made me a Patriots fan...and yes I can name two players...


    Tom Brady, Ty Law, Cory Dillion, Roosevelt Covin, Richard Seymour, Adam Vinietri, and do I need to go on...


    And before LaBillzFan shows up here, I went to the first three season opener tailgates with my friend the Nervous Guy and his son....as I do not care about the Titans, Saints or Jets, I wore Bills attire to support the home team.....I have a fondness for the Bills and really do not understand why so many on this board are always trashing the team.


    And at the Saints game, I saw a bunch of people wearing Saints shirts...people who were buffalo season ticket holders and who were rooting for the Saints because they liked Flutie better than Johnson. So don't tell me that Bills fans never wear other Teams's attire....NG will back me up on this, he is the one who made that comment.

  5. Hey, the Tribe's truck left for Winter Haven on Friday, so that's a sure sign of spring.


    As long as we're talking baseball, don't overlook the Cleveland Indians (aka, my beloved Tribe).


    If Millwood's arm can hold up and the young hitters (Hafter, Martinez, etc.) can continue to develop, the Tribe will be a force to be reckoned with.  Even though there's a lot of ifs here, no one can deny that the Indians are improved.






    Tribe could be tough, I would not discount them....

  6. WTF is wrong with you? Your team wins a SB less than 12 hours ago and you want to talk baseball on a BUFFALO BILLS MESSAGE BOARD.  Explain to me why you are on TSW this morning?  Is it because you want to stand out while gloating versus just being another Pats fan on one of the Pats message boards?




    Oh no my secret is out.... :lol:


    I have been on the Pats board, but I need schadenfreude...... :doh:

  7. Some Pats fan you are.  :lol: 12 hours after they win the SB for the 3rd time in 4 years and you want to talk baseball. 


    How about Pats trolls disappear and Bills fans talk about F/A and the draft instead?




    instead of how great the Colts and Peyton Manning are?


    instead of how great the Steelers and Big Ben are?


    instead of how great the Eagles and McNabb are?


    What board have you been reading these past couple of weeks, not the same one I am reading?

  8. Something tells me that you won't be so happy this time next year when neither the Red Sox or the Patriots are champions of anything. Enjoy it.  :lol:




    That will be then my friend not now....and I would not count out either team for next year...the Red Sox are going to be playing better than everyone expects and you know the Patriots are going to be the pick in the pre-season for the Super Bowl.

  9. Red Sox are the Champions and you still feel the need to bring the Yankees into the equation...classic

    THAT in itself makes me feel good...and shows just how funny it is to see Red Sox fans obsess over the Yankees.




    The Yankees are their number one rival in the divison and the Red Sox played them in the last two American League championships...so yeah we have to keep our eye on them.


    Besides, the other teams in the AL really do not pose a threat to the Red Sox, the Yankees have to be beaten for the division title.

  10. It is easy to have a group of players not complaining when you win three Super Bowls in four years.


    Teddy Brushic (sic) is an example of a player who made his own deal so that he can stay with the Patriots...a lot of players on the team feel the same way.


    Brady is a smart guy, don't be suprised if he is willing to take less money and stay in NE, the system Belechick has ensures he will be successful, and like the Red Sox, Brady is getting so much endorsement money in NE, he has plenty of incentive to stay.


    Dillon was only a complainer becasue of his frustration that the Bengals were not trying to win....no worries on that front


    The loss of Weis and Crennel should have occurred last year, but no "certain teams" just could not wait for this guys to become available. At least the Browns had the foresight to wait this year.,...Belichick is a good judge of talent, don't be suprised at who he sighns to be OC and DC.

  11. Outstanding post. The old adage comes to mind, " If you dont like it leave"





    You know maybe I should leave and set up my own website where I would spend the day making fun of you and LaBillzFan....


    Nah, not even I am that lame and pathetic.... :w00t:

  12. You see T-Bone...you walk around here like a victimized Patsy troll who is so misunderstood...and yet this is what you post. It's no wonder I hate the Pats so much. Because of fans like you.


    It is blatantly obvious that the only reason you want to see your team win is so (1) you can rub our faces in it, (2) so you don't have to go buy any Eagles gear and (3) so you and your newfound Pats fan, PF in Indiana, can happily prance around the board again like starstruck lovers.


    Please try to remember that you make these kinds of comments. And stop wondering why so many people bust your nuts. The truth is in your own verbage.


    Now !@#$ off, troll.




    Your little self rightous act is wearing a bit thin, and really boring the hell out of me...blah blah blah...that is what your posts translate to

  13. I am so sick of this "rooting for New England" crap. Loyalty to the AFC East? Well, last time I checked, the "AFC East" wasn't paying my bills, so f--- that.


    !@#$ New England. They are good, their players are good, buy screw em, who cares?


    I will happily root for the NFC. Go EAGLES. I hope they absolutely KILL the Pats.

    And to those of you "guarenteeing" a win, I hope you're putting your mortages up on the Pats. Maybe you can win some big money on the back of Tom Brady...


    Oh, I almost forgot - !@#$ the Pats.




    The pain and suffering on this board after the Super Bowl will be so delicious, I can hardy wait to feast upon it.


    GO PATS!

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