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Cookie Gilchrist

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Posts posted by Cookie Gilchrist

  1. What I want to know is how much money the guy who owns the lot behind the field house makes. ...we always park there and I'm sure the smartest thing that guy ever did was not sell the land to the bills....



    I park in that dirt lot too. The older woman who takes your money on the way in owns the land. The take is pure profit except for what she pays the few guys that work for her on game days. They referred to her as "Marge Schott".


    The photo's shadows indicate a Spring morning. The parking lots indicate a week day. Construction and demolition indicate that the photo is at between three and six years old.

  2. I think they're saying that most men are idiots and we rely on women to be smarter than us.


    As sung so poetically by The Dead:


    Let us put men and women together, see which one is smarter,

    Some say men, but I say no, women got the men like a puppet show.


    It ain't me, it's the people that say, men are leading women astray,

    I say it's the women today...smarter than the men in every way.


    That's right, the women are smarter,

    That's right, the women are smarter.

    That's right, the women are smarter.

    The women are smarter. That's right.


    Little boy sitting in the corner and cry, big man come and ask him why,

    He said "I can't do what the big boys do", the man sat down and he cried too.


    It ain't me it's the people that say, men are leading women astray,

    I say, it's the women today, smarter than the men in every way.

    That's right the women are smarter, the women are smarted that's right


    Ever since the world began women been imitating the ways of men,

    But listen cause I've got a plan, give it up just don't try to understand.


    It ain't me it's the people that say, men are leading women astray,

    I say, it's the women today, smarter than the men in every way.

    That's right the women are smarter, the women are smarted that's right.



    Harry Belafonte recorded "Man Smart, Woman Smarter" in 1952. I do want to hear the GD version though.


    On ESPN last week this tall skinny blonde was knocked into the middle of next week by one great right hand. Everyone thought she was dead. She was out for ten minutes and ESPN wouldn't show the replay until she was awakened. The winner said she wants Ali's daughter next.


    Like with "Fear Factor", some will do anything for fame and/or fortune.

  3. With roughly half of the population of WNY in the stadium that day :ph34r: , I was curious as to where you were when the Bills performed their magic.


    Personally, my buddy and I were driving out to the Eastern Hills Mall. Once the comeback started we refused to stop driving as we believed it was the power of the car that was fueling the comeback. We didn't want to jinx anything. Good times.



    At the top of the lower bowl in the corner where Beebe scored. I bought a ticket at the stadium booth during Houston's first drive. :)

  4. A player in an Argentinan league was banned for life after knocking out an official over a disputed call.  The official had to have emergency surgery to repair his eye socket.


    I guess that guy watched the Pistons play one too many times.



    Or Steve Tasker's last play. :ph34r:

  5. I would say the Lomonica trade was far worse, as Al Davis basically told Ralph to "turn around and touch your toes"



    Despite the soft RB market, we need to get more than just 14 spots in the second round for Travis. If he won't back up Willis, I'd Peca him.. although that didn't work out so well.


    It's been documented that Ralph bought an illegal secret ownership interest in the Raiders to keep them afloat. I always wondered if that was before, during or after trading young strong Daryl Lamonica for old washed up Tom Flores.

  6. I'm not huge on making it hyper accurate, but I am curious. Let's suspend disbelief for a moment (or better yet let's assume the hijacked F-117 was comandeered by its normal pilot who is a mole, might be more realistic), had the scenario played out, could the F-117 shoot down AF1?


    Again, this is assuming the pilot got the plane in the air and knew AF1's route and location...just curious.



    The F-117A stealth "fighter" has no air to air capability - not even guns.


    It is also not invisible to radar if you know it's coming. The Serbs had the fllght plan and shot one down.

  7. Good news, all around. We may not need to draft or sign another TE and can use our limited resources elsewhere (like CB).



    I've liked Campbell ever since the Carolina game a couple of years ago when he made an over the shouder catch just as the inverting safety BLASTED him. That was the same game in which Josh Reed dropped a TD flea flicker.


    If Peters can be taught to block he will be a TE asset - no matter his jersey number.

  8. Are either of you serious?


    That's like saying why do you bother wearing your seatbelt if you always speed?


    Good lahjik guys...



    No. That's like saying why do you bother wearing a seat belt if you are speeding over Niagara Falls.


    The sandwich tastes great though. It is not nearly as big and bad as publicized.

    I expected something like Mike's Big Mouth Humongous Loaded Hoagie.

  9. I liked the Hanson suggestion. Also, I think Flutie needs to be there. Maybe giving him to much credit, but what would have happened that year if RJ starts the whole year and we finish 6-10 and out of the playoffs. No renovation to the Ralph, no lease agreement, maybe no Bills.



    Imagine the spectacle. A guaranteed sellout of an otherwise dog game. Ralph gives DF a truck at halftime as civil war breaks out in the crowd.

  10. Kind of.  They needed to get the President into the air so they could target Air Force One with the Stealth fighter that they were going to kipe.




    The F-117A is hardly an interceptor. It is slow and has no air to air capability - not even guns. If it shoots down AF-1 I'll feel used - again.

  11. Good question.

    Where was the exhibition held and the locale of all those buildings? It looks like some amazing architecture that even George Constanza would have appreciated. Are they all gone are some of those buildings still in place. Can't remember seeing any of them. It's hard to imaging they could have torn them all down.


    A great Frank Lloyd Wright highrise building in Buffalo was torn down several years ago to make room for something else (probably a row of Nabisco grain silos)


    Is Buffalo possibly the stupidest and most short-sighted city ever? Could they be the perfect model for how not to run a metropolis?



    Below is a link to a 1902 panoramic map at the LOC site. The Pan Am grounds are marked just north of Delaware Park.



  12. Yeah, moon 'em. It's funny.  Jets busses were pulling out while I was at my last game and you could year "F&*k You!", "You SUCK!", etc.. echoing down Big Tree. 


    (My buddy's wife was one of those that yelled.. funny stuff).






    A few years ago my crew was about to get on the Skyway to go to the Ralph. A Steelers' team bus, covered with a huge painting of Bettis, was about to pull out from the Adam's Mark with a few dozen Steeler fans sstranding around to wish them well. We all got out of the cars, flipped them the fist and forearm as well as the bird and flew the colors. The bus was between us and the fans, but the Steelers on the bus saw us and flipped us back.


    It was great!

  13. Nope not a move the Charlotte Hornets team moved somewhere and this is an expansion team, only reason I know any of this is I live in NC and they talk about them on sports.    I wouldnt watch NBA basketball if all other channels were off the air.






    Charlotte Hornets = Buffalo Braves

    New Orleans Hornets = San Diego/LA Clippers

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