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Posts posted by MTBill

  1. This is the sort of quote I expect from him - and is reassuring to me.


    Gone is the glitz and glam and rose colored glasses which state everything is perfect and fine....  then after the season, gee, I don't know what went wrong (which is usually - look at our injuries, look at these extraordinary circumstances.)


    In short - this quote is another way of saying - Trust the Process.  We are getting better, but there may be a step backwards or laterally before results are obviously improved (e.g. 13-3 and winning the AFCE).


    It was an important season last year - it proved that anything can happen - even in Buffalo after this drought where everything that could go wrong often seemed to.  But it was not evidence that this team is going to be winning the AFCE in 2018.

  2. If this staff thinks he is an upgrade - and is medically cleared....  then go for it.


    I think he'll have a reasonable contract - probably incentive laden - and that plays right in to the cap equation.  Bring him in to compete with whatever group we have in training camp with the new OC.  The only real question mark with him I have is the medical clearance - and making sure he can do what you want to do as an offense.

  3. These are good analytics from what I can see.  I'm not verifying their accuracy and I presume he didn't just make them up...


    These are a good argument as to why it is time to move on.  When your analytics team is looking at the ratio of empty seats to seats filled in the stand - or the revenue per attendee - it's time to move on from your analytics.  This is what is happening at OBD.


    I've been on the fence with TT - because I do like the guy and I bought a lot of argument that it was not entirely his fault (and still do)...  but if you are trailing by under 8 points in the 4th quarter - 3-15 is really not getting it done.  It isn't 100% your own fault, but you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.


    That said - I still would not be shocked if they keep TT as a bridge QB for 2018 depending on how the FA chips fall.  I think they would love to get a better option - but the $ just might not be there in 2018.  If they don't get a FA - I expect a drafted QB - depending on how much draft capital it takes to move up or who falls to where.  If they do that - they probably start TT to at least begin the season until the staff feels the rookie is ready.  And Peterman probably gets to compete in there too.  New OC - clean slate.  Open competition at QB to open camp.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Rocky Landing said:

    If someone cannot, or will not, accept the notion that one plus one equals two, it it a hopeless endeavor to convince them otherwise. Because, any explanation of why one plus one equals two will already be more complicated than the initial concept.


    What is this concept of addition anyways?  if 2+2 = 4 and 2*2 = 4 then why isn't 1+1 = 1 since 1*1=1?  seriously.  :)


    (I don't need a math lesson - I am totally joshing with you.)


    Oh and further proof of this madness, 0+0 = 0 and 0*0 = 0.  So since 1 is between 0 and 2 it stands to reason that it should follow the same rules.


    Further EDIT -


    This is a case of failed understanding - looking at the results and trying to use them to extrapolate the rules.  Addition has rules which must be followed - there may be results which appear inconsistent with other results, but the rules dictate the environment and the results - the results don't dictate the rules.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, BuffAlone said:

    There are NO angles on a sphere. Period


    I submit Spherical Trigonometry to you.  An area of math taught in high schools in the early 20th century - but largely ignored today as it is mostly automated (unless you happen to be a navigator).  There are angles - they are just different than the concepts of "plane" geometry.


    Oddly enough - travelling in a "straight" line takes longer than travelling on a great circle.  Great Circles are what planes use.  EDIT - to avoid confusion I mean Airplanes.  Not the 'plane' of plane geometry which is what would govern the rules of a 'flat' earth.


    If the Earth is Flat - why is it that Everest is not visible from everywhere on Earth?  Why is it that when a rocket launches from Florida, not everyone can see it in their sky?


    I appreciate that you are probably trolling me (and others) and really are not a flat earther....  But I enjoy the discourse either way.


  6. Just now, DC Tom said:


    That's a result of science.  That's not the point of science.  The point is to explain the observable universe as accurately and concisely as possible, period.


    "Point" taken.  :)


    I view the "as possible" as being the important point here - all science can be disproven and replaced with a more accurate theory.  Faith is immutable in general.  You must believe X to be a 'believer' - and deviation makes you a sinner or a pagan.


    Not to really throw a wrench here - but I believe in evolution.  It has gaps which have yet to be fully understood - but I believe in general that we are what we are because of evolution - and we ain't what we ain't for the same reasons.  (with acknowledgement and apologies to John Prine)  It is a theory and I 'believe' in it.  I also happen to believe there is some creator - I am not sure what it is, but I believe I exist and at some level something created me - even if I am merely a wisp of air in some cosmic test tube.

  7. 3 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    No, it's not.  Science is based on the idea that empirical observation is repeatable and consistent, and explanations can be developed that describe those empirical observations and predict new observations.  Period.  End of story. 


    Yes - the scientific method is about repeatable consistent results - based on the data you have.  It is not about the data you DON'T have - or the fact that you may make incorrect assumptions about data you don't have.


    This is where it is known and accepted that a future researcher can prove you wrong.  Not because you were stupid, or ignorant.  Because you did not have all of the information.  Are egos crushed sometimes?  Of course.


    Example - Geologists believed that changes to the surface only took place over long periods of time.  They did not have answers about how the scablands of Washington were created.  Along came a geologist in the 20th century who proposed that in actuality - the scablands were not the result of long erosion taking place - but were actually the result of violent Superfloods.  It was very controversial.  Eventually he "won" and geologists accepted that the scablands were the result of superfloods created by the Glacial Lake Missoula (where I happen to live).  A glacial ice sheet dammed up the waters of the river system and created a giant pool of water.  As a result of weakening or cracking - the ice dam broke (not once but several times over the course of the ice age).  This rush of water washed away the topsoil of Eastern Washington - leaving it a veritable desert.  Science is not gospel.  It can be disproven later when new evidence is presented.  This happens repeatedly in history and will continue to do so.


    This is how we can get theories which may will disprove the theory of relativity eventually.  And those theories could be equally fallible.


    Most religious doctrine is passed along as infallible.  If you find fault it is your own inadequacy, not the possibility that the pillars of your faith were incorrect.  The stone tablets passed down to Moses in 500BC are the stone tablets.  They were interpreted by at least 3 religions and formed the foundation of three large and powerful modern religions.  The Old Testament, the Quran, and the Torah are all interpretations of these tablets.

  8. The thing with Science vs. Religion.


    In Religion you are not allowed to question the gospel - it is the "gospel truth".


    Science is based on the idea that further research may prove a theory incorrect.


    This is how you end up going from "science' thinking the sun went around the Earth to later knowledge that Earth in fact revolves around the sun.  The modern flat earthers biggest problem is they offer no scientific evidence or journal study to prove their theory - they just simply complain that the accepted theory is wrong.


    Modern physicists are examining the theories of Einstein - and finding that there are flaws (which even he acknowledged) and coming up with new theories to understand how the universe works.  In turn these new theories will undergo further review later as more evidence becomes available and we will continually refine our understanding.


    So - While we may disprove what Einstein came up with - or what Newton came up with, or any historical scientist.  That is accepted and celebrated.  For those earlier contributions are what lead us to modern theories - using information not available to the earlier scientist.  This is not diminishing their greatness - they used the best knowledge they had and were able to explain it.  We are simply doing the same with more information available.


    So - Flat Earthers - if you really want to have an audience, please write a paper for peer review and explain the physics of a flat Earth that the rest of us don't understand.  Don't just question science - prove your own science.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. No time to read this whole thread....


    I like the move - save a draft pick - and money that Gaines will want...  Of course others here will be all - 'There goes our compensatory picks in 2019'....  :)


    We have 3 FA CB this offseason - this move replaces one of them at least.  Who knows what we do otherwise - EJ G could still be in Buffalo if he isn't asking for the moon in salary - but I expect he wants more than the Bills want to pay him.  This is saving/clearing cap room for other FA moves - and quite possibly a low risk upgrade.


  10. FWIW - I think a larger part of the reduction in viewership is that people are sick of the *Pats & Tommy Boy. Every game the announcers cream their jeans about the legacy - even games where they aren't playing.


    Combine this with the fact that a generation - the demographic they crave - is clipping cable and out experiencing life on Sundays - instead of sitting on the couch watching football.


    The audience is never going to come back the way it was - those years have passed.  This is the new normal for the NFL.


    I never had a problem with kneeling - but it is a distraction from their own point and became the story - not what they wanted people to know.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. I think his point is lost in the amplitude of his post here.  I do NOT think he intends to do anything to anyone.


    I think what he is trying to say is that when you are bullied - you have a few options....  (he didn't list all of them obviously)


    1) stand up for yourself and stop the bullying, end of story.

    2) ignore it and hope it goes away

    3) take it personal - and escalate the violence - depending on your "cowardice" level

         a) commit suicide because you can't stand it

         b) go 'postal'


    These are all real responses to being bullied.  He seems to have focused on #3 in that post.  Obviously #3 is the wrong way to deal with this.


    I think where he made his biggest mistake here is calling out his "bullies" by name - when this has already been dealt with externally at least by the NFL and the Dolphins. He obviously has not moved past it.  Maybe he never will.  I do not have a clue what sort of reconciliation (if any) took place between him and his bullies.  I don't pretend to have any clue about his past at his H.S. either and would not pretend to.  This sounds like a desperate call for help.

  12. I think the important part of the owner reaching out was not the "explain the impact it has on business" - but was that the owners support the issue - just not how it was being raised.


    What ESPN reports - and what Kim P says to ESPN are probably somewhat out of context.  Players maybe didn't all understand that some fans were really turned off because of the kneeling.  Granted - some of these same fans are probably also blind to the cause itself, but the kneeling was obvious and became a distraction from the issue itself.


  13. I think convincing the players that as a "team" - including as owners - if you all have a common interest with respect to social issues, that will smooth these things out.  The important thing is - if you get the players to not hurt the brand by doing things viewed by some as detrimental, you have to still represent the issues on some level.  Whether that is giving money and time to causes or whatever.


    As a player - if you are hurting the "brand" - you are hurting yourself because that diminishes your paycheck.  When you can still support a cause and not hurt the brand - it's a win/win.  Not everyone in the country agrees with every cause - and certainly some causes of players may not be able to be supported by the team (e.g. if they wanted to support illegal activities).


    Equal protection and eliminating prejudice is an admirable goal.  Kneeling during the anthem is not really supporting that.  It attracted the wrong type of attention.  Making your voice loud and clear as a TEAM by working with your community and beyond will accomplish much more.

  14. I am in that group of "shame"...  I grew up watching Fergy & Joe Cribbs as my entry into the Bills fandom....  Those were some rough seasons with some still happy moments.


    I don't disagree with your top 5.


    Other names I think were helpful (honorable mentions) - if not superstars (without deep research other than memory):


    Marvcus Patton - LB 8th round 1990

    Jeff Wright - DT 8th round 1988

    Keith McKeller - TE 9th round 1987 (the real name behind the K-Gun - not Jim Kelly)

    Gary Anderson - K 7th round 1982 - who infamously sabotaged himself in Buffalo so he could play elsewhere....  I think he missed every FG in pre-season or something like that.

    Rob Riddick - RB 9th round 1981


    Before '81 is not my time (or my memory failed to recognize any names in the NFL Draft database).

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. I really don't see Beane throwing together a package to move up for a QB.  Just too many roster holes to package up 3+ top 100 picks for 1 player (even if it is the most important one).  It'd take 3+ to get up high enough to grab one of the big names.  Unless you can use a Cordy in place of one of those picks...  but even then I just don't see it.  Moving up 15+ picks to get a top 5 pick would be very expensive in draft capital.


    If someone they like falls down to 10-15, I could see a move for that.

  16. This is pretty much what I expected.  Despite all the posts about TT this and NP that, people really don't want either of them to start...  I am in the court of Vet FA/Trade.  I think there are going to be options out there.  I do not expect Cousins to be in Buffalo, not enough cap room for his desires - and he is going to be overpriced with all the bidders for his services.  I think there will be other FA options available who will be better than what we have - and further the "Process".


    If they don't land a FA/Trade, I expect we'll see NP start with a rookie in the wings.  It isn't what I'd want, but sort of what I'd expect.




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