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Posts posted by merlin

  1. Milloy, Crumpler, Hall among Falcons camp fighters


    FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. -- The broiling tedium of training camp finally made the Atlanta Falcons snap.


    Veteran Lawyer Milloy was among several players to lose his temper in the oppressive August heat Monday morning. DeAngelo Hall, Matt Lehr, Adam Jennings and Alge Crumpler were seething, too.


    "This is football, and as long as it don't translate into the things in the locker room, everything will be fine," Milloy said. "In my 11 years, this has been one of the toughest, if not the toughest, training camp in my career. You have to expect tempers to flare."


    Milloy's fight with Lehr escalated so quickly at the end of an 11-on-11 drill that the 32-year-old strong safety quickly found himself lying face-up on the bottom of a huge pile of players.


    "This is the part of camp where things start to wear on you," Milloy said. "In the end, though, you've just got to remember what color jersey the other guy's wearing."

  2. Either this guy is unluckiest guy on earth, or there is something up. How can one person be an "innocent bystander" TWICE getting shot??


    Cowboy safety shot for 2nd time


    "...Dallas Cowboys safety Keith Davis was shot twice while driving on a Dallas highway early Sunday and was hospitalized in stable condition after undergoing surgery to remove bullet fragments.

    ..... This is the second time in three years that Davis has been shot. He was an innocent bystander last time, and this time Stephens said the player was driving home from a family vacation."

  3. Someone summarize, please?  It's one thing for me to scan through posts while at work...quite another to listen to audio clips.  I'm curious what these guys had to say.



    Chris Brown editor for Buffalo Bills.com on Shred and Reagan this morning had alot to say about the QB situation, saying that Mike Mularkey and company really screwed up the development of JP, saying that they told him for 8 months he would be the starter and then pulled him in the second game of the season, and that definetly had alot to do with his development or lack there of, He believes that JP will be the starter.


    Martin Nance he said is got unbelieveable hands, he went on to talk about Big Ben's comments on him and how he said he would be a pro bowler in the next 5 seasons, Chris said there was not an OTA that went bye that didnt see Nance have a good catch or make a nice play, He also said that one of the things that stood out was his ability to jump and catch the ball in the redzone, and that every jump ball in OTA's went his way, and the coach Tyke Tolbert rave about his blocking as well.


    Very good things to say considering Chris Brown is at every practice.






    Vic Carucci and John Murphy have a bet for $50 on who will be the Bills starter at QB, Vic says Nall and John Murphy(co-host) says it will be JP


    Topic was brought up about who was the best in minicamps especially the last one Vic said he thinks JP looked the best and was really throwing the ball with consistency, and looked like the leader of the offense, Nall struggled at times but picked it up at the end, nothing about Kelly


    Def- Jonh Murphy thinks the Bills will be top 10 in the league on Defense and thinks will be alot better than last year and have a chance to push for playoffs.. Vic doesnt think so and thinks the Bills will have to be in the top 10 to even be thought of as a playoff team,


    On TKO, John said he looks very determined and was running and doin drills at the OTA's and thinks he will be back to form, Vic is not so sure said that he thinks will be used sparringly at Training Camp;


    Vic thinks Nall will be starter and thinks that the Bills will stink, I am hoping for improvement at all aspects and going 8-8, to young of a team and two many questions marks should make for an interesting season none the less......

  4. Stephen Nover?? Who is this guy? Anyone think he has any credibility whatsoever?


    He sure rips the Bills, and takes a couple of "cheap shots" and Ralph and Marv, mostly because of their age.



    "... With a bad offensive line, a serious deficiency at quarterback and a 29th-ranked defense learning a new system, the Bills will be lucky to match last season’s five wins.


    The team’s owner, Ralph Wilson, is 88. General manager Marv Levy is 80 and has been out of coaching nearly 10 years. Dick Jauron is a recycled head coach after stints as the head man in Chicago in 2003 and at Detroit last year. He’s never impressed or excited anyone with his unimaginative offenses and boring demeanor. "



    "...Buffalo has the worst passing attack east of San Francisco. Levy wasted much of his budget signing No. 4-type wide receivers rather than upgrade a bad offensive line. I’m surprised Levy didn’t look to add Don Beebe.


    The Bills were 28th in total yards and 30th in red-zone efficiency last year and they may be even worse this season. Holcomb is decent – in a backup role – while Losman has proven so disappointing the Bills signed Packers clipboard carrier Craig Nall, who they claim is in the mix to start. Fortunately for Buffalo that’s probably not going to happen, but it shows how little this new Buffalo regime thinks of Losman. "



    "... The Bills could be out of it by October. Really. "







  5. The one that stands out to me is Brad Hopkins.  That would be the one that would be the most intriguing if we signed one of those players.



    I don't see Ross Verba's name on this list, but I don't remember hearing that he had signed with any team yet .... last I heard, Green Bay was supposedly interested in him.


    Anyone know if he's still available?



  6. Thats fine and Dandy that he wants a franchise, he will probably never get one. Almost no league is willing to put a franchise in LV because of the gambling. And considering the majority of the people in Vegas are tourists, whos gonna support the team? Putting a team in Vegas has been tried many times, but it always gets turned down due to the gambling.




    .... plus, I don't think there is any way the league would allow LV to get a franchise before they get one in LA again ....

  7. good article




    Interesting to note that the writer lumps St. Louis' Ryan Pickett as one of that club's long line of "defensive lineman draft busts"! Seems to me just about a month ago, Bills fans were ready to commit hari kari when Mr. Pickett spurned the Bills offer to sign with another club (Green Bay)?




    Jimmy Kennedy, DT, Penn State, first round, 2003

    It's hard to imagine the Rams' defense showing any sustained improvement until they stop taking underproductive defensive linemen in the first round. Kennedy, who went 12th in 2003, has followed in the tradition of defensive tackle Damione Lewis (12th in 2001) and Ryan Pickett (29th in 2001). Second-round defensive end Tony Hargrove (2004) has been a nice find, but the Rams once again need draft help at the front of their defense, and that can't be an every-year occurrence."

  8. If there's one thing I never would have believed, it's this.


    I like Steve Fairchild. But....


    We now have 9 receivers.










    So which talented but unproven WR are we gonna let go for nuttin, Aiken? Parrish?


    Can I get a WTF?


    I never liked Peerless....




    But if you were a sports reporter from Atlanta, he'd think the world of you .... ;)



    he Facts: After months of speculation, the team released Price Tuesday morning, parting with a once highly productive player who failed to live up to lofty expectations and a $37 million contract ($10 million signing bonus) after being acquired from the Buffalo Bills for a first-round draft pick in 2003. Price was told before practice and sped out of the parking lot at team headquarters in his BMW just as the team was beginning to stretch for the day's drills. "I hate y'all," Price said to a photographer, before hustling into his car without further comment. ... Reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution



    Goldy Oldy Link

  9. Am I only one who thinks that PP may not be a bad addition ? Yes he really sucked after leaving Buffalo with EM on the other side. But if LE really takes on the #1 role, PP may shine yet again. If he is still out there, vet minimum may be enough to get him. Let camp decide which of the receivers gets canned.




    I thought he was having some medical problems with his vision, which is one reason his production tailed off so badly. I feel sorry for him, but if that is true, he's really not even worth the vet minimum ....

  10. I think it's like putting in an early, but low, bid for something on eBay. You just KNOW someone is going to come in and outbid you just before the auction ends, but you hold on to that one slim hope/chance that you might actually pull off a great deal ... and every once in a while, it actually happens!


    ... and if it doesn't, you're really not out much.



  11. Ok, who thinks that we're any better than we were last year?




    .... sound of crickets chirping ..... ;)


    Actually, I think the Bills ARE better ... but so are most of the rest of the teams in the NFL, due to the higher salary cap limit. If you compare the Bills just to the other 3 teams in the AFC East ... I think the news is even worse - all those teams have improved more than Buffalo, to the point that right now, I think we have to look up even to see the Jests! ;)

  12. All he wants to do is rush the passer, get sacks, pad his stats. That makes him too easy for teams to defend. His best use would be as a situational pass rusher, but I think he wants to be paid like an "every down" player. No thanks.


    I'm optimistic about Spikes' recovery. I think he'll still be the tackling machine we've always known - but his pass coverage abilities may be somewhat degraded. In the right scheme/system, the Bills ought to be able to figure out a way not to expose him too much in pass coverage.

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