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Everything posted by SuperBills12

  1. Nobody's brought it up, but man having T.O. back could be the extra juice the Eagles need for an upset...his leg healed?
  2. There will be a good superbowl match up...I've thought about the different combo's of teams that might get there and each one excites me....anyone agree? i'd love to see Vick beat the Pats personally
  3. Are you kidding, I've fallen in love with that logo...Infact, I think it's probably the most awesome logo in sports....The blazing buffalo charging, nothing beats it! As for the uniforms, man I love those, definetly would buy their jersey if they looked like that...Especially the blue version
  4. JP won't be a rookie next year....Reference Carson Palmer this year...Carson sat, learned, observed, then took over and had a great year... We have the benefit of Wyche, Mularky, Clements, and yes even Drew to help out in JP's developement
  5. But will that future include Bledsoe as the starting QB? "I don't know," Kelly said. "Drew showed me how mentally tough he is by the way he pulled himself out of that early-season funk and bounced back. But I don't know if the Bills might decide it's time to go in a new direction." That decision will depend on whether Buffalo's deep thinkers believe rookie J.P Losman will be ready to take over next fall. "To be honest, if J.P. had been ready this year, they would have gone to him," Kelly said. "But I don't think J.P. is ready yet mentally. Physically, he has it all. He's got the arm strength, he's a good athlete who can move around and he's a tough kid. But I think it's still going to take time for him to develop the knowledge you need at this level. I do believe he's going to be a good one when he is ready."
  6. I'm willing to take a chance on him. He's had a year with Wyche, Mularkey, Clements, and Drew...He even got some mop up duty this year although not a lot If we have a conservative game plan in the beginning, and go with our strengths (defense and special teams) we'll be alright...By mid season I'd expect Losman to progress quite nicely In response to Manning, he got thrown in the fire his rookie year...Losman has now had one full year on the sidelines...also the kid has to start at some point used to be a Bledsoe supporter, but have truly seen the light and won't turn back
  7. AFC - Colts NFC - Falcons --------------- winner - Colts - 35 - 21 yours?
  8. who makes more money in 2005? just curious JP is a first rounder, he needs to get in there
  9. I know, I know...there are a billion threads already like this....but what do you guys think?? Is one year enough for JP to come in and start playing? I say the fact that he's mobile and can move and has fire like Jim Kelly are plenty reason for him to be the man in 2005....I envision him being like Carson Palmer and put up those numbers if he comes in
  10. I ended up in 9th place in my fantasy football team missing the playoffs. Get this, I was 1-5, (like our Bills) but then won 5 of the next 8 to end up 6-8...Ironically at the end I lost to a team I should have beaten to get into the playoffs (like our Bills) The team I was to beat to get in was in first place at 12-1, but had 4 injuries and had backups in there, and I still lost! My FF was mirroring the 2004 Bills, wierd.
  11. To all those who are steeler fans don't think that this is baltimore and you can just come into our house and represent your team. Bills fans are way better, more knowledgable and loyal than you. Our lungs and heart are bigger as well, and that goes for those who aren't even from Buffalo. THE BILLS MAKE ME WANNA SHOUT!
  12. "The Bills have not won six straight games since an eight-game run in 1990, the first of its four straight Super Bowl teams. " ESPN I don't know why this got me pumped
  13. In the process, running back Willis McGahee injured his knee. Head Coach Mike Mularkey will address the media today at 4:00 p.m. eastern time to give an update on McGahee's condition. bb.com
  14. ..a winning season, a possible play off berth....after starting 0-4, the Bills remind me of my Bosox, when it looks like the end of the world, something special happens and this is what we are witnessing
  15. The Bills will have their first winning season since 1999.......even if we don't make the playoffs, it's nice to know we're finally back to respectability.
  16. Looking at the NFC, my God what has happened to that once mighty conference? Teams might get into the playoffs at 7-9 versus the AFC which teams with possible 10-6 records wont make it?? The football Gods did screw us once again
  17. Is he healthy enough to come back and spell McGahee this week? I do miss his running a little bit, and before you all start going off on how bad a RB TH is and how he cant block, keep in mind it will make us even more unpredictable if we use them both on offense
  18. for the record, I always liked Donahoe...For what its worth, he's made things exciting at One Bills Drive
  19. They have an explosive offense, and Palmer looks real good in the pocket. We're on the road which isn't going to help....I predict a hard fought game and the Bills running it hard with WM and winning 20-16 whats everyone's opin on the Bengals?
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