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Posts posted by SuperBills12

  1. I have a feeling in my bones that we'll win this game vs. the Jets. I have no great basis or reasoning behind it. But it's just one of those gut feelings. Perhaps it's because we're putting guys out there who are hungry for a job next year willing to put in a 100% effort that has me thinking we'll win.


    Anyone else share my sentiment?




  2. Just a disappointment to see a team with this kind of talent being misused. I'm not panicked, because I don't have any real expectations now. Just going to watch football until there is a reason not to.


    That's the way to go. At the end of the day, it's just a game that grown men get paid $$$$ to play. We all want the Bills in the playoffs very bad, but we need to think positive as a collective group and maybe our fortunes will change.

  3. They need to win against Jax to get back above 0.500...and it's not an easy task for a team that will be missing several offensive pieces and Kyle Williams, and has to travel halfway across the world.


    If, however, they can get to 4-3, then yeah, things have a shot to be alright. Rex needs to use the bye week to make defensive adjustments and start putting his key players in better positions to make plays.


    I believe Rex will make the necessary adjustments. Starts this week...

  4. Deep breathe folks. We're 3-3 with a ton of injuries. We'll be alright.


    Here are some positives:


    - We get Aaron Kromer back to help coach up our O-Line

    - Shady looks to be back healthy

    - Karlos Williams should be back after the bye

    - We have a forgiving schedule coming up

    - The defense will make adjustments and improve

    - Tyrod should be back healthy

    - The AFC looks pretty week.

    - Oh yeah, we play JAX and go into the bye to heal up


    Teams that are doing well right now have been together for at least 2-3 years if not more. Our group is still forming and norming. I want us to be in the playoffs just as bad as anyone, but realistically I felt that this was going to happen. We're hitting a rough patch, but our play down the stretch will matter most.


    Keep hope alive Buffalo.





  5. Thus far 4 games in and it feels like a roll coaster. High as a kite week 1... Crashing down to early week 2... Shouted victory from a mountain top week 3... Setting the whole thing on fire week 4...


    Folks, stop it. We as fans, and this franchise have a ton of baggage that make each loss feel like the end of the world. Fact of the matter is things will get better. We have 12 games to go. Thing positive. Speak positive. Be Positive. That's the only way the universe will listen.



    Go Bills! We're going to crush Tennesee.

  6. I had a premonition.... Matt Cassel has a lousy game tonight going 4-7 for 28 yards and INT. In comes Tyrod at the end of the first quarter and goes 10-11 for 175 yards, and 2 TDs (1 running, 1 passing) until the 4th QTR when EJ comes in for mop up duty. This will lead to Tyrod getting the nod for the next game in Cleveland which he preceeds to lead the team to a TD in the first quarter looking very comfortable running the offense while showing off some flash. Cassel comes in after him late in the second, and once again is very average leading to Rex naming Tyrod the starting QB.


    I'm telling you, Tyrod is the one. We've found our answer at QB for the foresable future.


    <let a man dream ok?>

  7. Well guys... terrible news. After purchasing the tickets and getting the hotel, I can't attend because we overlooked the fact we have 2 obligations that weekend that can't be moved. We were so excited to do this.


    If anyone wants to purchase my tickets, please direct message me - Section 333, row 12. I listed them on stub hub, but if anyone wants to cut them out they will be a lot cheaper.


    If I can get rid of them, I may consider going to the Pats game instead.


    -signed dejected Bills fan.


    I get that you want to be close to the stadium, but I'd strongly recommend staying in downtown Bflo. Better hotel selection and lots of activity.


    Edit: ha, that's what I get for not reading the entire thread. I think you'll be glad you opted for downtown. I think that's the same hotel my wife and I booked for the opener as well.


    Yep, we decided to get a hotel downtown and arrive on Friday. We'll go to Niagra Falls on Saturday, and take in the Bills opener Sunday. I'm so excited!!!

    be sure to check out (716) next door in Harborcenter.

    Thanks, will do! I've heard/read good things

  9. Game? I'd look at seats and choose game which you can get best seats within price range.


    Drive. When you combine the hassles of airports and renting a car driving much easier.

    The I99 to 219 route thru central PA is fast; get gas at Indian reservation when you enter New York.


    Hotels depend on taste - want to be near bars for walking or near stadium?


    Actually I just purchased my tickets - section 333, row 12! Whoo!


    Now.. as for hotel, I'd like to be nearby the stadium. We'll probably get to Buffalo 6 or 7pm in the Sat. evening.

  10. Hey Peter!

    you sure picked the right season to get down and dirty!

    why now ? honest question?


    make some connections here and maybe meet up with some of the regular tailgators.

    i have read that there are some very nice people here abouts that might welcome you and your girlfriend and share some Buffalo hospitality.


    Hi there! I've been a Bills fan since 1990 and have only gone to 1 Bills game in 1995 (does preseason count?). I'm really excited about the team this year and just want to be with Bills nation on opening day.

  11. Hi everyone,


    Looking for your advice. I'm considering going to a Bills game in September. Either opening day or the game against the Patriots. I live in Maryland and taking the girlfriend with me (even though she's a Steelers fan).


    Questions that I would love to get your take on:


    1) Which is a better game to go to?

    2) Should we drive or take the plane? (It's about a 6 1/2 hour drive to Buffalo from MD)

    3) Where should we stay?

    4) What section should we aim for? (Willing to spend $150 per ticket)


    Thanks for any input!


    Go Bills!!!




  12. I don't feel Doug Marrone and Nate Hackett are going to survive this year. Unless the Bills get to 10 wins and squeek into the playoffs, I don't feel Pegula will keep them around. If they're booted, not all is lost. I believe we have our next head coach already on our roster. His name is Jim Schwartz. Pepper Johnson then takes over the DC position. The defensive unit stays intact.


    Then we just need to find an effective OC who's been in the league and can get the most from his players. Maybe we can raid someone off Denver's staff.


    I really don't think we need to start over with this team. We have some great players to work with.



  13. There are more Ravens fans up here, but still a lot of Redskins and Cowboys fans here. I'm not going to get sucked into this nonsense... I'm still running around with my Bills jacket and my Sabres hat, screw it. I may get some jokes and some "sorry, dude" comments, but I'm still here, along with TT, Jimbo, you all, and more... we all suffer and still keep the FAITH.


    *insert Howard Dean-like 'yeeeeeaaaahhh!!!' here*


    It's nice to see posts like this. The fans have more heart than the team they root for...

  14. As the Bills continue to suck, I've started watching Redskins games... After being a die hard Bills fan since 1990, this is what my football life has come to. I don't even feel like "me" anymore. I congratulate my friends who are Redskins fans. They see how sad I am and pity me. They even invite me to watch the games with them and make comments like "come on man, why do you like the Bills, they suck. We have a team now. Join us!"


    It's a lonley feeling I tell ya... Thank you Buffalo Bills, thank you for taking away any pride I had in you.



  15. What I'm most angered about from yesterday's game was their overall approach. They hardly looked motivated or played with emotion. The entire team played soft. The Jet's litterally beat us up and nobody got upset over it. We're just not an inspiring team. Oh and that guy we gave a 100million to... he should have punched a hole in a wall after the game instead of crying about the refs.


    This thing can go in one or two ways... use this defeat as a wake up call, or continue to play like losers/softies they've shown to be.

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