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Posts posted by apulshunny

  1. And the Bills select, Perry Tuttle, uh, I mean Roscoe P Coltrain, uh, I mean Parrish.


    Now let the TD apologists begin explaining how we know jack, he knows best as he leads us to a 5th consecutive non-playoff appearance under his watch.


    An BTW what happened to the vote of confidence he just gave Josh Reed. Either TD is as full of it as I think he is, or we used our top pick on a #4 receiver.


    Still unimpressed thus far this off-season.

  2. More importantly than the stats, he was FUN to watch. I was a kid when he played, and I tried to make those toes as many of those "toes on the sideline (or backline)" catches as I could like he did in Tampa on that highlight reel.

  3. Moulds is the only one I would recommend, particularly for staying with a team that has thrown him some QB curves during his career.


    No way I'd allow Slim Pickens in. What has he done for us lately?



    Although Moulds is our most recognizable current player, I don't know that I put him on the wall. I'd like to see Bobby Chandler on the wall before Moulds. I loved that guy. Moulds is our #1 receiver, but not a consistantly dominant one.


    I momentarily thought of Cristie too, but he was part of the second two Super Bowl teams. Another member that had greater contributions during the SB run, but was still part of the organization after is John Butler.


    I think our wall is to exclusive for guys like Pat Williams, London and Ruben.

  4. Teams that beat the teams they should beat - that's the definition of a playoff team.



    I was ready to let this thread die until that last comment.


    Uh, the definition of a playoff team is one who makes the playoffs. The Bills beat the teams they should have and were not a playoff team. An improved team, but not a playoff team. With a harder schedule and with a downgrade in offensive line personnel, I don't see it getting better unless the aforementioned coaching improves that situation.

  5. So go take your flying leap off the Bills 2005 bandwagon before the season begins. Wouldn't be the first panic move by a TSW member, won't be the last.



    Again, I say, I'm not off the Bills bandwagon, I'm just not energized currently. I don't live in Buffalo anymore, so it takes some effort to get my Bills fix, but I'll die Blue and Red (or whatever color scheme they switch to next).


    Of all the replies I've seen the one about the Bledsoe acquisition leading to Spikes and Adams signing here later maybe the only one I've seen that put a legitimate positive spin on the outcome of that trade. Nice point.


    For those of you that disagree with my assessment of Donahoe's performance, well, thanks for your opinions, but I cannot say I've seen any that were so compellingly positive that I really feel any better yet.


    One guy suggested that I consider a smaller goal. I think I'll hang my hat on Mularkey and the progress he and his coaching staff showed last year. If they can keep up the development of players like they did with Williams last year, then that will give me some hope as we move forward.


    I've also considered that part of my doldrums may be the lack of enthusiasm over the draft. Without a first round pick and the time/desire to research guys 2-3-7 rounds deep, I'm probably just a looking for something to get excited about.


    Thanks for the input folks.

  6. No sense replying anymore to this guy. He obviously doesn't feel the need to defend himself. He makes an idiotic statement and then goes away. I say good riddance..... :lol:



    Uh, i posted this before going to bed last night and have a day job. Sorry I don't have this message board at my disposal 24/7.


    I'm going back to work now. Bash away in my absence.

  7. 11)  Trades this year's first to draft J.P. Lohsman, a QB with notable maturity issues

        and the problem with this is? So, he is damned for keeping DB and damned for giving up a draft choice for JP. Can't have it booth ways.



    Again, the pick was a RISK. I'm not saying I hate the pick. I hope J.P. is great. The reality is, some were not high on the guy because of his arrogance. Before the absolutists come out, I do recognize that other successful QB's have had arrogance. It was just another example of a stand-out move that inherited possibly more risk (and number of draft choices in particular) than necessary.


    For the record, there were other options, so I can have it both ways. My opinion at the time was that Bledsoe was not going to make ours a better football team.

    I still feel I was right. I cannot say that I can recall now what QB's were available last off-season, or what QB's came after JP in the draft. I wish I could be more clear on what specific option may have been better at that time, I just don't recall TODAY.


    Off the top of my head, I would have been happier with Brees last year than Bledsoe even before the season Brees just had. I'm sure Brees would have come cheaper than JP did. I would have felt better about Griese for that matter. At the time I would have been happier with Garcia, but alas, his failures last year must absolutely mean he would have failed here too.


    As I look back over most of the replies, I see rebuttals to my specific points, but not the beems of sunlight pointing out how great we will be next season.


    Thus my disappointment.



  8. 5)  Signs Takeo Spikes, the most coveted free agent in 2003.


          and the problem with this is?

    6)  Uses the 1st round pick obtained for Price to take a remarkable gamble on McGahee


          and the problem with this is?


    7)  Quickly uses up recently acquired cap space to acquire Lawyer Milloy before season opener 2004

            and the problem with this is?


    8)  Fires Greg Williams, hires another unproven coach without the highest credentials in Mike Mularkey

              and the problem with this is?


    I'll never understand why people cannot read intent instead of jumping to defense. I SAID SOME MOVES TURNED OUT OK and specifically cited the outcome of the Spikes signing and the eventual outcome of the McGahee draft. The only move that showed no real risk (unless you want to stretch the salary cap ramifications, and I think that would be a stretch) is the Spikes signing. The others certainly came in with baggage and/or risk and I concede that some have worked out so far. Some not so much.


    Either way, this team has not met the levels of prominence that TD promised and I think things are going to get worse before they get better.


    Since some of you are not on the Modrak wagon, if TD went away, who would be better?

  9. Hiring Gregg Williams, drafting certain players etc. were bad moves and the criticism is warranted. Twisting it into some power hungry evil plot to get revenge on the Steelers or move the team out of Buffalo are the M.O. of some of our resident Smacktards, who can't produce any hard evidence or understand the negative backlash.  :doh:




    As I read replies, I see that a common theme is that I believe Donahoe is "jeopardizing" the Bills intentionally. I don't think he's TRYING to make mistakes. I just think he has accumulated a number of risky moves and I think ego absolutely drives him. If he acted with the same abandon as GM in Pittsburgh, then I guess it's just his character and not a change of operations since coming here. I just don't recall the Steelers going out on a limb as often when he was there.


    I still love the Bills, I'm just not excited about their chances this year.


    One other thing: as for the "strong" finish last year, I totally subscribe to the theory that they took advantage of a weak schedule, beat the teams they should have and retarded the potential development of Lohsman last year by pretending to be a contender.


    On the other hand, I WAS encouraged by Mularkey's ability to make game day adjustments. I commented on that during the season last year. It was a welcome change from the deer in the headlights approach Greg Williams brought to the sideline on game days.


    Just my OPINION fellas.


  10. #1 is right.  #2 is only right in hindsight. Everything else is wrong.  Good luck to you in the future.



    So we did not trade a #1 for Bledsoe? We did not take a chance drafting McGahee? I don't understand how I'm wrong about those facts?


    Please clarify my mistake with the correct details.

  11. One point of clarification. My desire to see Modrak take over should indicate that I've not given up on the Bills, but on Donahoe. I'm not looking for a new team, just a new direction.


    I've offered my opinion and if yours differs that's fine. I've not done hours of research to substantiate my claim. I've done what most of the posters on these boards do: I read what someone else who is an insider has to say and I base an opinion on that.


    I agree, it is a game. Unfortunately, I've not enjoyed the game the way I hoped to when TD arrived. I would be re-energized with a change at this point. The particular point I hoped responders would jump on is the Modrak banner I was waving. How much support he garnered was what I was most interested in reading.


    Thanks for the responses.



  12. Whenever the wagons are circling a rumor about a coach or GM who is on the block, I always ask myself, "who's the better alternative?"


    When the wagons were circling John Butler, I was very happy at the time that we had Donahoe as his successor. He had a lot of success in Pittsburgh and he did not have the mis-managed cap history that Butler had.


    After 4 seasons, I'm asking myself the same question about Donahoe. Who would be a viable alternative? I say Tom Modrak. He's becoming a GM candidate and I think is a great reason for TD's past success.


    I'm sorry, but I'm done with TD.


    Unfortunately, Donahoe still has a chip on his shoulder about being dumped in Steel-town, so all he has done since coming to Buffalo is make one "catch-your-attention" move after another. Some worked out, most have not. As evidence:


    1) Hires Greg Williams over Marvin Lewis and John Fox


    2) Decides Rob Johnson IS worth investing another season in.


    3) Trades future first rounder for Drew Bledsoe


    4) Franchises Peerless Price in hopes of re-acquiring 1st round pick given up for Bledsoe (not a bad move, just another attempt to assert "brilliance")


    5) Signs Takeo Spikes, the most coveted free agent in 2003.


    6) Uses the 1st round pick obtained for Price to take a remarkable gamble on McGahee


    7) Quickly uses up recently acquired cap space to acquire Lawyer Milloy before season opener 2004


    8) Fires Greg Williams, hires another unproven coach without the highest credentials in Mike Mularkey


    9) Absorbs an 8 MILLION DOLLAR CAP HIT last summer to keep Bledsoe another year (a move that also cost us a couple of additional million this off-season)


    10) Allows younger, more productive A. Winfield to leave and acquires aging Troy Vincent who will now be an overpaid safety


    11) Trades this year's first to draft J.P. Lohsman, a QB with notable maturity issues


    12) Holds up a win-win trade involving Henry long enough that Henry shoots his mouth off (which was INEVITABLE) and likely hurts some of the value he actually had. In a season where neither SHAWN ALEXEXANDER nor EDGERIN JAMES can be dealt for a 2nd round pick.


    IMHO, Henry for Shelton straight up is a deal for the Bills. Even if Henry rushes for 1500 yards for the next 5 years for someone else, he's worthless to us now.


    Also, Henry has proven by his comments recently and when McGahee was drafted that he's as dumb as a box of rocks.


    As I said, some have worked out (Spikes, McGahee so far), but the man just keeps rolling the dice on headline grabbers and puts too much faith in failing players (Bledsoe before this off-season and some members of the O-line)


    I just cannot keep the faith anymore. I've lost my ability to SHoUt


    VOTE MODRAK 2006

  13. Henry either goes during the draft for a specific draft pick, or after it for a conditional choice. I think it will be the latter.


    Raiders | Henry on the Radar - from www.KFFL.com

    Sat, 22 Jan 2005 15:13:22 -0800


    Updating previous reports, ESPN.com's Len Pasquarelli reports the Oakland Raiders are interested in Buffalo Bills RB Travis Henry and like him a lot. However, they have concerns over his fumbling.


  14. Ya think 11 penalties to the tune of 111 yards and 60 yards in additional field position on retutn penalties might have had an effect?


    Ya think a 9 minute drive by the scrubs on the other team in the fourth quarter might have had an effect?


    Ya think a 58 yard run from scrimmage by the other teams 4th string back that resulted in a  TD had an effect?


    Think think 3 drops by Moulds...


    No...it was all Bledsoe!



    I'm disappointed in the defense as well, but at least they have shown they can do their jobs. Moulds makes plays and makes mistakes. The penalties are pretty much a given from this team, no matter who coaches. Bledsoe though was brought in to take this team to a higher level. This is the type of game that you expect a big time QB to shine. Bledsoe is NOT a big time QB. It's as simple as that.

  15. There can't be a good arguement for him returning next year.



    You're right. There is no GOOD reason, but he's Donahoe's boy, so he'll be back. Despite the QB on the other sideline, 1st year QB's usually flounder in their 1st year (see Carson Palmer). The brass will feel Bledsoe gives a team that is this close a better chance next year.


    It SUCKS, but that's how it plays out.

  16. I'm reading a separate list asking who to cut from the Bills roster. The problem with these lists is that they always lack the alternative. WHO do you expect us to utilize as a replacement for all of these players?


    Bledsoe's replacement is obvious, but who do you get to replace Moulds and the entire offensive line? If you think #1 receivers and pro-bowl linemen are just lying around try asking Atlanta about their #1 receiver and Cleveland about lineman. It's nice to say jettison the lot of them, but without adequate replacements, I say we focus on a coaching staff that can develop the players we have.


    I'll say this in parting: The fact that our teams seem to show improvements from the first half to the second half shows an ability to make adjustments at half-time that was completely lacking under the previous regime. I'm sad to say that this season is now a wash, but this staff needs time. Tread water and watch this team over the last month. If they still play awfully, then we need to be very concerned about our future. From what I've seen, I don't think that will be the case.

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