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Posts posted by apulshunny

  1. But seriously, all these calls for Jauron's firing. People still don't get it. Ralph's the problem. Not Dumb Dick.


    Ralph is more a problem than Dick for sure.


    Sadly, the real enablers have been the fans who have pored their heart and soul into the belief that this miserable owner could actually put it all together.


    Shame on us.

  2. That's right. If there was no Ralph, you wouldn't have to suffer, as there would be no Buffalo Bills.


    You say that like it would be a bad thing.


    I grew up a Bills fan as a result of being born in that community. I've been gone for over 20 years and have taken pride in my allegiance to that team. This season has made me realize that my faith has been misguided. I have wasted a lot of time and money buying products and traveling to see games of the team that has disappointed far more than they have rewarded me over my lifetime (41 years now).


    Although Ralph may have been loyal to WNY, he has not been a successful owner and he has often interfered in the success of this franchise. I'll concede that he's not trying to sabotage this franchise, I do believe he wants to win, but I think he has been far more of an obstacle than a benefit. I think he is respected for having been an owner for a very long time, but in 49 years, the team has been in the playoffs only 17 times. I do believe there are worse owners out there (Ford, Bidwell come immediately to mind), but they are someone else's problem. The fact that the Bills will likely leave Buffalo after Wilson passes leaves me with a particularly hopeless feeling. I have been unable to overcome the "what's the point?" feeling.


    I live in San Diego now and because I have a hard time with ownership here as well, I have never embraced the local team. The time has come that I must look at the Bills in the same way. Although I respect the community and its citizens, I feel the ownership of the team is not worth the support that it has received from me over the years. Good luck to those of you that cannot see the forest through the trees as it relates to the direction of this franchise. The relationship has seen it's moments of fun and excitement, but it is a relationship that has reached a point of irreconcilable differences.


    So long Mr. Wilson and good luck to those fans who remain. You deserve better.

  3. Didn't the starter fail to deliver worse? The backup is in there because the starter failed miserably. To rag on the backup is just being a clueless fan! :(

    Last drive, sack and 1 yard pass on 4th and 15. I'm not changing the subject by saying Edwards was good. I'm saying JP is not, never was, never will be.


    Nor am I insulting you.


    By the way, if you indicate that Edwards is WORSE, it implies that JP was bad. At least it's a start. There is hope for you after all.

  4. I love the classic idiot retort like this.


    You guys really expect the backup QB to be perfect, and when he's not perfect you tar and feather him. Bunch of clueless idiots who are just haters.

    I expect a man who is paid good money to do what it takes to be ready when called upon. When he had time to prepare, he failed to deliver. His role may have changed, but he is expected to do something other than throw the ball away on a 4th and 2 with the game on the line.


    I don't understand how anyone can be satisfied with this organization, or accept the lack of improvement.

  5. Are you serious? No more incidental facemask, but they have a "casual removal" classification for helmet removal?



    I'm sure Davis CASUALLY removed his helmet after being called for offensive PI. Nice and easy-like. No reason to be angry there. He knows he's going to have to go back and face Singletary after blowing a TD. Maybe not anger, maybe fear.

  6. Brees is a great front runner. He definitely distributes well, but he has not shown an ability to come from behind to win especially in the forth quarter. My awareness of this was heightened by a radio yahoo here in San Diego during the Brees v Rivers debate. For the remainder of that season he had multiple opportunities to come back late and failed every time. Not often, but every time. I don't watch as many of his games now, but the ones I do see are no different. Earlier this year I heard a commentator say that Brees was just the kind of guy you want for a late comeback and I laughed out loud just before Brees was picked off ending the opportunity and losing the game. Same ol' Brees.


    With the protection he'd get here, I have to seriously doubt he'd be playing now anyway.

  7. Look at ML's and Fred's numbers side by side. Do you notice a difference? Ya, me either.


    If some people think Marshawn is a bust then so is Fred.

    I had no intention of enshrining Fred anytime soon either. That said, I did get to see the Cleveland game where ML played well, but Jaws identifies the desire to wait for the big play too often in ML. That was helpful (as others have written here as well).


    On the other hand, Fred does show more ability to get through the cracks that ML just does not seem to be able to do.

  8. I'm highly articulate but I cannot offer you an explanation because I do not see Lynch as a top RB in the NFL

    I did not ask why he's a top RB. I asked why he was valued. Based on other threads, you would think he's a top RB as other members of the wall would not trade him for all the rice in China (seemingly). Other than the no quit style, I wonder what is so appealing about the guy. Breaking a run occasionally gives fans hope that at any point you'll witness a nice play. When ML gets the ball I expect a few yards and multiple tacklers before going down, but not really the expectation of a breakaway run.

  9. I live in SD and do not get out enough to see many Bills games. From what I have seen the line has had troubles for years, but great backs have found a way to make SOME plays on bad teams. I've just not seen a burst from ML in his two years. I love his drive and his no-quit effort, but I do not really see any burst.


    Am I missing something? I read another thread about him and read members who love the guy without any explanation. Just that they prefer him over Chris Johnson, Matt Forte and Darren McFadden. Based on what I've seen, I don't see what the attraction is.


    Is there an articulate member who can offer some comparisons and what makes ML so valued?

  10. Although my real least favorite is RJ (I STILL draft him in the last round of every fantasy draft just to cut him again)

    I wanted to add some names of yesteryear:


    Least favorite - Tom Cousineau Chose the CFL over the Bills. What a slap in the face.


    Most favored - Bobby Chandler LOVED his sideline/back of the endzone catches. You just don't see those anymore

  11. TO is not going to be traded. Only a maroon would allow Philly to get something for nothing. The smarter move is to let Philly release him and bid for TO in the open market. A market by the way that is pretty dry. Not only would you not be forced to give up anything, you would recieve him at a reduced salary.


    That said, I agree that the Bills are unlikely to go that direction.

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