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Posts posted by alg

  1. I now live in Colorado, and I am seriously concerned about Prop 36. Success of this prop will divide CO electorit based on the popular vote. We could theoretically wait for a month of court battles to decide this outcome before declaring a winner. Its a bad move, mucking with constitutional balance for short term political gain. A state that does this loses influence in elections - period.


    I should mention that, apparently, this CO effort is being financed by a California Dem. (Funny how they are not doing this in CA.) Be carefull what you ask for. If CO splits the electorit look for New York and CA to have similar challenges in the coming years - by Reps. If they won in those states Democrates would not be able to elect another candidate for years - until Spanish becomes our predominant language.

  2. What is unfair and unbalanced about saying the item he's referring to happened in 1983. I looked at it. It said "1983" on it. Besides, I am a lot more fair and balanced than the namesake. At least I admit to being a Democrat and a liberal and still take the opposite side on a lot of matters.




    Fair enough. Your new name should henceforth be:


    Kelly, the Fair and Balanced Liberal Democratic Partisan Dog.

  3. From a friend on top of this stuff:


    Maybe the article about Republicans destroying Democratics voter registrations was not true. Below is the web site from the organization mentioned in the article. Looks like they are dems!! Go figure. The writer did not check his facts before printing the story.




    Check their website...(they are ALL DEMOCRATS!)


    Cecile Richards, veteran labor and political organizer, has been elected President of America Votes. Ms. Richards, a native Texan, has worked as a labor and political activist for more than twenty years. She recently led a national program for the Turner Foundation to educate and organize reproductive choice supporters across the country. Before coming to America Votes, she served as Deputy Chief of Staff to Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi.






    Gee, that would be a shock...

  4. I get amused by the fact that born again christians do not believe that you have true faith until you have lost faith and gotten it back.



    Excellent point.



    Religion is not a church or a specific belief system. Religion is nothing more and nothing less then the experience of a personal relationship with God. That the word 'religion' has been corrupted to more often then not refer to 'theology' rather then true religious 'experience' is the thing that seperates those who know, from people who think they know something.

  5. 1. The war in Iraq.  Bush shouldn't have gotten into it and he certainly can't get us out of it.  Kerry/Edwards can. 


    2. The deficit.  Bush took a surplus and turned it into the biggest deficit in history. He can't get us out of it.  Kerry/Edwards can


    3. Health care.  Its broke.  Bush didn't, couldn't or wouldn't fix it.  Kerry Edwards have at least an idea for fixing it.


    Kerry has the financial advisors and planners (Bob Rubin et. al.) that gave us the Clinton economy...the best one we've ever had.  Bush has more of the same.


    Kerry has the military leaders who know what it means to lead.  Bush has yes men.


    Kerry knows who the terrorists are.  Bush thinks Saddam and his Iraqi henchmen were the threat.  We all know better now.  Listen to your friends.





    Thank you for reminding me not to take life too seriously.






    1. Kerry will raise taxes on small business and, I believe, everyone else.

    2. Kerry's plans for medicare and other issues, while reducing the deficit, are simply impossible with current governemnt revenue.

    3. Kerry tells you what you want to hear, and has more money for just about everyone - money that simply doesn't exist.

    4. Kerry wants a 'global test' on issues of America going to war in self defense or otherwise. Implied are larger role for France and Germany i the conduct of US international affairs.

    5. Kerry will align himself more with current Euopean (socialist) governments in his approach to the economy, entitlement programs and general pacifism toward dealing with world threats.

    6. Kerry, by virtue of his voting record, is the, or one of the most liberal "tax and spend' liberals in Congress.

    7. Kerry lacks the convictions and certainty to be CIC. Attacked Howard Dean's anti war stance to win the Dem primaries. He is now against the war. He was also against the 1st Gulf war. He basicly beleives whatever it takes to get elected.


    Of course you may find some of this list a reason to vote for him...

  7. He didn't answer the question anyway so why are you whining?  Fact is, both of them pretty much ignored the question they were asked and just answered the one they wish the were asked.  And you know whose fault that is?  Ours.  You see, if they actually had a frank discussion, we would make them pay for it by using every word we possibly could to hang them for daring to say anything besides their stump speech.




    Excellent point. We The People would rip apart any fool who had the audacity to speak the truth without filter. Viva la spin!

  8. Overall I think that charlie gibson did a decent job with the handling of the debate. I am in general a charlie gibson fan. i understand that the questions cam from the 140 guests, and that charlie reviewed each of them and then decided which ones would be asked....and when. This is what leads to me the problem that I have with his final question.


    The question read:


    "President Bush, during the last four years, you have made thousands of decisions that have affected millions of lives. Please give three instances in which you came to realize you had made a wrong decision, and what you did to correct it. Thank you"

    Now anyone looking at this question and is the least bit honest has to admit that this is a one sided question. It is asked ONLY to the president, and does not even include kerry or his record. Therefore it was intended to put the president on the spot, and leave the door wide open for kerry to continue his rhetoric and slandor against the president. kerry had no danger in this questions AT ALL!!!


    How could a question like this be asked??? Especially as the final question before closing statements? This was wrong, and I think it clearly showed the bias that charlie and ABC has towards the left.


    I was very disappointed......any comments?



    I was on that too. Outragious question, especially in light of how well (fair) the rest of the debate was handled.

  9. There was a story in the Camera here in Boulder, CO - an extreeeeemely liberal locale. In response to a liberal rant about someone putting a Bush/Chaney sticker over his Kerry/Edwards one, someone pointed out the following:


    A guy in Teluride got verbally (and publicly) abused by a friggin waiter for his Bush/Chaney t-shirt. Went back to his car and found the window(s) broken.


    In Longmont just north of here the Bush campain headquarters was defaced: Vandals wrote F%$k over the word Bush on the sign, and then proceeded to smear animal excrement over the front of the building.


    Also locally it was pointed out the many police reports about theft or vandalism of Bush/Chaney signs in peoples' yards. It was also noted that no such reports have been filed for disappearing Kerry signs.


    Its ugly out there people. Once upon a time Dems/Liberals believed in treating people everywhere fairly. Now? Its seems you have to be a native, black, hispanic, or arab to inspire such consideration. White's and Christians and republicans beware...

  10. No that is not the question and that is not what Kerry implied.  Do you think he was trying to score some point over the bare fact that he owned a timber company?  Of course not.  What would be gained by that? 


    The issue being debated was how Kerry's economic plan would effect small businesses.  The Bushies claim it would raise taxes on X amount of small businesses but that depends on how you define "small businesses".  Kerry was pointing out that the way they define it, Bush himself is a "small business" because he owned a small piece of a timber company.  That artificially and misleadingly inflates the numbers used by the President.  Ironically, the joke the President was trying to make, that having a such a small piece of a timber company hardly means he owns the company, was exactly Kerry's point.  Owning such a small piece of a company doesn't make him a small business owner but that is the only way you get the ridiculous numbers Bush is using.  Even the Wall Street Journal is on record that the Bush numbers on this issue are bogus. 


    Lies, damn lies and statistics.



    Perhaps the lies are Kerry's?


    Our investments in stocks, holdings in trusts, etc, will be handled under capital gains/loses and in other ways that DO NOT require filing as a business (small or otherwise.) My DBA pays taxes for 1099 wages, my capital gains/loses, etc are handled differently. If GW were to get 1099 salary from a business interest as part of his small business then he most likely would be filing as a (small) business - but this is not possible as President of the US. Rules would require his investments to be placed in a blind trust. What does this mean? It is more then likely that GW would not be considered a small business.


    I am not an expert on all matters pertaining to this subject, but as an independant consultant with a DBA, I am more then familiar with the tax implications of running a small business. If there are accountants out there that have more specific knowledge about handling taxes for a trust then I am certainly open to being wrong on this issue. Until then, I beleive Kerry was doing nothing more then waving a big, fat and stinky red herring in the faces of the voting public.


    Even if GW were to be classified as such, however, Kerry is still misleading you and everyone else on the matter. $200k for a small business is nothing when deducting overhead etc. There are a whole lot of people operating this way, and GWs numbers actually sound about right.

  11. Thank you for pointing out our collective ignorance.  I guess we're lucky to have an impartial person like yourself to explain to us what we saw and how we should interpret it.  Please keep it up, I find it very entertaining.




    You are most welcome, and I will continue to do my best. You must understand, however, that there is no antidote for some forms of ignorance, so success in your case is not assured.

  12. Moore made some good points going after corporate looters, but he is out of his element in trying to understand corporate profit motives. He loses it when his POV is shown to be nothing more then an idea that companies exist for no other reason then to give their money to employees. He fails to comprehend the idea that future jobs rely on future profits. Overall, I would critic Moore's entry on the scene as a positive - increasing a certain awareness.


    And then he went a blew it by jumping into the political areana with a series of half-truths eventuating in lies. His reasoning goes as follows (saw Bowling not F911): GWs family knew OBLs family. They are both involved in Saudi oil. Therefore they must be friends and, ultimately, part of the world conspiracy of US oil companies to take over the world.


    Moore started off having something to offer. Then he began to pander to the far left wing of politics - the group who's conspiracy theories, paranoia and general hatred of the right have the ability to actually imitate the brain capacity of pre-huminoid life forms on earth.

  13. The lumber royalties came from an oil and gas holding in GWs portfolio that also happens to own a timber company. GW is right on target with his comback. So yea, Factcheck.com was right, that Kerry was right, and completely misleading at the same time. It was a lame comment that set GW up to lay down the hammer of superior personability. Kerry made a wonderful straight man last night...


    That so many of you find it a disgrace, and not humorous, only shows the depths of your personal hatred for the man. It also shows that you are either 1) willing to ignore true humor for political motive, or 2) you do not actually have a sense of humor. Because this is the real truth:


    "Need some wood?" will go down as one of the funniest comebacks in presidential debate history. It will also prove to be one of the very reasons Americans will re-elect GW in November. Barring any catastrophic world or political events, this election is over. Dems will have 4 more years to practice their hate...

  14. Lord in heaven....it's just a hat.


    I'd tell you to go scrub rocks if you told me I couldn't wear my hat backwards.




    I think the point Marv is making is that way too many people are simply thoughless followers who are devoid of a clear sense of self, and have to borrow from rediculous fashion/pop culture for a way to fit in.


    Indirectly he is also say that you are NOT your hat...

  15. Havnt really studied any standouts that havnt been drafted. I remember last year A. Boldin was the guy to get after week one. Anyone have some names that might have been overlooked in a draft and played well? I could use RBs, or a backup QB.




    I believe M Clayton could turn out to be huge this year, and more then likely was on waivers after your draft.

  16. Outside of Tomlinson your team seams made up of 4-5th rounders. Who did you take in rounds 2-3? You should have had a guy like Davis or Barlow as RB2, or a top WR like Holt, C Johnson or maybe Ward. At worst a top QB like Manning. Your starting WRs seem serviceable but, sorry to say, I think you may fall to the middle of the pack.

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