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Posts posted by Wiz

  1. Please take a peek at a few threads from earlier this year:


    Apology Thread


    Jauron's Extension


    There are quite a few others, but these will illustrate the point--was Jauron really as good as we all thought back in September? Probably not...and certainly the remainder of the season seems to have borne this out.


    Similarly, is Jauron as bad as we all currently seem to think? The answer is the same...probably not.


    Reality is he's probably a pretty good NFL coach, and likely one that will be successful (his players certainly seem to think so). I for one would hate to have him go elsewhere to find that success (Wade Phillips anyone? Or how about how Cleveland feels after having let Belichick go?)


    And I'd hate to see the Bills start over (again). Sure there are plenty of successful one or two year turnarounds (e.g Miami) but there are also many, many more cases of teams getting stuck in the 3-year coaching carousel, and never achieving any success until there is some stability in the front office (e.g. Detroit, who obviously is still waiting to find that success).


    So before we run Mr. Jauron out of town, let's remember how it was in September, and how we felt. I for one feel Dick deserves another chance, because I'd love to feel that way again this fall, and right now I think he's the guy with the best chance to achieve that.


    (Off my soapbox)


    Wade Phillips is close to being fired and Belichick got the Browns to the playoffs. Did Dick ever excel as a coordinator? Serious question, I don't know.

  2. I hate them because they're the best team ever. Even with Cassell in there, they won 11 games. Belichick is a genius. Dick jauron should be running a floor-buffing machine next year.

    I don't think Belichick is a genius. I just think he is the smartest of a class of a not-so-smart pool of coaches who have gotten their jobs through cronyism such as Jauron getting his current (and hopefully short-term) employment through his friendship with Levy.

  3. I'm not sure what "source" that is from, but they clearly don't know what they are talking about. Brandon doesn't scout players, and never has. He doesn't handle contracts, either. That's overdorf. Clearly whoever wrote this doesn't know how the Bills organization is aligned. And neither do you.

    Russ is being sent out on scouting trips during the season.

  4. What is your problem with Walker? He's played far better than many of us (except maybe you) thought he would when the Bills signed him. He also filled in at LT reasonably well early this year.


    Give it a rest, jeez....

    Talent wise the o-line has enough to get to the playoffs. The problem is the diva at left tackle whose holdout and the subsequent shuffling of the line, prevented the line to develop the chemistry needed to be consistent.


    As far as D-line, Stroud was a huge upgrade on the interior, but Schobel's injury and Kelsay's mediocre play hurt the team's ability to rush the passer big time. That and playing our safeties deep and not blitzing enough, led to painful, prolonged drives which drove a stake through this team's chances of winning.


    Bottom line is that the talent is there on the o-line and a different defensive scheme to suit the players we have could have led to this team getting to the playoffs.

  5. anybody posting in this thread care that peters has only given up 3 sacks all season?




    just curious...

    If that is accurate, Peters is the 21st best tackle in the league. The Bills should pay him as such. THere are a lot of other tackles above Peters on that list that aren't getting present market value, but they're not holding their teams hostage as Peters is. Let this jackass go. He's not as great as he thinks he is and is not a team player.

  6. do not root against the bills under any circumstances! for all you assclowns who think it somehow helps the franchise to lose, remember that ralph has already proven he has no idea who to hire, and anyone who was any good would never ever come here anyway. we're doing the best we can already. sorry.

    You are correct. Even if Jauron is gone, we have to count on Ralph to make the right decisions which he has consistently proven incapable of doing.


    The Bills winning and keeping the Patsies out of the playoffs!!! It won't get any better than that any time soon.

  7. Yea I think you're right. It would fit the profile Tucker talks about. From Florida, went to Miami, high first round pick. The 2001 Roster shows not too many Florida guys on the roster.


    Unless Tucker could just be saying Florida instead of somewhere else. It seems it would be too obvious to do some sloothing on it.

    Could also be fullback Donnell Bennett, a U of M guy from Fort Lauderdale, taken in 2nd round by Chiefs in 94 He was 29 years old, '01 was his only season with the Skins and his last season in the NFL He was also an offensive player as was Tucker.


    Lang was a pretty intense player and relatively young(26) at the time and going to become an UFA at end of season which wouldn't really fit the profile as he was needing to impress to make the big bucks.

  8. He chose to go to Yale. He scored 1550 on his SAT and would never brag about it. .

    With all he has going for him, why doesn't he try something he actually has a shot at being successful at such as finding the cure for cancer or discovering the beginning of the universe???


    In Swampscott he may be a legend, but in Chicago and Buffalo he will be remembered as a failure of a coach.

  9. After years of just reading here, finding that at some point someone says what I am thinking anyway. So I shall now break my silence albeit at the end of a thread that has run it's course and my voice will probably not be heard anyway.


    Coaching: D- if not for the good start F, But I will give Dick another year, I just do not feel like starting over.

    QB- F I will give Edwards another year, but he has been no better than JP except for the SD game, they have both sucked, and I do not feel Edwards has the arm strength for the Buffalo weather.

    OL - I can live with them for another year

    TE - I think Fine will be a surprise next year.

    WR- Steve Johnson will emerge next year, we are ok there

    DE - Schobel is fine but becoming long of tooth next year, Denny and Kelsey good in relief, top free agent and 2nd round draft pick here

    DT- Go with what we got, they are ok, Free agent 3rd round depth here

    OLB- Mitchell Ok for now - Ellison nothing more than a special teams player Here is where are Number one Pick Goes

    ILb - Poz will be OK

    SS- I can live with what we have

    FS- I can live with what we have



    Bad play calling and poor Quarterback Play is what shot down this season!


    We are an impact OLB and good Quarterback Play away from being a Superbowl competitive team . This team does not suck as a whole, and I am in no mood to bust them up and wait another three years to start a new season off with true hope.


    It all comes down to coaching and this staff doesn't have what it takes to make the playoffs with a sufficiently talented team to do so. Even if this staff found a way to get this team to the playoffs, it would find a way to make an early exit. As much as I hate to see this team start over with a whole new system, it's the only hope this team has at this point.


    I have rooted for this team for forty years and Ralph has proven over and over again that he doesn't have a great desire to, is not willing to, or is incapable of bringing a Super Bowl to Buffalo(even during the "glory days" with his unwillingness to identify the team's weaknesses and take the necessary steps to compete with the NFC's more physical play). That's the sad reality that I believe most fans have come to terms with.


    I have approached the past ten years with optimism about the potential of the Bills. This season has unfortunately brought the cold reality that Ralph will never bring a Super Bowl to Buffalo.


    Go Bills!!!!!

  10. It is an acceptable answer because it's a moot point. EVERY team exercises its ability to defer now. Of all the issues with this team, our coin toss decision is the LEAST of them. Who was the jackass reporter who asked the question in the first place?

    EVERY team doesn't defer. It's a perfectly legitimate question as this deference has been consistently unsuccessful when exercised as of late. His answer to this "moot" question reveals the larger issue--he has zero confidence in his offense.

  11. Wasn't Donahoe one of the highest sought after, priced GM's when Ralph signed him? If so what's to say he won't spring for a coach of similar stature. I'm just curious that if Ralph is so cheap what was the Donahoe anomaly? Why can't it happen again?

    I believe Ralph signed Donahoe at a discount because of Buffalo's close proximity to his home of Pittsburgh. Plus, he could justify paying Donahoe by his taking over the day-to-day operations of the franchise.

  12. The most common thread over the past decade has been a horrendous offensive line. Why in the hell can other teams put a bunch of no-names together who perform well.


    The Bills have had multiple combinations of o-lines made up of draftees, high priced free agents, and no-name free agents over the past ten years. They have done it under different gm's, several different o-line coaches and offensive coordinators. Why do they always suck????!!!!!



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