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Posts posted by BigAL

  1. I have Windows XP Pro. I just installed ACDSEE 7.0. It changed my icons on the task bar to a larger size then they were. I can't figure out how to resize them to their smaller size. My programs menu was also resized.




    I can't find the settings to reset them!




    I know in windows xp family if you right click the task bar where your quick start icons are, you get a menu at the top that says view. You can chosse small or large icons from there.

  2. How about his "infamous" speech he made before the Colts game in 2000 where he said that neither the Bills nor the Colts were going to the playoffs, as we both were eliminated. Yet, the Colts went on the win a few more (we lost to the Colts) and made the playoffs. He was a dumb jerk. Sure, a decent defensive coordinator, but a lousey HC. Let's not forget his wonderfuul staff. Carl Mauck come to mind? Or how about the Bills TE coach under Wade. Hhe was a assistant to an assistant (exaggeration, but not much) who got the Bills job because he was Wade's neighbor? Or what about Pendry....No, Wade did plenty of damage. Plenty. Seriously poor HC. Piss on Wade.


    Oh, and let's not forget Ronnie Jones....jeez....give us a break.




    As it has been said elsewhere in the thread. Wade was 29-12 with 2 playoff appearences. How does that constitue screwing the Bills? I was pissed at his playoff remark (it wasn't a speech) about the Colts game, but that still doesn't amount to much when you consider his whole tenure as a head coach.

  3. No its not.

    Check yourself. Not where Im from. Not with MY family, thank you. Not perfect we are, the "Fasts", but the "reason for the season" is alive and well with us.


    To the original point....I wish my Jewish friends Happy Hannukkah....my Christian friends Merry Christmas. If Im talking to someone Im not sure of with a name full of vowels, I say Christmas. If I talking to someone with a "berg" on the end of the name, I say Hannukkah. If Im not sure, I say "Enjoy your holiday". Works just fine.


    The fact that the ultra left and athesists get so bent over the mere acknowledgement of religion in schools or on soil that's cared for with tax dollars and intrepret that as some kind of offensive "forcing" of religion on people is ridiculous. Having fun with the holidays and teaching religion's place in society over the course of the history of this country is not "indocrination". Having the school choruses sing religious songs isnt, either. When I was a kid and the holiday time came around, as a Catholic I desired to learn MORE about Jewish holidays, not less. And sing the songs and make dredels (sp?) in class and what not. It was FUN learning about other cultures and religions. And I NEVER felt that be doing this stuff, I was being "indoctrinated" or was having the Jewish and Muslim religious traditions of the seasons "forced" on me.


    I just thought I was LEARNING. Imagine that.


    People need to lighten up.




    So you are basically saying that "Enjoy your Holiday" which is the equivalent of Happy Holidays is okay to say if you are unsure of what holiday a particular person celebrates? Wasn't the original point of the thread a slam on those who say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas?

  4. Screw a bunch of PC crap. Hire the best available person who will take the job. Works at Mickey D's, should work for the NFL.


    The longer folks keep pushing this "equality" issue, the longer there will be a problem. I'm not saying it's not there, but one does not remove it by force focusing on it.



    One does not fix it by ignoring it either. About the only way to guarantee that nothing changes is to ignore the issue. Besides, it's not an "equality" thing. It's an "opportunity" issue. Your Mcdonalds anaolgy only works becasue McDonalds interviews all qualified candidates. That was not the case for the NFL for many years, and probably still isn't.

  5. I'm against interviewing candidates you have no intention of hiring.  It's stupid & a waste of everyone's time (& the money of whomever is paying to get the person for the interview). 

    I remember when for years the media would get on the NFL for not making Tony Dungy a head coach.  I got a little tired of it when I noticed he was younger than any of the head coaches in the NFL and maybe he had more dues to pay because of his age.  I also remember screaming at him from the upper deck at the then Rich that I hope he never gets a HC job, because he used to coach his defense to play dirty and his d took Kelly out of the game (& season) by going after his knee in a Vikings game in 1994.   

    I also thought that Butler & Ralph could have found a better minority candidate when the hired Wade in 1998.



    Yeah, I really feel sorry for the NFL owner who is forced to shell out a few thousand dollars to interview a minority candidate. If Shell thought it was a waste of his time, he wouldn't have taken the interview like Denny Green for the Detroit job.


    So I take it you prefer the good old days of recycling the old familiar retread coaches?

  6. There should be an exemption based on salary.  If you hire a coach for more than $3 million  or $4 million a year you are showing that the candidate is not equal to the rest of the field.  If the candidate you deem superior happens to be white, then the minority candidates are sham interviews.  I'd rather show some respect towards the minority candidates & not have them participate in a sham because of some stupid NFL rule.  Anyone who believes there is a minority candidate who could have convinced Dallas to hire him over Parcells with his 3 Super Bowl appearances + Jets turnaround, convinced Detroit to hire him over local boy & multiple playoff coach Mariucci, and Miami to hire him over N. Saban with his Belichick backround in the NFL & national championship at the college level doesn't have a grip on reality.  If Saban turns Miami down they'll be going through the whole process all over again.  If Saban accepts, the Shell interview is a sham.  No matter what happens, Shell ain't coaching the Dolphins next year.



    Were you as vocal in your concern for minority candidates when they weren't getting any interview opportunities at all?

  7. It's sorta football becuase it involves the miami dolphins (capitalization of their city or name is not allowed in this thread so if you want to do it, start your own). The miami dolphins sorta play football.


    It's sorta politics because it involves minority hiring practices. 


    It's sorta neither beacuse it is really a farce.  It is clear the stinking fish want saban as their head coach.  That's ok I guess, but it makes him look pretty stupid if you ask me.  Art Shell interviewed for the job yesterday.  What is his current job you ask?  VP of football operations for the NFL.  Is it possible that no other black coach wanted to bother because they knew the result?  Is it possible that the league sent in Shell to save face?  Does this make the league look two faced to you?  CYA if there ever was. 


    Does the NFL's policy help?  What do you think?


    I don't think it helps.  Saban may or may not be the best coach available but any coach (black or white) that accepts the miami job loses credibility to me.  How could a coach with bad enough judgement to take that job be the best candidate?


    P.S. I am fully aware that sorta is not a word.



    There's a good article on the front of ESPN's NFL section about Art Shell. It sums up fairly well how I feel. Sometimes the interview is going to be a token one, but I bet Shell and other candidates are more experienced and more prepared the next time an opening comes around that they can interview for. I think Randy Shannon made a mistake by not interviewing. I'm sure he could have used the practice.


    ESPN Article

  8. If you have an Xbox Live account, post your gamertag here.  I'll try to summarize in this topic from time to time:


    TSW Name -- XBL Name

    Fezmid -- Fezmid

    Campy -- Campy

    Drifter -- DredChupacabra

    octones -- octones

    col_forbin -- Jimmy Roe

    Rkfast -- rkfast





    BigAl - ozzymandias


    Still working on Halo2 campaign. Don't like how the multiplayer is set up though for it. They should have set it up like Mech Assault.

  9. Hi all, I was one of the many standing in line at midnight Monday for Halo 2.  Since then, Iv'e finished the single player campain.  Just wondering if anyone else plays online.  If so, u should reply w/ gamertag and well hook up.  Maybe if enough people do it, we can start a Bills clan.  (at least well dominate something  :blink: )


    Anyway, my gamertag is CHEFY DEATH


    Hope to play w/ some fellow Bills faithfull here in the near future.




    I must be slow. Still haven't gotten to Earth yet. Wife, kids, and job are interferring with my gaming. Anyway, my gamertag is Ozzymandias. I'll look for you. It seems to take forever to match games though.

  10. I can't believe there is even discussion about this.


    The only reason why some of you can pickup Halo and play it like its the first time is because it hasn't been out since 1998.


    Half-life is the best FPS of all time, and everything points to Half-life 2 being even better (reviews, interviews, previews, betas, and cs: source showing off the engine).  I don't thinkt here is even any competition.


    As to what game I'll be buying first over the next month?  World of Warcraft for sure.


    No, the reason why I can ppick up Halo and play likes it's the first time is becasue it's a damn good game. I can't think of another FPS that I can do that with. I just started Attack on the Control center for the upteenth time. Great level.


    I know I'm in the minority here, but Half-Life did not do much for me. I didn't like the graphics at the time, and the story was very slow to develop. I'm not sure if I even finished it.

  11. I ended up buying a new system for just that reason.  It was time but Doom3 gave me the excuse I needed to justify it.  :w00t:


    I basically did the same thing, but thought my 9200 would be good enough. Doom3 plays okay on the lower resolution, but that's not how I want to play the game. I'm trying to justify getting a 9800 card. I bought a DVI-HDTV adapter that will allow me to hook up to my big screen tv to the computer but it doesn't work with the 9200. It will be sweet playing Doom 3 on the big screen and the digital surround sound.

  12. I'm a long time PC gamer but I also own an Xbox.  I divide almost all of my time between flight sims and tactical shooters.  I tried the original HALO to see what all the hype was about and I simply can't get used to the imprecision of the aiming.  IMO, you basically wind up shooting at an area.  Compared to a mouse and keyboard it's just not comfortable for me. 


    The other issue to consider is the eye candy.  I know H2 is going to push the Xbox to it's limits but it's not going to look or play anywhere near as amazing as HL2.  The drawback is that PC gaming is definitely more expensive becuause you're constantly chasing technology.


    In the end, I'll likely wind up owning both though!  Even dispite the fact that the GTA/console crowd makes me want to puke.



    I have to disagree with you Mike. I'm an origanl Doom player over Lans. Halo is by far the best FPS shooter I've ever played. I thought it would be tough getting away from the keyboard and mouse, but I find it harder to go back to PC games. I can still pick up Halo and play it like it was the first time. Can't wait for H2.

  13. Why don't we get it over with and put Mcgahee's picture at the top of TBD. After all, that Travis Henry is such a bum. I can't even remember why we put him up there last year. Willis is clearly so much better than Travis. He's a warrior. He carried the whole team for a single game. He's proven he's the man. So let's put his picture where it belongs. B)

  14. I watched the speech on CNN and when they showed Jim Kelly cheering him on (twice) I laughed in the face of every Kerry voting idiot on this board.


    That's right you are idiots.



    So I should vote for Bush because Jim Kelly's a Republican? That makes sense.

  15. Can you tell me that last time that a christian, jewish, or non-islamic relisious group did any of the following:


    1) flew airplanes full of innocent people into buildings full of innocent people.


    2) cut of the heads of innocent people.


    3) walked on to a bus full of innocent people and blew themselves up


    4) walked into a crowded resturant and blew themsleves up


    5) taken a school full of children hostage and prepared to blow them selves and the children up.


    6) drove a car full of explosives into a crowd full of women and children and blown themselves up.

    Just looking for an example or two. Because as I see it, the religion of islam is nothing more then a hate based group of people who are still too ignorant to move out of the dark ages. Yes you have read me correctly, until the so called normal people who call this religion thier own, call for a stop to this brutal actions undertaken by those who call themselves believers, they are equaly responsible. Period!




    Ever hear of Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols? David Koresch sp? Jim Jones? Eirc Rudolph? Granted some of these guys were too cowardly to actually kill themselves, but you get my point.

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