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Posts posted by SABURZFAN

  1. The nice thing is that there's two years left on his contract, which is attractively priced. It isn't like the usual case of the player finishing the last year of his contract, where the team has to negotiate the contract as part of the trade. The risk for the team is that he'll hold-out for a year or two.




    that may be true but a team isn't going to trade for a disgruntled player and finish out his remaining contract. they're going to give him what he wants.......... more money.

  2. - Trent had not re-covered from the Arizona hit.

    - He had 3 picks in 1st qtr....one dropped in the end zone

    - ESPN clocked him holding ball for over 4 seconds

    - Trent sucked on Monday vs Cowboys as well.

    - Trent only beats the weakest NFL teams

    - checked down all game

    - receivers open all game

    - Cant throw deep in November

    - For being intelligent....say UH alot

    - Doesn't take responsibility for loss

    - our defense was tired cause of defending after three 1st qtr picks.

    - Browns suck...they had no business winning in Buffalo


    Edwards is getting worse......nuff said!



    he hasn't achieved Lossman status yet.

  3. Man, was it nice to get to spend an entire weekend in Erie w/ my family! I got to spend a ton of time w/ my goddaughter and to see my other niece and nephew. We had a nice family dinner on Sunday and got to hang out and watch the Stillers beat San Diego. It was great.


    As for what happened on Monday....


    As crazy as it sounds, I can't really bag on the job of the O line, for the most part. Marshawn had the most daylight he's seen probably all season and they even kept the "Same Ol' Bills"-type penalties to a minimum. That said, there were still signs of weakness (Duke Preston being put on his face a couple times by Sean Rogers and company), but that's to be expected.


    Our interior D line also did a pretty decent job. There wasn't much up the gut for Cleveland @ all. I even saw Kyle Williams have some pretty impressive plays in there.


    Now, the outside guys.....yikes! I think the word is out league-wide on Mr "I'll Follow Any Play Down The Line And Break Contain" Ryan Denney. He still seems to have trouble diagnosing and reacting to that fairly new play called the reverse. As for the edge rush....was there much of one? The heat the Bills were able to put on Quinn (I'll get to him later) was w/ the LBs blitzing up the A gap. Speaking of, nice play by Kawika Mitchell on the near pick by Simpson.


    Oh yeah, the secondary. Way to go, Terrence McGee! You were left on an island w/ a pretty dangerous receiver (when he doesn't have his drop spells) in Braylon Edwards and managed to have some nice breakups and provide solid coverage. When Greer went down, I heard some whining 'bout the secondary from some fans, but I thought McKelvin did a decent enough job when in there. Just catch those INTs when they come your way!! As long as you stay in Buffalo, you won't see many of those chances (see Pass Rush, Lack Of). Oh, and Reggie Corner, when you go in on a blitz, try not to overshoot the target: the quarterback. That's the whole point, man.


    I don't know 'bout you all, but I still see the wideouts having some trouble getting open, especially on the underneath routes. Still, there were plenty of times when there seemed to be something open down the field (James Hardy in particular but also a few times w/ Steve Johnson) and it was missed by the QB. Even the fans were trying to point out when there were open guys down the field deep. But....Trent didn't see it. It was almost like watching guys like Rob Johnson, Drew Bledsoe, and JP Losman w/ the pat, pat, pat...sack stuff. Ugh! I'd love to see the Bills try to throw deep, even if it doesn't work. They have to try to loosen coverage. They're wasting the main aspect of the receiving corps: speed. I don't get it.


    And as for the Golden Boy who won the game, Mr Quinn? Yeah, he was sensational. I don't know what impressed me the most of his performance: the 14 of 36 completion ratio, the overwhelming 26 minutes and change he and the Browns were able to grind up on the clock, or the 3 out of 13 third downs they were able to complete w/ him @ the helm. I guess it was the zero turnovers he had thanks to a couple near misses by McKelvin and Simpson. Oh well. Let's just call him great 'cause he was able to lead his team to victory blah blah blah blah. I will give props to the Browns' real hero: Phil Dawson. Sitting in the endzone/tunnel side, I had a feeling of deja vu as I saw that FG go in w/ room to spare, just as Nick Folk's TWO FGs did last year in the Monday night game. Same endzone, too. Aren't I and many others (End Zone Crew, cablelady...you know what I mean) lucky?


    Notice how I didn't start this time w/ the "All is well!" crap? It isn't. The more I see of the Bills, the more I realize how far they are from being a true contender for a championship. There's no quick fix here, folks. We're in for more of the same: waiting for things to get better. Good thing I keep that "there's always next year" handy.


    Oh, and one last thing: someone was certainly right a week or so ago when they posted how Marshawn Lynch was such a bust. What a pathetic performance by a useless first round pick. Well, when his Emancipation Day arrives (the day his contract ends), I'll wish him the best and I'll look to see the first of his string of 1,500 yard rushing seasons behind a line that can get push to someplace other than the front door of the Big Tree Inn. Your time is coming, Beast Mode. I just wish it could come in Buffalo.



    you're right. it was a meaningless opinion. B-)

  4. I'll just say I was with another girl who's...let's just say not skinny...and he certainly didn't act repulsed by her. There was a third cute girl with us too. So take that as you will. Also, his very pretty, stick-thin wife was next to him when we approached him, although she walked away.


    But I was also just remembering how I was watching some pre-game footage at NFL Films where the ref screwed up the coin toss and the half-possible-centaur started chewing out the ref really hard. He was being a complete d*ck about it, even though the screw-up didn't really affect the toss. It was surprising.


    Maybe that's the kind of stuff that gets him a bad rap.


    /Either way, I wish he was my dad.




    BARTENDER!!!!!!!!! a shot of Jack and a :devil:

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