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Posts posted by MavBavButav

  1. :D Our poor dogs...we can blame them for alot of things, but the Bills are not one of them.


    (waiting for the grammar police to correct me on whether "the Bills" is singular (as a team) or plural (as in the individual players collectively)...if singular, then "the Bills is not one of them")


    Definitely plural...


    One would be a Buffalo Bill.

  2. You can call them specialists or role players..... Some start and some come in to do a specific job...

    That is what this draft was all about for the Bills... In doing so they got the best players possible when it was their turn to pick... I wished they got a backup QB... Then I looked at the possible canidates they could draft next year and I liked that crop better... If Easley turns out to be the Bills 2nd WR along side Johnson the pressure is off for a WR next year... Same for Glenn at LT... But da Bills really need a young QB to back up Fitz. next year in my opinion... The Bills had a good draft ... better than what we had in the past before Nix... I am really looking forward to a playoff team this season... Go Bills



    Where are you from?



  3. I'm not saying this for sympathy (ok,maybe a little would be nice. Lol!) but because here I am, fresh from a mild heart attack, laying in a hospital bed with a ton of time (hopefully!) on my hands and guess what I'm mostly thinking about? These stinking Buffalo Bills and their upcoming season! And here's the kicker. I know that most of you maniacs out there would be doing the exact same thing! I have come to the conclusion that we are a bunch of sick bastards (literally) to be a Bills' fan. Here's a franchise that hasn't accomplished **** in well over a decade and here I am eternally optimistic about the upcoming season.......again, like the past several years! Lol! I hope this post comes off right and that it's not misinterpreted. I really love this team/franchise for just about the past 4 decades and I can hardly contain my excitement for the upcoming season, I'm hoping and expecting a BIG year for our beloved Bills!


    Anyways, here's the silver lining to my ****ty situation. I haven't been able to get into or follow the path of the Bills for about a year now like I have in the past due to what's been going on in my life, which in turn has probably contributed heavily to my current situation but now I can lie here and do ALL the reading and research that a die hard Bills' fan would love to do. So I guess that this is a fair warning to everyone to brace themselves for all my wild predictions, prognostications and speculations on the upcoming draft! Lol! I'd like to ask for a mulligan and not have everyone blast me because it will be coming from my best intentions, passion and love for this crazy !@#$ing franchise that I got trapped with almost 40 years ago.


    One last thing.


    Go Bills!


    This reminds me of the time my family and I were in the waiting room of the hospital waiting to hear whether my grandmother was alive or dead. We were very very very upset about my grandmother and I miss her to this day (she ended up passing that day), but we were still emotionally involved in the Bills game that was on the hospital waiting room television. It was surreal to be so upset about my grandmother but still, out of habit or sickness (i'm not really sure), compelled to watch the Bills game. I think we definitely have a sickness.

  4. It's always so nice to see the pain of the opposing fan after the Bills beat them. I don't know if that makes me a bad person or what but it truly makes wins sweeter to see others feel badly. I enjoy watching the opposing players feel badly. I enjoy watching the opposing fans feel badly. If they don't feel badly, then to me it doesn't mean as much. I think I need counseling. Oh well...


    If you're the same as me, you're welcome.



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