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    Rochester, NY

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  1. It's been years since I've posted on this board, but after seeing this thread, I feel I have to. Really? If Ben was black? Rediculous. I'm sorry that Michael Vick was involved in the torture and murder of dogs. I'm sure plenty of white NFL-ers have done that too and gotten away scott free. I'm sorry that Tiger Woods had to nail a 24 pack of blondes. I guess plenty of white golfers have done the same exact thing with little or no punishment. Yeah, and Barry Bonds. He's black, so I guess that's the reason why he's going to have an asterisk next to his record. Yeah, Mark McGuire's public hanging was wayyy friendlier. Oh, and Clemens is doing well too. Last I checked, he's not exatcly a popular guy anywhere. Here's some food for thought: Donte Stallworth. Killed someone while driving under the infulence. 30 days in jail was it? I suppose his white counterparts would only get 15 days. OJ Simpson anyone? If George Bush were as good at giving speeches as Obama, do you think that he would have received the Nobel peace prize? Let's cut the race crap here. Yeah, there is still racism, and there always will be as long as there are different races around. I mean, it's obvious with things like affirmative action and the Rooney rule. The united negro college fund, Black entertainment channel, black history month. It's 2010. People are people no matter what color they are. I think that if Ben Rothless-whatever was black, he most likely would be getting the same flack that he is getting now. Don't get me wrong. I'm sure there have been many inconsitant punishments delved out to famous athletes. I'm just saying that it goes both ways.
  2. It was definitely a stupid decision to have the games on Xmas eve.
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