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Posts posted by Tolstoy

  1. Money, of course, isn't everything (and you know this already, or you wouldn't be a teacher).


    Just consider this:


    The one profession gives you the opportunity to change hearts and minds, to help children learn both intellectually and morally. These children, positively affected, will become good persons in their own lives, affecting others in a positive way. The good you can do here is immeasurable. Your work is meaningful, and others respect you for it. Hell, it is our kids that you are teaching.


    The other profession gives you the chance to sell cars to people. And make money.


    Remember why you went into teaching in the first place.

  2. This is from Ralph Wilson:


    "We're not trying to break the bank," said Wilson. "We have graphs that show the teams that make the most money are the teams that make the playoffs the most times. The teams that have the most revenue far exceed the other teams in making the playoffs. What we'd like to do is just have a compromise."


    Apparently, over the years, larger-market teams (NE, Dallas, Washington) are more successful.


    I thought the salary cap brought competitive balance to the NFL. Perhaps it does, but apparently, not as much as I thought. What are the Bills chances of continued success in such a lopsided league?

  3. I say New England. How can we hate Miami when there is no one on that team to hate? To focus our emnity on Miami when NE is snatching championship after championship is like an army focusing on how to get the enemy's bugle-boy, as the opposing general is smashing them to pieces.


    Three superbowls in four years. They may be nice guys in life, but I get bile in my mouth when I hear the names Tom Brady, Bill Belichek, Willi McGinest (sp?), Ted Bruschi (I do hope he has recovered), Vince Wolfork, David Givens, et al.


    Living in the NE area, I am getting awfully tired of Brady worship. It has become a new religion.


    So please--no more "we hate Miami." I was around when we got our asses kicked for a whole decade by Miami (70"s), and during the blunder years of the 80's, when Marino torched us repeatedly, and the bad blood years of the 90's, when opposing Miami players gave the finger to our fans, etc. etc. I hated Miami like you did.


    But no more. We crushed Miami. They never recovered from our superbowl years. It is dishonorable to kick a man when he is down. Miami needs our love and support to make them strong again. Meanwhile, let's destroy NE.

  4. It really, really pisses me off when I hear people say: you made a mistake and should have used a condom. For those of us who are parents, you are telling us that our child was better off being not born. In fact, you are suggesting that as the product of a mistake, the child is a mistake. Well, if afrodziak made a mistake, it was in not marrying the girl that he impregnated the first time, and then in not marrying the girl he impregnated the second time. It appears that he got it right the thrid time!


    However, I give credit to afrodziak for not shirking his responsibility in child support. Still, I imagine he feels the anxiety of not being able to be a father to his children on an everyday basis. That must be tough. Give him some credit. For Pete's sake.

  5. I haven't read the book, but it sounds interesting (who is the author?).


    I have often thought that traditional "male" virtues (e.g. strength, courage, virility) are increasingly downplayed in our culture, and "female" virtues (e.g. sensitivity, gentleness, compassion) are increasingly glorified. Christianity is partly guilty here (think of images of the meek, twiggish, celibate saint being abused by persecutors without lifting a finger to defend himself, all while shedding tears not for himself, but for his tormentors).


    Now, mind you, some of these latter qualities are good to have, but (quite frankly) they are not what "being a man" is all about. I am convinced that showing young boys what being a man is about involves letting them feel the strength and courage that lies dormant in their blood. The fire in their belly.

  6. The BIg Dig is a Big Fiasco. What a waste of 14 billion dollars of US taxpayer's money. The federal gov't funded that (thanks to Teddy Kennedy), for the beautification of Boston. It would be nice to have that kind of money infused in the Buffalo economy, wouldn't it?


    You would think something like that would make Bostonians more humble. Hardly. They take our money, waste it on leaking tunnels, and then insult us (after kicking our asses in football). I confess I am getting myself pissed off. I had better go cool down.

  7. The Boston Globe article on Ezekial is offensive to Buffalonians. They whip us on the football field, and then poor the salt in the wounds. To them we are nothing more than glorified rednecks, I tell you. We are worse than irrelevant to them.


    Bostonians can be awfully snobbish. How about this one from the article:


    "The parents of Ezekiel's girlfriend live about five minutes from Ralph Wilson Stadium. They're season-ticket holders. What else is there to do in Buffalo in midwinter?"


    That last question is rhetorical--implying that going to Bills games is all there is to do in Buffalo, since we do not have the culture, the restaurants, the music, and performances that the educated elite enjoy in Boston.

  8. Did we have a terrible running game problem? Any problems that we may have had are arguably attributable to the defence's lack of respect for the passing game, and a pretty bad play-action game. I remember here in New England that when Bledsoe first left, they all talked about how he was the worst play-action QB in the league. Not only was his fake bad, but he just couldn't through the little dump off with any accuracy and zip.

  9. Here's the deal: Pick the one player who you think will be this season's Terrence McGee, i.e., the player who emerges from relative obscurity to become a major contributor or star on the team. It could be anyone, so long as they are not already expected to become major contributors. This rules out J.P. Losman, and established players like Moulds, Evans, McGahee, McGee, Fletcher, Spikes, Vincent, Clements, Adams, Williams.


    I will print out the results, pin them up near my computer, and at the end of the season, announce the winners as gods of prognostication on this site. Bragging rights forever. The difference between this game and others is that I WILL FOLLOW THROUGH!


    BTW, if there is any possible disagreement, I will post the candidates to let all of you be the judge.


    Here goes my pick: TE Kevin Everett

  10. Bledsoe may have had a rifle arm, but he did not have a quick release, nor was he mobile (a bad combination). Remember Marino? He ran like a turtle, but he had the fastest release I have ever seen. Flutie, he had an average or slow release, but he could run like a hare. Bledsoe had neither of their good qualities. As a result, he put a lot of stress on the O-line. Add to this that opposing defenses were quoted as saying they knew if they went after Bledsoe, he would still be there with the ball when they got to him. More pressure on the O-line.


    Any O-line will look bad under Bledsoe (let's watch the Dallas line and see how they fare--its a good test). I expect that simply putting J.P. in will keep defenses guessing, make the D-linemen hesitate, and take pressure off the O-line. Hence, they will necessarily look improved.


    More good news lies in McNally. If he is half as good as they say he is, he should keep this O-line fundamentally sound, even if not spectacular.

  11. The draft is a fun obsession, but all evaluations in football, in the end, come down to how we do in the next game, which right now is the first game of the season. Then, and only then, can we begin to evaluate the O-line, JP, Donahoe, etc.


    So, let's hope that the offense is rejuvenated under JP, that the o-line comes together, that the D-line doesn't suffer too much from Pat's absence, and that special teams hold form.


    Let's hope, too, that our kicker improves.


    Moreover, let's hope that our existing tight ends get healthy, McGahee gets healthy, and Travis gets over his back-up blues.


    Finally, we can hope that some of these new draft picks contribute, but in the end, all of the above is much more important.


    We are going to have to find something else to talk about for the next THREE MONTHS, or we will go crazy.

  12. So we keep Travis Henry. Is that so bad? What is WM goes down with an injury? Wouldn't you be happy to have him on your roster?


    He'll get over his wounded ego thing. He must if he wants a career.


    Also, good RB's are always in short supply. Someone will go down with an injury this summer, and his team will be willing to put up for Travis.


    I, for one, was not ready to give him away to another team for a third rounder. What, so they could have him on their bench?

  13. Has any of the major media outlets reported that the Bills might trade NC to the Skins? Who started this stupid rumor anyhow?


    There is no way in hell it is going to happen. What, trade a proven vet. for some draft picks, just because he is in the last year of his contract? More likely is that TD will draft a corner for security in the event that Nate doesn't sign next year. More likely is that he pulls off a Pearless Price move next year on Nate.


    But trade away a proven Pro-Bowl corner and replace him with...what? A rookie? Get real folks. It ain't going to happen, and thank God.


    You guys are draft drunk. Go get some fresh air.

  14. Here's my perspective on the Patsies' great run: good for them. Our time will come too. They will get old, or complacent, or corrupt (see every other successful NFL franchise, from Pittsburgh, to San Fran., or Dallas). With good leadership, and good players, we too will win the championship someday (see Red Sox!) and dominate the league. Then we will fall, and the cycle continues.


    It is part of the cycle of life! No reason to get bent out of shape!

  15. Whether through draft or free agency, what three positions on the Bills do you think need a talent infusion most? (note: Do not say QB unless you think they need to draft someone or pick someone up in free agency) I would be curious to see whether our sentiments are shared by the front office.


    Here are my thoughts:


    Greatest need: Offensive Line--Despite great improvement in the line, it is still inconsistent and not quite dominant enough. The loss of Jennings would hurt.


    2nd greatest need: Wide receiver--Our top two receivers are very good, but after that it gets shallow very quickly. I shudder to imagine if Evans or Moulds gets injured next season.


    3rd greatest need: Defensive line--While we seem to have depth here, we still lack that dominant pass rusher from the outside.

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