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Posts posted by elcrusho

  1. Chain stores and corporate shill is exactly what any downtown shopping district doesn't need. There's certainly no Wal-Mart or Target store on 5th Avenue, last time I was in NYC.


    Downtown needs high-society, boutique clothing and furniture stores. American Apparel would make a killing downtown, or on Elmwood or in Allentown, where there's an ever growing professional youth culture. No one stop, all inclusive shops. We need stretches of different retailers down Main Street like it was 60 years ago. My grandfather would talk about going to the "hat" store, then to go get a suit, then shoes, all separately. This is what we need here again. The waterfront luxury apartments are a step in the right direction. Buffalo needs to raise a new generation from 20 and 30 something professionals, that don't have a boat load of kids, worried about classroom sizes and school safety. Make living downtown a sign of success, that one can afford to do it, not something that's considered unsafe, seedy, or humorous that you wanna live in a hub of culture and history. No offense, but BK and McDonald's are not exactly high society dining.


    There needs to be more activity and traffic in the city. Yes, it would make travel more stressful. However, being able to get from the court house to my apartment in the Town of Tonawanda in 9 minutes is NOT a good thing.




    Does anyone actually live DOWN TOWN that's on this thread?

  2. I was totally stoked when we bought our house in 2005...


    We didn't have to hear dogs barking in the next room over (2 apt house)

    We didn't have to smell smoke anymore from her cigarettes (47 year old lady stuck in the 70's and she rocked a mullet and a leather jacket - kinda sad we don't get to see that circus apt anymore haha)


    Best thing ever

  3. I use a MajicJack for my main phone (I don't make many calls) and love it. $50 to buy it, $20 a Year after that. I can pay for a decades worth of calls in what you'll end up spending in one.


    I also use a Magic Jack, have been for about 9 months now...Works soooo good...


    and you can't beat $20 a year...


    I don't understand why everyone keeps paying $25 a month or more for their phone service...


    I sent and received a fax from it yesterday for the first time


    Stop throwing your money away and get a Magic Jack!

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