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Lord Chinfist

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Everything posted by Lord Chinfist

  1. ATBNG, I did not realize the Pats play at 1 next week, and the Colts play at 4. The Patriots will most assuredly beat the 49ers, especially if they know they are playing for the first round bye. I was assuming the Colts and Patriots would be playing at the same time. So it does not look good as far as that goes.
  2. Now that the Broncos won last night, we definitely need them to lose next week vs the Colts. The problem is, the Colts may have nothing to play for next week and may be resting their starters. However, if the Patriots lose, and the Colts win, the Colts will have something to play for as they will still have a shot at securing the 2nd seed and have a first round bye. So then we should root for the Jets, as the Colts will be more likely to beat the Broncos next week. However, if the Patriots beat the Jets, we are just one game behind Jets (assuming we beat the 49ers), and the Jets have to play the Rams next week, which could be a tough game for the Jets as the Rams may be playing for the last NFC wildcard spot. How does our playoff situation look if we are tied with the Jets? The Colts-Chargers is at 1, the Jets-Patriots game is at 4. If the Colts win, do we root for the Jets?
  3. Now it's at positive 2 yards for Browns. We'll need another sack later.
  4. Cleveland offense now has -2 total yards. Yes, that's a negative in front of the 2. Anyone know if the Bills have ever held a team to negative yardage? For that matter, anyone know what the NFL team record is for fewest yards allowed by a defense?
  5. Cleveland offense total yards: 1 yard (16 yards rushing, -15 net passing)
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