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Lord Chinfist

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Everything posted by Lord Chinfist

  1. Maybe Brees is second in the biz: 8 of 8 for 109 yards. Nawww, it's just our D.
  2. P. Manning already 6 of 6 for 111 yards.
  3. Come on D. Let's at least hold them to a field goal this time.
  4. Are you able to watch the game? Was it a bad drop by Reed?
  5. I thought we had a chance of winning today, but now I just remembered...WE HAVE NO DEFENSE.
  6. Ugh!!! You're right. I'm still stuck in the 90's. So much for my theory.
  7. If we don't wind up catching New England to win the division, a win at San Diego would go a long way toward securing the third wild card spot. We would have the tie breakers over San Diego and K.C., the teams we would probably be battling with for the last spot (I don't think we'll catch Jacksonville or Pittsburgh/Cinci for the other wildcard spots but anything is possible). I suppose from here on out every game is a must win, but next week is a MUST win.
  8. Hollywood Henderson, Duane Thomas, and Jack Lambert.
  9. The good news is we are only a half game out of first. The bad news is just about everything else you can think of...we rot.
  10. Total yards so far Raiders 416, Bills 200.
  11. The very sad thing is we know they are going to run, and we can't come close to stopping them.
  12. Brady is going to completely shred us next week. 400 yards passing.
  13. I can't help but think Losman would have sensed the rush coming, evaded it, and got rid of the ball.
  14. My prediction: Flutie will see some playing time even if Brady does not go down. I could see Belichek putting Flutie in on occasional plays or drives in a few games this year just to mess up defensive game plans.
  15. Yes, Rice was a great player, but I don't believe in special treatment. If you let him in early, where do you draw the line for other players? Should Payton, Montana, or Marino have been granted an early entrance? Let him wait like everyone else has to.
  16. Are we talking about Tecmo Super Bowl with the 1990 players? If memory serves, wasn't Deon Sanders in that? Is he still on the Ravens?
  17. I agree with both of you. I have to hope they are losing credibility over this. They are proabably spending time on this diversion to make an excuse to avoid the real issues, where tough decisons have to be made and a future opponent running for his seat can use those decisions against him.
  18. Forgive me if this is a topic that has already been discussed, but can someone please help me understand why there are congressional hearings dealing with steroid use in the NFL and baseball. Does this really fall under the juristiction of Congress? Shouldn't this be self-regulated by the leagues themselves? Aren't there more important issues for Congress to spend there time on, such as social security, rising health care costs and the possible future bankruptcy of medicare, rising energy prices, the national debt, etc? Or am I just missing something.
  19. O.J. was the Michael Jordan of running backs, if not all football players, in his prime. Thuman wasn't the best of his day, always behind Emmit and Barry. No question in my mind that O.J. was better. Better speed. Better moves. More talent overall.
  20. Although I agree with some of this post, I disagree that Ditka was a horrendous failure post-85. In 1986, the Bears posted a 14-2 record., 1987: 11-4. 1988: 12-4. 1989: (6-10, o.k., bad year...was that the year he had a heart attack?), 1990: 11-5. 1991: 11-5. I would not call those horrendous records. It was only in his last year with the Bears in 1992 and a couple with the Saints that he appeared washed up. If I'm not mistaken, the post-Ryan Bears defense in 1986 was better statistic wise than the 1985 defense, and I think I recall the players saying the 86 defense was better than the 85 defense. Their downfall that year was because Mcmahon was injured and they had no decent backup during that season (that's when Flutie played for them in the playoffs). Also, was Belichick indecisive about not being the Jets head coach after Parcells left? I seem to remember he declined the position shortly after it was offered to him in a bizaar teary eyed press conference. but to be honest it's hard to remember the details. It seemed he felt he was forced into the head coaching job. Then he became the Patriots head coach shortly after. Maybe he had a pre-arranged deal with the Pats.
  21. You may be right, but let's see how Belichick does next year without Charlie Weiss and Romeo Crennel. Perhaps Belichick without Crennel will be like Parcells without Belicheck.
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