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Posts posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. 44 minutes ago, BillStime said:


    Oh, and which party is passing laws making concealed carry possible?


    NYPOST: States with relaxed concealed carry laws see spike in violent crime



    Keep defending criminals.....you're a complete joke. If he was held responsible for his past crimes the msu shooting would've never happened. But keep blaming the gop. How do you ignore posters im done with this dunce.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    The city of Chicago cannot solve the violence on its own. Even partnering with the state government wouldn't be enough. Most of the guns used in crimes in Chicago are shipped in from out of state. Just one store in Indiana was responsible for over 850 guns used in crimes in Chicago in just a seven year period.


    The city has been partnering with the FBI to combat violence in the city, but so long as someone can walk into a store in Gary, Indiana and drive down the street to hand it off to gang members in Chicago, they'll never stop gun violence in the city


    Some people respond to all of this with "criminals are going to break the laws anyway" (which really seems like an argument for getting rid of all laws...) whereas I'd rather look at it and say "what can we do to fix this?"


    Simply better enforcing the laws on the books will help, but clearly the laws themselves are not effective. I'd rather have a discussion on how to make them more effective at stopping things like straw purchases, especially interstate ones.


    Also, Chicago barely cracks the top 10 US cities in homicide rates. St. Louis has a homicide rate almost 3x that of Chicago while cities like New Orleans, Kansas City, Memphis and Newark also have higher homicide rates than Chicago. Yet it seems like all anyone wants to talk about is Chicago...

    Criminals will always find a way to commit crimes so having more laws does nothing but hurt law abiding citizens.

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