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Posts posted by BillsFanInTexas

  1. You forgot about the planes flying overhead carrying a sign reminding nearby residents that the store is about to open (not that we could forget because of the publicity).


    We live in Allen (Custer & Hedgecoxe) and saw the plane overhead from our pool. I also saw the plane this morning towing the same sign in Plano.

  2. I saw them coming up as I started grad school at SC in '95. Their album had just begun to get some airplay.


    They would hang around 5 points and play the bars (for free) to hone their skills. They always sounded better on the covers than on their own music (IMHO).


    They filmed an MTV Unplugged event on the campus. I "worked" the concert and was one of the few people allowed to walk around the crowd. the crowd had to stay seated during the show because of all the cameras.


    After filming ended (about 15 songs with 3 repeats), Hootie played a couple of cover tunes as a "thank you" so everyone could get up and dance a little. They played "China Grove" and something else that I can't remember.


    They'd probably be a great party band. Maybe weddings and barmitzvah's aren't too far away for them.

  3. Time for another McLaughlin survey.  Give me your best answers and be prepared to be skewered when you are WRONG!!!!!!!

    Here are the questions:


    1. Who will win the World Series of Poker in 2021?


    2. When the Bills are in the Super Bowl (this year or another one soon), what will happen just before the game starts that will ensure a Bills victory?


    3. What is the most underrated rock album of all time?


    4. Fill in the blank:  The most meaningless thing in the world to a woman is a(n) _____.


    5. Fill in the blanks:  It is a matter of time until (TBD MEMBER NAME) will become a (BLANK) fan.



    1. Clonie Gowen

    2. It starts to snow

    3. Anything by Rush (oh, wait. I thought it was the overrated category- now all their fans will pm me to let me know that Getty Lee's nose isn't that big and that the drummer is doing things that have never been done before....) Never mind

    4. budget

    5. WRONG!! I have no idea who any of you are...

  4. I will chip in with a serious response. I recently changed jobs and the way I got it was - a HH called a friend who wasn't looking but asked the HH to call me. So not all calls are junk calls. Give it serious consideration and run it down first.

    You should get an idea about compensation but never talk details at this stage with either the HH or the company. That is only for after you get an offer.

    At this stage the HH is trying to decide if you are qualified for the position so don't make that judgment yourself. Most people underestimate themselves.

    If you are concerned about the company going under, get a legal clause in your offer letter (should you get one) that will pay you 6 months salary if you are left without a job due to this reason within the next two years. A friend did exactly this - the company is in bankruptcy and brought him in to 'fix the problems'.


    The process from here on should go like this

    HH interviews you

    HH passes on resume to company (if you are are qualified and sound like a good prospect)

    Company reviews and approves/disapproves your candidacy with the HH

    You get called for a first round interview (phone or in person)



    Hope this helps.



    Thanks for the advice.


    To all others - see it isn't difficult! :lol:

  5. Getting a personal call from a putative "headhunter" is like getting a personal call from QVC or the Shopping Network. Marketing ploy.


    Put it on ingnore - really. What is this?


    An unsolicited stranger who would like you to spill your guts/personal information?


    Don't do it.


    your pal who has been around the block, stuckincincy.



    as stated, it's an actual job. I found out today that I was referred by an industry colleague, so that makes it even more legitimate.

  6. I had a headhunter call me yesterday. I'm not currently looking for a job, but always willing to listen.


    I'm not sure how they got my name and contact info, but it is a legit job for a company that is struggling. I may have hit the ceiling here, so could be an opportunity to make some more $$...


    My question is:


    What questions should I ask the headhunter?


    Keep in mind:


    I've seen the position and description

    I'm probably not qualified for the position

    The company may go under in the next couple of years

    The position would require a move from Texas to Colorado (which isn't a big deal as neither my wife nor I have family in Texas).


    Your help is appreciated.

  7. Maybe its because you use the expression "Bump Uglies" 


    Sorry man that is so, sixth gradish (i should know, i am not that far removed from 6th grade)



    Hey! That's the name of one of my Fantasy Football teams - the Bumpin' Uglies. Won the league title last year!

  8. Here's a new McLauglin poll.  I'll ask the questions and you tell me the answers.  I'll then let you know if you are right or WRONG.  I'm in a bad mood so check your thin skin at the door. 


    To guide you a bit, I've given today's questions a difficulty rating on a scale of 10.




    1. What do you call illicit sex if it is 25% better than average (2)?


    2. In terms of mass appeal, who is the most attractive famous person in America (5)?


    3. Who is Michael Jackson's all time favorite NBA player and why (9.9)?


    4. Speaking of Michael, now that his trial is over, what celebrity and accomplice tandem will be on trial next for child molestation (4)?


    5. What does TD really drink (4)?



    1. Cheating.

    2. Halle Berry

    3. Muggsy Bogues (wasn't he like 5'3"?)

    4. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

    5. Genessee Cream Ale

  9. Spent a week on Maui for my honeymoon. I second the sunrise at Haleakala.


    Since you're on a cruise, you won't have time to do the complete Road to Hana, but we loved it. Driving through different terrain (rainforest, hills, narrow bridges, etc.) was great.


    Snorkeling/whale watching/golfing, etc. all great. Some REALLY good restaurants as well - David Paul's in Lahaina was our favorite!

  10. W.......P-O-P!!



    I'm partial to the Sheridan Drive one in Amherst, as I worked there in high school (and some summers from college). They just reopened after a complete re-build. I took the wife there a few days ago (visiting from Dallas) at 2pm on a Friday and it was crowded!

  11. Are you sure they are doing well, or riding on a bubble of eager (see Barnum) franchise buyers? 



    D&B is headquartered in Dallas. They're doing well - I have a friend who is an auditor there. No Enron issues.


    It's good family entertainment during the day; kids are kicked out at night so it's adults only after 10pm.

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