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Posts posted by DrW

  1. 5 hours ago, DaBillsFanSince1973 said:




    For me, Three Dog Night were always too much pop and not enough rock. Thus, I started to think of more challenging song titles than "Never Been To Spain", such as "Never Been To Uruguay" or "Never Been To Uzbekistan". However, upon listening to the song I liked the lyrics and the music. Well done!! 

  2. 16 minutes ago, muppy said:

    Are we ready for some NHL playoffs hockey everybody?


    Buckle up. Game 1 is tonight!


    Florida-Edmonton is going to be a monster series.


    I'm rooting for the team with the most ex Sabres.


    Rats on the Ice FTW


    lol rats on the ice is great fun. 


    I can't believe I am rooting for  FL team


    As a born German, I have "adopted" Edmonton as my second-favorite NHL team (behind the Sabres, of course) because of Draisaitl, the first true German hockey star. GO, Leon and the Oilers!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    • Like (+1) 2
  3. 12 hours ago, f0neguy said:

    I have to believe that the Sabres players are watching these games.  What’s going through their minds?  Do they think they could play at this level?  Individually?  As a team?  The entire organization is out of excuses.


    There is some young talent on the team. A couple of weeks ago they finished the Hockey World Championship (of course without players still running in the playoffs), and several young Sabres did very well. Dylan Cozens was on the all-star team (as the only North American), JJ Peterka was the best German player, and Rasmus Dahlin played a large role in Sweden getting the bronze medal.

  4. On 5/31/2024 at 6:16 AM, boyst said:

    ***** the ***** ***** is a legit statement.


    What the ***** is the ***** problem, dumb ***** is also valid 


    ***** holy, that's ***** ***** up is valid.


    ***** hell, that's *****. Past tense works.


    *****. Just simple ***** works


    Yep. Best word ever.


    For a long time, I would not have thought that people in reality communicated this way, but I have to admit that more recently I had to listen to a few people where every third word was the F word. For the first minute I was listening it piqued my interest, but then I noticed that besides the F word most of them had nothing to contribute to a meaningful discussion.

  5. 10 hours ago, Miyagi-Do Karate said:

    the G is silent in all four of the options I noted. Maybe I didn’t phonetically spell them the best way. But I think the key dispute is whether the G turns the “N” into more of a “nee.” 


    While there does not appear to be a consensus, most pronunciations have the "y" present after the n, but only fleetingly, not an "ee" turned into a syllable of its own. The fleeting nature of the sound is often indicated by the transcript "n(y)o-". 

  6. "X" were always known as LA punk band, but "The Have Nots" is a straight forward rocker with witty lyrics.



    And here is one of the writers of the song, John Doe, at age 64.



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    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Miyagi-Do Karate said:

    big debate in my house how to pronounce this. Options:


    1) Nee-yo-kee 

    2) nee-yaw-kee

    3) no-kee

    4) naw-kee


    i think 1 is right and 2 is acceptable (though I seem to use them both myself). But I have heard 3 and 4 too. 


    The word "gnocchi" is Italian. In Italian the correct pronunciation would be 3). The "g" is silent.

  8. 16 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    So I guess we’re going to India then! Wonderful 


    I can already imagine it. Instead of presenting a traditional half-time show, the Indian hosts decide to showcase a cricket test, lasting hours before the second half of the Superbowl starts.

  9. 3 hours ago, julian said:

    lol… I’m sure you coming from an honest place of concern, but I’ll just suggest you do some research on human population growth, population growth is in massive decline, people are just not having children and if the current trends hold it spells big problems.


    “Population growth has declined mainly due to the abrupt decline in the global total fertility rate, from 5.3 in 1963 to 2.3 in 2021. The decline in the total fertility rate has occurred in every region of the world and is a result of a process known as demographic transition”.


    The old myth of too many people not enough resources is the exact opposite of reality.


    Most predictions have the global population still increasing from the current 8 billion to about 10 billion in 2080, before growth levels off.


    BTW, I am still puzzled how we got to the topic of population growth in a discussion of Waddle. Is he responsible for it?


    • Like (+1) 1
  10. Going solely by seat revenue, the NFL has missed their opportunity. In 1950, Maracana stadium in Rio had a capacity of 200,000 - 210,000 attendees (now it is a measly 73,000). According to Wikipedia, the current stadia with the largest capacity are Narendra Modi Stadium in India (135,000; used for cricket) and ...


    ... Rungrado 1st of May Stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea (114,000; mainly used for soccer). A Superbowl in North Korea, the ultimate irony.

  11. 4 minutes ago, billsfan89 said:


    Not always the case given that he's gonna have to pay the property tax, home owners insurance, commission, and two sets of closing costs in just 2 or 3 years. Also there's no guarantee a house will appreciate in value although that's a strong possibility dips in the market happen. 


    The fact alone that the house was previously owned by a NFL player will add to its value. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. I have told the story before. I came from Germany to the US in September 1990 as a postdoc at the University of Rochester (originally for a year or two, but in the end the move to the US turned out to be permanent). In the lab where I worked, every Monday our research came to a standstill, as everybody (except for me, but including the boss) was discussing the Bills. I started watching them on TV, but initially "American" football did not make much sense to me. Eventually, the sport and the Bills in particular grew on me, and I became a fan. 

    20 years ago we moved to West Texas. There might not be many Bills fans here, but since Josh turned out to be such a smashing success there is a lot of respect in "Jerryland". And my son is a big Bills fan.

    • Like (+1) 2
  13. 10 minutes ago, mannc said:

    I actually think Tyrod Taylor could win quite a few games for the Jets if/when Rodgers gets hurt...He's way better than the backups they had last year.


    If that were true, then why do they need Aaron and his enormous price tag? How many extra wins is he good for?

  14. The only meatballs I like are those I make myself. About 50% of the weight is ground beef. In addition, there are baguette pieces (small, but not crumbs), tomatoes, peppers, onions (all in small pieces) and eggs, plus salt and pepper, until I get the right consistence to form patties. Those are about 1 inch thick.

  15. Peanuts, by a mile. As a German/European who did not grow up with peanut butter, it has a horrible consistency, sticking to the roof of your mouth. However, I have some Asian recipes where peanut butter is an important ingredient (Chinese noodle soup, pork satay).

  16. 11 hours ago, Process said:
    13 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:

    eliminate offensive holding penalty.  it's pointless to call occasionally a penalty that happens on every play.

    Also agree with this, with the exception that it should still exist for egregious instances only. An o lineman wraps his arm around a guys neck, or grabs a fist full of jersey from behind etc. 



    The problem is, this just shifts the question from "is this offensive holding?" to "is this egregious offensive holding?". I would be happy to see the penalty reduced to 5 yards. This will make it more difficult for the offensive team, but still gives them a chance. 

  17. 3 hours ago, Draconator said:

    This sounds eerie similar to an Irish Car Bomb


    Only with a much longer tradition. The type of beer used in the Lüttje Lage was first brewed in the 16th century. Because it was rather low alcohol, it was often consumed together with a brandy. I do not know when somebody came up with the idea of drinking both together in this specific style, but it was more than 100 years ago.


    According to Wikipedia, the Irish Car Bomb was invented in 1979 in ... Connecticut.

    My 1000th post. Do I win something?

    • Like (+1) 1
  18. 13 minutes ago, Simon said:


    Would the proper pronunciation be something along the lines of "loot-jay lageh" with a hard "g"?


    The "ü" sound is something we do not have in English. What comes closest might be the "o" in "worst". And the second syllable would "yay" instead of "jay". "lageh" is fine. 


    • Thank you (+1) 1
  19. 5 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:



    Changing gears a bit.


    Ever read this?




    Isn't it all how we perceive color?


    Interesting article. No, these people might indeed see something we can't. You have three types of “cone cells” in the retina that each respond to a different bandwidth of light. The color of an object depends on the particular combination of those signals. However, each type of cone cell has a distinct wavelength where the response is maximal. This means that the whole light spectrum is not covered uniformly. If you have a forth type of cone cell with yet another optimal wavelength, you will perceive colors differently.


    BTW, I like the pic in the BBC article where somebody arranged their books on the shelf by color.


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