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  1. Had to use this as my first post. I live in Huntington Beach CA. Last year when the BLM protests were going on, my girlfriend and I rode our bikes downtown to check them out.(link to a pic (not mine) for visual reference. https://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/488e353/2147483647/strip/true/crop/2000x1050+0+142/resize/1200x630!/quality/90/?url=https:%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fad%2F2d%2F4946bdbf41aa942f5c5e03df6eac%2Ftn-photos-staff-s1-daily-pilot-533779-tn-dpt-me-hb-huntington-beach-protest-20200501-ss-1.jpg) The intersection of main st and PCH was filled with both sides of protestors. Main street was full of people, fights were starting, lots if yelling- a pretty high strung situation. I look up the street and see a line of riot police with shields up, ready to walk down and disperse the crowd. Right in front of the line of police are two guys on bicycles, facing the police- no more than 20 ft in front of the line facing them, backs to me. I tell my girlfriend to stay put, and walk up the street. Sure enough, one of the guys on bikes is wearing a Josh Allen jersey. I walk up to these guys, both really big, tatted, Latin American guys. I walk up next to the guy, he sees me and glares at me. I look at him and say "go bills". He looks at me for a second, laughs, smiles fist bumps me and says "go bills". I still chuckle. My girlfriend was P***ed, but she is not a Bills fan....
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