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Posts posted by nobody

  1. Flynn looked really pedestrian last week. But I think he has a lot of talent and Green Bay made a wise choice. They knew when they drafted him that he had a chance to be very good. The only reason why he wasn't drafted earlier was because he was pretty much a one-year wonder (through no fault of his own).



    Thanks for answering my question before I got to ask 'why did he last so long in the draft'!

  2. I have heard from a very reliable source that Kelly's "guy" is very real, but does not live in Buffalo at all. Kelly would surely be a broker/front man in any deal, and it's highly likely that there are several if not many members of an investment group involved. It could include the car czar, but I'm pretty sure Kelly's guy is not one of the usual suspects and isn't a Buffalo car czar.


    That said, the two dudes could easily be part of the same group, and the car guy is playing up his end a little.



    And who that "guy" is is the most important part of this discussion. How much money does he have? How did he make that money? What kind of sports fan is he?


    Somewhere someone has to have seen Kelly and this guy together. Have any really big money people played in one of his golf events? Big money donated to Hunter's Hope? Has Kelly been seen at a big money event out of WNY?

  3. I think it all boils down to what does the team need to practice more ....


    Fourth and short to accomplish a possible game changing play




    A punt


    We can all rest assured that when "crunch time" comes Mooreman will be able to take the field with full confidance that he's seen this situation in preseason.




    Based on giving up TD on a punt return; I think they need practice with that also.

  4. This is a great observation. My friend steams a, *gulp*, Miami Dolphins broadcast from south Florida. He said they had a 10 minute segment with Chan Gailey the other day. Bills inverviews and call-ups are few and far inbetween on WGR.


    I'm living in Chicago at the moment and the AM sports coverage is just phenomenal out here. Something I wish I could bring back to the Buffalo area with me someday.



    Perhaps this is due to the fact that 97 rock is the official Bills station in Buffalo.

  5. I had a dream last night that the new Droid X phone transformed into a huge turn-of-the-century camera, complete with that sheet that the photographer would cover himself up with before the big flash and poof of smoke. You all can now wake up from that gem of a story I just told.



    Did they still have those in 2000? :angry:



    We all just lived through a "turn-of-the-century". Kinda weird if you think about it.

  6. W Week 1 Buffalo vs. Miami

    W Week 2 Buffalo vs. Green Bay

    L Week 3 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots*

    L Week 4 Buffalo vs. NY Jets

    W Week 5 Buffalo vs. Jacksonville Jaguars

    Week 6 BYE

    L Week 7 Buffalo vs. Baltimore Ravens

    W Week 8 Buffalo vs. Kansas City Chiefs

    L Week 9 Buffalo vs. Chicago Bears

    W Week 10 Buffalo vs. Detroit Lions

    L Week 11 Buffalo vs. Cincinnati Bengals

    L Week 12 Buffalo vs. Pittsburgh Steelers

    L Week 13 Buffalo vs. Minnesota Vikings

    W Week 14 Buffalo vs. Cleveland Browns

    L Week 15 Buffalo vs. Miami Dolphins

    L Week 16 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots*

    W Week 17 Buffalo vs. NY Jets



  7. Which crime is more repugnant - pouring acid on live dogs, getting into a car and smashing into a family killing all of them, raping your babysitter, or having sex with your sister?


    Only one of those so far has been blackballed by the NFL.



    The guy only has sex with relatives - just make sure none live in Buffalo. :P

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