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Posts posted by bearstobills

  1. On 6/7/2024 at 3:27 AM, Alphadawg7 said:


    Two things...one for him, and one against him:

    1. Reports were that Patrick Mahomes was looking bad and throwing a lot of picks during the offseason leading up to his first starting season.  Obviously those early reports meant nothing and he lit the league up and hasn't stopped since.  So I would caution anyone over analyzing anything going on right now.  Jamar Chase was also reportedly dropping passes everywhere his rookie camp and then blew up as a rookie.  
    2. Coming into the draft I have not been on the Caleb bandwagon, I think he is overrated just like I kept telling everyone Sam Darnold and Josh Rosen were overrated leading up to those drafts and thought both had high bust potential.  Darnold just made so many head scratching or bad decisions at USC that I was shocked his hype was so high.  Rosen was so unlikable that I just felt his ceiling was Jeff George/Jay Cutler and his floor was Ryan Leaf.  I know several people who knew Rosen and every one of them couldn't stand him and said he was a total douche and didn't take football seriously.

    But why Caleb - I question if he has the "it" factor.  Im not saying he will be a bust, but I definitely don't think he is a sure thing like so many seem to think.  Its more than his suspect play in some big games...it's just something about him just makes me doubt his ability to be the leader a QB needs to be to get to a higher level in the NFL.  I actually think Maye has a higher ceiling than Caleb, just also has more risk and a lower floor than Caleb.   


    I don't dislike Caleb like I did Rosen, its more similar to how I felt about Darnold where I understood the high draft status, but still have concerns and doubts he can live up to the hype and potential.  Rosen on the other hand I was certain would be a bust, I wanted no part of him whatsoever.  

    Good stuff here.  I watched one interview with Rosen during the pre draft process and was personally out on him. I stayed away from Allen because of the completion percentage for as long as I could.  But you could tell Beane was interested.  So I watched a highlight clip.  Much like Keon's one handed spear, Josh did his roll to the right and dart across his body to a breaking receiver in the end zone thing, and it was just different.  So I watched an interview.  And he so clearly had that "it" factor.  It almost felt like a no-brainer.  I love that about Beane, that he looks for the complete person.  Watching Coleman's combine interview, I instantly thought Beane would have a hard time passing on him.  He really values personality. And is able to look past 40 times and completion percentage that would turn away other gm's. He sees football players.  I mean....DeWayne Carter, Ray Davis, Solomon....these guys are off the charts.  As for Caleb, he has a creepy confidence that would be give me pause if I were selecting.

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  2. Whether he stays or goes....helluva pick by Beane.  He traded back twice (what would become the Benford pick I believe).  Clearly they didn't have a 2nd round grade on him, but they still liked him.  I'm never on team running back early in the draft.  But I appreciated that Beane took a weapon.  A clear explosive upgrade over Devin.  Just like Kincaid was a clear explosive upgrade over Knox.  And now Keon.  So that pick, to me, heralded a new approach.  

  3. Personality wise.....he's one of my favorite guys on the team.  I like him as a player too.  I forgive his drops.  For whatever reason, I couldn't forgive Gabe's drops as much.  Good tight ends are hard to come by.  I think he's a good football player and I'm happy we have him.  He took a pay cut so this board had to shut up a bit.  He's worth 7 million dollars and a guaranteed contract next year.  

  4. Grew up in Chicago.  Lifelong Bears fan.  Moved to Buffalo during the drought in my late 30's.  Went to Bada-Bing on Chippewa to watch the Bears game.  The Bills were playing also, trying to break some horrific losing streak.  My eyes kept darting over to the Bills game.  Late in the game, they got a first down that sealed the game and  broke the losing streak.  I started clapping. Not a single other cheer in the bar.  I thought to myself, "This team needs me."  True love ever since.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Rampant Buffalo said:


    No it doesn't. Beane's best overall draft class was the Josh Allen pick. Period, end of story. Josh Allen is worth more to the team than every one of Beane's picks from the 2024 draft.


    That said, I could definitely see Beane's 2024 draft working out well.

    Not to mention how strong that class was after that pick.  Edmunds was a day 1 starter and a multi year pro bowler, Harrison Phillips is a starting DT for the Vikings, Taron is Johnson in the 4th (pro bowler), Siran Neal and the dearly departed Wyatt Tyler (multi year pro-bowler) in the 5th, Ray Ray Mcloud in the 6th.  That's 4 pro bowlers in his first draft.  

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  6. For me, it's not the in game decisions that are concerning.  I don't think he has 'the eye of the tiger'.  He's got the 'eye of the process' down pat.  And the process is important.  The culture is right.  But it rarely feels like we have the mental edge in games.  Heck...it looks like he's about to cry most of the time.  Dan Campbell has it with the Lions.  McVay seems to have it.  Reid oozes it.  


    Anybody into basketball?  Anthony Edwards absolutely credited his coach after beating the champs yesterday.  They believed they were the better team, even down 20 in the 3rd/15 at half time.  He told them at half-time, "If you do (insert strategy) you will win, if you don't, you will lose."  He went on to say he will call out every player equally if you aren't doing your job.  Do you get those vibes from McD?  I'm guessing he was somewhat scared of Diggs.  


    Watched video of Bellichik and Brady parsing tape together before a regular season game.  Two complete pros figuring out a path to victory together.  Do you sense that relationship with Josh?  If he's such a great defensive coach, tell Josh how to beat the other defense.


    Finally, and I keep going back to this.....as a Bulls fan who grew up in Chicago.  The switch from Doug Collins (who they won with) to Phil Jackson was the start of the dynasty.  The Bills need their Phil Jackson.  So, either McD morphs into him, or Beane has to swallow hard and let go of the dude who hired him.  Me thinks it will be the later.

  7. 3 minutes ago, bearstobills said:

    And McD took a Tyrod Taylor led team with mediocre weapons to the playoffs in his first year.  I'd say that's getting the best out of your players.  Btw, I'm not a McD believer, but I definitely wanted to counter your argument.

    My bad....this fact was already called out much earlier in the thread.  It still stands though.

  8. 9 hours ago, BullBuchanan said:

    Bill Belichick went 11-5 with matt Cassel, He dragged Mac Jones tot he playoffs kicking and screaming.

    Kyle Shanahan has people thinking Jimmy Garoppolo might be the next elite QB in the NFL for a minute and now he's doing the same with Brock Purdy. We all know how Jimmy turned out.

    Great coaches get the best out of their players, but you can't get gold from *****.

    Bad counter argument.

    And McD took a Tyrod Taylor led team with mediocre weapons to the playoffs in his first year.  I'd say that's getting the best out of your players.  Btw, I'm not a McD believer, but I definitely wanted to counter your argument.

  9. On 2/22/2024 at 3:05 AM, FilthyBeast said:

    Just thinking more about Groot and this dline as a whole, the fact that this GM and defensive minded head coach has never drafted a player that has managed double digits sacks in a season has me dumbfounded. Yes Floyd did it this year as a FA (despite next to nothing the 2nd half of the season and playoffs) and Miller was certainly on pace for it before his injury in 2022, but all these other draft picks really haven't come close except for Oliver this year.


    And that's what scares me most about the draft this year because I'm willing to bet they go dline once again in the first round despite all the talk about WR and other areas of need.

    Guys that average double digit sacks usually go in the top 10 of the draft.  The Bills usually don't draft until around 28.  Groot was damn good pick at that point.  

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  10. 1 minute ago, Aussie Joe said:

    As someone else mentioned about McDermott … the man is intense …. I don’t envy Beane having to sit next to him for like 18 hours or so over those three days … Textbook Micromanager 


    I think you have a case of wishful thinking if you think there is any possibility McD could be out the door at the end of this season..Im no fan of him.. but 73 yr old Belichick would be worse … get an O guy in there 

    OK....maybe not Belichick (although maybe).  But if it's wishful thinking for us, of course it has crossed Pegula's mind.  I grew up in Chicago during the Bulls run.  They had a good coach (Doug Collins) who kept losing to the Pistons. So they fired him and hired a great coach (Phil Jackson).  It's a business decision. Losing is not OK when you have Josh Allen.  This is urgent.  So I'm with you on an O guy.  And I firmly believe a first round exit may herald a move in that direction.   

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  11. 12 minutes ago, Aussie Joe said:

    We don’t hear the full context … perhaps the underling has suggested taking someone else after Davis and McD is setting him straight…



    We all watch these things every year, and yet some people still cling to the idea that McD is pulling some invisible strings.  First of all, if they flame out this year, Beane stays.  As for McD.....I could easily see a change being made (especially with Bill Belichick lurking).  The Bills are Pegula's baby.  He's an astute business man.  After Josh Allen, there is no other loss this franchise could endure that would be as crippling as losing Brandon Beane.  This board's meltdown after the trade down with the Chiefs did nothing but expose the ignorance, short-sightedness, and irrationality of so many fans.


    The best moment of the video was Beane schooling Brian Gaine at the combine.  Gaine voices concern regarding Keon's 40 time.  Beane, as usual, looks beyond the metrics (see Josh Allen 56% completion percemtage) and sees a very good football player.  I doubt Gaine  picks Keon, and he probably doesn't pick Josh either.    Thank god we have a GM who doesn't fall into those traps.


    As for McD....he's a pretty good football coach.  My wife thinks he always looks like he's about to cry.  Beane has to take care of both Pegula and McD during the draft.  It's like a family trip, and everybody has to honor Grandpa (Pegula) by keeping him abreast of the plans.  As for McD,  he just wants to help dad change the tire to prove to the family he's important.

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  12. 10 minutes ago, NeverOutNick said:

    You could be right brother on Hamler, who knows. But my eyes tell me McD has a big say. He stands next to Beane intimately whenever a selection is made. Either they’re just that close of friends or he’s micromanaging everything since he did get Beane the job 🙄 (I may still be salty that we passed on Franklin and Walker for another rotational DT 😆)

    Body language is key when dealing with people and when the cameras scan over to Brad Holmes, he’s clearly making the calls and Dan Campbell is off in the distance high fiving people. 

    This is such a great topic.  It deserves its own thread.  First and foremost, I'd still be dancing if we took Walker.  That being said, the Carter pick makes so much sense.  Every year it's the same song and dance about how we have no long term D Line guys signed past this year.  This pick takes care of a huge yearly concern.


    Yes, McD hovers over him like a nagging step mom.  And yes, Beane owes his job to McD.  Yet, if one of them get canned, it aint gonna be Beane.  If the Bills flame out this year, I could see McD being shown the door out, and Belichick being shown in.  I also don't think McD is short-sighted enough to believe offense doesn't matter.  They met with and worked out both Walker and Franklin so many times they could probably tell you what each got for Christmas last year.  If they reached the conclusion that adding a possession guy like Keon and a vertical threat like Walker was the key to unlocking everything, I gotta believe McD would have been on board with that over a rotational D lineman.  They, and the rest of the NFL, passed on both of those guys over 3 times.  It just may be they aren't difference makers on the NFL level.  And my hope, bringing this full circle, is KJ is secretly running 4.33 over in the field house.


    Finally, the Bills drafted Vosean Joseph LB out of Florida years ago.  In the embedded video, Beane turns to McD and says "You'll like him."  McD had his usual intense but slightly clueless look on his face.  Don't me wrong.  He's a huge part of the process and of course has a respected opinion.  But he can't run a draft.  He wouldn't have identified or picked Kincaid.  But he can watch tape, pinpoint a safety he likes, and push hard for what he wants (as can Joe Brady and the rest of the staff).  It was Eric Washington who was ultimately pounding the table for Rousseau.  Lastly, Beane's "F**K Yea" reaction to Bishop being available was the reaction of a GM getting HIS man.

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  13. 1 minute ago, NeverOutNick said:

    I don’t think Beane or moreso McD would’ve taken him over any defensive player they had rated the same or higher but I do agree he has special speed. Hoping it works out  

    2 things; I don't believe McD runs the draft.  I think it's a group-think fallacy that has gained traction on this message board.  Beane makes the calls, you can see it on the embedded videos.  McD strikes me as a bystander (who I'm sure has plenty of opinion and sway) but a bystander nonetheless. 


    In 2020, after the Epenesa draft, Beane looked visibly disappointed.  It was a stacked wide receiver class and I think he was hoping one of Tee Higgins, Michael Pittman, Laviska Shenault,  KJ Hamler, or Chase Claypool would fall to them.  He jumped all over Hamler when he became available.  That says something.

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  14. 10 hours ago, Back2Buff said:


    Lol, its really not.  He's tiny and constantly injured.  He is a JAG in a league full of these guys.


    A guy like Justin Shorter was excellent on special teams and its something Beane mentioned last year when they drafted him.  


    Unless Hamler can play special teams, he won't be the 6th WR.


    I am under the assumption the Bills are adding another body to this group after June 1st.

    He is not a JAG. He was a high 2nd round draft choice, who would have been a high second round draft choice this year also.  He tore the same ACL twice, dislocated his hip, and had a heart issue.  Watch below and tell me he's a jag.  He's electric.  Beane would have taken him over Epenesa I'm pretty certain.  If he could somehow find 90 percent of what he was, we'd be dangerous.


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  15. 1 minute ago, Buffalo716 said:

    Well, I don't sit here all day everyday and talk about everything I know about the sport.. but I've been posting here and on the old bbmb for 15 years 


    And I played division one football... Have coached and scouted 


    I'm still employed in the game of football.. and I've broken down plenty of schemes and made plenty of scouting reports 


    He's a good football player at that round.. I would not bet on him out playing McGovern.. who has been waiting to be the linchpin of an NFL team

    Good nuanced answer.  It's not the center spot where I took issue with your statement.  It's the left guard spot.  It just may be that Edwards/Collins is such a step down from McGovern that it would be more feasible to keep McGovern at his old spot, and if the rookie shows out, put him at center.  It's not crazy that he would have a Christian Benford type camp.  But I appreciate your football background, and you are most likely on point.  They even told Van Pran that he may be used as a guard.  

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  16. 9 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:

    As I've said multiple times...


    There is literally next to no chance.. a short-armed , smaller center who struggles with technique .. could beat out a NFL starter... With center experience in college... And is now one of the strongest biggest centers in the league


    It will be next to impossible to beat him out in 1 year... Maybe next season or the year after 


    You're not unseating an the NFL veteran who is big for his position year 1... Who is starting quality 

    You speak as if you are an expert on this matter.  But me thinks you are not.  Training camp will decide. And that hasn't happened yet.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

    Honestly wow, learned a lot about him. He said he has no life outside of football. He sounds like a film junkie. Wants to be close with his QB. Watch film with his QB. 

    And he golfs a little!

    I appreciate Beane looking past the metrics that stop most of us fans in our tracks.  With Josh, it was the 56% completion percentage.  With Rousseau it was the lack of explosion and all of his sacks coming from the inside. itWh Keon...it was the 4.61 Forty.  He knows a football player when he sees one.  And after watching that interview, could you imagine him picking ANY other receiver.  The kid is special.  I'm not sure what his career will ultimately be, but with his work ethic, confidence, understanding of the game, and physical abilities....I'm betting on him.  And so is Beane.

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  18. 35 minutes ago, BuffaloRebound said:

    There’s an adjustment period for any rookie.  Expecting Coleman to be one of your top 2-3 WR’s early in the season risks throwing the season away.  OBJ has been a good soldier in LA and Baltimore and can carry a heavier load early in the season while Coleman gets acclimated.  

    I don't disagree that he could catch a few passes and be somewhat reliable.  But i highly doubt he is under consideration for reasons both on and off the field.

  19. 11 minutes ago, DCofNC said:


    you are delusional, but I’ll give him credit, he got the right guy.   That said, it WAS fortunate bc there were talks of him going #1 and he wound up being the third QB taken.  Since that time he’s spent us into a hole where we couldn’t pursue any WR talent this year because he missed on all the key positions in the draft for years, the gave away his only successful use of a draft pick on a WR, when he dumped Diggs last minute.  So the team goes into the season far worse off than it was at WR last year and they had one of the weakest WR rooms in the league to start 2023.  The DL got worse, we have a guy who’s never started at C, taking that roll.  Back ups at both S positions and basically we pray Josh Allen can bail him out again. 

    Not delusional.  Thoughtful and rational.  I know the moves I like and the moves I don't.  I love my team though.  And these last 5 years, we have the 2nd most amount of wins in the NFL, so he must be doing something right.  I see tons of strong draft choices, free agent acquisitions, and trades.  We could discuss all of those if you wish.  I also see the misses......because I am not delusional.  I'm sure you'll pump up KC as some wonder team who surrounds their elite qb with perfect weapons.  But here are Veach's skill player moves since he's been there;

    -Spent 2nd round picks on Mecole Hardman and Skyy Moore

    -Spent a 1rst round pick on Clyde Edwards Helaire

    -Inherited the best receiver in the NFL, won a superbowl with him, and traded him away in his prime

    -Traded a 3rd round pick for Kadarius Toney

    But he has his rings, so all is forgiven.  To me delusional, not to mention depressing, cynical, and bleak, is not recognizing that Beane has won the AFC East 4 straight years in a row, garnered the 2nd best record in football, and 4th most playoff wins in the last 5 years.  If you think that's all Josh....think again.  The defense has been top 10 every year also.  If all you needed was a qb, why aren't Herbert and Lawrence leading their teams to victory after victory?


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  20. 1 minute ago, DCofNC said:

    Josh Allen is the franchise, without him, this roster is bottom 10 in talent.  Take away Dawkins and Milano, it’s worse.

    And the Chiefs without Mahomes are not in the playoffs.  We can do this all day.  Beane drafted Josh Allen.  It was his first draft pick.  In the biggest moment of his career, he hits a grand slam.  I grew up in Chicago.  In the history of that franchise, not a single GM did in hundreds of draft picks what Beane did with one.  Give the man his due!!

  21. 1 minute ago, BuffaloRebound said:

    OBJ, Samuel, Shakir, Coleman with Kincaid and Knox would be upper tier.  There’s no true #1 WR but Houston, Baltimore, and Green Bay did fine without one.  

    OBJ is everything this regime stands against.  They have handed this team to Josh.  Keon is his receiver.  Instead of last year, when he was Diggs' quarterback. OBJ brings drama, diva-esque ball demands, locker room entitlement, a declining skill set, and a salary demand outside of their range.  He aint coming.

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  22. 1 hour ago, BillsFanForever19 said:

    Beyond that, Javon Solomon will surely have a spot on the 53. We don't outright cut 5th Rounders (and he shouldn't have lasted that long) and given his production in College, he has HUGE upside and is not a player I envision them thinking they can sneak on their PS.

    I wanted Solomon from the get-go.  Love the draft pick in the 5th.  But this quote from an AFC scout is a bit sobering;


    AFC scout: “He’s a better player than testing athlete. He didn’t run very fast. I think he lacks upside. He’s got a low ceiling. Rotational rusher. He’ll be on the fringe. He may get drafted but it’ll be close because of how poorly he ran at the combine.”

  23. 42 minutes ago, DCofNC said:

    Is he?  Or is he just really fortunate to have hit on Allen?  Overall, this roster is not that talented and most of the top talent came from prior to him taking over, so we are in cap he’ll, not as talented as KC and can’t buy our way out of it.. doesn’t sound all that great if you take the rose colored glasses off. 

    Why fortunate to hit on Allen?  How about savvy or wise or incredibly bold to stand strong on a guy that pundits, fans, and fellow gm's were calling a bust even before the draft.  As for this roster not being talented....I disagree.  It was talented enough to win the AFC East for the 4th straight year, a playoff game, and take the eventual super bowl champions down to the last minute.  Or was that just "fortunate"?  And most of the top end talent being from before him.....other than Dawkins and Milano, who on Earth are you speaking of?  Every other player on that roster was his acquisition.  Cap hell?? The Bills currently have 5 million in AVAILABLE cap space for next year.  Compare that to SF who are 30 million OVER, Cleveland who are 52 OVER, and NO who are 73 OVER.  As for our roster not being as talented as KC....perhaps.  But why compare us to the one team that won the super bowl?  We did draft 28, so clearly there are 27 teams with a worse roster than us.  You do realize that over the past 5 years the Bills have the 2nd most wins in the NFL.  I guess we're just fortunate.  I wonder why San Diego with Herbert and Jax with Trevor Lawrence aren't just as fortunate.  If my glasses are rose colored, yours are bleak, dark, and downright depressing.

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