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Everything posted by shepherdog1960

  1. yep, i intended on driving by but you wrecks are just too much guilty pleasure. why did obama know and trump didn't?
  2. skippy...another common word from FMG's so why did obama know and rump didn't. effective debate concentrates on a single issue.
  3. yes, my colleagues many of whom are highly respected and accomplished. there's no if. he said this would happen in 5 or 10 years. you can get into the weeds on policy positions but i won't go there because you will misrepresent and distort them as the chorus always does. your intellect seems better suited for propaganda than medicine
  4. naw and called out are words not often heard from my east indian colleagues. but more to the point, Obama knew this was coming. Why didn't rump?
  5. No one could have predicted this? https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/photos-and-video/video/2014/12/02/president-obama-speaks-fight-against-ebola watch from 15:20 drive by post. not getting immersed in this swamp again. I'll just add that the chorus here are morons and haven't improved themselves a bit. doc is a pseudo doc. dc tom is an absent idiot. and the shah did die from the mistakes of an inexperienced, world famous surgeon. Shaq was more lucky.
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