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Posts posted by Bulldog

  1. Yes - I believe that the Bills are underrated on this list - and that being rated with top ten coaching, front office, & roster while having a 20th rated draft seems kind of odd (how can the FO be rated so highly yet have drafted poorly?). However - I say keep these underrated prognostications coming. I'd rather be underrated by the pundits than overrated. Some times a little external disrespect can serve as an excellent motivator for hyper competitive pro football players - prove them wrong boys! 

  2. 12 minutes ago, Robert James said:

    Patriots at number 4 is way too high.  Way too many questions, including what their QB situation will look like.



    That was my thought  too  --- a lot of question marks on that team - seems as though there is a lot of blind faith in Cam Newton out there (not particularly warranted in my view). I am sure that their future Hall of Fame Coach will get this team ready and will have them prepared to be a contender this year - but way too many question marks to slot them into a projected spot as high as fourth. The remainder of the list looks to be pretty reasonable as far as pre-season prognostication goes -- can't wait to have some real football to talk about (and hoping that, under the circumstances, that we get to have some).    

  3. As an old New York guy - I loved Yogi Berra:


    "It ain't over till it's over"


    "No one goes there anymore - it's too crowded"


    "Always go to other people's funerals - or they won't come to yours"


    "Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical".


    Sorry if some of these are repeaters - couldn't read through the whole thread.

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    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  4. I also don't understand some of the negativity surrounding the memories of Tyrod Taylor among some fans. OK - Tyrod wasn't Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers, however Tyrod was a competitive QB for us. He was a better QB than most of the guys that we have had since Jim Kelly retired & I enjoyed some of the occasional explosive runs that he made. Not to mention that Tyrod was the QB of the team that broke the playoff drought. Tyrod was not the QB that was going to lead us to a Super Bowl - however he was a good Buffalo Bill, a good teammate, & provided us with a more fond game memories than many of the other guys that have passed through here in recent years. That being said - I hope (but am not in any way sure) that Josh Allen will far surpass Tyrod Taylor as an NFL QB - he certainly has the potential to do so. Let's hope, for our sake, that he reaches that higher potential.  



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  5. These self proclaimed "experts: who continue to parrot the "you can't improve accuracy" theory have no credibility. I am no expert on the development of NFL quarterbacks, but I am capable of accessing some basic statistics on NFL quarterbacks. Here are two examples - two great quarterbacks - one a "gunslinger" and the other a precision/accuracy type QB:


    Brett Favre  -- 1991-2001 Average Completion Percentage   ---  60.96%

                              2002-2010 Average Completion Percentage   --   63.32%


    Drew Brees -- 2002-2010 Average Completion Percentage   -- 64.89%

                             2011-2019 Average Completion Percentage   -- 70.12%


    Did these two all-time greats not improve their accuracy over time?


    I really wonder what passes for journalism these days - You can't improve accuracy? What nonsense!


    I don't have the time or patience to look up additional QB stats - but I dare to guess that some improvement over time is common place in the QB profession.


    No wonder that the media has lost so much credibility in recent years -- no standards of performance for them. I must have picked the wrong profession. 





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  6. QB: B :  I think that Josh makes another step forward this year

    RB: C+ : Singletary had good rookie showing & Moss has potential , but hasn't played a down yet. Yeldon doesn't do much for me. Hopefully this group overachieves.

    TE: C- : If Knox shows significant improvement (a big "if") - this group grades higher.

    WR: A- : If one of the rookies contribute - this group is a legitimate "A".

    OL: B- : I expect some improvement here with a year together under the belt for this group - hope for some improvement from Cody Ford (another big "if").

    CB: A- :  I like this group - a top tier player in Tre & some solid experience on the roster.

    LB: C- : I see this group as very thin behind Edmunds & Milano - Beane has done a great job building depth everywhere else, but not so much with this group.  

    DL: B- :  I like the talent here - will the youth contribute, will Oliver excel in his 2nd year (& not be suspended), do the older guys have something left in the tank? This unit could actually perform anywhere between an "A" and a "C".

    S: A- : Top quality talent here.

    ST: C- : Lower grade due to our issue with kickers , glad we drafted one - can only hope he works out & a new & improved punter emerges.

  7. First of all - I fully believe in any citizen's right to protest in any manner in which they choose - both I & a number of people in my family have in the past and currently do serve this country in the military. Being a patriot has been ingrained in me since my youth (that was along time ago - just for the record).


    I have seen the opinion that these anthem protests are not about "disrespecting the flag or the military".  I must ask this question - isn't the whole purpose of playing the anthem & facing the flag while having your hand over your heart (or saluting) to honor the flag & country? If there is some other purpose to this tradition - please let me know what it is, because otherwise I have been misinformed about the symbolism & purpose of the anthem/flag display tradition.


    Again - I fully believe in a person's right to protest, even if that protest involves disrespecting the flag & country. Just be honest about what you are doing - if you wish to show a lack of respect for the flag & nation due to what you perceive as persecution, feel free - but please be honest about what you are doing.  

  8. 10 minutes ago, Happy said:


    He's hardly the first pro athlete to get a DUI.  The same questions posters are asking here (why not hire a limo, Uber, etc) are no different than when the last pro athlete got a DUI.  Oliver is no different than any of those who got a DUI before him.  I think it is just the belief that people have where it (DUI, crash, whatever) won't happen to them...until it does.


    Yes - certainly a young & stupid mistake - many young guys (I bet- especially ones with as much money as Ed Oliver) feel invincible & have an "it can't happen to me attitude. Hope that Ed learns from this & moves forward. A criminal conviction as a young man is not good - but, it does not mean that you can't go on to be a successful man - no matter what your occupation & life circumstance are. To a certain extent we have all been there - I wish I knew what I know now back when I was 23. Heck, I wish I could just remember when I was 23!


    On a lighter note -- at least he wasn't found naked in a field in Elma by the police -- what ever happened to Cyrus Kouandjio (spelling?) - did he continue with an NFL career?

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, mushypeaches said:

    I was thinking about this the other day too.  I think Josh Allen is already the best QB in the division.  


    And then I thought - this is probably the first time in history that the Bills can claim that



    If we could have ever claimed to have the best QB in the AFC East - it would certainly be very few times (at best).


    Here is a year for you  -- 1980. The AFC East Quarterbacks were:


    Jets -- Richard Todd

    Dolphins - David Woodley

    Patriots -- Steve Grogan

    Colts (yes, for you youngsters out there - the Colts in the AFC East back then) - Bert Jones

    Bills - Joe Ferguson


    I think that the 1980 version of Joe Ferguson might have been the best of this group - although I always had a high opinion of Bert Jones.




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  10. Acquire a bona fide #1 receiver with the 22nd overall pick  --- already accomplished!


    Find quality rotational players at the DE, RB, & CB positions - in no particular order - follow BPA to select them. If necessary, spend a minimal amount of late round trade capital to move up to select a particular desired player  - at the discretion of McBeane.  

    • Like (+1) 3
  11. 1 hour ago, Coach126 said:

    Agree with all these points. And it does still hurt. But look at the trajectory of the two clubs now. We've got Diggs and a club on the rise. They have BOB. What do you call a guy in the ocean with no arms or legs? TEX.


    And I agree the "just give it to them" game was the worst. I called and got on the Jim Rome show after that one. Romey agreed with my take that the Bills got jobbed. Have not respected the Cheatriots for one day since then.


     Yeah - i know we should just let these things go & move on .... but certain games seem to stick with us no matter what. I still remember sitting in the stands at the home opener in 1979 just knowing that we were about to beat the Dolphins after a decade of futility and seeing Tom Dempsey (RIP) miss that "easy" game winning field goal. Some things are just hard to put out of your memory -- even after 41 years ...   

  12. 1 hour ago, Mango said:


    also this...



    Those expecting Josh Allen to "develop" into a precision type quarterback (like a Drew Brees) are all likely in for a big disappointment. I am a big supporter of Josh - he's the most fun & exciting QB we have had in our backfield in many years - however, it is likely that he will always be what he is now - a QB that is capable of making huge plays, and able to make them with his legs as well as him arm, while sometimes making some head scratchers. This does not preclude Allen from leading us to a Super Bowl victory - not all Super Bowl winning QB's were cut from the Brees or Brady mold. Let's enjoy the great things Josh can do & stop wishing that he could turn into someone/something that he is not. While there are never any guarantees -- Here's hoping Josh makes another leap forward this year - as he did between year 1 & 2 of his career.


    Secondly - that list of guys above -- with a "better" % than Josh Allen is indicative of how useless statistics can sometimes be - would anyone suggest that any of these guys are better QB's than Josh Allen or would anyone suggest that they would want one of them as the Bills QB instead Of Josh Allen because of those "better" %'s?   


    • Like (+1) 2
  13. 23 minutes ago, Straight Hucklebuck said:

    I wouldn’t go the washed up veteran route.


    We don’t need more Mike Tolbert's, Chris Ivory’s, Frank Gore’s. 

    Do what we did last year, get a 22-year old rookie with some juice in their legs.

    The Bills/Beane will add competition, but I’d rather have Yeldon than McCoy.


    I couldn't agree more - get us some young fresh legs - every year there are quality backs found mid to late round in the draft & sometimes even some quality UDFA are found. We have plenty of veteran's in  the locker room - do we really need to add a another washed up veteran RB for "locker room presence"?  I say skip the retread bin & get us a young back to pair with Singletary.

  14. 27 minutes ago, First Round Bust said:

    warning this may induce vomiting:


    Walt Patulski - first pick of entire draft - at least he got traded for a #2 which turned out to be Joe Delvin who played well for us for years


    more 70s misses


    Phil Dokes -

    the Nebraska twins (LBs Rudd and Nelson)

    Tom Cousineau - never signed - went to CFL and Browns after crapping big-time on Buffalo

    Rueben Gant - as in can't - TE


    80s whiffs

    Booker Moore - Guillen barre disease

    Tony Hunter - TE from ND taken before Jim Kelly

    Perry Tuttle - beware WRs from Clemson


    90s super bowl misfit


    Darryl Williams (and his flame ######ant jersey)


    20th century busts

    Erik Flowers - John Butler reach

    Aaron Maybin

    JP Losman - not just a number 1 but we traded more pick

    Leo McKelvin (first cb taken in the entire draft)

    Torrell Troupe (2nd rounder taken right before Gronk)



    Tom Cousineau was indeed the first overall pick in 1979 - and he never played for us - chose to play in Canada instead. While this was an incredibly bad pick in the short term (wasting the 1st overall pick - how is that even possible!). In the longer term - we maintained his NFL rights and when he wanted to leave Canada & finally play in the NFL - we then traded him to the Cleveland Browns for what was the 14th overall pick in the 1st round. That pick turned out to be Jim Kelly - so I guess in the big picture the pick was actually a good one.

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  15. 16 minutes ago, Don Otreply said:

    The Browns were a”lock” last year...


    No one is a lock until they win enough games to get to the post season. 

    Go Bills!!!

    Yes - there is a reason that we play the games after all.


    Whatever happens - I ask everyone:  please, please, please do not say that we have "won the off-season" - almost every year the team that is generally anointed to have "won the off-season" turns out to be a big disappointment. Let's stick with "winning the Regular Season" and then moving onto winning the playoffs & Super Bowl. No one is ever a lock for anything in the off-season.


    Never the less, my optimism for the upcoming season is as high as it has been since the 1990's Super Bowl Years.     

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  16. I guess we won't be needing any additional corner back depth now! Seriously - I thought it was fun when McKenzie stepped in at cornerback when we were in a personnel pinch last year. It also says a lot about the young man's attitude that he was willing to do it - not to mention that it also shows a lot about how the coaching staff feels about him. Never know how things will work out in the cut throat world of the NFL - but  hope things work out well for this guy, whether it be with the Bills (hopefully) or elsewhere.

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  17. Amazing how quickly some people degenerate into name calling over almost any topic - not just Josh Allen. For goodness sake - every season is a prove it season in the NFL for every player - it is the nature of the business. If Josh Allen had not shown significant improvement in year #2 (which he did) - then the legitimate narrative this Spring would have been the search for his successor. In year three he must show significant improvement over year #2 if he hopes for a long term NFL career. This is a fact of life for all NFL players. Some superstars or high draft picks get a little longer of a leash than someone like an UDFA - however the "leash" has a limited length for any player in the NFL.     

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  18. He's about to turn 23 years old - it seems the coaching staff sees potential in the young man. Why would anyone want to give up on a young kid with his measurables, potential, apparent positive attitude, and being a seventh round pick he has a dirt cheap contract? Of course you find a way to keep someone like that around &  try to further develop him.

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  19. 14 hours ago, elijah said:

    1.) Quinton Spain: 3yrs/$15M is the nicest hometown discount we’ve seen in years. I was adamant about improving the offensive line and unfortunately were sitting still, resigning Spain on such a deal is a solid consolation prize. 


    2.) Mario Addison: Old and overpaid? I see 39 sacks in 4 years, 11th most in the NFL, on essentially a year-by-year deal. Nearly half of the $30M comes in year one with very little guaranteed after. 


    3.) Stefon Diggs: Couldn’t put him first because I have to be able to say I had reservations about trading our 1st if it doesn’t workout in hindsight ?


    4yrs/$46Mish for a top 15 receiver in the game that addresses our top need, you can’t be upset about that. Diggs should hopefully give our offense another element, although I want more improvement here still. 


    4.) Butler/Jefferson: Solid depth deals with guys players that the film guys like as much as Phillips and Lawson on cheaper deals than the overpaid Phillips/Lawson, the d-line should be much improved. 


    5.) Josh Norman: At first it was just a small $3M guaranteed and seemed very low risk-high reward, but now with minimal improvements amongst the offense in FA, this $6M contract will stick out if Norman doesn’t perform up to par. 


    Without context, this is still a low-risk, high-reward deal that shouldn’t backfire. 


    6.) AJ Klein: I feel that you could’ve found a linebacker of Klein’s quality in the later rounds of the draft at just a portion of the cost, slight overpay here but McBeane love their locker room guys which Klein is said to be. 


    7.) Matakevich & Jones: Small contract special teams guys here, can’t not like it but there’s not too much to obsess about. I’m HOPING — and thinking that I’m right — that Beane doesn’t think Taiwan Jones isn’t part of the answer at RB. 


    Thanks for including the special teams guys - Matakevich & Jones will turn out to be important signings - our special teams needed upgrades.  Hope these guys work out - don't want to hold my breath on every kick coverage situation again this year.

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