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Johnny Coli

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Posts posted by Johnny Coli

  1. Congrats, dude!  Our first was born this past July 21.  Named him Darby Cash after the singer from the Germs and The Man in Black.  He's tons of fun. He's already interested in the guitar (I play for him alot).  You have decent music taste so do yourself a favor and start picking up the Dan Zanes and Friends discs. They're essential. Also, the Rockabye Baby series is great. We've got the Ramones, Cure, Pixies, and Black Sabbath ones. Fantastic. There's also a Johnny Cash childrens CD he recorded in the early 70s that's pretty great. I'm of the mind that music should be on at all times, and the stuff listed above is children's music that won't drive you insane. Surf instrumentals and hawaiian music rules too.  And Darby goes bananas when I play him Peggy Sue by Buddy Holly.


    A July baby is cool because they'll be big enough to fit into a 6 month old Bills onesie that will last the whole season. 



  2. I was rooting for him to die during his "comeback" game against the Bills...the one where they made up a stupid 'hit' stat just for him. Fug him.


    I wish him and that whole organization nothing but ill will.


    Happy New Year! Let's go Buffalo!

  3. These replies are hilarious but there's gotta be a team out there who would trade a 7th for him right?


    ...yeah, probably not.

    Got benched by what many consider the worst team in the league. Made of glass. Zero upside. He ain't worth spit.

  4. I'm just wondering for the married men here...when did you know that your wife was the one?


    Ive met this girl and the more time i spend with her the more i feel like she could be that one. We share so many of the same values and beliefs and we just get along so well. I cant find a single thing about her that is a red flag....


    When did you know?


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