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Johnny Coli

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Posts posted by Johnny Coli

  1. I have the sinking feeling that there will be a terrorist attack on American soil before the election.  I'm talking about a greater than fifty percent chance.  Or maybe I'm just paranoid.


    What do you think?



    Although I doubt it, I'm sure this administration will up the color-coded thing a week beforehand to freak out the masses. There's a better chance that all of a sudden they "capture" Bin laden, probably on the thursday before.

  2. Butthole Surfers




    There's an awesome chapter on The Butholes in "Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes from the American Indie Underground 1981-1991" by Michael Azerrad. Really entertaining read. If you're into the early indie rock/hardcore scene stuff, this book is a pretty good read. So is Legs McNeil's book "Please Kill me." Great stuff in that one, too, about the NYC scene.

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