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Posts posted by Wraith

  1. and when you run it and the clock continues to run with almost no time left as it is and down by a TD? Doesn't make sense. Again. The play calls were correct. The Quarterback play was not.

    This argument is logically inconsistent. If they're going for it on fourth down, then they're treating that possession as if it's their last. Therefore, running the time down is a positive, not a negative.
  2. In case anyone had doubts, Fred Jackson confirmed earlier today that the plan was to try for the offsides and there was no play to run. I'd love to know whether the plan was to call a timeout or take the delay of game penalty. Both options are dumb.


    Product of his environment and changes in the game. Cutler went to essentially the same Bears' team that Orton left and statistically had a worse season. Welcome to needing talent around you to be a successful QB. Orton finally has it and he's prospering (in spite of OLine play and CJ's inability to see a hole).


    I don't look at traditional football powers like Florida State who generally play NO ONE, are in a top-to- bottom weak conference and pretend that their success translates. Mostly because it doesn't. Name a great FSU QB who has been a good NFL QB. There's a reason they don't exist.


    Congrats to Manuel for being able to dump pass better than other players. That's relevant.

    A lot of mental hoops being jumped through to avoid admitting being wrong.


    The changes in the passing game between 2005 and now are not relevant. The median completion percentage among qualifying QBs was 60.6% in 2005, exactly the same as 2013. Orton was below the median then and he is well above it now. He has improved.


    Does anyone arguing this point actually know how to back up their opinion with supporting evidence?


    I mean seriously, one of you is trying to offer up the limits of their imagination as a counter argument. (By the way, Losman once threw for 5 TDs in 5 quarters in 2006, so I have no problem envisioning pretty much any QB pulling off that feat).

  4. And I wouldn't compare the NFL or college games of 10 years ago with today. The rules and passing game are light years different.


    Are you seriously trying to argue that Orton hasn't improved over the years? That he was good all along and the rules just changed?


    Let's normalize things by comparing Orton to his peers:

    Senior Year of College (2004): 60.7% was good for 3rd in the Big Ten, Not on the chart nationally

    Rookie Year (2005): 51.6% was good for 33rd (out of 34) in the NFL. Only person he was better than was J.P. Losman


    For comparison, Manuel:

    Senior Year of College (2012): 68.0% was good for 1st in the ACC and 10th in the nation.

    Rookie Year (2013): 58.8% was good for 28th (out of 37) in the NFL. Somehow beating out big names like Matthew Stafford and Colin Kaepernick.


    Orton was very bad. Hopefully now he is good. Improvement in this area is very possible.

  5. I think it can be coached but there hasn't been marked improvement since his first days as a college starter so why should we expect it?

    That is a weird argument to make considering who our other quarterback is.



    Orton = 786/1336 (58.8% Completion)

    Manuel = 600/897 (66.9% Completion)


    First 2 Seasons Pro:

    Orton = 233/448 (52.0% Completion)

    Manuel = 256/437 (58.6% Completion)


    Orton played in 13 or more games in four out of his first five seasons. In only one of those seasons (2009, Denver, 62.1%) was his completion percentage better than Manuel's number this year (58.0%). Orton is a great example of how a quarterback can develop this skill as a professional.

  6. Uh huh, and how about completion % by each position? I seem to remember EJ going 7/21 to WR against San Diego.


    That's been my whole point this entire thread.


    The difference between Orton and Manuel boils to two things only: 1) Orton has been more accurate 2) Manuel has been better at avoiding the sacks. Orton's accuracy so far appears to have outweighed his increased propensity for taking the sack. Everything else is either over thinking things or applying a bias.

  7. Aaron Rodgers and Ben Roethlisberger are always at the top of the league in sacks. Sometimes that's the trade off for keeping passes to wide receivers as an option in your arsenal.


    This is a fine example of why stats are necessary, despite some folks claims that all they need is their eyes. The eyes lie. Kyle Orton doesn't take more sacks than EJ Manuel because he targets wide receivers more! Orton targets wide receivers less than Manuel does!


    Manuel has 127 pass attempts this season, of which 28.3% went to running backs, 11.0% went to tight ends, and 60.6% went to wide receivers.


    Orton has 136 pass attempts this season, of which 25.0% went to running backs, 19.9% went to tight ends, and 55.1% went to wide receivers.

  8. I have to think yds per throw correlates to sacks too. Reminds me of Big Ben-- guy takes a lot of sacks in order to look for bigger pass plays.


    In this case it really doesn't. Orton's significantly better YPA number is due almost entirely to his better completion percentage. Orton and Manuels YPC (Yards per completion) are very similar (11.8 vs. 11.1).

  9. Yikes, that's not good.


    Don't let WEO try to deceive you:


    Q1 7/8 (87.5%), 84 Yards (10.50 YPA), 0 TD, 0 INT, 1 Sack, 110.4 Rating

    Q2 3/4 (75.0%), 13 Yards (3.25 YPA), 1 TD, 0 INT, 0 Sack, 117.7 Rating

    Q3 1/4 (25.0%), 16 Yards (4.00 YPA), 0 TD, 1 INT, 0 Sack, 4.2 Rating

    Q4 4/5 (80.0%), 40 Yards (8.00 YPA), 0 TD, 0 INT, 0 Sack, 100.0 Rating

    OT 1/1 (100.0%), 20 Yards (20.00 YPA), 0 TD, 0 INT, 0 Sack, 118.8 Rating


    Manuel had a short bad stretch in an otherwise solid game.

  10. The references to the locker room culture by some of the scouts/coaches/player personnel/executive types is incredibly annoying to me. I have already lost count of how many quotes I have read from these groups saying that Sam's draft stock is going to drop because they're afraid of what will happen to the unity of the locker room.


    Am I the only who thinks that Sam is going to be treated better by his new teammates in the locker room than by the groups I listed above? The players in the locker room are overwhelmingly young and are part of a very accepting generation. The locker room is already an incredible melting pot of races, classes, religions, and view points. I think it is more likely that these player personnel types, who are far less diverse, are projecting some of their own biases about not only homosexuality but also about modern athletes in general. The reaction from his Missouri teammates is very encouraging to me. I hope that is represenative.

  11. Had they been down 7, I'd agree. But down 10 you need two scores. Coming away with zero really puts them in a hole.

    It is only two scores if one of them is a touchdown. As Bill Barnwell at Grantland will tell you, 4th and 1 is a TD about 60% of the time. Drives from the far side of the 50 result in touchdowns far less than 60%. They needed a TD and that was their best chance at it.
  12. This is going to be twisted six ways to Sunday and then poached and served over easy that morning. Incognito is a prick... so what. There are lots of personalities in the NFL. The media selectively chooses who to baste and who to bask. No one mentions how Newton comes off I. Charlotte. Steve Smith or others, as well. But Newton is diva and Smith a megalomaniac self righteous guy. Neither are bad people but both have had numerous troubles in their personal life. A bigger example of the personal lives of NFL players is AP. The leagues MVP seems to be running the same course of McNair.


    I am sure Incognito is not fully innocent but where did everyone else find themselves? Bullies are empowered by the environment and victim. Why didn't either stand up? Is it safe to assume there is a larger issue here at play with regard to Martin that is not being mentioned? I believe so...

    The guy has been kicked off of every team he has been on since high school. Why are you wasting even a little bit of energy defending him?
  13. I know some people like to be contrarians, but don't be silly. This isn't basketball. The offense doesn't get to sneak one hand in and get a jump ball call with the possession arrow always in their favor. Tate might have gotten a both hands on the ball at impact, but on the way down his right hand is clearly off the ball and it's not even clear if his left hand is still in contact. He re-establishes contact while on the ground. You also can't blame the replay official for this debacle because simultaneous possession is not a reviewable play.

  14. Lastly, I am not sure if Eball or Booger have flown in the last decade so I update them on some airline policies. 1) You are not allowed to use cell phones on airplanes. 2) If you tried to hide watching the game on your cell phone, there is a chance a flight attendant could catch you, and give you some crap. 3) Even if you can hide your phone and watch try to watch the game, at 35,000 feet cell phone coverage is spotty and it would be near impossible to stream video.


    The cellphone question was in regards to watching while in the airport.

  15. Maybe if people were not given the clue until they turned over all their money there would have been a different outcome. The kids were handing over the clues once they had the envelopes.

    The overall outcame was affected. The last two teams to get to the check-in initially were the gay couple (last) and Vegas show girls (second-to-last). It would've been Vegas show girls going home instead of Ethan and Jenna.


    I don't have much sympathy because, as others have stated, reading directions carefully is and always has been an integral part of the race.


    However, I can't think of any previous challenges where you could get your next clue without successfully completing the challenge in it's entirety so I feel this was really out of the spirit of the race. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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