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Posts posted by daz28

  1. 48 minutes ago, JDHillFan said:

    Total dumbassery on your part. I don’t care what anyone here calls anyone else. When someone, like you, makes something up and pretends it to be beyond reproach, I like to call them on it. You make it easy. At least you have given up on the 1 million part and made it about Lindbergh. Lindbergh with an h at the end. A historian of your caliber should know that. 

    You made more sense when you were pretending to know what the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was. 

    It’s easy to understand why you won’t take the All in the Family bait. Good for you. Hopefully you learn the pointlessness of embellishment. Unlikely, I know. It’s almost as bad as the jackass here that wanted people to think he went to school with Susan Collins. 

    I made it about LindbergH LEADING the AFC(850k members and certainly many followers), because at the time people were saying his were the "the words of Hitler" and "straight from Berlin".  The only thing I'm giving up on is that you're capable of making an OBVIOUS AF connection.


    The SPR IS crude oil(but only in 4 specific holding locations), no matter how much you want to pound the table that it's not, and the fact that it isn't low either.  -U.S. Crude Oil Reserves - 110 Year Historical Chart | MacroTrends


    Bait?  I'm not the one who claimed housewives sit on the couch.  When you show me embellishment, I'll take the point, but that hasn't happened yet.  You're just really bad at math and making obvious connections.  Like I said, if Tibs and Billsy both follow Joe Biden and cheer his commie speeches, after he was pinned by Chairman Mao and Stalin personally, they're probably commies themselves.  Not just "good people" mixed up with the wrong crowd.  Honestly, and LD 8-year-old could make that connection, but somehow I'm the jackass of dumbassery.     LOLOL


    Let me guess, you're only correcting my spelling, because "I make that easy" too? At least we know you're only going after what you deem to be the low hanging fruit.  Yeah, no.  It's pretty obvious you have an aversion to certain facts, and I happen to be providing them.  I guess I won't take it personal, then. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, JDHillFan said:

    I don’t need you to show me gravity but thank you nonetheless. All I have asked is for you to back up the baseless claim you made. You can’t (there is not a single reference you can cite)and evidently all you have left is “some people listened to Charles Lindbergh”. 

    Why on earth did you claim that Edith Bunker played video games? 

    What was Lindberg saying, that they were listening to?  Why were they spewing hate at their meetings, and inviting antisemitic guest speakers, but gaining members instead of losing them?  I get it, you want me to show you their Nazi party membership cards.  I can't, but I can show you their America First Committee cards, though.  I can only assume you're going to be a very busy boy on here asking people for proof that Americans are commies and marxists.  Hope you got A LOT of free time.  


    Because that's what homemakers do, apparently.  Not imo, though.  If you really want info on it, it's in the Butker thread.  

  3. 11 minutes ago, JDHillFan said:

    Your first paragraph here is commonly known as “deflection”. Incredibly weak on your part. 

    You made a ridiculous statement several days ago, one that you tried to lend an air of authority to with “you may not be aware” that you can’t corroborate with a single reference. That’s on you. 

    I will donate to the anti-nazi charity of your choice if you can find a post where I call someone a commie. You don’t want to spend a lot of time looking. Would be a waste. 

    Have you called anyone out for calling people commies and marxists?  No, why not?  You seem very eager here to claim that people who were STILL behind Lindberg, after he refused to return his medal, when they knew all the awful things that were happening to the Jews at the hands of the Nazis, weren't Nazis.  You're asking me to show you gravity, when you know the best I can possibly do is explain it to you.


    Will you donate if I can show a post that you liked or agreed with that someone was accused of being a commie?

  4. 26 minutes ago, JDHillFan said:

    A good part of your schtick is to make a ridiculous claim, be completely unwilling to back it up despite having access to the internet, and then spinning and spinning as you are questioned on the original ridiculous claim. I will gladly move along if you can provide a single link where you gleaned the information that “America first is a group of 1 million American nazis”. Should be easy enough, right? 

    Rhetorical question as such a link does not exist. The only place it exists is in your imagination. 

    Now, about Edith Bunker and those video games…

    Can you show me one single link where anyone of the nutbars on here gleaned that ONE SINGLE American is a commie or a marxist?  I can show you 10,000 posts where people make that claim, but You'd be awful busy asking them for the proof/evidence wouldn't you?  


    Again, if Hitler and Goring are pinning you a hero, because you're helping try to spread Nazism in America, you're a Nazi yourself. If you're in the group that hero is speaking to and cheering on, I'd have to assume you're a Nazi simp at best.  If it talks like a Nazi, it's a Nazi.  Otherwise, I'll more than happy for you to stop calling anyone a commie, until you can provide proof of their party affiliation cards.  

  5. 3 minutes ago, JDHillFan said:

    one MILLION American nazis

    Dr Evil GIF

    keep digging 

    Would it be better if we called them antisemitic American Nazi sympathizers?  Have you come up with a way to explain why the group got larger the more the antisemitism rhetoric was ramped up?  Any reasoning why the "good people" in the group stuck around after they knew what a horrible direction it was headed in?  850k actual members, so you must be bad at math.  Anyone who remained an isolationist after Hitler was showing that defeating Europe might be a piece of cake, was not just a Nazi, but also un-American.  Did they think that we'd just be good buddies with the Nazis after they conquered everything???  Maybe instead of Israel, we could have just had our across the sea Nazi buddies send us all the Jews, and we could give them Montana or something.  The absolute funniest part of this whole discussion is you guys call EVERYONE commies.  Try to imagine me arguing that I'm in a group, who's spokesperson was personally pinned with highest honors by Stalin and Chairman Moa, but STILL insisting I'm not a commie.  Can you DIG that?   / 

  6. On 5/24/2024 at 3:11 PM, L Ron Burgundy said:


    Headlines are all that matter.  Content not so much.  Sources are literally insane.

    JD tries to pick apart some of my posts.  I always provide plenty of support for my arguments.  GQP clowns drop LITERALLY THOUSANDS of right-wing nonsense tweets, and not a peep from him about those same tweets, that I usually tear apart with 3 minutes of research.  

  7. 5 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    I’d be willing to bet your mother would reject the notion she was a victim in any way shape form.  I also recognize how fortunate we were. 


     I never made the point with @daz28, but were my father here today, he would tell you my homemaker mother was the backbone of our family, and that had little to do with what her occupation.   

    Great to hear on you and your wife—also likely a very strong person to chart that path.  

    I think if Butker said that every family should be able to have one parent(no gender stated) at home to be the backbone of the family, and that we need an economy that supports that kind of family unit, he would have had a boatload more people on board.  

    On 5/23/2024 at 12:26 PM, Tommy Callahan said:

    Didn't do a good job with the backstory.   Is it still rambling about butkers wife?  Does he know she runs their company?  



    I don't remember ever mentioning anything about his wife.  Maybe I did, but rambling???

  8. On 5/24/2024 at 1:34 AM, phypon said:

    I guess you never heard of the Declaration of Independence or the Monroe Doctrine.  But, hey, keep doing your best to sling the word "Nazi" around.  It's clearly your last resort after calling everyone a "racist".  Your garbage isn't working anymore.  


    If you want to talk about history, yes, there was a Nazi influence in this country as well as a communist influence in this country (which I believe still persists).  If you don't want to make America great or put America first then maybe YOU are the Nazi.  

    Calling everyone racist?  I don't think so.  Calling some people who are openly anti-LGBTQ bigots?  Guilty as charged.  Yes, there were both Nazi and communist influences.  A lot of people on here won't accept that fact that there were Nazis(or Nazi simps-just as bad), unless they were riding a panther into the Ardennes under the Waffen SS Death head banner.  

  9. On 5/24/2024 at 8:09 AM, JDHillFan said:

    Historian Susan Dunn has concluded that, "Though most of its members were probably patriotic, well-meaning, and honest in their efforts, the AFC would never be able to purge itself of the taint of anti-Semitism."[6]


    Historian Daz28 has concluded there was a group of 1 million American NAZIS!! 🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♂️

    When Lindberg gave his speech blaming Jews for everything, and Germany was openly doing horrible things to Jews, that might have been a good time to separate from the group.  Did they? No, they became even more popular.  They clearly had moved on from just an isolationist group at that time. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    Of course, all he needs to do is think in his head' "declassified", and then it is so (actual argument from republicans because they are smart).  He would sandwich that thought between, witchhunt, witchhunt, mcdonalds, golf, mcdonalds, nice rack, mcdonalds, diet coke, witchhunt.

    You don't need to be able to declassify documents by thinking about it, because you could just pardon yourself before stealing them.  Who am I kidding he has total immunity from everything anyways.  That my friends is called the triple twisting of fallacies, that maga is too dumb to figure out.  What will him and his lawyers claim next?  That he can suspend the Constitution?  That he can serve more terms, because he was treated unfairly???  Oh nm, they already claimed that.  Imagine how dumb you'd have to be to........     and they keep surprising us.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 25 minutes ago, JDHillFan said:


    I am open to learning. Can you provide a link to anything that ties “America First” to a group of 1 million American nazis? 

    It’s now a rhetorical question. Just another instance of you pretending to know something. The “you may not be aware” bit does give it an air of authority however. Nicely done. 

    And what about Edith?

    You need a better link than their top spokesman Lindbergh?  A guy who literally was given The Commander Cross of the Order of the German Eagle by Hilter, personally pinned by Goring a few weeks before Kristallnacht.  Do you think it's any surprise that after CL gave the speech I quoted before, that it's when AF was the most popular it ever was?  If there were any non-Nazis in that group, they CERTAINLY would have left it after hearing that, and seeing what was happening to Jews in Germany.  Some of those "good people" were AT BEST Nazi simps.  So we have 850k in America First, 25k in the Bund, which is $875k ACTUAL MEMBERS of Nazi movements.  I imagine they had a few friends, who weren't actual card-carrying members, which would take us easily over 1M.  

  12. 49 minutes ago, JDHillFan said:

    You have a habit of making claims without being able to back them up. 

    Google: German American Bund membership and you will find estimates of a group of 20-25K


    Google: America First Committee and you will find 

    The America First Committee was founded in 1940 by a group of Yale students, many of whom would go on to distinguished careers, and funded by prominent Chicago business leaders. It was one of the largest peace organizations in U.S. history, with more than 800,000 registered members.

    It was a true coalition of left and right. America First included Sinclair Lewis, the novelist, e.e. cummings, the poet, Walt Disney, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Norman Thomas, the socialist leader. Joseph Medill Patterson, the liberal publisher of the New York Daily News, was a member, as was his cousin, Robert. R. McCormick, who published the conservative Chicago Tribune. Its best known member was a genuine American hero, Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, who became the public face of the America First movement.


    I am open to learning. Can you provide a link to anything that ties “America First” to a group of 1 million American nazis? I look forward to being educated. 

    Can you also educate me on how you ever got the impression Edith Bunker played video games? Wtf was that all about?

    AF: "Seeking to brand itself as a mainstream organization, America First struggled with the problem of anti-Semitism of some of its leaders and many of its members", according to the historian Dunn.[6] The group had some Jewish members at the outset: Sears heir and philanthropist Lessing J. Rosenwald was on the national committee; former California congresswoman Florence Prag Kahn was a member; and the first publicity director for the New York chapter was Jewish.[6] However, the automotive pioneer and infamous anti-Semite Henry Ford had joined the national committee at the same time as Rosenwald, which soon led to Rosenwald resigning.[35] In response, America First removed Ford from the national committee and also removed from it Avery Brundage, whose actions at the 1936 Berlin Olympics were associated with anti-Semitism.[6] Attempts by America First to recruit other Jewish people to the national committee found no takers.[35] As Dunn writes, "the problem of anti-Semitism remained; some chapter leaders spewed anti-Semitic accusations, while others invited anti-Semitic speakers to address their members."[6] America First tried to keep some distance between itself and the popular radio priest and fascist sympathizer Father Coughlin.[36]


    AF: Lindbergh was not the only person advocating for American isolationism based on notions of white supremacy, nor was he unique in suggesting that Jews were the single group most interested in involving the United States in the war in Europe. Anti-Semitic radio preacher Charles Coughlin embraced Lindbergh’s message, and Lindbergh’s public statements would serve as a prime impetus for the creation of the America First Committee in 1940. The group, which boasted a membership of 800,000, opposed American aid to the Allies and counted Lindbergh as its most prominent spokesperson.


    AF: The collapse of the German-American Bund was not the end of the pro-Nazi movement in the United States. The America First Committee, whose spokesperson was Charles Lindbergh, was founded in 1940 to support American isolation and Nazi appeasement. Lindbergh crossed the country to hold rallies that blamed Roosevelt and American Jews for pushing the country closer to war. The America First Committee dissolved once the United States entered World War II.


    Lindbergh poured particular ire on the Jews. “Jewish groups in this country,” he told the crowd, should realize that in the event of war “they will be among the first to feel its consequences.” Individual Jews, he concluded, presented a unique danger to the United States because of their “large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our Government.” Despite the alleged machinations of these groups, Lindberg reserved hope that they might cease their efforts to push the U.S. toward war. If that could be managed, he said, “I believe there will be little danger of our involvement.”

    Lindbergh’s address that night created a huge national controversy. It was covered on Page 2 of the New York Times and in most of the country’s major papers. Letters poured into newsrooms and America First headquarters both supporting and denouncing Lucky Lindy.


    The Bund reference was to show Doc that not only had Hitler used make Germany great again, but that it even spread over here into make Germany and America great again.  The fact that the Bund only had 25,000 dues paying members doesn't mean that many others followed or supported them.  

  13. 14 minutes ago, Doc said:


    No need to lie.  Biden's got a terrible track record to go after, not just empty promises for when he gets into Office.

    That's what I said, he will be able to win on border and economy hands down, but they will be gross exaggerations, and anecdotal nonsense.  What he won't do is answer a single question that he is asked.  He tried to lie his way through Kaitlin Collins, and he got absolutely wrecked.  He will probably use that he can't talk about his trials considerably as well.  That's the gift that keeps on giving for him.  

    • Eyeroll 1
  14. 10 minutes ago, Doc said:


    I'm also sure a lot of people aren't aware of this alleged "history."  What does that tell you? 


    And link?

    It tells me that "there are, I assume, some good people, too".  Just like America First might have had some good people, but that didn't stop the Nazi ones from driving all the Jews from their ranks and memberships.  That was Henry Ford's job.  If they had listened to these don't attack Hitler clowns, right now we'd be buying our oil from the 3rd Reich.    


    Oh look, here's an American Nazi blending the slogans.  LOL

    German-American Bund leader Fritz Kuhn promises to make Germany and America great once more at a rally at Irving Park and Narragansett on June 18, 1939.



  15. Just now, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    My lady does both on occasion but she does prefer old fashioneds.  Either way, drinks have gotten outrageous at restaurants and bars.  Paid $17 for a makers old fashioned in Nashville recently when a fifth of it goes for less than $35 here.

    I was just mocking his misogyny.  Maybe Mr. Butker can give the ladies a few tips on how they should like their drinks.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Pokebball said:

    A mistake is to try to make this a Dem or Repub thing

    I already know both sides were asking twitter to selectively remove things, and that's wrong.  It becomes a real problem if they try to legislate what can be posted, instead of politely asking.  The difference between the two is a mountain and a mole hill here though.  Silencing the opposition from presenting facts in Congress is 100x worse.  

  17. 15 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    Na.  The modern left always reverts back to a larger and more encompassing state.  And believes it's the states job to provide.  


    That's the god on the left.  Can't get their way.  Prey to the state to smite the enemy



    I'm not a fan of big government, but it's a fact that citizens have many times been needed to be protected to be considered equal.  Can't say that there's been many times, if any, that the government was needed to protect the Christian faith.  That's just the QGP rallying fear votes, which they're great at.  

  18. Still better than censoring factual speech on the floor of the House that criticizes the private citizen king, but let's talk about what the CIA may or may not have done.  Remember when trump's CIA director destroyed the video evidence of torture, that got her the job??  

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