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Florida Bills Fanatic

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Posts posted by Florida Bills Fanatic

  1. 23 hours ago, First Round Bust said:

    gotta wonder how much longer Gruden has over there esp if he has another subpar season, but the overpay likely keeps him around past a nomal shelf life...

    10 years at $10M per year says that he'll be there until Mark Davis can afford to pay two coaches.  It's going to be a while.  I'm always glad to see another AFC team in the crapper.  Gruden, Mayock, and Davis may be the only three humans on the planet capable of making a sports franchise in Las Vegas fail.  Time will tell if they pull it off.

  2. 5 hours ago, eball said:


    Good stuff on Rousseau.  As for Obada’s hit, I still don’t think it was dirty.  Just watched it again; he didn’t go for the knees and really just tried to wrap the QB’s leg up at the ankle.  It was a bad call in my opinion.


    Side note: does anyone know if it is O-BAH-da or O-ba-DAH?


    It might be O-BLAH-DEE or O-BAH-DA.  I'll ask Paul McCartney....

    • Haha (+1) 3
  3. Excellent breakdown of the game. I think you nailed it. It's great that you take the time to do this for all of us.


    I was a bit surprised by the burst shown by Singletary.  He hit the hole quickly and decisively.  That was missing last season.  Their best running plays were the draws, dives and traps.  When they tried to run the outside stretch plays, they went nowhere.  This o-line is not very good at a zone blocking scheme.  They are best at straight ahead, hat on a hat power blocking.


    It was clear that the younger db's struggled playing in the complicated Mc'D zone.  There were several apparently blown assignments.  There will be lots of teaching moments for them in the video from the second half.

    • Agree 2
  4. A lot of people had it initially wrong on Allen but they still want to talk about his first season and a half.  What they don't want to talk about was the poor state of the roster at that time.  The second half of the second season improved because some of the additions to the offense started playing well together.  Allen was part of that improvement and benefitted from the improvement of others.  Allen's work with Jordan Palmer apparently had a huge impact in year three.  Allen deserves the credit for putting in the work and making the improvement.  It kills some people in the media to admit that they had it wrong with Darnold, Rosen, and to a lesser degree Mayfield.  Cowherd is the kind of guy that acknowledges when he was wrong.  He also calls things as he sees them without mincing words.  I listen to his show when I can.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Gordio said:



    How could you not be on board with the Bennett trade from the onset?  That trade was a HR the moment it was announced.  I knew the Bill fleeced the Colts/Rams

    I thought Bennett was a head case coming out of college and was a "me first guy".  Bills were loaded with team first guys and I believed he would create a problem.  Fortunately, none of that happened.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. I was at the game with more than a couple of cold "pops" consumed and ticked off because I felt the Bills had played poorly.  I also hadn't been on board with the Bennett trade.  Two minutes later, I was back on the bandwagon and denying that I had ever doubted the wisdom of the trade.  The best part of the whole thing was watching Elway on the sideline when their game fell apart.


    Unfortunately, I was also present in London when E.J. gave Bills fans the exact opposite game experience.  I believe it took him only slightly more than 77 seconds to give the game to Jacksonville.  Luckily, there was a great pub down the street from our hotel.

  7. 6 hours ago, thenorthremembers said:

    I dont know what the Giants are doing with Gettleman and Judge.  Just another complete waste of time ala the Ben McAdoo, and Pat Shurmur hires.   They are something like 29-51 since Coughlin was let go in 2015.    They are without question one of the worst run organizations in the league, and it's not going to get any better until they clean house including the guy they are running out at QB.  

    Looks to me that they're just trying to keep pace with the JESTS.  Maybe it's just a Meadowlands thing.  Either way I agree that they are run very poorly.

  8. Houston has had some very good seasons but has slowed down significantly.  His work against the run hasn't been good at all.  His signing looks like a move to add some depth in hopes of getting some rotational work out of him.  I don't picture him being a high snap count player anymore.  Seems like $4 m is a reasonable gamble to take.

  9. Just when the Jests fans think they are crawling out of the bottom of the league, stuff like this keeps happening.  The longer this goes on, the better it is for the Bills.  Their front office keeps demonstrating a degree of ineptitude that is increasingly difficult to understand.  On the other side of this, the Wilson kid needs to understand that his success in the league is not guaranteed.  Rookies as talented as him have failed in the league because they didn't take full advantage of their opportunity.  Missing time in training camp is not on the road to being successful.

    • Agree 1
  10. 1 hour ago, HappyDays said:


    I have trouble finding a spot for Ford on the o-line. He isn't going to be a RT any time soon with Darryl Williams and Spencer Brown on the team. We didn't exactly miss him at G last year. I think Lamp fits our scheme and is a better pass protector than Ford, so if he stays healthy I think he will beat Ford in an open competition. At which point Ford will be expendable. And he isn't worth a 3rd to any team.

    I can't say that I disagree with you but the fact that John Miller is still on an NFL roster tells me that Cody Ford may have some surprising value.  Ford has been banged up for a good part of his time in Buffalo and that may have had some impact on his game.  In addition, young players have a lot of trouble with zone blocking schemes and Ford really struggled with it.  I expect him to see a bunch of preseason playing time as an audition for a potential trade.  I do expect him to be gone before the start of the regular season unless there a bunch of o-line injuries.

  11. I don't really care whether either one of these two clowns ever play in a game ever again.  It seems that the Packers won't be inclined to do anything to help these guys move on to another team.  They also don't seem to be afraid to let things run their course. They can hold Rodgers through the term of his agreement and can go the franchise tag route with Adams next year.  The players can undertake an expensive hold out, retire, or report and cause trouble.  I still believe that all of this is mostly about Rodgers wanting to control when he leaves GB and wanting to pick his new team ( like Brady).  I'm just glad that Buffalo doesn't have this kind of thing going on.

  12. This time of the year, sports writers need to stick with decaf. Never forget that they are trying to sell stories, clicks, and advertising.  Much of the ongoing drama is much ado about nothing.  Rodgers won't walk away from $35 M, Thomas won't miss a significant number of games, Henderson will be just fine for the Rams, and SF won't have a mass exodus to IR like last season.  Tampa Bay may or not win the NFC but it won't be a cake walk.  They were lucky to avoid a bunch of injuries.  They may not be that lucky two years in a row.

  13. I've been to a lot of Bills games in different cities and have seen a bunch of seriously bad confrontations with fans from other teams.  The worst places for me have been Philly, Meadow Lands (Jets), Miami, and KC.  It doesn't surprise me that some nut cases take things to this kind of crazy extreme. It's sad that two lives were lost/ruined by this.


    For what it's worth some great visiting fan venues for me have been Indy, Nashville, Cincinnati, and Jacksonville.  I found their hometown fans to be cool with fans from visiting team.

  14. 7 minutes ago, NewEra said:

    Great timing Mike.  Worst contract in the nfl.  

    You've got that right.  Apparently wanted to take it easy during training camp and underestimated the recovery time.  Just another case of paying a guy and having him check out.  If this had been a contract year for him, I would bet the surgery would have been done months ago and he would be in the rehab process.  The Saints need their few remaining top end talent guys to carry the load this season and Thomas does this.  This is why a lot of owners don't like paying high end contracts.

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. Let's see how this runs its course before throwing the guy out of town.  If the Bills end up having a bunch of guys missing games because of unvaccinated players, the pressure inside the locker room and the front office will force some action.  There are a relatively few players on the team that are not expendable.  Cole is not one of them.  I'm hoping that common sense will prevail and the players either get vaccinated or comply with the negotiated protocols.  If they do neither, then I'm okay with the league dropping the hammer on them in the form of fines and suspensions.  Lots of people talk big until it's time to back it up.

  16. Eric may have been the best pure athlete to play in Buffalo.  The front office hit a home run when they drafted him but failed to put even an average team on the field for a good part of his career.  I hate to see a great player wasted like that.  I was lucky enough to see most of the home games during his time in Buffalo.  Opponents always gave him a lot of attention but most times it did not matter.  He made contested balls luck easy.

    • Agree 1
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