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Posts posted by mrjsbu96

  1. Why? Because I speak the truth?




    this does not have as much to do with being a 'good' bills fan as it does just being an intelligent fan. luckily it does seem as though you are in the minority.


    and while i will admit watching jp grow up will be difficult especially considering the potential caliber of our defense this is the best option. i live out in nj and people wanted to string up eli manning last year. it is only two games for him, but so far it looks like that pick is working out. the lions are about to give harrington, what his 2nd or 3rd year, and he was a top round pick. the kid has only played two games in his career - it is going to take time and experience to develop.


    there is a reason why holcomb has not started in this league - time to give up that option and understand that most nfl qb's will almost always stuggle in their first year

  2. Looks like we'll have one more chance before the half for Losman to put SOMETHING together.


    Even though its still preseason, I'm going to announce my first "If we pass on 1st down, I'm going to eat a puppy" decree for the 2005 season.  Just to let Mularkey & Company know I mean business, its going to be a cute dog too.




    yeah, because this game plan was designed with the lions in mind and winning the pre-season game, not to help along our QB...

  3. I've got no idea about your question Jim, but want to give a big AMEN to that trip! This is my 5th straight year of making the drive up from NJ on Friday night. Saturday is golf, Anchor Bar, Canadian ballet, Chippewa, Jim's Steakout, closing time, 3-4 hours of sleep, and then lot 5 at 9am!! Drive home that night around 6 or 7!

  4. For the extremists and even some of the most level-headed, I don't think there is anything Losman can do tonight that will alleviate their worries or adjust expectations...of basically a first-year, very young rookie starting QB...but hopefully I am wrong.


    I am not one of those and have prepared for a tough year watching our offense, but a team that can hopefully pull off what the Ravens did a few years ago...

  5. The match sold out in mintues. Luckly I am a member of the US Soccer Federation and got my two tickets to the game.


    The girlfriend and I are driving down to C-Bus Saturday morning and we can't freakin wait! The tailgates with Sam's Army - dare I say - are better than any football tailgates I've been to. That being said, the guy that started Sam's Army is from and lives in Buffalo.


    The atmosphere inside the US National games is amazing, you'll never experience anything better. There's just something about going to the game, rooting for your country and doing it actively with songs and chants. The closes I can explain it to is college football in a place like Nebraska or Texas.


    That being said, soccer haters continue to hate, but more and more people are being sucked into the "dark side".


    Anyone from TBD going down? I know there is a bunch of people driving down from Buffalo.




    clutch - I just want to second the notion. I'm from Buffalo and now live in NJ. I think my highlights have been the "No Goal" Stanley Cup game and a few of the World Series Yankee games vs Arizona a few years back and nothing to this day beats the atmosphere of the US Qualifier I want to a few years back in Washington, DC vs Honduras. It was unbelievable - even people with us that came just for the 7am tailgate (the game was at 10am) really got in to the game b/c of the nationalism and also because of the smoke bomb thrown on to the field and how they continued to "play on!"

  6. Here we go.  Here's the typical "it's just the pre-season crowd".  The same crowd that last year said, we're only 0-1, it's not the end of the world.  It's only 2 games.  0-2 is nothing.  Then 0-3 came, but we still have hope.  0-4, now it's time to get pissed. 


    Then, turn around an get all excited because we dominated a pathetic schedule in the 2nd half of the season, only to finish 9-7 and out of the playoffs BY ONE GAME.


    Every game matters.  Especially when they have a young QB.  If they weren't trying to win like some of you morons think, JP wouldn't be so pissed off afterwards that they go nothing done.


    It is only pre-season, but you'd be a fool if you weren't worried a little about the offense.  The line has looked below average.  JP hasn't really done anything yet to wow anyone.  The RB's haven't looked all that great either.  Not bad, but not great. 


    Lastly, this is the first decent defense we've played this year.  And they stifled us, in a game that all the regulars were supposed to assert themselves.  It didn't happen.


    Little bit troubling.  We'll see though, because it is somewhat true, it's only pre-season!


    Oh, and I don't give a DAMN that JP is only essentially a rookie.  He's our QB on a VETERAN team that is pretty solid.  Our QB, needs to get it done, because with contracts up, this team won't be the same as he gets "seasoned" 2 or 3 years from now.



    hey va - you are right, he is the who the brass picked to lead and he is the leader but i just really think you need to adjust expectations. i am not even of the 'it's preseason' mindset rather we have a young guy at qb. what happened last year with big ben was an extremely rare occurrence. and honestly, i don't think he played THAT well, rather he did not make mistakes and had a good defense. sounds pretty similar to what we have going here (winning games vs starters and no turnover's so far). so, when he does struggle with decision-making or gets 'hot feet' i think we all need to realize who he is, and just hope he does not have a 5 season learning curve.

  7. :( ...based on anemic performances in the crucial game #3 of the '05 pre-season, overwhelming depression and titanic adjustments in perspective have altered the expectations of the rival fans. In a post-game demonstration of stray online rants and 3am Letter to the Editors, the NY Post, Daily News, and Buffalo News are reporting both teams will cancel the season to save face amid the backlash.

    - Pre-printed with permission from "The Onion"




    To the doom & gloom ("D&G") out there -> check out Pennington's stats last night. In addition to it being pre-season, I'm not sure the "D&G" noticed but we basically have a rookie QB. He has still not started a "real" game and he IS going to struggle this year. He is going to make mistakes, and he is going to make bad judgements. Set your expectations straight from the start and perhaps you won't run off the cliff with the rest of the lemmings...

  8. I've seen the Bills play in the Meadowlands, wore my Bills gear in the endzone and had a pleasant day (of course the Bills won).   The negative image of the NYC fan is largely a myth.




    I wish I could agree with this story since I live in Hoboken, NJ, but last year while sitting with my wife I was jumped. I was not acting obnoxious - I sat and politely clapped. I was wearing a Bledsoe jersey, but fact is I do not think I stood once. This guy was just a drunken moron who thought he had to "step up on behalf of all Jet fans." He was kicked out and supposedly his season tickets were revoked.


    Point is, factor in alcohol and I don't care where you are, there is also the possibility something will happen...

  9. Greeny gives ZERO respect for the Bills!


    He always talks about the JETS JETS JETS. He forgets the Bills knocked them down one size last year and who knowcked out Chad last year!

    I sent him an email early this morning. I hope he sees it before they talk about Buffalo.




    greenberg is plain and simple a weiner - he was the kid usually picked last in gym glass, but grew up following sports.


    did anyone catch what their predictions were? i had to head in to work after the mularkey interview!

  10. you answered your own question.  those who agree with the move are happy, but just can't shake the "we should have kept bledsoe and let losman learn for another year" contingent.  thus, the need to rip bledsoe in order to justify the bills' decision.


    he IS a good guy.  he just isn't a good QB anymore.  and, by the way, the finger was a bit extended when he left.  or didn't you see the dallas PC when he made it a point to say that his kids "got rid of that other stuff" referring to their bills gear?




    I didn't think that was a finger extended more so than I thought a feeble attempt at comedy. At least if he keeps moving like this, the Mac Bledsoe foundation will get more exposure. I am really glad he is gone, but nonetheless I was surprised to see this from Peter King:


    I think, speaking of Drew Bledsoe, which we were earlier, he's getting into high statistical altitude now. With 432 passing yards, he will pass John Unitas (40,239) on the all-time passing-yards list. Then, 312 yards after that, Bledsoe will pass Joe Montana (40,551). That would put Bledsoe eighth all time.

  11. Hakuna Rettata.




    i just don't get the point in ripping a guy no longer with the team. i agree, it was the right move and can't wait to see the start to the "jp" years, but bledsoe was a professional and a class act. with so many guys out there like owens, moss, ray lewis, and the 'wizzonator' just to name a few, can't we just wish the guy luck and leave it there? it's not like he left town with the finger extended

  12. I recently picked up Empire Sports on DirecTV out here in New Jersey (nothing to do with 8 hours of indoor drinking during the blizzard). There has been a lot of great stuff on but it has been hit or miss. Anyone have an idea of what/when they are planning to show? I got the great Bonnies documentary TiVo'ed and also some highlights from Bills talk shows over the years, but there has not really been any Sabre coverage so far and I am pretty tired of the 04 Buffalo HOF awards and Bison season recap.

  13. My favorite is - I believe - was the Miami game 2003 just after Thanksgiving...Ricky ran for over 100 in first half and it was tight going in to the half. Bills came out and scored on their first drive and right in tune with the impending Blizzard the Bills kicked off in to a white-out! I remember Travis (I think) running in to Jim Kelly's open arms in the endzone and the Bills cruised! I also remember 75,000 drunks singing "Let it Snow" along with the PA during a tee-vee timeout!

  14. While I know many other people are playing reverse psychology, my scenario keeps playing out in my head like this:


    Bills hold off last Steeler drive for a 21-13 win....As soon as the game is over the scoreboard either puts up the Jets game or shows the score with clock countdown as the Rams intercept a Pennington pass in the endzone to hold of a Jet rally and the Ralph is FAN-DAMONIUM, IT IS BEDLAM!!!!


    and this day will replace the Miami Thansgiving blizzard game as my favorite Bills game ever! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.... :lol:

  15. I was just wondering when "Bosswoman" was going to reply to his incorrect ruling on Spike's "legal" pass interference play?


    I think the majority of the posters are intelligent people with some cheerleaders thrown in there....but whether you are armchair QB or Peter King, many intelligent people say this team is playing some good football. And good football is just as important on all three teams - DEF, OFF, and ST. A big downfall to Greg Williams and Wade Phillips, was not spending enough time on ST.


    Lastly, while the OFF is not the most exciting, I would gladly watch it all season for a Super Bowl win; much like the Ravens did it a few years ago with D and ST and an OK offense.

  16. Truly minding my own business, I was given an "open-handed" right slap to the face. I never saw it coming and I returned favor with a right of my own and we ended up about four rows down.


    Jets security made us sign statements in the Stadium basement and about a quarter later we were back in our seats and the guy that delivered the B word-punch was ejected.


    Hats off to the Jet fans that came to my defense. I got a good punch back in and in most cases security would kick everone out.


    Thanks Jet fans that came to my defense.

  17. So, perhaps we would still be debating how well/bad Drew is playing, but a Lindell field goal, no Moulds fumble, or a safety call; or just making 2-3 plays irrelevant of these and they could be 2-0.


    Yeah, I know, that is the point and difference between 2-0 and 0-2 teams, is the good teams make these plays....hopefully, they can begin making these plays after the bye.

  18. Yankee fans are a lot things - and I am one them but first and foremost always a Bills fan - but this was not b/c they are a bunch of careless, thoughtless people.


    A committment was supposedly made by the Devil Rays. In addition to bringing 50K people to the Stadium this is now a game that the Yankees might have to play the day after the season ends. That is one less day for them to prepare their starting rotation, etc. It would be one thing had Tampa not made the committment, but if they did, and if they then broke that committment then the Yanks probably deserve the win - they shouldn't have to now alter their postseason rotation. Don't forget, there is a lot of animosity between the front office of both teams so there is more to this than the Yankee organization not having sympathy towards the unfortunate events and people of Florida.

  19. On Monday, the fiance and I will be doing a 1-day tour of downtown Buffalo. As of now, this is what we are doing:


    1) going to the Wilcox Museum to see where Teddy Roosevelt was sworn in

    2) headin 3 blocks over to the Anchor Bar for wings

    3) Drive past the Frank Lloyd Wright house (closed on Mondays)

    4) Head over and check out the broadway market


    We might also drive over to Deleware Park and Forest Lawn Cemetery if we have time.


    I'm from OP and don't know Buffalo all that well. The fiance has been to Buffalo but never downtown. Does this sound like a good first tour?




    Hey BillsNYC you tool - you make it sound like Orchard Park is three time zones away from the city!!!! What did they teach you guys at Fordham, anyway!

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