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Posts posted by mrjsbu96

  1. That'll be nice to see the throwbacks at the opener again - here's hoping for a similar result!


    Here's another nice little tidbit from his latest blog entry:


    PETERS: Jason Peters has progressed by leaps and bounds. He neutralizes everyone and pretty easily I might add. He's going to be left tackle material sooner rather than later. For this year though I think they'll let him continue to progress on the right side.




    this peters thing really amazes me. i mean, it just proves how much of a "science" the draft can be, right? we pick a 'sure-thing' prospect - mike williams -a few years ago, and we pick this kid up off waivers or wherever and look where they are now...so much can be said investing time in really getting to know the athletic ability and mindset of these kids when drafting

  2. Great reports, guys...but didn't those white helmets look sweet?  :doh:



    dude, i was just going to post the same thing/ask that question b/c i could swear i saw a picture in D&C and they were wearing the white helmets. i know the whole jersey issue is overblown and irrelevant but i just can't get over how much i hate the current jersey (mostly the white) and love the old helmets.


    it was just a one-time thing, right..... :lol:

  3. have any scouting repors from your local media? I've heard some rumors (on ESPN radio, mind you) that Culpepper's looked good. Figures.


    Any news from you road warriors?




    this really does not matter from a skill level, but the beat writers for the Jets have been blasting them in the papers out here b/c this new coach is trying to run camp like belli-CHICk -> stand-offish with the media, no player interviews, no real fan access to camp, etc. they even said on day 1 it went as bad as ferguson litterally running away from reporters trying to ask him questions.


    again, doesn't really mean anything, except appreciate how well a show the bills run up in rochester, which faced with a difficult season like this one you better have fan support for at least one reason.

  4. What is the best way to buy away game tickets - I want to go to the Indy and Chicago games (since I live in NW Indiana and don't get this opportunity much), but I don't want to get taken too badly for tickets - any help or do I have to just take it? - What about the hotel packages - usually a good deal or no?




    check with the local Bills Backer group - there is usually one in every big city and they usuall organize a big tailgate

  5. Anywhere outside of NY that provides even a semblance of a better life because this place will eat you alive with poor government leadership, poor government structure and a complete lack of willingness by our elected leaders to change things. And let's not forget the disgusting public unions who are leading this area into a a black hole by their refusal to give up their perks, negotiate copntracts fairly of give even the most minor concessions.


    What I want people who read this and live in Buffalo and WNY to realize is that A) politicians always kneel to their unions bosses who get them elected and the businesses that line their pockets and that B) things aren't changing here because of an inability to overcome state laws that make unions unbreakable because the reality is that personnel expenses are one of, if not the largest governmental expense and the one they have the least control over.


    Deal with reality. Either start voting for progrssive leaders willing to even tackle the tough issues and stand against the opposition or be like the smart young people and vote with your feet.


    If you look at what you like about Buffalo and WNY, you can find it somewhere else with cheaper taxes, a better government, more opportunities, and maybe even better weather.


    This place is done for. It's not me being cynical, it's me as well-heeled, masters educated local professional who deals with the government here and sees the beast from the inside. And I actually read the paper and vote against people who need to be out of office but somehow manage to stay in. So much for the so-called voter revolution.




    zonabb - I agree 100% with everything you have to say about WNY government, but I am not quite sure I am with you when you say "you can find everything you like about WNY and Buffalo" somewhere else. I do not believe you can find housing as cheap, nor do I believe you can find such good people. I am sure this is more than debateable, but those are the two things that have alluded me most. I now live in NJ and there is MUCH more opportunity, but the people are not the same, and honestly government has just as many problems here. New Jersey may not be the best example, but I understand the housing market has become just as bad now in the Carolinas, has it not?

  6. maybe if the players and coaches worried more about the product on the field instead of what the fans are saying- they wouldn't have to hear nasty comments.




    Everyone wants to keep taking "credit" for having TD and MM fired b/c of how these various people have mentioned the treatment they received when things went south. I highly doubt guys like these two give a crap or two about what is written on a message board. It is when the attacks turn personal. I think several of the local writers have done it, but what probably is not reported, is what happens to these guys when around town? Does anyone really know how his family is treated? Not being able to take the heat when in the spotlight is one thing...taking abuse from some drunken a$$wipe while trying to play air hockey with your kid at D&B is another.


    I could be wrong, but it just seems like the type of thing that could easily happen.


    I'm sure for the most part family treatment is irrelevant b/c getting W's is what matters most.

  7. KH, now you know why he was not a starter for some other team before he came to Buffalo .




    there was a football game today?!?!


    the bills backers rocked 16C today! even the jet fans were stopping over to see the legendary Kenny bowling ball shot, etc!


    Oh, and as long as there is tailgating, there is never a reason to give up seasons!

  8. The Ralph looked pretty empty today on televison...I am not surprised (game on tv, crap weather, crap team)...I was envisioning a great, snowy, classic game next Saturday night...... ;)




    I am driving in from New Jersey and have already solved this dilemma - brining my mobile satelite dish and receiver (with NHL package) and will tailgate while watching the Pens/Sabres in the parking lot!


    ...for that matter will probably stay in the lot to watch Hockey Hotline, or whatever they call it now, rather than go in the game!!!

  9. I am leaning toward Sirius, because of the NFL, two 80s music channels and an all-Elvis channel (for those of you who don't know, I am a huge Elvis fan).  There's also Radio Margaritaville, for those February days when I wish I was sipping a mai tai in Key West.


    I have both of their programming schedules downloaded, and while XM has baseball and an all PGA channel (two of my faves), it just seems to me that Sirius has slightly more to offer.


    BTW, I couldn't care less about Howard Stern.  I listen sometimes, but I don't find him all that funny.  But, I do think it's great that the "do-gooders"/political hacks at the FCC won't be able to touch him (which has to p!$$ them off to no end).


    Any thoughts?





    I am considering satellite also for Christmas and am relatively new to it. How much does weather effect either reception, if at all?


    Both have the NHL and do they play all games?


    The sport packages, or any others for that matter, are inclusive in the monthly price?



  10. i'd say team two. team one now doesn't have very solid rb's, they have to play matchups every week. but the wr's on that team do suck.


    ah team 1 just sucks altogether. (sorry if its your team)




    it's okay, somehow team 1 is 5-3 and in first place in its division. mainly on the back of QB and TE (Gates), along with playing matchups. mew moore has helped with reception points and barber and pittman have filled in when needed! also, wayne was huge, but i'm not sure how i got to 5-3 either. i actually honestly think thsi trade helps us both out.


    thanks for chiming in though!

  11. if the following trade took place who makes out best?


    larry johnson and clinton portis for reggie wayne and julius jones


    roster for team 1:

    julius jones

    antowain smith

    m pittman

    mew moore

    marion barber

    chris chambers

    tj houza

    r wayne

    jimmy smith

    darrell jackson


    team 2:

    larry johnson

    clint portis

    lamont jordan

    thomas jones

    donte stallworth

    santana moss

    andre johnson

    anq boldin

  12. They played their heart out.


    The big silver lining here is that the playoff facade is now over. The Bills can now see what kind of quarterback JP can become the rest of the season. We know we have a top runningback (imagine what he'll do if we ever get a top flight offensive line).


    I really don't think we're that far away from becoming a good team. If JP comes around, we get TKO back, and we get the offesive line shored up, this team will be pretty darn good next season.


    Oh yeah, and it appears the Pats dynasty is finally crumbling. The Colts are gonna kill em.




    For the most part, I'm with you. I would take 16 games played like this one (you will 'win-some, lose-some,' as it is better than watching what took place last week.


    I've got news for people, this is no longer a league where you 'wind it up' every 4-5 years and make a run. It has been proven we don't have a Super Bowl caliber defense. Teams can silently build themselves in to contenders without huge dropoffs in play.


    And people need to get over that 4th down pass last night....it was an absolutely atrocious play, but if the Bills score just one TD instead of a figgie on those last drives none of it comes in to play; or if we don't drop back to pass and turn the ball over with 5 minutes left...

  13. Thanks...I was wondering why I hadn't had the pleasure of a Sully article today.




    Deserved or not, I just can't imagine how Donahoe or Mularkey feel when they see this guy running around at the various press conferences. Mularkey has to want to pound this guy by now. It has to be something like getting shown up taking the third stike on a pitch thrown by the kid picked last in gym class...or something like that...

  14. I'm glad you posted this.  I wantd to myself.  Sam Adams played a pro bowl game yesterday at DT.  He was the sole cause of the bad snaps to vinny.  He was in their backfield ALL DAY.  He jumps like a caged bull at the first motion of the ball.  he has great reflexes.  Whether his stats show it or not, my game ball goes to Sam Adams.  DOuble teams were struggling to slow him down.  I felt bad for both Centers!




    Good call boys on Sam Adams....except I could have done without seeing his best imitation of a "refrigerator repairman" on that particular sack of Vinny deep in Jets zone...at least that is what I thought I saw as I spit up my Blue Light when CBS showed the replay!


    So much better waking up in New Jersey this morning after a Bills win over the Jets!!

  15. Anyone notice tarp covering the outermost sections of the upper deck while watching the Jacksonville game tonight? Perhaps it is just decoration not covering seats but wanted to see if anyone else picked up on it.


    Cheap way to get a sellout if they are actually covering seats...

  16. I have followed the Bills and have been a fan since 87. This is the first time I have felt zero hope for the team. I have supported them trough thick and lots of thin, even the RJ years. I always hoped they would pull it off. The latest move with taking JP out really sucks. There is no hope in Holcomb doing anything at all. JP career has been sabatoged. I have had season tickets for over ten years and I probably wont even watch this game. I know this horse has been beat to death, just wanted to vent my dislike for Malarkey the weak man who can stand up for doing the right thing.



    Mularkey has been doing football a helluva lot longer than probably anyone on this stupid board. I can't imagine how I would feel about anyone continually commenting on my job; especially considering the short-term memory lapse considering this guy was the toast of the town with what he almost accomplished last year.


    This is also just a football game. Maybe the Bills win, maybe they do not. It does not have to be about anything more than getting together with a few friends over a few pops and stop taking this stuff too serious.


    As for Holcomb, I wish the kid was still in, but good can still be accomplished. If he wins a few games then we ride it and our "#1" defense as long as we can. And if don't catch lightning in the bottle, the kid goes back in and learns on the job. Labatts will still taste the same either way...

  17. Young QB's would never start if every coach went by your rational.  Aikman, Elway, both Mannings...all of them (and many many more) struggled and their teams sucked their first year as starters.  It’s what happens, but the payoff is well worth it.


    And actually, I really don't have a problem with them sitting JP down here and there...but you don't do it when the team is entering the easiest part of the remainder of the schedule.  You do it if for the road games at Oakland and New England.  You protect the kid, you don't prevent him from having success.  Look at the success he had against a weak Texans team at home?  You think he couldn't replicate that against the Jets or the Dolphins at home?  That's how you build his confidence and let the kid learn.  This move reeks. 


    Do you really think they’ll sit Holcomb if the team wins these two games?  Holcomb is getting to start vs. the 2nd and 3rd easiest games on our entire schedule (the Texans game being the easiest).  If the team does well (which is should) JP isn’t going to sniff the field again until this team is officially eliminated from the Playoffs which should be somewhere around week 13-14.  That makes this move a giant waste of the season.  Yeah, we’ll have fun next year when we have to suffer through JP’s growing pains again.


    This move is horrible, period.




    It is kinda nice to see people talk civilized about this....


    My two cents - since our defense has not turned out to the 80's Bears or the more recent Ravens, we therefore aren't going anywhere and we should allow the kid to take his lumps and learn. I think this offseason has proved a young QB needs more than offseason drills, loft apartments and a great attitude; you need to learn from actual game experience.


    If this defense had been performing like a #1 D, then I can understand the rationale behind win now and installing Holcomb.


    Regardless, I'm looking forward to my drive up Jersey on Saturday and being in the Ralph lot by 9am Sunday!

  18. My brother and I are bring our oldest kids (ages 7 and 5) to the Dolphins game next week.  We are fling in from out of town.  Where is a good place to go to dinner saturday night before the game?  Some place near the airport or near Williamsville would probaly be preferable.  Any suggestions for great buffalo food?



    if you want buffalo food then of course you should go for the wings. i prefer the original at anchor bar, but if i recall, Duff's is a close 2nd (and for some people even better) and that is close to that area. at sheridan and millersport if i recall..


    of course, it has been a while since I lived there!

  19. I'm not advocating the benching of JP Losman because he will never be good.  I'm just saying that to win right now, Holcomb might be the better answer.  I don't believe that human beings...especially JP...are that fragile that a week on the bench will destroy his confidence.  It would probably make him more angry and maybe push his development.  One aspect of JP that i really like is that he refuses to suck.  RJ for example just took the abuse and didn't seem to care.  JP wants to and will get better.  But right now he is a white Akili Smith.  No accuracy, not as fast as we thought and slow decision making when the pocket breaks down.  Holcomb could probably steady the ship for a week or two.



    zow - I think there is more to it than confidence. You are right, JP is an extremely confident kid that "refuses" to suck, but to me what is really the issue is that the things that he needs to be a better QB will only come from experience. We all know he can throw and run the ball - but you can only get away with that in practice for so long. He needs to spend the year seeing the different formations, different D allignments, etc - again, you just can't practice how to learn when a DL is breathing up your back in the pocket.


    It is frustrating to watch, but like many other posters it is obvious that we are not 'wasting' away a Pro-Bowl D - they are an above-average D at best right now.

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