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Posts posted by ComradeKayAdams

  1. 14 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Well, I’m guessing that most reasonable people would think execution, violent and repeated sexual assault, murder, desecration of bodies, beheadings, and everything that went on on October 7 would be judged “intolerable”, but here we are exclusively discussing the response of the victimized.  What a world. 


    Be that as it may, I’m not in Israel, nor do I speak for the people of that country.  I’m simply looking at their response to the proposal and their actions since October.


    Yeah, what a world…a world that denounces collective punishment, ethnic cleansing, and genocide as a response to a terrorist attack…sounds like a world with a functioning moral compass, actually…a world that was overwhelmingly on Israel’s side after the October 7 attack and until Israel went psychotic… People who truly care about the future well-being of Israel will stop wallowing in realms of perpetual victimhood, stop indulging in interminable revenge fantasies, and start thinking about the factors that precipitated those unforgivable atrocities on October 7. You see the obvious analogy between 10/7 and 9/11, right??


    14 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    There is a tendency to over-complicate hot-button issues, where common sense is discarded and analysis by paralysis sets in.  Release the hostages—all of them—living, dead, brutalized, terrorized, Israeli, British, American, children, men, women.  That, by the way doesn’t reflect an act of peace, and the pertrators of the atrocity should still be hunted down.  It’s simply the only place to start, and people of faith should recognize that.


    Who is discarding common sense here?? You want a peace deal in which all Israeli hostages are immediately released. Awesome! So do I. Now what are you suggesting Hamas be offered in order for them to agree to such a deal? SUGGEST SOMETHING so that I can then give you my opinion of the likelihood that Hamas accepts it. You already know what I would suggest. If Hamas were to dare reject an Israeli offering of Palestinian statehood at this particular moment in the conflict’s long history, I believe Palestinians would quickly turn against Hamas.


    14 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    I’ll steer clear of the insinuations on your character here, Kay, I have no idea what’s really in your heart as it relates to all this.  You feel free to proceed as you see fit about mine.  It doesn’t matter to me, really, though it’s interesting that you find my position respectable yet chose this line of questioning.  

    Again, just applying reasonable standards here, 10/7 represents a pretty dark stain on humanity, carried out by one nation/people v another,  not limited to the 21st Century. 


    You don’t need to insinuate or speculate anything about me because I’ve been very clear and upfront on this topic. You can read my entire post history in this thread (February 13-16, March 4-8, March 23, April 15-22, and now). I’ve also posted in the equivalent thread over at BillsFans.com (October 10-13 and November 8). It’s disappointing that you are unable to denounce the blatant ethnic cleansing and genocide that Israel is committing in Gaza. I do think very highly of your character, believe it or not, which is why I’m particularly upset that you aren’t seeing through the Zionist propaganda permeating mainstream/corporate American media.


    14 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    No, this is unimaginative and reflects plumbing the depths of a shallow pool of imagination.  Seeing this through, FL, as a television personality/celebrity would be more likely to skew liberal, claim credit as some sort of activist, and fly from NYC to Europe to protest climate change.  Of course, FL would then hop a charter to Seoul to catch the TSwift Eras tour, then back home to LA to accept an award as a UN eco-Ambassador.   Meanwhile, of course, FL as a star of daytime TV, would have had access to Hollywood bigwigs—your Clooneys, your Streeps, your Harvey Weinsteins.  We know, of course, know where that leads—nobody knew nothing, least of all FL. 

    Don’t even get me started on Blossom. 


    You’re only reinforcing my point: it takes a high level of imagination to consider Mr. Lumpkins as anything other than a MAGA voter. What do you think Fuzzy’s policy stance is on gun rights?? How about eminent domain?? STOP DESECRATING MY CHILDHOOD. Next thing you’re going to tell me is that Jess Mariano wasn’t the perfect partner for Rory Gilmore, and that Rory would have been better off marrying Logan…<< Kay Adams eyeroll >>


  2. 6 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    I'm not certain why a reference to a character on Powerpuff Girls would catch your attention, but as a middle child I'm always appreciative to be noticed.  


    I recognize the complicated nature of the Middle East, concerns about past, present and future injustice in a world punctuated by madness, intolerance and apathy.  Israel has a burden to carry in that regard, as do the Palestinians.  


    I think the guiding hand of Israel has decided that given the choice between being an international pariah, and the murder/subjugation and the plans of Hamas/Palestinians for their nation as evidenced by the October 2023 atrocities, they will take the path to being a pariah, the events of November, 1948 notwithstanding.   


    I fail to see a reasonable path to peace when one of the conditions of coming together at the table of brotherhood  involves one side continuing to victimize, enslave, sexually assault and kill those children/women/men in captivity until some future time unlikely ever to materialize.  Though, in reality, I don't see a time in the near future when these two sides ever come together.  


    It's a crappy deal.


    The Powerpuff Girls reference conjured up childhood nostalgia. I was enjoying the ephemeral dopamine kick before getting to the rest of your post.


    An international pariah state status is a highly intolerable position in which an economically aspirational country can find itself. Ask 1980’s South Africa.


    I totally respect wanting all Israeli hostages released upfront in any peace deal, but my point is that Israel would need to initially offer something truly substantive to Hamas in return. Otherwise, the round of negotiations would abruptly end. That truly substantive thing would likely be on the order of a promise of Palestinian statehood, with an opening gambit maybe being the approximate pre-1967 Green Line borders? I do realize negotiations aren’t this simple, of course, especially considering that Netanyahu’s interests aren’t necessarily aligned with those of Israel (and likewise for Yahya Sinwar and Palestine).


    By the way, I can’t tell if you’re unaware of the full scope of the genocide in Gaza, or if you simply don’t value Palestinian lives nearly as much you do Israeli lives?? Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor is doing an admirable job of collating the facts and evidence of the genocide. The picture being painted is perhaps the darkest stain on human existence in the twenty-first century.


    P.S. Fuzzy Lumpkins would be a MAGA hat-wearing Trump voter in the year 2024. Disagree?

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. On 6/1/2024 at 6:38 PM, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    No Fuzzy Lumpkins, I wasn’t criticizing getting Brittney Grenier back, though I think JB was weak in that regard and Putin knew he could roll him.   In fact, Hamas apparently knows how to roll him too. 

    It is interesting how you see things when it’s Israeli men, women and children being brutalized.  You’re actually convinced that demanding the release of all kidnapped citizens as a condition of the ceasefire is a bad idea. 


    A Powerpuff Girls reference?? Leh-nerd, you had my curiosity…but now you have my attention.


    Hostages are the main negotiating leverage Hamas has over Israel, so demanding their full release is pointless before a suitable articulation of this Phase 2 criterion is met: “a permanent end to hostilities.” Unless Israel agrees beforehand to the end of apartheid practices or to the establishment of a separate Palestinian state, I don’t see why Hamas would bother entertaining such a condition to a peace agreement.


    The current peace proposal is obviously a good one for Palestinians because they badly need the humanitarian aid ASAP, but it’s also a good one for Israel because it’s in Israel’s financial and national security interests to avoid their international pariah state trajectory (and because some hostages released is always better than none). Acceptance of this proposal would also be ideal for Brokering Biden in terms of party coalition building and November electability. Better late than never, I suppose, even as Genocide Joe’s main leverage (the withholding of U.S. munitions) remains unutilized...


    Moot debate, however, since I believe Netanyahu already rejected the proposal. It should be apparent that hostage rescue and the defeat of Hamas (a practical impossibility, by the way) were secondary objectives to Israel’s government and to the IDF. It should have been apparent since late October that Israel’s main agenda was ethnic cleansing and a genocide to facilitate said cleansing. They want to finish in Gaza (plus the West Bank via acceleration of illegal settlements…plus southern Lebanon military encroachments…plus the Golan Heights) what they started with the Nakba in 1948. National security risks and/or make-believe Biblical mandates are the lies that Israelis tell themselves to justify their support of collective punishment, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. At least European settlers were a bit more forthright with Native Americans: they wanted their land and their resources, and they believed they were innately superior humans who could make better use of it all. Zionists have historically been far more duplicitous toward Palestinians, though the mask is slipping.

  4. 8 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    This play was the dagger. Hidden ball trick. Fooled everyone. Albany was cooked at that point. 


    In fact the Bandits used all sorts of Harlem Globetrotters-style moves all night. Stuff I'm sure they were saving for last night.


    LOL…Chase Fraser is such a showman! Many of the coolest and most creative lacrosse goals that I’ve ever seen came from him. That one-bounce goal of his last night was super fun, too.


    8 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    The Bandits are the most successful indoor lacrosse franchise. No other team comes close in attendance. Is it just because they have always been good? Is WNY, that includes several tribal areas, just a natural for the game? Albany is a very good team but only draws 4,000 average per game. I'm sure the NLL would love to figure out how to duplicate this level of success.


    A lot of the NLL’s problems come down to really poor marketing. It’s not so much that people are rejecting the pro lacrosse product as it is that people don’t even know of the league’s existence.

  5. On 5/18/2024 at 6:19 PM, BillsPride12 said:

    I recognize most of the posters on this side of the board are not currently living in WNY and they might not even know who the Bandits are LOL.  For those that still live in WNY what is your interest level in the Bandits?  I'm diehard when it comes to the Bills and Sabres but I just can't find myself getting into the Bandits even though they are about to play for their 2nd consecutive Championship tonight.  They do have a nice niche following around here but it's nothing like it would be if the Sabres were in the playoffs right now.  I believe the game is being aired live on some channel here tonight but I don't even know if I can sit through the entire game.  


    *For those that don't know the Bandits are the professional indoor Lacrosse team we have in Buffalo.  To be fair they are the most successful professional sports franchise we have ever seen in Buffalo haha 


    I don’t still live in WNY, but I follow the Bandits as closely as I do the Sabres and only slightly less intensely as I do the Bills. By any objective measure, as of last night the Bandits are now considered the greatest franchise in professional lacrosse history! That alone is worthy of our respect, regardless of how one might feel about this sport in relation to football or hockey.


    23 hours ago, DrW said:

    Same here. I like to watch outdoor lacrosse, but IMHO it does not translate well to indoors. The same applies to a number of sports. Indoor soccer is an atrocity, unless you need a sport for your kids in winter. Perhaps someone can come up with ideas for indoor polo - that would be a hoot.


    Point of clarification: the top pro indoor league of lacrosse is considered to be completely on par with the top pro outdoor league. This isn’t the case for gridiron football or soccer, but it is for lacrosse!


    The top indoor league is Buffalo’s National Lacrosse League (NLL), while the top outdoor league is the Premier Lacrosse League (PLL) which starts in two weeks. Many of the world’s top lacrosse players play in both leagues. Most of the Bandits’ offense, for example, also play together for the Carolina Chaos in the PLL (yet another Carolina/Buffalo pro sports connection…LOL…).


    Canadians and Indigenous peoples prefer the more physical indoor/box version of lacrosse, while Americans tend to prefer the outdoor/field version. The indoor version resembles ice hockey in style of play, with elements of strategy that are also seen in basketball. The outdoor version resembles soccer too much in pace, which is why I personally think the NLL will eventually overtake the PLL to become the undisputed top version of professional lacrosse in North America.

  6. On 4/30/2024 at 1:52 PM, HomeskillitMoorman said:

    I didn't see any posts here about this and I don't care what side of what aisle she's on...she's a disgusting clown-faced bi*tch. I hope this ends her in every way possible. 


    THANK YOU. Someone had to say it. A more understated approach to makeup application might serve her well.


    We actually knew Kristi Noem was a sociopath two years before news leaked of her dog-murdering ways. She is on record for defending abortion bans even in cases of rape. If you’re someone who thinks the state should force a 10-year-old girl to carry her rapist’s child to term, you’re also very likely to be someone who won’t think twice about blowing a puppy’s brains out for the crime of acting on its canine instincts.


    I doubt Trump was ever seriously considering her as a VP candidate. He may be a lot of things, but he’s not nearly as dumb as your stereotypical MAGA supporter who still believes Trump is fighting The Establishment (i.e., corporate oligarchs and their political puppets). Trump probably understands Noem’s limited demographic appeal. If he wants to get re-elected, he needs to expand beyond the simpletons clinging to their God, guns, and supple Ned Beatty a** cheeks in some nondescript forest parcel located in flyover country.


    Speaking of pig squealing…I implore all the dog-loving omnivores in this thread to look up Yulin’s “Lychee and Dog Meat Festival” and then to ponder the intrinsic differences between pets and farm animals. Spoiler alert: there aren’t any.



  7. On 4/23/2024 at 12:48 PM, ScotSHO said:

    Literally the first thing that pops up on google - aka a study that struggles to link CO2 and temps: https://www.mdpi.com/2225-1154/5/4/76


    Yay!! You can use an internet search engine! Now use it once more for any critiques of that paper’s flaws and limitations. Doing so may help explain why a paper that is 7 years old has negligible citations and no follow-up research, from the author himself or from any peers within the skeptical climate science community.


    The theme of my posts has been to direct some of that same skeptical energy toward the skeptics, too. The correlation between atmospheric carbon dioxide and surface temperature has been exhaustively researched over the years, so any future hypothesis that challenges the conventional wisdom has a steep mountain of scientific tests to climb.


    On 4/23/2024 at 4:40 PM, Orlando Tim said:

    The cooling of the stratosphere I finally looked up and it was presented less than 5 years ago based on the findings of people looking for global warming. I am not stating the cause is not what they state it is, I simply will wait for a little more time and until more people have gone through the data. This does bring us to our next point, which is what is the solution? Is turning it over to the government a good idea? We just saw what happened with COVID and how they messed it up, why do you believe they will do better? 


    You just looked up the stratosphere cooling effect NOW?? We’ve been talking about it for several weeks! The theory has been around for many decades, soon after the discovery of the stratosphere itself. How much more time is needed for the data to persuade you? 1 year? A decade? A century? A full geological epoch? I have already explained why the data is so persuasive. Climate skeptics always have unreasonable standards that are never rooted in scientific reasoning…


    A solution to anthropogenic climate change is way too nuanced for me to address in full right now (and I’d rather focus on NFL draft gossip, to be honest, because this is my personal Christmas in April!). So a very brief summary:


    1. What private industries should mostly control: market-driven technological innovation in solar energy, electric vehicle battery technology, nuclear energy, other green energy (wind, geothermal, hydro, biofuel), carbon sequestration, planetary terraforming, civil engineering, agricultural tech, and lab-grown meat.


    2. What the government should mostly manage: fundamental STEM research funding in everything related to the climate change problem, carbon market legislation for industries, green economy training programs for displaced workers of old energy economy, public transportation upgrades, all other civil infrastructure upgrades, regulations/land acquisitions for curbing suburban sprawl, land reforestation, and EPA oversight of environmental conservation practices.


    You brought up COVID, by the way, as if managing a sudden pandemic in real time is comparable to long-term planning for climate change… Ironically enough, the absence of effective government economic intervention (in the form of financially compensating citizens who were forced to not work) was an enormous socioeconomic stressor but a policy that libertarian types supported. The standard free-market solution was to keep everything open as normal, but doing so would have rapidly overloaded hospitals and led to many more deaths.

  8. 18 hours ago, T master said:

    So it's a bunch of num nut students that have no idea what they are there for or why they are supporting a cause,


    Broadly speaking, the purpose of these protests is to raise public awareness on any/all of the following issues:


    1. The ongoing genocide in Gaza.

    2. Israel’s illegal settlements in the West Bank.

    3. Israel’s active prevention of Palestinian statehood.

    4. Israel’s system of apartheid against Palestinians.

    5. The financial and diplomatic culpability of the United States in all of the above.


    The hope is that increased public awareness will, in turn, lead to both political pressure in the eventual form of a permanent ceasefire and widespread economic pressure in the form of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement.


    Judging by the level of media coverage of these college protests, both good AND bad, both nationally and internationally, I’d say that they have been wildly successful in their objective! Recent polling trends support my assessment.


    Nevertheless, what’s so pathetic (but predictable) is the intellectual regression of American right-wingers. For fleeting moments within the past decade, one COULD sort of argue that they were the standard-bearers of free speech and anti-establishment politics. Their overall response, however, to the Gaza crisis and to these protestors has erased such Pollyanna-ish thoughts.


    You’re not for the First Amendment if you want the police to crack down on peaceful college protests. You’re not a crusader against the political establishment if you so easily fall for media narratives framed by the MIC, AIPAC, and all corporate oligarchs who financially benefit from the bellicosity of the U.S. empire’s Middle East vassal state. And you’re DEFINITELY not the ones fighting Nazis if you condone collective punishment, ethnic cleansing, and genocide against anybody!

  9. On 4/22/2024 at 7:13 AM, Orlando Tim said:

    Both can't be correct as they both state they have already seen the changes happening time wise, you cannot have both a longer day and a shorter day at the same time, they are mutually exclusive. I also understand both versions of science are valid, I acknowledged that when I said " both study models are valid" but each weighs it's own variable as the more important one and does not take into consideration the other variable. Finally acknowledging the massive changes the earth has gone through you seem quite confident that all the changes happening now are man made, vs all of the massive changes that have happened throughout time with minimal impact from man


    I’m guessing you never skimmed through the articles or the Nature paper?? I’ll explain it another way: D = A – B – C


    D is the observed increase in Earth’s angular velocity.

    C is the calculated decrease in Earth’s angular velocity due to polar ice cap melting.

    A is the increase in Earth’s angular velocity due to mass movement within its liquid outer core.

    B is the long-term decrease in Earth’s angular velocity due to the Moon’s gravitational pull.


    “D” is what everyone agrees is happening. “C” is the subject of the Nature paper. “D” is positive and greater than “C.”  So “C” is saying that global warming effects are slowing Earth down, but not enough to reverse the effects from “A” that are speeding up Earth (in the short-term). Did that clarify?


    And yes, I’m still quite confident in the science of anthropogenic climate change! If you have been paying attention to my posts, then you know why: data confluence plus an effective process of isolation/elimination of climate change-inducing variables.


    Any progress on an alternative scientific explanation for the cooling stratosphere?? Or on a scientific refutation of the causal relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide ppm and planetary mean surface temperature??


    Ugh. This thread was at its peak when it was just Muppy and I analyzing awesome dresses. Somewhere between Leh-nerd Skin-erd posts, we must have leapfrogged a megalodon or two.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  10. On 4/19/2024 at 10:03 AM, Tiberius said:

    Religious state?


    No, Tibsy, Israel is an ethnostate. Secular Jews benefit from the same apartheid state privileges as do practicing religious Jews (the special legal status of the ultra-Orthodox notwithstanding…even though that was very recently overturned by law).


    The U.S. shouldn’t be encouraging ethnostates by funding them. Until there is a one-state solution with equal rights for every Israeli citizen within the country’s borders (albeit with special constitutional protections for Jews from tyranny-of-the-majority complications), I doubt the endemic violence and political turmoil there can ever inherently go away. Two-state solutions, in my opinion, simply promote ethnic segregation and can’t practically resolve the illegal settlement issues (among so many other issues).


    Having said that…a two-state solution of two adjacent ethnostates is FAR preferable to the status quo! Ultimately, it is up to Palestinians and Jewish Israelis to decide how they want to live there…I’m just a silly New Yorker…with beautiful long hair…just like you, Tibsy!!

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. On 4/20/2024 at 10:06 PM, Orlando Tim said:

    @ComradeKayAdams this is what I mean by computer model start with assumptions. Both study models are valid, but at least one of them is fundamentally flawed and in such an enormous way that not only is there reasoning wrong, but the conclusion is 100% wrong. I want to point out that I don't which is correct but both are stating the change has already started.


    But the claims from the two articles don’t contradict each other!


    One is describing the larger NET RESULT of an increase in Earth’s angular velocity, mainly due to movement of mass in the liquid outer core beneath the mantle. The other is describing the smaller GROSS RESULT of a decrease in Earth’s angular velocity, due to mass redistribution from melting polar ice caps. Note that this observed net result of increasing angular velocity is an extremely temporary one, on the order of a human lifetime, compared to the vastly larger long-term trend of decreasing angular velocity due to Moon-induced tidal force friction.


    So all this has next to nothing to do with anthropogenic climate change and everything to do with the conservation of angular momentum. And we know that modern data collection for this science is exceptional, as are the computational models that depend on the accuracy of moment of inertia modeling (i.e. how the Earth’s mass is distributed). Even the geological data matches well with the modeling predictions: as early as around 600 million years ago, an Earth day was around 22 hours long. There’s no geological data beyond that time, but physical modeling suggests that an Earth day about 4 billion years ago was about 8 hours long.


    In conclusion: everyone please read these types of articles and blog posts more carefully. Apply the same skeptical energy to the skeptical crowd (who have their own agendas!) as you do to the mainstream science crowd.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  12. 13 hours ago, reddogblitz said:


    You make some very good points. But I would like to dive a little further into what constitutes genocide in the Israel/Hamas situation.  In 1948, genocide was defined by the United Nations Genocide Committee.




    It is defined as:



    a - both sides are guilty of killing the other group.

    b - also covers rape as a mental and bodily harm. Hamas is definitely guilty of this.  



    c - I believe this is the one most hang their hat on in regards to the open air prison. Israel could be said to be guilty of this.

    d - Israel is definitely not doing this LOL.  Neither is Hamas.

    e - neither side is doing this.


    I can't say for sure there is or isn't. But if there is, neither side has clean hands.


    Since the definition says any of the 5, it would seem to be 2 genocides going on there.


    President Biden's Secretary of Defense, General Austin, says there's not a genocide going on.


    I would refer to what Hamas has been doing as “terrorism,” not “genocide.” The difference lies in the power dynamics, the scale of application, and the nature of the political intent. Both Hamas and the Israeli government, however, are clearly guilty of horrific crimes against humanity. All involved participants should be removed from positions of power and brought before international courts of law.


    Regarding your disagreement with definitional clause “D,” think about what a pregnant woman might need to successfully give birth to a baby: sufficient food (calories and nutrients), clean water, shelter (ideally with regulated temperatures), access to medical supplies, access to a hospital and a medical staff, safe and efficient transportation services, minimal stress and anxiety (i.e. no PTSD in a war zone), etc… If Israel is NOT deliberately imposing measures to prevent Gazan births, then they sure don’t seem too concerned about the welfare of the potential mothers, either!! But the pattern of humanitarian aid restrictions and hospital destruction, along with the reports of war crimes inside these hospitals, DO strongly suggest clause “D” genocidal intent.


    General Austin can say whatever he wants about the slaughter in Gaza, but the conflict of interest within his professional position is apparent. He serves Genocide Joe’s administration (and would behave identically under Decimation Don’s). The United States is unsurprisingly loath to admit its role as an empire funding a genocidal vassal state, just as Israel is loath to admit its role as a settler colonial ethnostate seeking territorial control and regional hegemony.

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  13. On 4/16/2024 at 7:43 AM, Tommy Callahan said:

    The last week has been a slow wagging of the dog.


    Notice no one ever calls for Hamas to give up, surrender.


    It comes down to power differentials and leverage. Israel is a full-fledged nation with a bona fide military that the U.S. funds. Hamas is a comparably small band of psychotic and intransigent insurgents. The first step of negotiations is for the U.S. to get the far-right Israeli government to stand down. Steps down the line, we’ll need the Gazan populace to turn on Hamas. But the latter can’t proceed before the former.


    FYI: No one in this subforum condones the actions of Hamas, though a handful of us here do have a more complete and thoughtful understanding of why they occurred.


    23 hours ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    A phobia is typically an irrational fear of something.  Islamophobia, by definition is an irrational fear of Islam.  But is it irrational?  Because these religious zealots do really want to kill Christians and Jews.  And any other non-believers.  Of course there are Christian and Jewish zealots that want to kill Muslims too.   


    I think there's a major distinction between so-called MAGA and Neocons/Neoliberals.  Because there are two Americas.  America the country, and America the Empire.  For the purpose of simplicity, MAGA is about what's best for the country and Neocons/Neoliberals are about what's best for the Empire.  Most of what Washington claims its all about is support of the country but that's just a ruse.  What they really do is about maintaining the Empire.  What other country has 600 military bases (and 100's of other CIA, intel units) spread around the world?  That's consistent with the attributes and actions of Empire.  All for the good of the people you occupy, right?  I consider the European continent of "independent democracies" to be vassal States under the control of Washington.  They have no major policies or programs outside the sphere of Washington's control.  NATO for example is primarily a mechanism of control for Washington and not a defense alliance.  That's the world of the Neocon.  I could go on..


    The problem for the Empire in the 2020's is its out of money and the international system of finance that allowed it to borrow and spend infinite amounts of money to maintain its control is breaking down and in the process of being replaced by a multi-polar system of global finances which is challenging the supremacy of the US dollar.  The fight everywhere is about resisting this transition. 


    Oh, IN THEORY, I totally agree with the distinction you articulate between MAGA and neocons! IN PRACTICE, however, my argument is that MAGA types tend to easily fall back into more comfortable realms of political tribalism and traditional conservative biases. In other words: they’re not very policy-driven after all.


    This current Middle East conflict has been a good case example of what I mean. MAGA people fashion themselves to be standing in great contrast to MIC-loving neocons like John Bolton, but a vocal majority of them have been in full support of Israel’s genocide while cheering on extremely aggressive provocations toward Iran, dating back to Trump’s reign (reneging on JCPOA, the Abraham Accords, Soleimani’s assassination, etc.). These provocations, of course, can quickly spiral into boots-on-the-ground internecine warfare a la the 2003-2011 Iraq War, which is great for the MIC and neocon politicians but bad for Americans and the world. MAGA types believe in American primacy to the point that our country’s own policy vacillations aren’t considered from Iran’s perspective, which is not only terrible diplomacy but also arguably deeply rooted in reactionary prejudices.


    I do really like your post, by the way! By linking neoconservatism with neoliberalism, you clearly understand what it means to be a “populist” fighting the corporate oligarchy (a.k.a. the true “establishment”). I agree that the European countries, through the web of NATO, operate as vassal state extensions of American imperialism. I also agree that our overextended military is helping to eventually bankrupt us and destroy the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency.


    Regarding Islamophobia: Fear of religious zealotry and religious nationalism is always rational, but that’s equally true for Christianity (see: Bible Belt abortion laws) and Judaism (see: Gaza genocide) as it is for Islam. The crux of Islamophobia is judging the character of individuals and prioritizing human life based on religious affiliation. What the Sam Harris types don’t get is that you can’t uncouple the current state of Muslim-majority countries from the influence of American and European imperialism. Once upon a time, the Islamic world was a nexus of human enlightenment while the Christian world was an intellectual backwater…so other factors are apparently in play.


    22 hours ago, Westside said:

    Yawn……….it’s always evil MAGA people. You are a magaphobic. You belittle and demean anyone who doesn’t fall in line with your marxists views. You are a shining example of the Democratic parties left wing nut jobs who have taken over the party. 
    You and your ilk disgusts me, this is coming from a lifelong democrat who walked away from the evil left wing democrat party because they no longer represent what the Democratic Party used to believe in!!


    Good morning, sunshine! Yay!! You unblocked me!


    Springtime: a season of verdant bloom and floral ebullience, of new beginnings and rekindled friendships, of political revolution and Marxist subversion…welcome back, dear reader.


    16 hours ago, Doc said:

    Hamas/Iran should have considered 2nd and 3rd order effects before their barbaric October 7th offensive.  But stay mad.


    That’s reasonable retrospective advice for Hamas and Iran, but I’m more focused on our own country’s involvement and what we, as a free-speech-loving democratic nation, can presumably control in this moment. I call balls and strikes with public policy, regardless of the administration in office, and especially given the gravity of what’s at stake. Such is the modus operandi of one Commie Kay.


    My perspective: Biden took the 100% right approach by helping to defend Israel from Iran’s attacks and then subsequently telling both Israel and Iran that the U.S. won’t participate in any retaliatory offensive. Conversely, Biden has been largely terrible since October 7 by not placing conditions on our aid to Israel (and by not threatening sanctions down the line, for that matter).


    It should be super obvious that Bibi has been working to undermine any hope of rapprochement between the U.S. and Iran. His objectives are territorial seizure and broader regional hegemony, and Iran is the biggest impediment to these objectives. Drawing the U.S. into a war with Iran is the only way Bibi can achieve them.


    And yes, of course I’m staying mad about possibly getting sucked into another Middle East war!!! I guess I’m one of those crazy peace-loving hippy types that supports nuclear power plants, not nuclear weapons. I think Jimi Hendrix and Jefferson Airplane were pretty groovy, too. Oh, and fashion fads from the late 60’s and early 70’s? Yes, please. PEACE out, - Commie Kay

  14. 16 hours ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    By some accounts Isreal is planning a response which is said may occur at any time.

    Biden has told them to "take the win".  I think that's good advice for now but given the circumstances and the players I expect they'll ignore it and the situation will escalate further.


    Yup. Sadly, I fully expect Israel to escalate. The time of their response probably depends on the time that they plan to initiate the Rafah offensive in southern Gaza. Having to manage a war on multiple fronts (including the Hezbollah one), with a sagging economy and limited manpower and strained international relationships, COULD hopefully convince them to abandon a retaliatory response altogether. However…Israel’s motivations for bombing the Iranian consulate building in Syria were fairly transparent. A regional war for them accomplishes the following:


    1. Further delays Israel’s calls for elections, thereby allowing the domestically unpopular Bibi to maintain power and avoid facing corruption charges.


    2. Sinks Biden’s own domestic popularity possibly through November. Trump is likely viewed as the more reliable ally to Israel who will let Bibi do whatever he wants (which is not to say that AIPAC-controlled Genocide Joe has been a shining beacon of morality, but it’s obvious which side in American politics faces more anti-Zionism pressure from its constituents).


    3. Bolsters wavering U.S. motivation to continue supplying Israel with weapons that, in turn, can also be used (illegally) for Israel’s genocide in Gaza.


    4. Distracts from the Gazan genocide.


    5. Provides the means and justification to destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons capabilities (Israel’s ultimate objective with Iran).


    Quick Angry Kay Side Rant: What’s so amusing to me are all the MAGA types criticizing Biden for his dovish stance on Iran. Whatever happened to being anti-war, anti-establishment, and anti-MIC?? These alleged right-wing “populists,” blinded by their political tribalism and latent Islamophobia, are essentially American supremacists and closet neocon imperialists…intellectual children whose minds exist in a dichotomous world of good guys vs. bad guys, like some bad Hollywood action movie. Some of these MAGA-ts also have significant financial investments in military contractor companies, yet no children of their own who would be sent to fight and die in another stupid Middle East war. Ugh! Angry Kay is angry!

    • Eyeroll 1
  15. 23 hours ago, ComradeKayAdams said:


    In their partial defense, Justice, they’re being fed a steady dose of Zionist propaganda from corporate media and/or independent far-right media. Most here are likely unaware of the recent settler rampages in the West Bank.


    Now seems like a good time to update my post on the ongoing genocide (page 183 of this thread; March 4). As a reminder to the readership, systemic reckless indifference to civilian casualties can constitute legal proof of genocidal intent. We don’t need to wait for Bibi to hold up a sign that states, “Hey everyone! I am officially committing genocide!” We don’t need a particular minimum number of casualties. We don’t need to see red-soaked, red-handed IDF hands holding Hutu-fashioned machetes. Not every genocide looks the same.


    Further evidence of genocide:


    1. The aforementioned systemic heedlessness toward civilian casualties: Euro-Med HRM can’t report as often because virtually all aspects of societal order in Gaza have collapsed. Nevertheless, the latest update on April 3 reports 37,676 civilian deaths and 3,280 combatant deaths for a historically unacceptable 9.86:1 civilian casualty ratio (for comparison: the overall ratio for WW2 was no worse than 2:1). This is the numerical consequence of indiscriminate bombing and AI programs like “Lavender” and “Where’s Daddy.” There are also numerous reports of Gazans being killed despite waiving white flags.


    2. Weaponizing famine: significant delays and restrictions (~70%) to food convoys, cancelling UNRWA, widespread destruction of Gazan farmland, and of course the World Central Kitchen murders that fit within this larger pattern of similar behavior.


    3. Targeting health care workers: Never mind the near-complete eradication of Gaza’s hospital infrastructure; a frightening number of reports have been coming out of hospital staff members being deliberately targeted, such as those at Gaza’s critical Al-Shifa Hospital. The IDF have also destroyed most Red Crescent vehicles in Gaza, in addition to the Palestine RC Society headquarters in Khan Younis.


    4. Suppressing war crime coverage: Al Jazeera was recently banned throughout Israel. Gaza has now set the record for the most journalists killed in one location within one year. There are also numerous reports of IDF bulldozers burying bodies before Gazans can get to them.


    Poopiness…gotta get ready for work…later today or tonight, I want to post additional thoughts on the “intent” component behind Israel’s genocide. I’m sorry your people are experiencing this, Justice. I wish I could do more to help than write super lengthy posts that no one reads, in a sad politics subforum of a perennially disappointing pro football team.


    Wow! So 24 hours later and no responses from the pro-Zionism crowd?? Not even a perfunctory eyeroll or mock laugh emoji reaction? THE SILENCE IS DEAFENING. Moving on…


    Let me address the “intent” component of Israel’s genocide. Political analysts fixate on the overly retributive self-defense explanation, as well as an explanation imbued with religious directives. Both are obviously true to some extent, but in my opinion Jared Diamond-esque geopolitical explanations are far more instructive. Israel is a modern-day case study in settler colonialism, so this is more about geography and the age-old motivations of land grabs and natural resource seizures for the purposes of wealth and power aggregation. In three ways this appears to be true:


    1. Gaza: It’s at a strategically situated position on the Mediterranean, with potential for a far greater seaport, prime coastal real estate development, and untapped offshore natural gas fields. Ethnic cleansing removes the indigenous people in the way; genocide thins the herd and expedites the cleansing.


    2. West Bank: Its western geographical limit is as few as 12 miles away from the Mediterranean Sea coast at Tel Aviv. The western frontier of the West Bank also features a bunch of hills perched above the lowland bottleneck of Israel’s middle section. A military strategist might argue that this is a natural military “choke point,” and that losing sudden control of it would easily cut off Israel’s two halves from each other. This is likely a big reason why Israel is accelerating its illegal settlement encroachment into this particular area of the West Bank, while the slaughtering continues unabated in Gaza.


    3. Negev Desert: It’s an extensive region of land that still remains significantly underutilized, in terms of desert agriculture methods and natural resource extraction. Israel understands that a two-state solution with a non-contiguous Palestine (or a non-contiguous Israel) can’t relieve certain levels of tension (partly due to national transportation logistics), and that contiguity may likely require relinquishing this connecting region between Gaza and the West Bank (a region, by the way, that contains Israel’s critical nuclear weapons facility near Dimona). It’s in Israel’s interest, therefore, to remove Gaza from the entire equation of negotiation.


    Summary: I think geopolitical explanations are more fundamental. Retributive self-defense and religion are what settler colonialists tell others and each other to justify their horrible behavior.


    Thoughts?? Am I right? Wrong? Can I at least get an eyeroll acknowledgment, pretty please?! Thank you.

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. 20 hours ago, Justice said:

    I love how they’re calling it an unprovoked attack. I also love it how their social media mouth pieces are going around saying the Sydney stabbing were done by an Islamist and was a terrorist attack even though he wasn’t. Lying is like breathing to these MFers. 

    In the west bank the settlers are burning down homes, murdering Palestinians and even killing their livestock. Not a peep from you zios on here. You’re all morally bankrupt. Fake ass MFers. 


    In their partial defense, Justice, they’re being fed a steady dose of Zionist propaganda from corporate media and/or independent far-right media. Most here are likely unaware of the recent settler rampages in the West Bank.


    Now seems like a good time to update my post on the ongoing genocide (page 183 of this thread; March 4). As a reminder to the readership, systemic reckless indifference to civilian casualties can constitute legal proof of genocidal intent. We don’t need to wait for Bibi to hold up a sign that states, “Hey everyone! I am officially committing genocide!” We don’t need a particular minimum number of casualties. We don’t need to see red-soaked, red-handed IDF hands holding Hutu-fashioned machetes. Not every genocide looks the same.


    Further evidence of genocide:


    1. The aforementioned systemic heedlessness toward civilian casualties: Euro-Med HRM can’t report as often because virtually all aspects of societal order in Gaza have collapsed. Nevertheless, the latest update on April 3 reports 37,676 civilian deaths and 3,280 combatant deaths for a historically unacceptable 9.86:1 civilian casualty ratio (for comparison: the overall ratio for WW2 was no worse than 2:1). This is the numerical consequence of indiscriminate bombing and AI programs like “Lavender” and “Where’s Daddy.” There are also numerous reports of Gazans being killed despite waiving white flags.


    2. Weaponizing famine: significant delays and restrictions (~70%) to food convoys, cancelling UNRWA, widespread destruction of Gazan farmland, and of course the World Central Kitchen murders that fit within this larger pattern of similar behavior.


    3. Targeting health care workers: Never mind the near-complete eradication of Gaza’s hospital infrastructure; a frightening number of reports have been coming out of hospital staff members being deliberately targeted, such as those at Gaza’s critical Al-Shifa Hospital. The IDF have also destroyed most Red Crescent vehicles in Gaza, in addition to the Palestine RC Society headquarters in Khan Younis.


    4. Suppressing war crime coverage: Al Jazeera was recently banned throughout Israel. Gaza has now set the record for the most journalists killed in one location within one year. There are also numerous reports of IDF bulldozers burying bodies before Gazans can get to them.


    Poopiness…gotta get ready for work…later today or tonight, I want to post additional thoughts on the “intent” component behind Israel’s genocide. I’m sorry your people are experiencing this, Justice. I wish I could do more to help than write super lengthy posts that no one reads, in a sad politics subforum of a perennially disappointing pro football team.

    • Like (+1) 2
  17. On 4/11/2024 at 11:39 AM, The Frankish Reich said:

    This is correct.

    It wouldn't be a bad idea for the Senate Dems to force a vote on repeal of the Comstock Act just to put Republicans on the record about what their true intentions are.


    This is such a good idea that I’m guessing Democrats have already been planning to do so immediately before their Congressional summer recess. It might be more politically strategic to have the Comstock Act become a major topic of debate leading up to the national party conventions.


    A few other thoughts on this topic:


    1. Abortion is exposing multiple cracks in the Constitutional edifice that probably shouldn’t have been left unrepaired for this long.


    One of these cracks is the failure of the Bill of Rights to more explicitly protect the right to privacy. At the moment, this right has been left vague enough and piecemeal in the First, Third, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments. An all-encompassing right to privacy should specifically mention a right to “sexual” privacy, thereby preventing ridiculous state laws like 6-week abortion bans and no protections for rape cases. I realize that such an amendment won’t realistically pass for at least another generation’s time, but Democrats in the meantime can put this goal in their official party platform while stridently advocating for a federal codification of Roe v. Wade (with clarification on temporal limits, exceptions, and who adjudicates the exceptions).


    Another Constitutional crack in need of repair is articulation of the Supreme Court branch. It should be democratized with limits on term, limits on number, codes of conduct, and a better federal system of oversight.


    2. National poll trends continue to show independent voters shifting to the pro-choice side since Dobbs (June 2022), regardless of Trump’s messaging obfuscation on how to proceed (Tenth Amendment argument vs. federal ban) or on who to blame (Jackson WHO vs. himself and his SC Justice nominations).


    I count six swing states: Arizona (11 EC votes), Nevada (6 EC votes), Wisconsin (10 EC votes), Michigan (15 EC votes), Pennsylvania (19 EC votes), and Georgia (16 EC votes). Everywhere else, Trump holds a narrow EC lead of 235 to Biden’s 226 (source: 270towin.com). We all know what happened in Arizona recently. We all know how badly Republicans have been underperforming polls recently in elections with abortion referendums.


    At this point, Trump’s only way out of this catch-22 issue will be to simply ignore and deflect, focusing 100% on Biden’s cognitive health or the mishandling of the genocide in Gaza or perhaps…oh, I don’t know…the scourge of communist Marxist atheist “trannies” illegally crossing the border so to participate in women’s sports (a.k.a. the resonating right-wing social crisis du jour)??? Eeek!!!


    3. Women stuck in red states should be made aware of The Brigid Alliance, a national nonprofit organization that addresses the financial and logistical challenges of those seeking an abortion over long distances. I liken them to the Underground Railroad of the post-Dobbs era because their services are most pertinent in the South. Every Bible Belt state now has some sort of draconian abortion law.

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  18. On 4/11/2024 at 10:05 AM, Orlando Tim said:

    I should not have called you nuts, that is definitely my mistake. You are one of the  people here who always respond with a well thought out response and I regret posting that. I will blame it on dealing high schoolers all day. To the science part:


    I hate extrapolation because it always starts from your assumption. You are arguing that the stratosphere and troposphere going in different directions is a historical outlier, but truly we don't know. What was the stratosphere and troposphere doing in the last ice age? We can only guess. When I was in high school in the 1990s I was told the finger lakes were carved by glaciers, but I have been informed by my nephews that is not the belief anymore. 


    But you and I have one major difference which we will never bridge- I don't trust government to enact meaningful change. Lowering pollution is a good thing but not at the cost of stopping our economy. Politicians main goal is to get re elected, and that is why California is a mess despite being an "environmental" state.


    But we’re doing so much more than mere guessing! The theme of these climate science discussions should be “data confluence.” The confluence of data is what gives us our confidence in the consensus science. With respect to the stratosphere topic, we have all of the following support:


    1. Predictive theories based on very well-established physics subfields (mostly stat mech and a/m/o physics, mixed in with some fluid mech at the troposphere below, plasma physics at the ionosphere above, and a delightful dash of basic quantum mech throughout).

    2. Computational models whose guiding equations are based on the aforementioned theories.

    3. Tabletop experiments of the atmosphere layers, analogous in spirit to what aeronautical engineers do with scale modeling in wind tunnels.

    4. Direct measurements taken from air balloons and satellites over the past century, which NACA and later NASA recorded.


    I’ll argue that the structural simplicity of the stratosphere is what further increases our confidence. At steady-state conditions, it’s basically an altitude-dependent thermodynamic system of temperature, pressure, and gaseous composition (nitrogen, oxygen/ozone, and a few trace gases). There’s very little water vapor, carbon dioxide, or air turbulence to complicate things. You have typical transient behavior and diffusion at boundary layers, but nothing that can individually explain a global temperature variation trend sustained on the order of several decades!


    So there’s nothing wrong with extrapolation when your assumptions are so strong. Historical behavioral extrapolation comes down to two basic cases, each unassailable without some sort of paradigm-shifting explanation from physics or atmospheric science:


    1. Uniform temperature growth in each atmospheric layer, due to solar activity.

    2. Inverse temperature growth, divergent at the stratosphere-troposphere boundary, due to major volcanic emissions or life-induced (i.e. plants, microbes, humans) changes to atmospheric composition that, in turn, alter the greenhouse effect.


    P.S. Your apology is kindly accepted, though it wasn’t necessary to offer one! The prerequisite for PPP subforum participation should be a thick skin. All of us here have failed the mantra of “attack the message, not the messenger” from time to time. It happens often enough that the subforum moderator** has given up moderating personal attacks.


    P.S.P.S. The Finger Lakes were likely ancient river valleys. Glaciers from the most recent ice age likely carved them further into their current form.


    (P.S.) x 3: I trust government and politicians about as much as I do private corporations. Trust is earned with proof over time, buttressed with systems of oversight and power checks/balances.


    ** - His moderating presence, in fact, is so light that some have suggested he’s not even technically a moderator!! << Commie Kay shockface emoji >> But um…I’ve already said too much, lest I be banished to an even lower Dante-esque forum circle of heck than PPP, with nothing but a red stapler in hand.


    EDIT: Additional notes on extrapolation case #2: “Major volcanic emissions” was more a reference to Earth’s volatile early atmospheric history, not to random individual volcano eruptions. Effects from isolated cases of meteorites and major wildfires can be similarly transient. Certain human-generated industrial air pollutants can actually mitigate the stratosphere cooling effect from greenhouse gases.



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  19. On 4/10/2024 at 9:37 AM, Orlando Tim said:

    I actually thought you were educated but you are nuts. 

    1) there is no evidence that ice sheets less today than 100 years ago because there is no starting point from before satellites. Rainforest threat is much more related to over building. Your arguments are based on 30 years of knowledge and pretending you can extrapolate them.

    2) the only way to plan to for electric cars is to build more power plants and they are snuffed out by liberals. 

    3) you are arguing that adaption is what saved us with population but not this.

    4) environmentalist claim it, which you know.

    5) you think the US 5,% drop in pollution is counteracting the 300% increase in China and India? Literally my high schools know that is dumb. 


    I’ll get to your ad hominem attacks in a second. But first:


    1. You think satellite data is necessary to understand historical ice sheet size?? El. Oh. El.


    As I’ve repeatedly explained, we have WAY more than 30 years of climate science evidence for the troposphere and for the oceans. Extrapolation is necessary for understanding the historical stratosphere, but even for all the upper atmospheric layers we can make strong educated guesses based on other indirect evidence like from ice sheet gas bubbles (particularly from migratory ozone concentrations). You hate extrapolation probably because you have ZERO understanding of molecular physics and statistical thermodynamics (plus plasma physics, if analyses include the layers sandwiching the stratosphere from above).


    And again…if you hate extrapolation so much, then at least offer your own explanation for WHY THE STRATOSPHERE IS COOLING WHILE THE TROPOSPHERE IS WARMING. Tell us why we should believe your garbage science instead of consensus science.


    And again…three decades’ worth of data points are sufficient to quantitatively define a climate. This is a mathematical/statistical/graphical argument and not a completely arbitrary definitional one.


    One thing you got right here: deforestation practices do threaten rainforests way more than climate change (even though I never argued otherwise…but whatevs).


    2. Agreed! Too many Luddites on the political left oppose nuclear fission power plants.


    3. What kind of nonsensical argument is this?! Yes, of course civilization will adapt to a dystopian planetary environment because we will technically have no other choice. But do you properly understand how much money and human suffering it will cost along the way to adaptation?! Damages to global food supplies, coastal city alterations, natural disaster relief, increases in the spread of infectious diseases, vulnerable island nations, mass population exoduses from newly uninhabitable regions (such as large swaths of the Middle East)…we should try to minimize or avoid what we can of all this.


    4. Okay…and perhaps these environmentalists were making reasonable predictions, depending on the specific assumptions of petroleum engineering tech advancements and geo-exploratory land/sea availabilities with which they were working?? That was my point. How is this relevant, anyway, to the topic of anthropogenic climate change from the perspective of professional climate SCIENTISTS??


    5. My point here was that the U.S. government intervened and enacted meaningful change to the specific problem of North American acid rain. Yes, I’m fully aware of the general pollution problems with China and India. Acknowledging that reality doesn’t justify neglecting other problems over which we have some degree of control.


    Now regarding your doubts of my education: If you have a BillsFans.com account, it shouldn’t take you too long to find my LinkedIn and Instagram profiles. Go ahead and evaluate my STEM credentials if you’d like. I’m wearing a blue sleeveless pencil dress in my LinkedIn pro pic and an “earthy-colored” hippy-looking bell-sleeved skater dress in my Instagram pro pic (background: the Long Island Central Pine Barrens, my absolute favorite place in our beautiful state of New York!).


    Regarding my nuttiness: Dude...bruh…I’m a Slavic-American girl from Western New York who has endured a 17-year playoff drought and now an ongoing 13-year one. You were expecting sanity??


    EDIT: Forgot an “s” in BillsFans.com. Great site! Former TBD PPP’er, Foxx, is the owner over there.


    • Like (+1) 1
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  20. On 4/8/2024 at 9:19 AM, Orlando Tim said:

    I find it funny you are throwing around the concept of conspiracy theory when you believe that if I simply give the government money they will control the weather. I will also point out that requesting a peer reviewed study when you admit the raw data is not available is absurd. 


    What unavailable raw data are you talking about?! Stratosphere temps? Just use the most recent decades of data that NOAA and NASA-GISS have made publicly available. To reiterate: we’re looking for an explanation of HOW THE STRATOSPHERE IS COOLING WHILE THE TROPOSPHERE IS WARMING.


    And yes, I do believe that government-directed money allocation can influence planetary climate to some extent. That’s pretty much one of the main realized corollaries that come from acknowledging greenhouse effect physics! Probably more accurately: I believe that private industries, through technological innovations based on government-funded research, will play a bigger role than various carbon pricing strategies (carbon tax, cap-and-trade schemes, etc.) meant to modify human energy consumption behavior.


    On 4/8/2024 at 2:24 PM, All_Pro_Bills said:

    I think you've presented an interesting theory but how many years of data do we have relative to the age of the Earth?  A 100 years or less of temperature data from all these temperature gathering stations over the course of about 4.5 billion years?  Let's say 1 billion years as an inhabitable place.   If my math is correct that's .0001% of Earth history.  Is that a sufficient sample size to represent the potential historical record?  Although we don't have specific temperature readings we know from other geological records and events the Earth has been a lot hotter and a lot cooler before Humans appeared on the scene.  So by definition something else, geological events like volcanoes, played a key role in climate variations.


    Now I'm not saying the theory you've laid out is incorrect.  It may very well be correct.  There's simply insufficient information available to validate it as the only explanation.


    I'm also curious about the placement of temperature monitoring equipment.  I have a thermometer near my deck and in the Summer it can be 100 degrees but if I take the thermometer and walk about 40 feet south to a row of shade trees the temperature there can be 68 degrees on the same day at the same time.  Not only are there regional variances in temperature readings on Earth but variances down to the local level inside a 3/4 acre lot.       


    (100)/(1 billion) = (10^2)/(10^9) = 10^(-7) = 0.0000001 = 0.00001%...so you were missing a zero…but point taken lol! Your question is a really good one: do we have sufficient data from a large enough time span to make such definitive climate science claims?


    I would say we do. For one thing, if you look at scatterplots of temperature data versus time and analyze the regression lines (the relative positions and the slopes) which describe the climate behavior, you’ll quickly see that a rule-of-thumb minimum of about three decades is perfectly reasonable for defining a given region’s climate.


    Moreover, we’re looking for the following criteria to give us scientific confidence:


    1. A logically reasoned hypothesis that is experimentally falsifiable.

    2. Reliable methods of data collection with sufficient precision.

    3. Statistically large enough sample sizes of data.

    4. A consistent data signal trend that is well above thermal noise.

    5. A process of elimination for all other explanatory factors.


    The latter-most criterion is what distinguishes surface temperatures and (to some extent) ocean temperatures from stratosphere temperatures. With surfaces and oceans, we have plenty of pre-Industrial Revolution earth science evidence, with confluence, that so far rule out all known natural explanations for climate change.


    For stratosphere temperature data, we’re mostly relying on the strength of the first criterion I listed. But fortunately, the stratosphere is a lot less complicated than the troposphere in the sense that there are way fewer feedback control system inputs to understand. And even before the days in which air balloons and airplanes and satellites were routinely traversing the stratosphere (even before we knew of the stratosphere’s existence, really), tabletop experiments were performed of the energy absorption/emission behavior of molecules like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, ozone, and whatever else might finds its way into this atmosphere layer.


    So basically, geophysicists already had well-articulated predictions of how an atmospheric layer sitting above another layer of increasing carbon dioxide density might cool and contract. Modern temperature data from satellites simply confirmed this strong hypothesis. But if the anthropogenic climate change skeptics have an alternate explanation, then by all means…


    Regarding temperature recordings: official ones are always taken in the shade. The purpose of the recording is strictly to measure the air’s temperature, which is just a single aggregate number that quantifies the average energy of the air molecules. So to accurately measure this, the air sample needs to be isolated from any additional energy coming directly from the Sun (in the form of electromagnetic radiation).


    On 4/8/2024 at 4:25 PM, Orlando Tim said:

    Frankish and I agree a lot on the idea that climate change is something we simply have to learn to deal with, especially since we know man does affect the climate since there are 7 billion of us here. I though see the government more along the lines of the oil embargo of the 70s than actually doing anything useful. We can pretend that California can handle 20 million electric cars in 10 years but without a greatly improved electric grid that is not happening. In the past 50 years I have been told the earth was overpopulated at 3.5 billion, we were gonna run out of oil several times, and acid rain was coming. I was just told by@ComradeKayAdamsthat the ozone is in great shape so that is another problem government promised to fix, never did anything but still no issue. 


    Actually, all that I told you about the ozone was that its well-studied behavior can’t explain the observed cooling and contraction of the stratosphere. But since you brought it up lol…yes, it’s in much better shape since that 1987 Montreal Protocol which banned the international use of certain industrial chemicals. Yay government intervention!! A rare victory for Mother Earth over laissez-faire cultists!


    Addressing the rest of your post content:


    1. Climate change fatalism is a completely unacceptable philosophy because of the potential triggering of climate change tipping points (ice sheets, permafrost, ocean currents, coral reef health, rainforests, boreal forests, etc.).

    2. It would have been helpful if our country had planned much earlier for an electric car economy and a modernized electrical grid. In this regard, I mostly blame the festering culture of climate change denialism and government-hating libertarian fanaticism.

    3. What constitutes a global population limit is subjective. What’s the expected quality of living? Land, freshwater, and food are finite resources. Tech advances in agriculture have pushed back the more alarming overpopulation predictions, but there is a limit. A certain percentage of Earth’s land must also be reserved for forests (preferably old-growth ones), if you’re at all concerned about climate change. Also: go vegan to reduce land usage and reduce greenhouse gas footprints!

    4. I don’t know who exactly has been claiming that we’ll run out of oil or when they made these claims, but it is still technically a nonrenewable energy resource. Technological improvements in extraction and refining, as well as places that have become open for resource extraction, are pretty significant variables that have allowed for an enormous range of predictions.

    5. U.S. Clean Air Act amendments dramatically reduced acid rain! It’s one of the best examples, in fact, of the potential of cap-and-trade schemes.

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  21. On 4/6/2024 at 7:35 AM, Orlando Tim said:

    Can you show me all the studies of ocean temps and the stratosphere from the 1920's? As you stated much of the temp data is derived from computers, which have only been largely useful and accurate for 30 years. Secondly why have the overall predictions laid out by Al Gore in his crap movie been wrong? We have plenty of snow, hurricanes have not gotten worse, and temps are within 1* of that time frame. As we argued once before the very fact that they do not have the actual raw numbers from prior to 2008 but only the "fortified numbers" makes the whole thing absurd, scientists don't get to cull numbers at their choosing. The fact that they remove the 5% that disagrees with the assessment on a topic that is about small changes is crazy. If I took away my bottom 5% of students I would be the top teacher in the county easily every year.


    This is from the group that does the research

    "The CRU told some skeptical researchers it couldn't send them the original raw data because "data storage availability in the 1980s meant that we were not able to keep the multiple sources for some sites, only the station series after adjustment for homogeneity issues. We, therefore, do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added (i.e. quality controlled and homogenized) data." This explanation raises legitimate questions about how the lost original data were manipulated to produce the "value-added" data.  

    Later, University of East Anglia Pro-Vice-Chancellor Trevor Davies stated, "It is well known within the scientific community and particularly those who are skeptical of climate change that over 95% of the raw station data has been accessible through the Global Historical Climatology Network for several years." See above about data interdependence." 


    No, I did not state that much of the data is DERIVED from computers. All of the data collecting and data PROCESSING is done with computers because it can be. Interpolation and numerical integration techniques have been around since the days of Newton and Liebniz. Or are those now considered part of the grand climate science conspiracy??


    Direct temperature readings of the stratosphere and oceans have been extremely thorough and precise for at least the past few decades. Exactly how many more years of data collecting here are necessary before consensus inferences can be accepted??


    I suppose we could discuss rising ocean temperatures here, if you insist, but it won’t be overwhelmingly convincing to the “skeptics” crowd because the factors contributing to its rise are far more nuanced than they are for the stratosphere.


    So let’s get back to the stratosphere, in relation to the troposphere. Direct temperature readings for the stratosphere have been collected since the first satellites were launched, but we can focus on the public data compiled from the past three decades. What is a “skeptical” person’s explanation for the consistent drop in stratosphere temperature (along with its physical shrinking), well above thermal noise variation, in parallel with the consistent rise in troposphere temperature?


    A simple physics-based or earth science-based explanation is all that I’m requesting. L Ron and Tibsy and 4th-y and I, however, do demand a peer-reviewed scientific research paper citation if you’re going to suggest ozone variations because that explanation has already been thoroughly analyzed.


    My commentary on Al Gore’s movie and on Climategate haven’t changed since we last had those discussions ~2 years ago here.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  22. 13 hours ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    A problem with determining the temperature of the Earth is that at any point in time the actual temperature varies from point to point.  It can be -50 at the poles and 100 degrees at the equator at the exact same time. So what's the temperature of the Earth?

    The temperature needs to be derived through employment of a method or process.  And unless you understand the method or process used, validate it, and use it consistently you can't conclude with any confidence the results are accurate or a true representation of what is actually happening.


    So you’re referring to the GLOBAL mean surface temperature, which I think is currently ~59 degrees F. It’s calculated by taking the average of enough LOCAL mean surface temperatures across the planet. These local data points are about equally spaced from each other and form a spherically symmetrical pattern. The number can be calculated manually, but most computers trivially find it with numerical integration techniques. Each data point representing each local mean surface temperature is similarly found by calculating local temperature averages across equally spaced time increments, over the course of a full year.


    The annual delta of Earth’s mean surface temperature is what tells us the net heat trapping from the greenhouse effect. You can never rely on local mean surface temperatures to give you the full story because global warming is never uniform. Western New York could be experiencing an unusually cold year under global warming conditions, while Florida and Brazil and the Middle East and Russia and Antarctica could all be experiencing unusually warm years. If you’ve ever seen global annual heat maps, you’ll see a mix of hot and cold spots but overall much more heat.


    But that’s just the surface temperature. There are also temperature measurements for the ocean and for the different layers of the atmosphere.


    My new challenge to all the anthropogenic climate change skeptics here: explain why our troposphere is heating up while our stratosphere is cooling??


    Throughout most of Earth’s history, we know that climate has been dependent on interactions with the Sun: either from solar weather variations or from the periodic peculiarities of Earth’s motion about the Sun. The exceptions have been geothermal activity like volcanoes and related atmospheric composition changes. So if the current observed global warming is related to planetary interactions with the Sun, then the atmospheric heating should be uniform. But it’s not. Why is that??


    FYI: for those who want to suggest cloud coverage, keep in mind that cloud effects vary greatly by type, height in the sky, and time of the day (reflective during the day and insulating at night). Climate data indicates that these effects can quickly cancel each other out, so evidence for any longstanding cloud-related positive feedback loop that initiated global warming is highly unlikely.

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  23. On 3/30/2024 at 2:48 PM, muppy said:

    Kay! I've been busy with my gerber baby ggranddaughter lately. I hope you see this in time.


    Let me just say this. Kay honey if you have  a dress similar to this JUST WEAR IT. I would definitely have a wrap of some  sort for warmth and dress it up. A black leather shrug? I love off the shoulder. I trust your judgment. GORGEOUS Amiga 🙂 I think that silhouette would be flattering for most women.


    I hope you had a happy Easter, Muppy, and I’m glad you were able to spend it with your new granddaughter!


    The black velvet maxi turned out to be a little too risque for the speaker event LOLOL! In an auditorium with about 60-70 other chicas, my outfit was easily showing the most skin. I was so self-conscious about it that I ended up wearing my outdoor jacket for the entirety of the indoor event. But the auditorium was refrigerator-level cold, so it was no big deal. Live and learn!


    On the bright side, I missed that Sabres game because of this speaker event…ugh…Lindy Ruff for coach??


    Okay okay, time to return this thread to the proper subject at hand. I can sense the PPP denizens getting restless…see ya around, Muppy, both here and at BillsFans.com!


    On 3/30/2024 at 3:30 PM, Roundybout said:

    This is a very odd thread


    Yes, indeed! It is quite odd, in the year 2024, to be having a debate on the scientific merit of anthropogenic climate change. And yet here we are…


    So my brief review of “Climate: The Movie,” in outline form:


    1. A barrage of scientific truths that were presented in non-sequitur form: climate is always changing, Earth’s atmosphere has had much higher levels of carbon dioxide during its history, Earth has had much warmer epochs throughout its history, Earth has experienced much greater climate temperature variations in its past, plants have a Brawndo-like craving for carbon dioxide, blah blah blah.


    2. Examples of garbled scientific logic and cherry-picked data: the part on the temperature vs. carbon dioxide relationship was completely incoherent and included chicken/egg causality sleights of hand. The part on extreme weather events was consistently (and deliberately) unclear on the details of factors like geographical locations of inquiry, timeframes, number of events, and severity of events.


    3. Examples of scientific lies by omission: the infamous urban heat island effect was presented, but the film neglected to mention that this well-known effect has already been quantified and universally accounted for in the climate data. The cosmic ray theory was cute, too: as solar magnetic field activity increases, more cosmic rays are deflected as they approach Earth, cloud formation (due to the ionizing effect from the cosmic rays in the atmosphere) decreases, less incoming solar energy is then reflected due to the decrease in cloud coverage, and so the planet surface warms. What the film conveniently didn’t mention is that none of the aforementioned (besides the warming planet) have been measured to have occurred at any appreciable extent over the past several decades! Moreover, this theory is undermined by observations of both comparatively greater nighttime warming as well as stratosphere cooling (FYI: this stratosphere cooling is essentially the smoking gun of anthropogenic warming causality…as opposed to a natural solar warming causal explanation…but of course that still won’t stop the right-wing skeptics…).


    4. Social commentary on climate change: oh em gee…so much movie time was spent covering all possible groups of people who may stand to benefit from the climate change emergency. Ironically enough, there was no mention of the people who are funding the people funding this right-wing propaganda film.


    5. Polemical libertarianism: fearmongering of Marxists, communists, socialists, big government, any critics of laissez-faire capitalism, etc…the movie clearly has a predetermined economics conclusion and works backward to make the scientific narrative fit. This Ayn Rand-inspired economics conclusion is that curmudgeonly misanthropes who hate the social contract and hate paying taxes don’t want to be held accountable for their negative externalities.

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  24. On 3/30/2024 at 12:35 PM, The Frankish Reich said:

    This is getting close to Picketty's argument, which I find pretty compelling on its surface, but so far not really supported by most good examinations of economic history.


    Oh, well yeah it’s definitely very close to his argument! Piketty’s critiques stem from the Marxist family of economic philosophies, which all call for wealth redistribution to correct inherent flaws in unfettered capitalism: namely, the return of labor-based wealth stolen from workers. This is something in which I very much believe: laissez-faire capitalism inevitably leads to gross wealth inequalities, oligarchies, and massive social instability. It somewhat boils down to passive income vs. active income (time is money, as they say, and is quite limited), as well as all the major themes you’ll find in Naomi Klein’s “The Shock Doctrine” and Noam Chomsky’s “Manufacturing Consent.”


    I’m not well-versed in international economics history, nor have I carefully read Piketty’s two books, “Capital in the 21st Century” and “Capital and Ideology.” What I can confidently say, however, is that we have excellent American economics data at least since the World Wars. The Neoliberal Era (~1980-now) and Piketty’s golden outlier era, ~1945-1970, do at least seem to support his thesis that inequality skyrockets when capital investment growth outpaces technology-driven macroeconomic growth. Right before the Progressive Era, we also know that the Gilded Age had absurd levels of wealth concentration, poor labor relations, terrible worker conditions, and rampant business/political corruption.


    In my layman’s opinion, for what it’s worth to you, I do find the solutions component of Piketty’s argument to be seriously lacking. Estate and inheritance taxes don’t do much to lift socioeconomic mobility. Combined with Piketty’s extremely progressive income tax proposals, all of this diminishes the capital resource pools we know can be critical for rapid macroeconomic growth. I’d rather focus on what’s happening at the bottom rungs of the socioeconomic ladder: improving labor negotiating power, addressing education and housing costs, eliminating medical debt, various consumer protections, etc.



    On 3/31/2024 at 10:06 AM, Steve O said:

    Let's start with your definition of a socialist: A socialist is simply someone who advocates for an economic system in which the workers own the means of production through mandated worker cooperatives,

    Actually, a socialist is simply a person who advocates or practices socialism. What then is socialism? According to your definition it is an economic system in which the workers own the means of production through mandated worker cooperatives

    Actually, socialism has more to do with government owned means of production than worker owned. It is defined as follows:

    :any of various egalitarian economic and political theories or movements advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

    : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

    : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

    : a stage of society in Marxist theory that is transitional between capitalism and communism and is distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

    There's much more to break down in your post, it's Easter, have to start cooking, I'm going to end it here but add that there is a lot of area we agree on, or at least find middle ground. I recently watched a 7 part documentary on John Adams from 2008. Something that stuck with me was a scene from the first Continental Congress. In it, Ben Franklin shouts that "There is no room for anyone here that isn't willing to compromise." We don't see much compromise from our politicians these days.


    See clarification #1 in my follow-up post. We are technically not disagreeing with each other on the definition. Contemporary first world socialists, however, do emphasize mandatory worker cooperative models way more so than government ownership models. The exceptions are select economic services, such as health care or (often) energy, to which every citizen is supposed to have equal access and collective ownership. In other words, most contemporary socialists don’t advocate for the government owning and micromanaging the widget company; they’d rather the collective workers at the company be in that position.


    Also, be mindful of the distinction between ownership and control/management (see: dirigisme market economies as an example).


    In conversations like these, also be mindful of the distinction between private property (company buildings, production machines, tracts of land, raw materials, etc.) and personal property (such as the various economic goods you own in your house).


    Lastly, I would qualify the capitalism-to-communism transition component of socialism’s definition as a historical anachronism. While it CAN be true, most contemporary socialists are not aspiring communists.

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  25. 18 hours ago, 4th&amp;long said:

    Great post! And from what I’ve seen on here way over the majority of these guys heads. Mind blown!🤯 


    Thanks! I’m glad you liked! A few clarifications:


    1. In my definition of “socialism,” bottom-up management structures like worker cooperatives can also be substituted with top-down ones managed by the government. The operative phrase in the definition is “owning the means of production.” Who has ownership of the enterprise? Who is collecting the profit or who is benefiting from the enterprise’s services? Under socialism, it should be the collective workers or the inclusive citizenry.


    2. Marx’s labor theory of value obviously doesn’t hold up to any quantitative rigor in modern economics, but the “spirit” of the theory endures. Over the past four decades of neoliberalism, we know that labor productivity has increased (based on GDP, hours worked, and other metrics from the BLS and the BEA) while inflation-adjusted wages have remained relatively stagnant (especially for the working class) compared to that of the wealthiest 1%.


    3. When I say capitalists “steal” labor-based wealth from workers, I’m not necessarily making a moral judgment. Unless we return to the days of strictly barter economies, some degree of labor exploitation is needed to run any profitable enterprise…no matter the type of economic system.


    18 hours ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    I think a lot of those definitions regarding socialism are theoretical. 

    The major distinction between economic systems boils down to whether you advocate government driven or mandated solutions or free market or private enterprise solutions.


    But what’s the distinction between a “theoretical” definition and an “actual” definition?? I’m using definitions that will help you communicate in places, such as Europe, where actual socialists are elected with regularity.


    If you choose a “practical” definition for use in the United States and among right-wing communities, then you’ll need to make non-arbitrary distinctions between government-driven or government-mandated solutions that are to be called socialist and those that are not. Upon doing so, you may find that many or most Republicans end up classified in some way as socialists, too. And if everyone’s a socialist, then no one is a socialist! Also, good luck getting everyone to agree on a common definition outside the academic one…and without agreed-upon definitions of words, society inevitably descends into a kind of human sacrifice/dogs-and-cats-living-together form of mass hysteria…eeek!!


    FYI, there are models of socialism in which effectively no government authority exists. Libertarian socialism and social anarchism are two such examples.

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