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Everything posted by Trip

  1. 1. True, that'll make it tougher this time around. 2. Disagree. You don't think Losman can at least put up Michael Vick passing numbers? You're one distraught Bills fan. 3. True. But that was always the case. He catches his fair share and makes plays down the field. 4. He played himself out of Atlanta because of his contract and a RB playing QB. In Dallas, he just wasn't in. 5. I think maybe he'll realize this is basically a contract year for him. He may not get any opportunities at a starting job again if he blows this one.
  2. What makes you think Price isn't capable of those numbers? 1. Age-wise he's in the prime of his career. 2. He hasn't had any major injuries and hasn't lost any speed or forgot how to catch the ball. 3. He's played at a probowl level in the past. 4. He's coming off situations in Atlanta and Dallas, where he a QB that had a hard time involving his WR's in the pasing game, and a stubborn head coach that preferred to play "his guys". And even in Atlanta, he put up those kind of numbers. Looks like a good low risk signing to me, and 50-750 seems very realistic, hopefully a little low.
  3. Assuming no major injuries, defensively, I think the DT's will make the difference. Pretty solid everywhere else on D. Not worried about Whitner too much. With his speed and ability and having played in a big time program, he'll be fine. Maybe much better than fine. Offensively, it all hinges on the QB in my opinion. The OL is a big question mark, but put a QB back there that is a threat to make plays, and things have a stange way of opening up and making the line look better. Put Peyton Manning behind a mediocre offensive line, and the Colts still have an explosive offense and even a good running game. So there are other areas of the team to be concerned about for sure, but I think QB and DT will go the farthest in determining the outcome of the 2006 season for the Bills.
  4. Yep. And if he was date raped by his coaching staff, it was some selfish, short-sighted teammates that spiked the drink.
  5. I haven't been around this site in some time and I'm just curious if anyone has much hope for JP this season. If we can take anything out of his year in '05, as miserable it was, I think he did show that he's a QB that (1) will throw the ball down the field an adequate amount and (2) he won't throw many picks. A lot of other good young QB's, most as a matter of fact, throw a lot of INT's early in their careers, yet JP didn't do that last year. He also has a history of not throwing many picks in college. So as long as he can show steady improvement in his completion percentage, he should have a good year. It may seem like stating the obvious (completing passes makes you a good QB) but I don't think a 60% completion rate for Kelly Holcomb would necessarily mean it would help the Bills that much, yet if JP can hit at that rate, I think it will be a very, very good season for him. In his first preseason game, he hit 62% with 3 completions called back due to penalties and 2 drops. I think if he has another game against the Bengals where he hits about 55%+, I'm optimistic for JP. Because like I said, he won't throw a lot of picks and he will have at least a decent yards per completion rate. Anyone else think he will be at least an average starting QB this year?
  6. You don't think there's anything to worry about? He's had three major knee injuries in his last five years of football and he's our franchise back. There's plenty to worry about.
  7. Does anyone have a DVD copy of the Jags game for sale? If so, I would like to buy one. Email me at tripcasey@hotmail.com Thanks, Trip
  8. Jacksonville has a stout DL and they'll make it even tougher to run because they'll play 8-9 in the box against the Bills. They'll force Bledsoe to make some plays. Hopefully he can hit Moulds, Reed or Evans early on a big one and then the team can just settle down and run the ball!
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