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Posts posted by e-dog

  1. But he didn't get a player to replace Pat. They are scheming to much. They are more than one player away from a good d-line.

    Where are these d-linemen who are supposed to be players.

    You have one and thats when he isn't to winded and is motivated.

    The rest:


    Anderson- so far nothing and he doesn't look like he will ever be much of a factor.

    Edwards- never was, and never will. Probably won't play again in Buff.

    Denney- well he stuck it to Pitt on this guy didn't he.

    Kelsay- seen some flashes but is starting to look more like Anderson.

    Bannan- tries but is too small and doesn't produce

    Schobel- the supposed gem. Can't stop the run, decent pass rusher but not worth the $$$ he got.

    Sape- please. I'm surprised he's still here.


    Oh yeah, most of these guys were 2nd and 3rd rd. picks. The supposed nucleus of your team.

  2. You can put any kind of spin on it that you want if you feel the need to validate your opinion to yourself.

    And we'll see how much Pittsburgh misses him when they don't have his acquisitions plastered all over their roster any more. Although with the Rooney's acumen (which I think they passed on to both Donahoe and Modrak) they may very well be all right.

    I hope we can say the same for the Bills after you guys run him out of town for "only" producing .500 teams early in his tenure after coming in here and taking over a cap nightmare and an expansion caliber roster.



    No that is not spin, that is what happened in Pitt.

    It's been five years now, I think Pitt is doing "alright".

    Sorry, .500 football doesn't cut it anymore here when your in the 5th year, at least with me it doesn't. The thing that really bothers me is this team is going backwards and thats a problem.

    And he still has expansion caliber linemen on this team outside of a few. Not good.

    Without even getting into the o-line mess, what do you think of the d-line mess ?

  3. How about getting some decent OL and DL players and then it doesn't really matter who your OC is, because the ball boy could call successful plays. It all starts with the OL and DL ! Something TD has never understood !



    I think you may be on to something. Would you mind calling TD this morning and let him in on this little secret ?

  4. All you have to do is go back and look at his drafts since he's been here. Look at his o-line and d-line picks. Especially d-line because thats where he's used a lot of the 2nd and 3rd rounders on. You see any real talent in those picks ? I see a couple of average at best rotation players. That type of drafting of big men catches up to you. Guess what, that time has arrived. All I know is Pittsburg hasn't missed him any, in fact they have gotten better since he's left.

    The Bills will have some extra picks in the '06 draft. They will also have some high first day picks with alot of good linemen in the draft, if he blows this draft they will be looking down a long road back.

  5. Whats happening with the front office now is what happened in the 70's and most of the 80's.; Bad drafting, scouting, and evaluating of talent. Which in turn leads to year after year of poor football. TD has been here five years and right now they are not much further ahead then when he arrived as far as the product on the field.

  6. No, I think most people realize what the real problem on this team is. The same problem they have had for 10 years and has still not been fixed.


    But the real problem is, that problem, can't be fixed until the people in the front office open their eyes and fix it. I don't care who is playing wr,rb, or qb, this team will not win big until that problem is fixed.


    And the funny thing is most here understand that, but the supposed "football men" at One Bills Drive do not. ;)

  7. ...your real players are. You will find out all you need to know about individual players on this team by how they respond from that embarrassing ass kicking they took in Oakland. If they lay down and quit then you might as well ship them off now because you will never win in the long run with those type of players.


    Even if they lose we will learn about the true character of this team. From what I've seen this year there are a lot of questions. I'm sure they will be challenged this week by the coaches, lets see who responds.

  8. If this season continues the way I think it is I'm starting to agree Moulds is gone with his age and salary and he won't be the only one. Vincent, Milloy, Fletcher, Posey, Vill., Teague, Campbell, . There are a lot of veteran candidates.


    Your right why doesn't Moulds step up and say something about the line. He's not dumb, he knows what the problem is, but maybe he has behind closed doors.


    If they get their asses handed to them next week it could get real interesting at One Bills Drive.

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