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Everything posted by SensiBILL

  1. I wanted a run. Actually first and second down runs. Expected it. You were just gifted a first and ten inside the 2 with under 2 minutes in the half. Run the ball twice and then if you haven't scored consider your options. I think it is poor play calling not to do that. I would not have thought it was a bad play call if the run was stuffed because time would have come off the clock (or Jax would have used a time out). And I wouldn't have thought it was a bad play call if there was a fumble or a hold. Poor plays that are successful are generally not the topics of discussion. Poor play calls that backfire with terrible results stick out, much like this one. I can understand some people might not think it is a big deal. That call still burns me.
  2. No hindsight, I think the play sucked. I thought it then, and I think it now. Should have been 2 run plays. IMO, this is a no-brainer. First and second down from there should of been runs. It's basic game management. It was a gift to get the ball first and ten from the one. One aspect of that gift was to either secure 7 or to severely reduce the odds of Jax getting anything. Dennison lost track of that by trying to be cute. An incomplete pass was of no value to the Bills while a stopped run had value. That's the key, a stopped run had value to the Bills while an incomplete pass did nothing. It may have turned out to just be a FG anyway. But Jax wouldn't have had time for anything else. And in that tight of a game, it's a big mistake.
  3. Actually, the change in game situation, IMO, made passing at the 10 more of an acceptable option. At that point you were all focused on getting the 7 points vs the 3. With first and goal from the one with under 2 minutes in the half, the first two plays are no brainer run calls. You either get 7 or run time off the clock (or Jax uses there time outs). On third down they could have run the stupid play they did and I would have had less of a gripe (still wouldn't have liked it).
  4. Wait, you can agree with him that the Bills should have ran it from the 10 to use time but not to run from the one? Don't you see the inconsistency of your logic. If the Bills ran it from the one they either score or use time, passing doesn't accomplish that. It was a terrible, terrible call, highlighted because several of the things that could go wrong did.
  5. Absolutely terrible decision. A little thing called game management. Just power driving into the line either scores, uses over 30 seconds, or forces Jax to use a TO. Something very good comes from that, unlike the disaster that actually happened. I totally disagree. The largest percentage result of that play was going to be an incomplete pass which is much worse than the odds on result of the pile driving run up the middle, which would have been the clock running with the ball a foot or two closer to the end zone. Big difference.
  6. Absolutely terrible call. Just run the damn ball. So what if it doesn't result in a TD immediately. Almost better if it didn't, you burn 30+ seconds off the clock or Jax might call a TO. Either way something good comes of it. It wasn't just about scoring. Jax got too much time. Unnecessarily. At the one with under two minutes, just run it at least twice into the line. If you score a TD great, if you don't you have chewed up almost all the remaining time. Get tricky on third down if you have to, after Jax has used 2 of their TO's or the game clock is around 30 seconds.
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