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Posts posted by cv05

  1. 20 minutes ago, Kwai San said:


    Holy Jesus!!!  Superior Talent = Nathan Peterpick?????  YOU.  HAVE.  GOT.  TO.  BE.  KIDDING.  ME!!!!!


    You lost what very little bit of credibility you don't have with that statement.  Step away from mommy's computer, go back downstairs and hide for 3 more months.


    HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My point was McDermott started Peterman, despite, well, we all know how that turned out... 

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Rigotz said:

    Interesting take, nestled in truly ridiculous logic.


    Do you honestly think Jerry Hughes is the same as Von Miller?


    Jesus man ... take a breather. The Bills are 6-3 and the defense is hovering around #1 in the league. Stop crying.

    Of course I don't think that. My point is that McBeane have mismanaged the roster. I would rather have Von than Jerry if the cost was the same. When you factor in the cost, I'd much rather have Jerry on the cheap, and a premier WR2 or G, or, a couple of 1st rounders on offense instead of 4 on the d-line

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 46 minutes ago, thenorthremembers said:

    You didnt answer my question.   How often are the Texans blitzing compared to the Bills?   You also ignored my point about Jerry not being successful in THE BILLS defense compared to what Von is doing in the same defense.


    Yes, his stats are better this year.   But stats dont always tell the story of what is going on.   Bottom line is Von is looking to have 15 sacks this year in the same defense in which Hughes never had more than 7.  


    Please tell me how the coaching is better on the Texans when they are currently ranked 30th in defense in the league, meanwhile the Bills, who you're making such hot takes about are ranked 8th? 


    Sorry man, I love what Jerry Hughes did for this team, but I'd take Von Miller over him any day of the week. I'd also take the Bills coaching staff over the Texans coaching staff 100% of the time.   I dont even know how you can make the argument that a coaching staff that is likely going to be on the unemployment line at the end of the year, is getting more from their talent than the Bills staff.  And not only did you make it, you're actually defending it.   You're grasping at straws here.

    I think there are too many variables to really say one way or the other. I simply see it as a data point amongst many that McBeane are mismanaging the roster. There are plenty of things not accounted for here by either of us.


    - Certainly, Jerry has likely been used quite differently in the Texans defense as you point out. Maybe the Bills are wrong in using Jerry the way they did. They clearly weren't maximizing his talents. There's rumors that Jerry and McDermott didn't see eye to eye. Maybe this is part of it. 

    - Maybe McDermott's and Jerry's ego got in the way of the team. Wouldn't be the first time for either of them (Jerry's personal foul calls, McDermott's benching of superior talent to assert himself - see Nathan Peterman)

    -The fact that the bills are ranked 8th on defense in an embarrassment - we have invested just about every 1st, 2nd and even 3rd round pick on that side of the field. Our D-line should be dominant.

    - The fact that we have Josh Allen negates any comparison between the Texans and Bills coaching staff. I honestly wouldn't think it would be much worse. The Texans have very little talent after being dismantled by BoB.

    -I am not saying I would rather have Jerry Hughes over Von Miller. Maybe I'm saying I'd rather have Jerry Hughes and a premier WR2 or G than Von. Or, a couple of 1st rounders on offense instead of 4 on the d-line...

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  4. 5 minutes ago, thenorthremembers said:

    Cant really look at things like this in a vacuum.   You'd have to look at the Texans defense and see how many times Jerry is part of a blitz package, rather than just rushing 4 like the Bills do.   Jerry may have as many sacks as Von does this year, but he didnt have as many as Von does in this specific defense.

    2021 snap percent with bills : 51%
    2022  snap percent with houston : 61% 


    2021 tackles with bills : 18
    2022  tackles with houston (1/2 season) : 23

    2021 tfl with bills : 1
    2022  tfl with houston (1/2 season) : 9


    Coaching = getting the most out of what you've got. McDermott and Co. appear to stink at it. Other evidence - the rest of the d-line and a defense full of 1st and 2nd round picks. Dabol having a better record with a garbage team. 13 seconds, etc etc.

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  5. Hadn't really being paying attention - but he has 8 sacks this year. Same as Von. Through half a season he has 4 times as much as he accumulated all of last year with us. 


    With the busts we have on the d-line and absolute criminal mismanagement of this roster (Ed Oliver, AJ Epenessa, Boogie Basham, Greg R., $$$$ in Von, numerous free agents) I feel this is a real indictment on our coaching staff and talent evaluation. Especially with glaring holes on the O-line and at WR.


    The only reason this team is relevant is the lottery ticket we cashed named Josh Allen.

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  6. 1 minute ago, UKBillFan said:

    From memory, Araiza was the third or fourth punter in the draft due to his downsides (lack of experience with holding and hang time) so he went where he was expected to go, in punter terms.

    That's what I assumed as well, but it did strike me as odd. A guy that can boom it 80 yards (further than any other punter ever) and literally flip field position isn't the top guy? I mean, I'm relatively clueless about the other aspects of his game and how it compares to the top level punters, but that has to raise some red flags.

    • Agree 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, 4merper4mer said:

    It wouldn’t be great but it’s not impossible that Beane knew but McD did not.


    Agreed, not impossible. But highly unlikely.


    I think every team in the league knew about it, before the draft. Why are 2 other punters going ahead of him? It makes no sense. Its being openly talked about online. Reporters are said to have known. NFL scouts are pretty diligent about digging on all these guys for dirt as far as I understand it. I find it hard to believe the Bills (all involved) were naïve to it.

    • Agree 1
  8. Not sure if this has been mentioned, but check this interview out at 1:07:00 of McDermott from a few days ago:




    "...He's a great kid" This is all after the Bills are said to know about it. I think the Bills knew before the draft (i.e. 3rd punter selected (why?), discussions online of it back in December). The Bills just don't actually care. He'll bomb a couple 80 yarders tonight and McDermott and company will sleep well.

  9. 35 minutes ago, thenorthremembers said:

    I think you completely missed my point.   I wasnt complaining about my life, I was making the point that I pay into a ton of programs, that literally help my family in no way shape or form.   So when something comes into play that I actually use and dont mind paying for, I dont need to hear people crapping all over it.  


    The 800 million dollar tax cut for "Children and Family Services" has literally no correlation to the Pegula's getting government subsidies for the stadium, its a ploy by a hack writer to play on people's emotions, and it worked perfectly.   How many people that saw that tweet, retweeted the tweet, or even the writer himself, actually knows one program associated with the cuts?  


    You came on here to try and shame me, but instead you throw out stats like "A vast majority"  when you literally have no idea how many people abuse the system.  It may be 5% or 95%, you have no clue.   But you continue to pay into, because the state mandated it, and deep down it makes you feel good, like you're doing something good for your fellow human, when in reality the state isn't doing anything but chaining them and future generations of their families to continued poverty.   


    Also, stop using that "if people in other parts of the world" line, its trite.   It's the same ignorant agenda people were pumping on social media and the news when the gas prices first went up.  "Well, you may have to pay a lot for gas, but at least you dont have to worry about bombs, like the people in Ukraine."    Just because one injustice is more severe than another injustice, it doesnt make the lesser of two evils not evil.   That sort of thinking is the exact sort of garbage that made Nazi Germany possible.   


    First, they most certainly do help your family. The quality of the education your children get, the policing, the general societal safety are all from programs like that. If you're specifically talking about "welfare", I would still say that you indirectly benefit. If society had no safety net for these people, well, there wouldn't be much of a society.


    Second. It is a vast majority. Welfare fraud is estimated to be between 3-5%.


    It varies around the world, but that's a generally accepted number. 


    Also, ignorant agenda couldn't be further from the truth. I know personally people from developing countries who have moved here that can share stories that would make you feel absolutely silly for your complaints. For someone who has a cross in their avatar, you certainly don't personify biblical ideals in helping your fellow man. 



  10. On 3/30/2022 at 9:52 AM, thenorthremembers said:

    NYS is a disaster in overspending and the Bills stadium is the least of it.


    Tell me why I see people buying enough Subway subs to feed an army on their EBT cards while I am waiting in line to pay 4.50 a gallon for gas?


    Tell me why my kid gets lead poisoning from the paint in my house but I cant get a subsidy because I make too much pre tax even though I pay over a 1000 dollar a month in student loans to get the job that pays me too much.


    Tell me why I watched people getting 500 dollars a week to not work during the pandemic?  


    Tell me why politicians in our area have no issue giving themselves a pay raise out of our pockets but cry to the media when its about a stadium?


    People who dont make much have plenty of options for help.   I pay astronomical school taxes when my kids dont go to public school.  The tweet is a hack job.   I am going to go ahead and enjoy paying for the stadium.  If Dan Price cares so much about the funding of programs he likely knows nothing about he can choose to take money out of his own pocket to donate.  Screw him and his hyperbole.


    Your life sounds so hard.


    Just thank your lucky stars you don't have a need for any of those services. Are there abusers? sure, but the vast majority are people who were dealt a much worse hand than you and need the support. 


    Also, yes, people do have lots of options for help. That's what makes living in a first world country a privilege. In other parts of the world, people would scoff at these ridiculous complaints you have.

    • Vomit 1
  11. 8 hours ago, What a Tuel said:

    I posted about this in the stadium thread just last night and it is a false and misleading argument. 


    Hochul's proposed NYS budget cuts Children and Family Services funding by $800M (msn.com)


    "CNY Central has reached out directly to Governor Hochul's office for more context and perspective, as well as the Office of Children and Family Services. A spokesperson for OCFS tells CNY Central the proposed budget does not show a reduction in funding to local child protective services programs. Although the number may seem shocking, state leaders from the Governor's office and the Office of Children and Family Services tell CNY Central the absence of one-time pandemic relief money that was there before is the reason behind it."




    Fair - but I think the general, simplified argument is that you could take the 850 million you spent on the stadium and fund something of a more noble and beneficial cause. Children and Family services, for example, is spread very thin and is underfunded, just as most social programs are in the United States. 

    • Vomit 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, KDIGGZ said:

    The point being you have to have money to pay for such things. Surely you understand how businesses work?


    People want to save the world which is nice but they have no clue how to do it and then they complain when you hit them with some reality. Oh it costs money? Do you hate kids? Let's just have free everything


    Oh, you know how to save the world?


    I am privileged. I have a good stable job with a profitable company. I pay taxes, a lot of them. I am happy to pay those taxes, and a large reason why I live in New York as opposed to Florida. Do I want those taxes to supplement Pegula's 5.8 billion dollar worth and create a couple jobs, or do I want it to support children who have a parent overdosing on the couch? I guess I view one scenario as a nice to have, and one as a clear need to have. You may feel differently, but you are wrong.

  13. 5 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:

    how much money does child services make for the county?   What? 


    2 minutes ago, KDIGGZ said:

    The answer is $0. Socialists want free money for their programs but they don't understand that the money has to come from somewhere. Maybe like from a millions in taxable income from an NFL franchise? Hmm 🤔


    Ha! This is the most ridiculous perspective you could possibly have. 


    Family and Child Services saves children from abusive/neglectful situations. I'm not sure how to put a price tag on that exactly, but there is a very clear connection to that being an investment in our communities future. If you remove a child from a person with drug addiction issues or sexual abuse - and put them in a home that will care for them the impact on not just that child but everyone they interact with for the rest of their lives is immeasurable.


    Economists put ~$10 million to the value of a human life. There are about 15,000 kids in foster care in New York State right now. So if you consider the children as assets, that's a value of 150 billion dollars. How much does the investment (children) depreciate if they stay in a neglectful home? how about their children down the road? How about the kids they interact with at school?

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  14. 6 minutes ago, Big Turk said:


    Nope, the reason was they wanted to play Sanders except everytime Davis got on the field after week 4 or 5, he outplayed him.


    Sanders really started tailing off after a good opening month or so.


    Don't think it's possible to have Stefon Diggs on your team and have an "average at best" WR room. That's just assinine to even type that...to the point I can't believe your brain actually followed through with your fingers typing that out and then following through to hit the save button to post it.

    Diggs is great, but here are teams WR groups I would rather have:












    So I guess 11th is a bit above average. I stand corrected.


    Here are teams that I would say are borderline equal to us:

    Titans (Robert Woods needs to be healthy, if so, they're better)

    Giants (they need a QB, but I think they may have a better group in general)



  15. 5 minutes ago, Big Turk said:


    Actually that isn't right. Davis was number 4 on the doeth chart but it was honestly for NO good reason. Everytime he played he produced going back to his rookie year.


    so, you think the coaching staff said "we have this awesome player, but we're not going to use him"? 


    There must be a reason, and that reason must have something to do with 34 year old Emanuel Sanders being better. Football fans always look at their own team through rose colored glasses. I bet before that KC explosion, about 10% of NFL fans knew who Davis even was.


    This all being said, I have high hopes for Davis... but c'mon, the Bills WR room is average at best.

  16. 3 hours ago, Greg S said:


    How have they subtracted from the offense? Diggs, Knox, Davis, Crowder, Howard, McKenzie is a pretty solid group. If the Bills can build a running game with the RB doing the running then that will make Allen much more dangerous. If Singletary can't do it then Beane will have to find someone who can.

    • We've lost 1 (maybe 2 with Bates) members of our starting offensive line.
    • The replacement on our offensive line is going to be 34 with a history of significant shoulder injuries. He's known for being a great run blocker, but has been a liability in pass protection in the past (likely partially due to shoulder issues). This is a passing league and we have the best QB in the game. If we didn't spend two of our offensive drives against KC without Josh passing the ball, we would have won, despite McDermott's best efforts to lose the game.
    • We have no o-line depth
    • Our running backs stink. Singletary turned in on towards the end of the season, but that may have been due to the dual Allen-Singletary threat, which is apparently being reduced/eliminated
    • Ok, TE is upgraded. I like the OJ Howard signing. But the guy has 5 injuries on the same ankle. He is about as far away from a guaranteed producer as you can get
    • We've lost 2 of our top 3 WRs from last year. They were old, but still. Davis looked good in one game - lets hope that continues, but still to be seen. He was number 4 on the depth chart for a reason last year...
    • Diggs is getting up there, we'll see, but maybe he'll start declining. Same could be said about Mitch Morse.


    The constant investment in the defense and neglect of the offense is so painful to watch. Can't stand it.

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  17. 1 hour ago, MAJBobby said:

    Based off what?  Have you seen Josh or our other WRs play at the level they are without Diggs? 

    My eyes. Josh looked good in year 2 without Diggs. He would make throws I had never seen a Bills QB make (I'm post-Kelly). I was sold after year 2 and have only become more convinced of that since.

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  18. 13 minutes ago, MAJBobby said:

    And in the 17 games to Help Bills get to Playoffs


    you think Davis has the production he did in KC without Diggs in the other side?  Really people?  

    We finally have a QB and modern offense and some fans here want to trade the QBs best friend and elite WR. 

    can never have good things with some of this fan base. 

    Diggs is great. I don't want him to leave. I just believe Josh is the reason for success, it has very little to do with Diggs.

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