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Chadwick Bay Chad

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Posts posted by Chadwick Bay Chad

  1. 2 minutes ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

    I never commented on the color flakes.  Dung 


    Oh yes you did.  You should know me by now.  I never post anything not true

    Just now, ShadyBillsFan said:

    I mean jm2009

    Run off = ban

    I got tired of people blasting me for giving them inside information 

  2. 1 minute ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day (once if set to military hours). 

    I have been right at every turn.  Admit you made a fool of yourself about the corn flakes.  That was way funny

    Do you think it is a good strategy to sign Benjamin now to a long term contract as I reported yesterday 

  3. Guys, You can post all the stuff you want, we all know the truth.  You failed to mention how you guys made fun of me over corn flakes.  Ten pages of insults.  I let the noose tighten and bam, the truth set me free. We all know the story now. You may not like my facts but they come true.  Did Gaines play last week? I said on Tuesday he was out.  On Thursday you guys blasted me becuase he practiced.  I said, I don’t care, he won’t play. You laughed.  Did he play, no


    if the situation presents itself tomorrow, you will see what I have been saying for three weeks.  


    Fyi kendrick West will be a bill this year.  I am on record way away of the game.   So catch me when they make they want one of their picks back. I don’t want to hear from yohio saying we talked about that 70pages ago.  You probably did but he is not here. He will be in buffalo for next season. 100% certain.


    as far as wealth, if you bought stock like crazy in 2009,I did when it was 65000, and right before this election, you made a killing. Facebook. I just bought a ton of lyft.  Uber is going down.  Making money is easy.  You guys should buy land around the new stadium like I am


    i cannot wait to confirm this news, this board will explode.



    one last thing, have you figured out when this thread was turn back on?



    spider web trap

    11 minutes ago, MILFHUNTER#518 said:

    Just imagine the price of Crow shares if Don is right about Just 75% of what he has posted...:D

    On February one, crow will be eaten

  4. 2 hours ago, ColoradoBills said:


    Don, a football question.

    Do we have anymore info on the Webb package.  Tomorrow is game day and I am looking forward to seeing Offensive razzle dazzle.

    Do we know if the package is delivered by ground or air and is Webb the pitcher or the catcher?


    Fake news started by the "Maze Cartel"!

    Tomorrow if McDermott has the guts, you might see the finest moment in Bills history.  It will be amazing 

  5. 3 hours ago, Peter said:


    Don - I tried to send you a PM but someone seems to have prevented you from getting messages.  This is very, very odd. I wonder why the administrators would do this. Has there been an explanation?  

    I turned it off.  I get too many

    2 hours ago, BillsFan4 said:

     I did check the record Don. 


    You signed up for Two Bills Deive on November 20th.


    The Dareus and Benjamin trades happened on October 27th. 


    How could you have predicted them a month before before you even created your account here? 





    As Dunkirk don

  6. 3 hours ago, Xwnyer said:

    you would think a millionaire would at least have a snow blower.   he has to go sign in at the falcon club to win a few bucks

    My dad always said waste not, want not.  

    3 hours ago, H2o said:

    :doh: Someone,  anyone, please take away anything that has internet capabilities from this guy. 

    Please stop reading. You are in pain

    3 hours ago, Royale with Cheese said:


    This is an example I’m talking about.

    Blow off everything and now respond “all your answers will come true in February”.  Blew off every statement.


    Now again your story has changed.  Now we are after Cousins.  You’re saying OBD has changed their mind twice on Cousins in just a few weeks.

    It will all make sense.  You guys will hear from me in the caymans

  7. 6 minutes ago, HappyDays said:


    So the deal that fell through is back on again? What a twist.

    Don’t you start with me you back stabbed me

    Huge news coming. U know my rule. Must have two confirmations. It is a little harder since one was walked out the other day. Tough break but they knew the risk. Happy I thought You stood tall

  8. 1 minute ago, Royale with Cheese said:


    How can he check the record if you didn’t sign up for thi board until after the trades?


    Prior when someone called you out on a contradictory statement about Beane....your comment was “Obviously he changed his mind”.

    You never have good answers when people bring up flaws in your statements.  You just write a blow off statement that doesn’t prove anything.  There concerns are legitimate but you’re responses aren’t....it makes you look like a phony.  


    I didn’t side one way or another for the length of this thread but I really feel now you’re straight BS’ing.

    All your answers will come on February 1. Biggest surprise ending to a show since who shot jr on Dallas 

  9. You better get use to cousins being our quarterback. Just saying

    1 minute ago, RobH063 said:

    Shovel snow 5,000 times in your life. Multiply that by $20 per time to have someone do it for you. That equals $100,000 Far cry from a Million.

    I have ant worth o theee million deal with it 

  10. 10 minutes ago, RobH063 said:

    If you're trying to tell me that Don is a Millionaire because he shovels his own snow you're on the same intelligence level as he is.


    And Don,  it's "may be why" not "me be why"

    Actually I am a multi millionaire and will increase my net worth on January 30

    27 minutes ago, Xwnyer said:

    not you I was referring to DD


    I will be at falcon club tonight I don’t have to be Kojak to find me

    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, BillsFan4 said:


    How did you predict the Benjamin trade? Or the Dareus trade?


    They were both traded in October, and you didn't sign up at TBD until the end of November. 


    Also, nothing has been proven regarding the Cousins deal, the Bills interest in Smith, their free agent list, or this spider web trap that you keep saying we will see every week. Time may very well prove you right, but it hasn't happened yet. 


    And as ive addressed with you before, you did not call Glenn going to injured reserve until AFTER he went on injured reserve. 

    Originally you just said that he was damaged goods and would be hard to trade. You never said anything at all about injured reserve until after he went on it. 


    I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything. You've provided some info. Like Peterman being out, and we will see what other info is correct in the future. No reason to lie about what you've said in the past though if you're truly telling the truth. That's my only point. 

    Its very easy to look back at your post history and see what you've said, and when you've said it. 

    Check the record. Not going to debate iI

  12. Intermission at the concert. Tell me one prediction that is wrong. I will save u the time none.  Just wait until Sunday and you will have another want to get away moment.  Apparently 135000 views people want to know what the don has to say. Huge and I mean huge news coming

    4 minutes ago, RobH063 said:

    If there's any concert at all, I'm thinking either a church choir concert or a high school chorus concert. Something like that. Heavy Lake Effect Snow happening today. No one in their right mind would be traveling far in this crap

    I like culture 

  13. You are joke that keeps on giving 

    Off to a concert


    4 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    No can do amigo. I start chanting into the mirror next thing you know you're climbing out of my television like that creepy girl from The Ring.  








    Proven wrong again

    39 minutes ago, Billsfansinceday1 said:

    Ok.  I have read bits and pieces of this thread but have probably missed a lot.  Would you please summarize your prognostications for us out of towners?  This is a serious request and not snarky at all.


    After your shoveling, of course.?

    They cant stand it because everything I have posted has been corrected including corn flakes.. they had some fun until Dunkirk don proved them wrong and crickets. Very amusing but this is about football not cereal

  14. 36 minutes ago, Billsfansinceday1 said:

    Ok.  I have read bits and pieces of this thread but have probably missed a lot.  Would you please summarize your prognostications for us out of towners?  This is a serious request and not snarky at all.


    After your shoveling, of course.?

    I correctly predicted the dareus, Benjamin trades, Glenn to ir, our interest in smith, the cousins deal, the peterman start injury update, Gaines not playing, stadium news,  Benjamin deal, our free agent list. Thanks for asking. And spider Webb trap which we will see sunday

  15. 3 minutes ago, RobH063 said:

    Hmmm, I'll have to look for these members or member. I enjoy a good joke, ribbing etc. As a matter of fact, I have already purchased my tombstone. It says two things. "His mind was a blessing and a curse" and "He was here...Now he's not"

    Please do ASAP so we can get back to football have you figured out the exact location yet

    32 more days until Dunkirk don can step away from this posting.  It will be a long month though oh well, time to shovel

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