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Posts posted by YesPlayoffs

  1. 48 minutes ago, 1billsfan said:

    Yet Siemian's benching hit a 0 on the "benching outrage meter" vs Taylor's benching hit a 100 on the "benching outrage meter".


    Because Paxton Lynch is ten times the prospect that Peterman is.  It's not rocket science.

    47 minutes ago, paulbills said:

    Pretty much this, people seem to forget 9/18 for 56 yards in a must win game at home didn't cut it.


    So you advocate the benching and tossing aside of a multiple-year starting quarterback for having one miserable game?

  2. 5 minutes ago, joesixpack said:



    Let me know when he performs in the clutch. With him you know he won't lose a lead. That's about the best thing you can say about him.



    You could also say that he gives us the best chance to win games.


    Now I know you're in favor of tanking for a top 8 pick to get a Super Bowl caliber quarterback (a strategy that's only worked once in the last 20 years - Peyton). But I'd rather see a team out there trying to win rather than cross my fingers and hope for something that happens once in a generation.



    5 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

    WTF show me exactly where I said that or kick rocks.


    My apologies.  I mixed you up with the other guy.  I'll go outside and practice punting stones right now.

    • Like (+1) 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

    'Tyrod Taylor: at LEAST as effective as Trevor Siemian'


    That was your comparison, not his.  You said you'd rather have a turnover a game than 10 less yards.  It's an opinion that zero NFL people would support.  Have fun with that.



  4. Just now, GoBills808 said:

    Is this where we just pretend that extra yards per game somehow don't contribute to field position?


    Not when you're getting over 30 more yards per game on the ground (TT 37 rushing yards per game for the Bills - Siemian 6 rushing yards per game for Denver).

  5. 1 minute ago, 1billsfan said:

    Now, is throwing 12 more interceptions that big of a deal, when it was Taylor’s total lack of challenging defenses DNA that got him benched? Not for me.


    Then you really don't know anything about football.  Preventing turnovers and preserving field position is faaaaar more important that an extra 40 yards of passing per game.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Albwan said:

    lol. nice 12 posts there, lets please not act like they benched joe montana.

    I hardly think you'll come back here if he has one of his usual games sunday

    I don't care how bad the defense is you aren't winning anything in the nfl with

    1 td and 120 yards passing, and i'm not talking about points scored against 2nd stringers

    in garbage time.


    Literally nothing you posted had anything to do with what I posted.  Nice job.

  7. Just now, joesixpack said:


    Are you seriously comparing one of the greatest passers of our era to TYROD TAYLOR?


    What little credibility you have just went out the window.



    I'm comparing downfield passing attempts...I thought it was pretty clear.  If you can't understand that, I don't know how to help you.  I mean, it makes sense that you don't understand, but it is what it is.

  8. 5 minutes ago, NoPlayoffs said:


    Here's his passing charts.  There's really no significant difference between last week and most previous weeks.  Yes, in some games the passing is focused within 20 yards (Jets in particular), but for the most part, his passing profile matches the second half of the Chargers game.  Sorry to ruin your narrative.





    And for the record, compare his passing charts to noted "gunslinger" Drew Brees when it comes to throwing downfield.  Not too much difference when it comes to downfield passing.  But I guess all you guys don't want Brees either since he checks down often.



  9. 4 minutes ago, ricojes said:

    Whatever, I just can't wait until he is gone after this season...


    Here's his passing charts.  There's really no significant difference between last week and most previous weeks.  Yes, in some games the passing is focused within 20 yards (Jets in particular), but for the most part, his passing profile matches the second half of the Chargers game.  Sorry to ruin your narrative.




  10. 3 minutes ago, ricojes said:

    Actually you are wrong.  While the majority of TT's completions were short catch and run type plays, he did attempt to go deep quite a few times.  This keeps the defense honest, which he wasn't doing a good job of previously.  Here are his plays:


    He's been doing that all season.  It's absurd to think otherwise.

  11. 6 minutes ago, ricojes said:

    When TT came into the game, he actually threw the ball down field!  It was a very expensive lesson, but I hope he learned.  I would imagine TT will be on a short leash as well, if he doesn't start trusting his throws, he gets pulled. 


    Last game, TT played exactly the same way he has been doing all season.  There was no difference.  It just that now, people who can't admit they were horrendously wrong about Peterman are trying to move to a narrative that somehow the benching "fixed" Tyrod.  That's just a way for people to try and salvage a silver lining from their dumb opinions.  Just admit you were wrong.

  12. 12 minutes ago, joesixpack said:


    How many were first rounders?


    Irrelevant.  We have a first round pick no matter what and I expect us to use it on a QB wherever it may fall.  However,  you are advocating tanking for a top 8 pick.  That implies that you think picks 1 to 8 are where the hardware winning guys get taken.  I was simply stating that Super Bowl winning quarterbacks mostly come from outside of that range.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Watkins90 said:

    I honestly don't think the defense is that big of an issue. We have had success on defense in the first half, we have been getting blown out in the second half.


    Other than a missed field goal, the Chargers scored on every single first half drive last week.  The week before, the only thing that stopped the Saints from scoring on every single first half drive was a fumble and an end-of-the half kneeldown.  Against the Jets, yes they scored 24 in the second half, but that was after a first half where TOP was close to 50/50 in the first half and we only had one three and out.  I don't think your hypothesis holds any weight.  The defense is just bad...it really hasn't had anything to do with the offense the last three weeks.

  14. 22 minutes ago, RoyBatty is alive said:

    One huge play can change everything an in NFL play, Peterman was on a roll before that fiasco.  Psychological momentum in the NFL is real.


    If one drop by a receiver is enough to turn Peterman into a drooling interception machine, then he has no business being on a NFL field.


    14 minutes ago, RoyBatty is alive said:

     It was not lasered and it was not at his forehead.


    Then you didn't watch the game.

  15. 25 minutes ago, Heitz said:

    many of us want that guy FIRST before we start to add a supporting cast.  Obviously you need a solid line (and we have lots of picks and dollars to spend in FA), but more than anything we need a QB! 


    Here's the problem with that...if we go get a great QB prospect, he's going to have to play in this garbage offense with no protection when he gets here.  It's a lot harder to develop potential when you've got nothing to work with.  Fix the other issues first to give a young guy a stable environment.  That's the only way this is going to work.

  16. 41 minutes ago, Bills757 said:

    But the problem is that too many Buffalo fans want to "just" draft a franchise QB who will solve everything.  To heck with building a solid O-line.  Let's not worry about having a decent WR corps......why?  Because the "franchise" QB will raise this team on his shoulders and carry it to the Super Bowl.  It's mind boggling how short-sighted some fans are with regards to how you build an offense.


    That's because they see Brady and think, "That's all we need!  A Hall of Fame quarterback!" without any understanding that finding one is a crapshoot.  They also don't understand that Brady is successful because he has a brilliant head coach who builds schemes to suit his players' talents.


    Even if we were fortunate enough to actually draft the next great quarterback, we still have McChuckleNuts on the sidelines.  He'd end up ruining the guy anyway with his moronic coaching.

  17. 4 minutes ago, ChasBB said:

    Agree completely.  DiMarco makes that catch, we may have an entirely different game and outcome.


    Yep.  If DiMarco makes that catch, suddenly the line can block Bosa.  If DiMarco makes the catch, then Peterman suddenly doesn't throw balls up for grabs with no concern over protecting the football.  And suddenly the defense can stop them from scoring at will.


    What drugs are you on?

    • Haha (+1) 2
  18. 5 minutes ago, Lfod said:

    The playoff hopes we're over after the Jets to anybody who could see how bad the team was destroyed by the Jets. I guess if you want to get technical yes they still could make it. I wouldn't bet money on it and I wouldn't have after the Jets game. Would you have?


    I only bet on sure things...and no, our playoff spot wasn't a sure thing.  But did we have a chance?  Yes.


    The way things are shaping up, it's looking like nine wins will get you a Wild Card spot...did we have a shot at nine wins?  Absolutely.  That is until McChuckleNuts decided to throw away yesterday's game.

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