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Posts posted by ProcessTheTrust

  1. 2 minutes ago, unclepete said:

    But he can’t do that. That’s the point. This was more of an anomaly. They need a QB. 

    I swear I'm not defending him. I'm saying, he's closer to the idea of the guy that we wanted than Tyrod was. We thought our D with Rex would be this year Jax good. That's all. Yeah...give them a real QB next year and they are legit SB favs out the gate 

  2. Just now, unclepete said:

    Bortles got spotted 21 points. Our D is nowhere near that Jax D. I lived In Jax for a while and watched them a lot. Tyrod not good but Bortles is terrible. He had a solid game but let’s not get carried away. 

    Nah, I'm good with what I said. He's not good. He's a better game manager who can step up when needed. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, starrymessenger said:


    Except that Pitt has a better chance of taking down the Pats IMO.

    Although if they are on their game I would be really interested to see how Jax's D would make out against Tom & Co.

    I agree but I already resolved the Saints are the only team that really can stop them...thats assuming the ref assistance is shut off in the SB

  4. 4 minutes ago, TigerJ said:

    Carucci only tweeted that McCoy would not be the new OC.  He did not give a reason.  Dunkirk Don did not say McCoy would be the new OC, only that he received an offer.  The two are not contradictions. of each other.

    Yeah. But then again, there's this...just one of the many authoritave statements by the "insider"


  5. 2 minutes ago, Chadwick Bay Chad said:

    That is what makes America great. You are forced to believe me or read this threat.  I should have the right to post without constantly being harassed.  I don’t harass what you post’ I just don’t read them. Most of them are such trivial stuff, it makes me nauseous. But I respect your right and not constant call for a mod to shut it down.  If you believe this is crap don’t read it. Problem solved but the childish mommy pleas to the mod is ridiculous. I get punished for your bad behavior

    DonChad, it's the fact you post saying things like they are authoritave. If you can keep up, news is coming out now revealing he never interviewed. I don't care how much we wanted him last year, to pretend we offered without interviewing this year is insulting our intelligence beyond what you have already done. Just start a new profile and become a regular fan again. Please. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, kdiggz said:

    lol for a second i thought maybe i clicked on an archived thread or something.  then i realized he is a Bengals fan just visiting

    Guess I should have asked if he thinks Palmer can bounce back from that ACL

    • Haha (+1) 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, Whodey1967 said:

    As a whole, how do the Bills fans view EJ?


    I haven't seen him play much, and from what I have seen, he is a bit hot and cold.


    Does he have franchise QB potential or is the mgt riding him until his replacement arrives?


    What is EJs future with the Bills?

    I just finished watching the original Jumanji, so maybe it's really 2014?

  8. Just now, Chadwick Bay Chad said:

    Who am I hurting?  Why do you guys spread nonsense when you know I have been right 99% of the time.  You don’t read.  You guys continue to want to shut down my right to post.  I don’t care what you post, I just don’t read it and I sure don’t cry to the mod every 2minutes. To shut down free speech. 


    Grow up

    Stop. Pretending. You. Are. An. Insider.


    Please just go back to being a fan making predictions instead of pretending you have a source. You have been exposed over and over and we will keep doing this to every one of your fraud posts. Promise.

  9. Mods, since you are still allowing this guy to pretend he's an insider, can you somehow auto-attach the following to his new threads?


    Disclaimer to those who didn't follow along last time and are hoping this is legit:

    1. The OP will eventually get upset at all the "hate" and threaten to shut down "his/their" post. He/they will say "This is my last post"

    2. The OP will return within hours as if the original threat was never spoken

    3. As details change, the OP will conveniently provide reasons for them. Everything from the source wasn't confirmed by 2 people as is his/their standard, or sometimes because it was all a ploy to distract people while he/they are accomplishing world changing goals

    4. As the number of "believers" dwindle due to the upcoming list of discrepancies sure to follow, a faithful few will fan the flame to allow this thread to exist

    5. Eventually, a mod will step in and shut it down. Might not be till the draft since we won't have much else to talk about till then.  

    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, WMDman said:

    Well let me get this straight, you said that we wanted to trade for R. Smith and A.Smith and then draft Lock in the third. When someone exposed you for being a liar by showing you lock is returning you back tracked and said you meant Allen and now you say Allen is a first round pick....gotcha 

    Welcome to the DonChad mindtrap. No admitting he was busted. Just on to the next lie.

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