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The juice

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Everything posted by The juice

  1. Man this D needs a 3 or out or Ill be turning on the Sabres game
  2. Prior to this game the bills allowed 3 games of 300 yards passing in a row. First time in team history. Really shows something is wrong with this D and it starts with the pass rush
  3. Great. Was only a matter of time before McCoy got hurt. Now no back up so tyrod is going to have to throw the ball 30 times which mean we lose
  4. Where is the pass rush? There is no creativity from the D
  5. I truly think that the bills are not as good as there 5-2 record. A lot of mediocre teams in the nfl this year. Bills have benefited from the turnovers which have put them over the hunt but I dont think that will keep up
  6. This is has been a problem for weeks not. Going to come back to haunt us
  7. Jets had that red perfectly. Was going to Thomas but he was gonna b covered
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