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Posts posted by Brueggs

  1. 15 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    No, Biden is a good man. Trump is the criminal 

    Why aren't they in jail?

    One has agencies covering up for him and the other has agencies fabricating against him.  

    9 minutes ago, TSOL said:



    Facts say he's walking around a free man NOT in jail 


    So I ask again, what criminal activity have you found him guilty of? 



    I'm pretty sure its mean tweets and hurting his feelings, but there may be more...

  2. 9 hours ago, Buftex said:

    Offering up a reminder to people that our country is worth saving... letting Republicans know that they don't need to be bullied into following Trump into the sewar.  There are plenty who claim that a sizable number of elected Republicans hold their nose, as they back all this MAGA crap, because they want to save their jobs, and they are afraid of the Trump base.  I wouldn't expect the MAGA faction of PPP to be impressed...but he wasn't talking to the people so far in the weeds. 


    Trump is not Mitt Romney or John McCain, George Bush...he is a corrupt, petty, insecure, dishonest, dishonorable slob, who has somehow snookered a sizable (though there are indications, shrinking), that he is some sort of answer to all our problems.  I completely agree, the decisiveness sucks... but that is the whole MAGA thing...divide and conquer.  It isn't noble, and it isn't good. I get that it all sounds hyperbolic, but he is truly a threat to our country.  

    I agree with your first sentence. Your saying Republicans don't need to be bullied into following Trump.  I agree also. 

    But....don't you think Democrats are bullied into following their party leaders?  Our politics have gotten so corrupt, on all sides, that if someone doesn't comply with the establishment, they will be ousted.  That is exactly what happened to Trump.  He pointed out the corruption, and the establishment (which the MSM is a part of), went after him 24/7.  You can hate Trump, and there are plenty of plausible reasons for that, but the establishment keeps pointing at him so people stop looking at them.  Trump made it easy for them to do that.

  3. 9 hours ago, Buftex said:

    Yes, I am sure that the middle-aged bigots that comprise the bulk of PPP are representative of the majority of the country.  

    Maybe, maybe not.  If you listen to the bought and paid for media, I can see how you might be misinformed or led to believe what is popular opinion.

    Why are you projecting your bigotry onto a large group of people?  I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but the powers that be use bigotry, and many other things, as a tool to divide people.  You are contributing to exactly what you are offended by.  By projecting bigotry, you are sidestepping the actual issue and trying to make it about something its not.

  4. 10 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    You guys are not half the country, so just stop 

    If this thread is any indication, its more than half of the country.  

    Almost everyone here is pretty much in agreeance, with the exception of about 3 posters who are constantly screaming from the rooftops.  The same three that take up whatever cause they are told to.  The same three that are incapable of acknowledging any shortcomings.  The same three that just keep turning up like a bad penny.  You guys should be furious at what they did to you.  But, instead, you continue to carry the torch and follow the pied piper to the river.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

    Just another indication that Republicans are, in fact, pro terror.  Republicans backing the blue?  That’s a hoax. 

    I've got to give you boys credit.  You stay loyal, even in the face of pure hypocrisy.  You're willing to sell yourselves out and not accept anything that you don't want to believe, even if it means compromising all of your integrity.  That kind of dedication it truly rare.  

    • Agree 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. The irony of this speech is so typical.  

    This thread is a fairly accurate representation of the big picture.  Most people see it for what it is, but then there is that small group who, under any circumstances, will blindly support this nonsense.  They are the same ones who always squawk the loudest, using the same buzzwords repeatedly, and lacking any substance.  


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  7. 2 hours ago, Andy1 said:

    Honest question: Other than an emphasis on stopping illegal immigration, what other ways has he transformed the party for the better?

    To be fair, I only said he transformed the party.  I will take the position that it is for the better though.  

    The America first policy comes to mind.  We are the only sovereign nation I can think of that doesn't put its own citizens first.  How can you have a successful nation without that foundation?  

    I suppose the actual transformation is in the many other political leaders that have adopted his ideas and made them part of their own platforms, along with other leaders who went the opposite way, and were jettisoned from the party.  The GOP was essentially struggling, and Trump showed them a new way that actually worked.

    This isn't part of any GOP transformation, but he did expose government and media corruption (pretty much the same thing at this point) which is very significant.  I can't think of anyone else in his position that would have had the courage to do what he did.  As citizens, we all deserve to know the truth.  Even as ugly as it is, the ugly truth is always better than a pretty lie, yet the pretty lie is what we hear most often.


  8. 43 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

    Pretending the election they lost was rigged and storming the Capitol on January 6th. Boom.  Roasted. 

    In your mind, perhaps.

    You are the perfect example of how powerful and dangerous the MSM is.  They have spent years promoting knowingly false stories, and at the same time, suppressing real ones.  Many have already known this, but now, it is undeniable to anyone, even you...if you're honest.  They have even admitted it themselves.  They know, and it has worked since its inception, that if they repeat the same thing over and over for a great length of time, people will believe it as the truth, even in spite of evidence right in front of their faces.  Yet, people like you continue to trust them.  

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  9. 15 hours ago, Andy1 said:

    The whole Trump presidency was a hoax on the Republican party. He was never a true Republican or conservative. His candidacy was all just a way to get back in the limelight and grift people. Now he owns the party. 

    You are right in the sense that Trump was never a true Republican.  He is a pragmatic.  He used the Republican platform to run for the presidency because the independent platform has proven to do nothing other than detract votes from one of the other "two" candidates.  

    He has subsequently transformed the party, and he exposed DC for what it is.  Although many people already knew, or at least suspected it, he pulled back the curtain for everyone to see.  Like him, or hate him, not very many people would have the courage to do that.  DC is corrupt on both sides of the isle.  

    That being said, the current party in charge is implementing some of the worst policies in our nations history, and I can't see how anyone can even defend them at this point.  Fiscal irresponsibility, wide open borders, new wars, record high prices on food and fuel, weaponization of federal agencies, practically state run media/academia, and the list goes on and on.  I'm not saying they are intentionally trying to destroy the country, but if they were, what would they do differently?


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  10. 15 hours ago, TH3 said:

    So - some dude from India has the down low on Hunter?


    Anyhoo...not sure why conservatives are angsty over the whole thing...seems like a very Trumpy thing to do.....

    He is based in the US.  I didn't realize someone's nationality had any bearing on their credibility.

    I guess as long as you have your Starbucks and a cell phone everything will be OK.  Nothing to see here.

  11. 58 minutes ago, TH3 said:

    A website from........India? Ok....I am waiting for when Julie the Housekeeper pipes up!

    You would have said the same thing if it was Fox News or any conservative outlet.  Sorry peanut, but you're just not going to hear anything about it on CNN or any other network that is owned by the half dozen families that control 90% of what you hear.  I wonder why?  Its almost as if they are a branch of the same establishment...

  12. 25 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    lmao - what a mess.


    So after all that and the kitchen sink- I guess you can’t articulate any corruption associated with Joe’s WH?

    Are you really to lazy to do a simple search for yourself?  You need a link to think?


  13. 4 hours ago, BillStime said:

    If there was ANYTHING nefarious about this do you think Biden would be so cavalier about it?


    Have you looked into Viktor Shokin or are you just buying what Trump is feeding you?

    And please - we don’t have to imagine at all what Trump has said and done - the most corrupt politician in our lifetime.






    Do you really think Joe thinks things through?  The guy blunders daily.  You give him way to much credit as your idol and all.

    This has zero to do with Trump, but he is firmly implanted in your mind.

    Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on the planet....well, until the Russians started moving in.  I thought you guys conveniently forgot all about that?  

    Again, not about Trump, except to you... because you can't stop thinking about him.   They did it to you on purpose.  


    • Haha (+1) 1
  14. On 8/23/2022 at 8:14 AM, BillStime said:

    So you are deflecting because you cannot substantiate Joe’s corruption in the WH?


    Got it

    All of the corruption regarding Trump is alleged, and nothing proven.  That in and of itself is substantial considering the forces at work against him.  He is a billionaire business man, and as such you would expect to see complex financial dealings.

    Biden, on the other hand, has the protection of the same forces working against Trump.  He was never a business man, and while making several hundred thousand a year, has amassed a substantial fortune somehow.  

    I don't suppose, in spite of all the smoke in Ukraine and China, and his son's business dealings, that you see any sign of corruption?  Be honest, if that were Donald and Donald Jr., you would be screaming from the roof tops.  Yet, as proven over and over when it comes to our politicians, they are rarely held accountable.  If you are part of the establishment, you are protected.  It is painfully obvious to anyone that has an ounce of objectivity, that of the two presidents being discussed, that one is clearly a part of that establishment.

    This same establishment uses smoke and mirrors and misdirection routinely, and as a necessity to continue what they are doing.  None of us are getting truly accurate information, and as a result, have a very limited basis to make a truly informed decision.

    The result is people like us become divided as to what is true and what is not, based on propaganda, and the entire nation suffers for it.  This is 100% by design, and it is working...probably better that intended.  


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  15. 8 hours ago, BillStime said:

    So you are deflecting because you cannot substantiate Joe’s corruption in the WH?


    Got it

    Read my original response to you in this thread, where you did exactly what you say I'm doing.  Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.  I suppose that is exactly what makes you the perfect poster boy for the DNC.

    2 hours ago, Doc said:


    It's funny.  In rare moments of honesty, you'll hear simps like BSTime say that politicians are corrupt.  But press him on a 50-year Congresscritter like Joke, and he's pure as the driven snow.

    That is the irony, isn't it?  Its proof positive that brainwashing works.  

    • Agree 2
  16. 3 hours ago, BillStime said:

    No - not really. 

    Corruption is what Donald Trump and his family did to our treasury through his numerous vacations and random visits to his properties - making members of his administration stay at his properties in the US and abroad - including an Air Force crew repeatedly staying way out of their way at his resort in Scotland…


    Why don’t we review and audit the dispersant of those PPP loans to his own businesses, family and friends - which were cancelled and not repaid in full (meanwhile the cult goes nuts over student loans).


    Why wouldn’t Pompeo release the report of how much of our tax dollars spent at Trump properties before the 2020 election?



    For the sake of argument, lets say you are correct.  Now, if you apply even scrutiny to the current administration, you can't find anything that raises suspicions of corruption? 

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