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Posts posted by Brueggs

  1. On 9/22/2022 at 7:23 AM, BillStime said:

    lmao - triggered much?


    You can always block me if I’m making you uncomfortable for reminding you of your bad choices.


    Or go back to your safe place.



    LOL, you don't remind me of my bad choices, but you do remind me of how blindly following a political faction is causing the rapid deterioration of our nation.  

    20 hours ago, RiotAct said:

    my 401k is pretty much worthless now.  But, INSURRECTION!!!  JANUARY SIXXXTTTHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!1

    Yes sir.  I suppose we can just fall in line and accept that we can all have nothing, and be happy about it, or chalk it up to the cost of freedom.  As they would like to have us believe...

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 7 hours ago, BillStime said:

    Trump is on Hannity right now - don’t miss it! Hurry.

    Also - funny you don’t say jack to your fellow cult members still crying about voter fraud 687 days since election day… 


    Go back to your safe place 

    Thanks, I didn't know that.

    What do you want me to say?  I'm not the guy who can't get him out of his mind.

    What is it like in there?  Do you keep hearing his voice?  His name?  When you close your eyes do you see the bad orange man?  

    Point to the spot on the doll where he touched you...

  3. 1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

    Freedom isn't free! 


    Did you stand with Obama in opposing the Iraq War? 

    Interesting, now you're about freedom?  There has to be some internal conflict with that notion?  Why are we the only country in the world that has a problem with being a sovereign nation?  I'm all for lending a hand to other struggling countries, when we have our own affairs in order.  

  4. 26 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Everyone that cares about freedom, free government and democracy. Thank goodness Biden was president when this happened 

    Yes, thank goodness.  Not only is this war a direct reflection of his weakness, we get to compound it by spending US taxpayer dollars to a nation that he, and his son..... and brother, were in bed with.  And in the coming months, all of Europe will be saddled with higher energy costs as the ruble gains on the dollar.  A real win-win situation for everybody.

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. 11 hours ago, BillStime said:

    Religion - good for you… keep it out of our government and politics.


    lmao - you’re open minded lolololol


    Georgia is one of the most racist states in the union - enough said 


    Yes, your gay buddies think you’re nuts.





    Just an observation.  You seem to be so filled with hatred, that it becomes all you see.  Its literally blinding.  You stand firm with every issue based purely on what the party tells you to think, rather than forming your own opinion.  You need to remove the hatred to even begin to have the ability to be objective.  You have become exactly what it is that you think you are fighting against, and don't even know it.  For your sake, I hope I am wrong and you are just doing this because you are being paid to.

  6. 4 hours ago, BillStime said:

    Funny how the same snowflakes crying about a speech calling out fascists cheered on Trumps “mean Tweets”


    MAGA tears are delicious 

    You see it as crying because that is how you relate.  I see it as calling it what it is.  

    Trump made some blunders for sure.  The difference is, some people can admit it.  You can't.  

  7. 3 hours ago, B-Man said:




    Meanwhile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . back at the Biden speech thread, 


    all was not well for those trying to distract from what a disaster it was.




    Vulnerable Democrats Distancing Themselves From Biden’s MAGA Speech

    by Mike LaChance 
















    I don't think it matters what side of the political spectrum someone is on to realize how truly bad this speech was.  It was so bad, even if you watch it without sound, it sends a terrible message.  Its hard to believe, that somewhere along the way, the people that put this together didn't realize how bad it was.  Someone would have to be utterly brain dead to see this as anything but a failure.  Photos of Hitler speeches look more innocent than this.

    • Agree 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Chef Jim said:

    Again that’s right wing extremist not MAGA.  Get your ass off the Twit For Brains machine and talk to some MAGA supporters to see who they/we really are.  I’m MAGA and I gave you my list. Let me see yours. 

    That, or its straight out of the Dem playbook.  They have a history of fabricating things like this, especially when it gets close to November.

    10 hours ago, Doc said:

    The Dems are the party that tries to shut down opposing views.  That's the real threat to Democracy.

    They continually deny that, but when was the last time you saw a liberal speaker shut down on a college campus?  Conservative speakers, on the other hand, are routinely shut down.  

  9. 1 minute ago, BillStime said:

    So how did Trump stop it? The wall didn’t seem to work.

    He didn't, and no one can stop it completely.  The wall wasn't completed for one, and that wouldn't stop it completely either, only make it much more difficult.  He was very vocal about the opioid epidemic, and implemented a plan to cut opioid prescriptions.  

  10. 10 minutes ago, Andy1 said:

    For the most part I think you are right on with this. Most college age kids don’t watch TV news and could care less about the MAGA cause. From what I’ve seen, most of them think it’s all stupid crap. What they really want is someone in office who is younger who they can relate to, which isn’t Biden.

    Sure, most kids don't like any part of politics.  Their introduction is not obvious.  Usually it has an emotional basis.  Abortion, racism, LGBTQ, guns, etc.  All being used as political tools, and each side is going to extremes to broaden the divide.  If you lean a particular way on an issue, the label comes out.  Its gotten to where people tow the party line without question any more.  Remember when debates allowed people to communicate different viewpoints?  Now they are just shut down.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Andy1 said:

    100% agree that radio, television media and social media are pushing division for purposes of profit. I too have seen that documentary and it’s shocking how tech firms have used psychology to manipulate people on both sides. It is far worse than 15 yrs ago. The Citizens United court decision has also been part of the problem. I am hopeful that the younger generation that has grown up with tech may be less vulnerable to the tactics of division than us older folks. Unfortunately, the attitude of corporate America seems to be: if we are all making money on the politics of division, there is no problem. 

    Unfortunately, the younger generation is the target.  They are always the easiest to influence.  You see it all throughout academia and the media.  It is a slow process that takes several generations of "brainwashing" to get to the desired result.  Search for a video of a KGB defector named Yuri Bezmenov.  Its an older video where he explains how ideological subversion is being used in our country.  When you hear what he is saying, decades ago, and you look around today, it is frighteningly clear that this is exactly what is happening.

    Tell me this isn't exactly what is happening today.




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  12. There is no doubt that this is happening.  What we are experiencing now is a culmination of 30 + years of slow, intentional division, and it is working even better than expected.  Social media has just helped to expedite the process a little bit faster.  Divide and conquer would seemingly be an antiquated technique, but it works just as well today as it ever has.  Its just been tweaked a little bit.  

  13. 8 hours ago, Buftex said:

    We obviously have a far from perfect political system.  We are perpetually left with the "lesser of two evils" scenario.  As many faults as Democrats have (and there are plenty), the party offers far more room for a difference of opinions from within. 


    I am 57.  In my lifetime I have never seen either party so afraid to cross their leader... these people, day after day, have to pledge their steadfast allegiance to this clown, or face the prospect of being "cancelled" by the cult that has taken over their party.  On paper, Liz Cheney was everything conservatives could want in a candidate.  She voted with Trump about 97% of the time. She would never have been considered a RINO at any other time.  But she was pretty much banished by her party, for the offense of simply recognizing Trumps obvious and blatant corruption.  The party could get all the same ***** stuff they want with a person like Cheney, but because she recognizes the reality of Trump, she has to go.  


    The Republican party has morphed into the party of Trump. The one person in GOP leadership that stuck to their core conservative principles got destroyed for it. There are no unifying principles in the Republican party, only fealty to Trump.  Biden's speech for as many crocodile tears as MAGAS, and right-wing pundits have been crying, was spot on. 

    Well, in a sense we agree on quite a bit.  We recognize the flaws in both parties.  

    I disagree that the Dems have more room for difference of opinion.  It appears to me that you have to dissent on any issue, you are labeled and rejected.  Maybe its just the extremists that make it appear that way.  The same argument could be made against the Right.  I suppose a lot depends on your view of the media.  I see them as painting an incorrect picture of conservatives.  Correct me if I am wrong, but approximately 90% of the media is controlled by the left, and by about a half dozen people/corporations, and they are pushing narratives as opposed to facts.  Or even flat out lying...unwittingly or not.  This is a real danger, and it is very lopsided.  We are also seeing a similar situation with academia.  I have two daughters in college and one in high school.  The influence on them is very evident.

    All of us form opinions based on information.  If that information is incorrect, the basis of our opinion is then flawed.  When we can't trust the people delivering the information, that is a big problem.  It then begs the question, how do any of us know if we are right?  

    I think it was Morgan Freeman that said "if you watch the news you are misinformed, if you don't, you are uninformed".  

    I try to pan out and look at it from a world view, and what has happened historically.  When you see what is happening here, right now, and compare it to other nations in recent history, it paints a picture that many of us don't want to look at, but if we keep ignoring it, that is likely where we are heading.

    This divide we are experiencing is 100% by design.  

  14. 7 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:

    Even if Biden or Trump or DeSantis truly tried to bring the country together, it ain't happening.  That ship has long since sailed. 


    It's defeat the uniparty or be defeated. There's no room for any discussion or unity with any of them.

    Exactly right, and its by design.  The US cannot be destroyed from the outside.  The world knows this.  So now that we are divided, what comes next?...

    Even though we all know the answer to that question, we are still playing right into it as a nation.

    11 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Maybe. I'm no campaign expert, but I always hear these campaign consultants say that midterm elections are all about turnout. So ... that's the route they're taking. Juice the base turnout (full overturning of Roe was kind of turnout magic no one expected) and hold the House and/or Senate. Nothing desperate. If this were an NFL game, we'd be talking about the Dem team trying to grind out a victory in a battle of field position.

    I guess we will find out soon enough.  Just when we think politics couldn't get any uglier...

    • Agree 1
  15. 16 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Early indicators suggest it’s the party clinging to Trump, forced pregnancy, and fascism is the one who just might get shellacked…


    omfg lmao - cry harder. 

    Says the top poster in this thread who argues with everybody 😂

    Do you try this hard for attention in the real world?

  16. 7 minutes ago, BillStime said:


    LMAO - if Trump told you RED hats to jump over Niagara Falls you will find a way to justify it and do it. 

    After four years of Trump rage and hell - I don’t care about a freakin background.


    15 pages and counting - I’d say Biden’s speech worked! It exposed and defined you fascists as un American and you SIMPS (lmao) can’t stand it. 

    So much for the F your feelings crowd. 




    Here you go cupcake.  You cared enough to make the comment, but when I point out the obvious, you no longer care.  How convenient...and typical 

    Is this part of your therapy, or are you always this way?



  17. 10 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Yes, red, white and blue is risky for us Americans.



    Do you know why people only saw that?  Because in the 25 minutes of speech, it was all in red background.  Red was part of the backdrop?  yes....the only part.

    You can't even acknowledge bad optics?  You don't even have to blame your hero for that.  You can dismiss it as a mistake by his publicity team.  Of course, you just blindly follow....right into the river.

  18. 20 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Maybe that’s because Trump keeps playing the part the Dem strategists assign him? Voting (at least the fraudulent, early voting, 😛) begins in about a month in a lot of states. And there’s Donald John Trump, willingly taking the bait, talking about how he just might pardon the ex-cop who got 10 years for using the flagpole as a weapon against a current cop. And talking about his fantasy that somehow there will be an election do-over, halfway into Biden’s term, in which the Trump presidency will be gloriously restored. As Biden said in one of the debates — his best, and only memorable moment in his whole campaign, just shut up, man …

    … I finally watched the speech. It wasn’t meant for me. I’m a cynical old lesser of two evils, a pox on both their damn parties voter. It was meant to: (1) troll Trump and his endorsed candidates, who now get to answer fun questions like “do you favor a call for a do-over election and pardons for Jan 6 convicted rioters? And (2) to set a tone, aiming squarely at suburban/women voters, of the ominous future (all red-lot and doom and gloomy) that awaits if Republicans get power back. From that marketing/theme-ing perspective, I think it was effective. It’s a rally the base, turn out the suburban vote message. 
    Against this we have the Repubs, seemingly forgetting everything that worked so well before (Reagan’s hopeful Morning in America themes) focused solely on old school rallies and trucker caps. 
    So bad speech, cynically presented as a Speech to the Nation instead of a campaign rally speech? Yes. Effective in achieving its 2 goals? Yes. And Yes again. 

    So, essentially, it was deceptive political posturing.  That is definitely in their wheelhouse.  The dialogue and imaging seem kind of risky, and even desperate.  It seems like it would only be effective to the more radical part of the base.  

  19. 22 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    The "Everyone" is a criminal argument, is lame, for simpletons. 


    And why isn't Trump in jail? He's a corrupt elite using the system to his advantage. 

    Well, due process takes time. 


    No answer, keep asking. 



    So, he is using the system, the same system that is being used to go after him for 6 years, to his advantage?  😂

    If only you could see yourself the way others do...😂😂😂

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