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Posts posted by TigerJ

  1. Thanks for taking the time to review film. Some good takes. I do wonder why, with McGahee, people are always attaching qualifiers though. He's a big, strong back who should be just as effective at wearing down a defense as Travis Henry. Is there any reason why he shouldn't be like many good, big backs, and get stronger as the game goes on? It's as if people want to manufacture reasons why he should never have the chance to replace Henry, that he should forever be kept in the role of a change of pace guy. Right now Travis Henry is the starter. Fine, leave it at that. We don't know what's going to happen at RB in the future, but we are not by lobbying going to keep Travis the starter forever.

  2. The interesting thing is that it was going to be impossible for CBS to keep from being found out, given the challenges to the claim of authenticity. In the end, by reporting the story and then having to admit the memos may be bogus, CBS probably helps the Bush campaign because of backlash against the liberal media.

  3. TD might be right, but he's made calls before and been wrong. I've actually predicted much the same thing, that the Bills are going to make significant improvements by the second half of the season. I'm hoping we can win enough games early to be in the playoff hunt at the end. I'm patient and will stay behind the team. If TD is wrong, I think he will definitely find there is a price to pay.

  4. First of all, I would not wait to see if it resolves itself. I think if you know any of the other parents in the class it might be an easy step to compare notes. I think going in to observe is certainly an option. The teacher may or may not be open to that. If she is not open to it, then I would tell her what you're having a problem with. Give it no more than a couple days. My guess is that it's going to be tough to teach this old dog new tricks. I think it would be a rare teacher who can adapt after thirty years, and she's probably not highly motivated to do so. I think screamers are often lazy teachers, putting in time until they can retire. She may be angry that the school isn't offering a retirement incentive and taking it out on the kids. Go up the chain of command: principal, superintendent, school board. If you don't get satisfaction at any level, either getting your son transferred to another class, getting the teacher switched or dismissed, you have a tough choice. You can pull your son and send him to a private school or do home schooling, or you can consult with a lawyer about taking legal action. All of these are serious steps, but if everything is as you say she could be causing emotional damage to a lot more kids than your son, and she needs to be stopped if at all possible.

  5. If when you get into the jury selection process, you actually sound like you want to be there, stuckincincy, one of the attorney's will probably have y ou dismissed. LOL


    I got called for jury duty about a year and a half ago (county level). I found it a fascinating experience. I was the second person picked for the jury. We were all set to go to trial when the accused (basically caught red handed trying to pass bad checks) had a sudden attack of common sense and changed his plea to guilty. At the time I was doing my best to remain neutral until I heard the evidence. If called again I would do the same thing, try to answer questions as honestly as I could.

  6. It was the coaching staff's choice to give Drew a conservative, low risk game plan. I understand the Bills organization has even said so. It is their intention as everyone gets more comfortable with the system, and the offensive line has more of a chance to gel, to get more aggressive than they were in the opener. Drew simply did what he was asked.

  7. In essence, you've been notified that you are in the potential pool from which they can draw jurors. You may or may not get a notice to report, but my guess is there will be at least some advance notice given so you can make arrangements. Your employer has to let you take time off for jury duty. If there are some extenuating circumstances the judge will excuse you, but you would still have to go through the jury selection process until dismissed I would think. Look at the bright side: this is a federal jury. Maybe you'll get to convict some congressman of fraud or something. LOL

  8. My wife and I were waking up with back problems on an older inner spring mattress, and we had to choose between a higher quality inner spring, an air mattress, a viscoelastic mattress, or a craftmatic adjustable bed. My wife argued for a Craftmatic. I didn't want anything to do with that becauseas near as i could tell it only has value for peoplewho sleep on their backs, and I never sleep on my back. I thought about the viscoelastic foam, but we opted for an air mattress instead (not select comfort, but a brand I found in an internet search. I think we've had it about four years now. I'm pretty happy with it. Sometimes when the air pressure drops too much my back will bother me, but the pump takes just seconds to get the pressure up to where it should be. I can live with once every few months. It's a lot better than waking up after five or six hours every single night with my lower back killing me. Maybe the viscoelastic would have been better, but I don't know if toppers were even available 4 or 5 years ago, and a queen size mattress of the stuff would have cost me a lot more than I paid for the air mattress.

  9. That was one of a number of plays that could be singled out as THE key play. There's no excuse, of course, but I see all the time where a DB succumbs to the temptation of going for the interception when batting the ball down is actually more beneficial to the team. I think it might help if whoever is calling the defence on the field gives a reminder to everyone not to go for the int, just bat it down.

  10. Sometimes teams that have lost in the past (Buffalo was 6-10 last season and finished the season on a very disappointing note) need to learn how to win. It is a matter of gaining confidence and learning to take pride in execution. Buffalo has the talent. A key win could be all it takes for things to click and the team to start making a legitimate run.

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