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Posts posted by Demongyz

  1. On 8/12/2022 at 7:05 PM, Andy1 said:

    Most immigrants I know work their ass off to carve out some modest success in this country. They emphasize education for their children so they can have a better life. It doesn’t surprise me at all that US citizens have a higher arrest rate. A lot of Americans are lazy, doped up entitled addicts who don’t seem to care about working to succeed in this country. 

    I can agree with this, however, if you have open borders, it's much more dangerous for the immigrant, and they don't necessarily have the ability to take care of themselves when they arrive.  It's not a good thing.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 11 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    The S&P 500 closed at 4122 today.

    I chose February 14, 2020 as a pretty good date for "just before the start of COVID." (that's the poll question). You know what it closed at on that date?

    Answer: 3380.

    In other words, even given the recent correction (Or is it a bear market? Call it what you like), the markets are UP about 22% since just before COVID became a thing in the United States.

    You feel poor because the S&P 500 hit 4800 on January 4 2022. So it's down about 14% since then. But still UP a ton since pre-COVID days.

    I say this not to be an ass, but just to point out that people's sense of happiness or satisfaction is always relative, not absolute. I think objectively most Americans are better off today than they were 2.5 years ago. 

    But here's what I think may be going on: deep down a lot of us have a sense that this is a bubble economy. Low interest rates, quantitative easing, huge money handouts to lots and lots of people ... there's a sense that it's gonna end, and the end will be ugly.



    Yeah, I don't completely blame Biden, I blame a ton of this on the fed.  Free money is terrible and their long term plan of 2% inflation was playing with fire.  We are definitely reaping what we sowed.

    • Agree 1
  3. 1 minute ago, ChiGoose said:


    I doubt he has clearance. Presidents generally don't need clearance since they own the classification of information by virtue of being president. No SF-86 required. . Former presidents can be read into classified info at the request of the current president, but I don't believe former presidents maintain any clearance on their own.


    So a big concern (and I am NOT saying this is what happened) would be someone selling secrets. Documents with TS/SCI info on them would be very valuable and could make someone a good chunk of change.


    Less malicious would simply be that those documents belong to the national archives and should not be stored outside of its custody. If they did not believe they had received all of the documents taken from the White House, they would likely want to search to ensure there are no documents remaining at Mar a Lago that shouldn't be there.


    Since these are physical documents instead of digital ones, it's not as simple as just ensuring files were deleted or removing a server or two.

    That very well may be true, however, what did they think would happen when they did this in this way?  It looks disgusting because it is.  If Trumps FBI raided Obama's house how would that have looked to the left?  I'm going to call it, they would say he is a Nazi.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. Just now, ChiGoose said:


    Did Trump declassify the documents while he was still president? I haven't seen anything on that.


    There are a lot of questions that we don't have answers to (but it's not preventing people from jumping to conclusions) but if this was all political, Trump could just make the search warrant public and show it's about some paltry little thing and didn't justify the FBI actions.

    Who knows?  Honestly what documents could he take that they didn't already have?  What do they need them for?  Has Trump lost top secret clearance?  I doubt it.

  5. 38 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    So let me get this straight: The FBI trying to obtain evidence when classified material was improperly handled is a political stunt? Interesting...

    The President can declassify whatever he wants, he ordered that material come out while president.  Does he not have the right?

    Other presidents have taken documents they probably shouldn't have when they left office for their presidential library, how many of their houses have been raided by the FBI?   The FBI was at MAL a few weeks ago and they didn't like the way the documents were stored so they put a padlock on the door.  Was it so important to raid?  NO!  This is political.

  6. 10 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    Who is "they" and what have they been doing "to Trump?"


    Just want to point out that the FBI is lead by Trump's handpicked guy...

    The FBI, DOJ, Democrats in Congress, the White house, Their buddies at 90% of media companies.


    Railroading Trump about every possible thing they can make up or dig up since before he was elected.


    Trump is a fool and had no idea he was replacing one swamp monster with another.

    • Disagree 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, Coffeesforclosers said:

    Yeah.  Social media is a cancer. Twitter in specific. Get off of social media if you want to keep a clear head. 


    The twitterverse, and the instant-gratification addicted, validation-obsessed echo chambers it spawns are whats actually wrong with this country.  No wonder Musk dropped them like a hot potato. Seperating the useful accounts from the bots, trolls, and propaganda is like picking corn out of a dump truck full of *****.


    And this is just one more example of how too much power is accumulated in the executive branch. I'll start reading my Constitution for where it outlines the duties and privileges of the Office of the Ex-President. I'll let y'all know when I find them.  




    It's the unwritten rule that everything they have been doing to Trump since 2015 makes our government look like a banana republic and we shouldn't be doing what they are doing.  It's the fact that what they are doing is leading the US down a path that none of us should want, but for some reason the left keeps pushing.  This is disgusting, and I'm sure you will change your tune when the shoe is on the other foot.  The left had better hope they consolidate power before November, and before 2025 or there is going to be a reckoning the likes of which you can never imagine.

  8. 1 hour ago, T master said:


    True but maybe if they do what they did with the Affordable Health Care Act & that transparency no one will be able to read or understand what's in it & just push it though regardless .


    I doubt it because of who this is about while the others from the recent past sit with their skeletons firmly covered up behind them & no one passes any real consequences on them while they feed on caviar & expensive wine .

    No, we would get abridged information only anything that puts egg on Trumps face.  They will do everything they can to lie cheat and steal because that is all the left knows how to do.  They are working toward an authoritarian government at a quick pace.  Note to all you looney lefties out there, once they are finished with the Trumpers, they are coming for you.


    Edit: Want to make it clear I'm not calling you, T Master, a looney lefty.

  9. 2 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    Uhhh they were supposed to vet what they sent.  Only stuff related to the trial.  They didn't and sent everything on the phone.   They asked to be able to mark things confidential now but that should have happened loooong ago.  Can't wait to find out what crazy stuff Jones and Stone spoke about re JN 6.

    He's the definition of a pathological liar.


    And he has a huge base.  Which is why I find it hilarious when conservatives say the left shifted to the extreme.   He's a big part of the problem in our country. 

    Probably not much.  I don't know about Stone, but I have seen video of Alex Jones yelling into a bullhorn not to enter the capitol, to be peaceful and so on.


  10. 22 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:


    The Senate Intelligence Committee should be applauded for releasing the fifth and final volume of its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

    With over 200 witness interviews and roughly 1 million documents reviewed, the nearly 1,000-page report documents in detail the comprehensive campaign conducted by Russian President Vladimir Putin and his proxies to seek influence within President Donald Trump's campaign, help Trump win the 2016 presidential election and amplify polarization and division within American society.

    Far from a hoax, as the president so often claimed, the report reveals how the Trump campaign willingly engaged with Russian operatives implementing the influence effort. For instance, the report exposes interactions and information exchanged between Russian intelligence officer Konstantin Kilimnik and then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. According to the report, campaign figures “presented attractive targets for foreign influence, creating notable counterintelligence vulnerabilities.” (Manafort was later convicted of tax and bank fraud.)

    The bipartisan tone of the majority of the report, released by a committee chaired by Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, should be welcomed by all Americans who want our elected leaders to protect American sovereignty. National security should never be a partisan issue.


    But that is not my point.  Anyone who starts to suggest any election they lose is rigged is aiming towards a dictatorship. 


    Don't you find it odd that the party that controls the House, Senate and Presidency is so worried about dictatorship?  Isn't it odd that the party of lock people up, force people take shots is afraid of dictators?  You should look long and hard at what the Democratic party is doing.

    14 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:


    So why didn't Trump lock up Hillary.  Let's ask ######ed questions. 

    Because if you target the opposing party and attempt to put all of them in jail, the country becomes a dictatorship... What is going on now?

  11. 9 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    Anyone paying any attention to the Alex Jones trial?


    Well it has been amazing if not, check it out.


    How is this related?  Well Alex's lawyer screwed up and gave EVERYTHING from Alex's phone to the prosecution.   J6 will subpoena that info, they'v easked for it already .  I'm guessing there will be some crazy stuff released between Jim and Stone soon.

    From what I understand, the prosecution asked for it so they sent it over, then the prosecution said they did it on accident to make them look like fools.  Ok, yes, they are fools, but they demonstrate that on their own.

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