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Posts posted by Rudyc80

  1. Heres my recap so far.


    1. Bills announce we will go with a rookie QB who looks very far away.


    2. NFL announces that they might make the Bills play a game in Toronto.


    3. Rumors that the Bills will trade Henry for a average lineman who was benched last year!


    4. The Jets will get Laverneus Coles which makes their WR core better than ours while we downgrade our defense!


    5. TD basically says "see ya" to Jennings and more importantly Pat Williams who we need to keep our great defense intact.


    6. Patriots won another superbowl.



    Did i leave anything out? Im pumped!

  2. This is starting to piss me off considering how close we were, i mean how in teh hell can we keep leads for a rookie qb when losing a key member of our defense that was huge (literally) for us last year? If TD lets Williams go, its sending a message to the fans taht next year is a wash.


    As much as i hate Bledsoe, im beginning to think JP was a major mistake, this kid looked like a scared teenager going to his first dance out there last season, but at least with a shut down defense he wouldnt have much pressure to always score.


    I think TD is f...king up big time and destroying a top notch defense....its one thing to get rid of bledsoe but we need fat pat badly and to not resign him is a mistake taht we will regret!

  3. i will bet the house i dont own that bledsoe will not be back in dallas after this season!


    Infact cowgirl fans will be calling for his head by halloween...oh man is this gonna be entertaining watching another team go through the deadsoe days of football!


    Poor Dallas has no idea whats instore!



    Drew couldnt win here with a superbowl defense, #1 special teams, willis, moulds, evans,,,,how in the hell will he survive dallas?

  4. here me out, instead of TD signing more o-lineman, all he would have to do is resign jonas and you got yourself one hell of a line with depth.


    our line would be...


    Mike Williams RG

    Chris Villarial G

    Trey Teague C

    L.J. Shelton - G

    Jonas Jennings LG


    Thats a pretty solid line and would do a lot of damage in the run game. it actually makes alot of sense if TD did this becuase then our oline would be complete and he could focus on TE or a kicker(hopefully we draft Nugent and thats that) and last resign big pat.


    Also with Price, Tucker, and maybe we draft a center...thats a deep backup unit while we develop the drfated center and release teague at seasons end!


    I think it makes alot of sense my friends!

  5. The pea soup and the head turning didnt scare me, it was the thought of the movie and the events leading up to the possesion like ouiji boards, voices at night, knocking in the walls+banging in the atic at night!


    Thats the sh-- that freaks me out...not pea soup or heads turning but the stuff that you cant explain.


    Also imagine having someone possessed by a devil in your home.....how the !@#$ would you be able to sleep there? Imagine waking up and seeing that looking over you!



  6. well poltergeist was not based on a true story and again was a bit over done with tv's having people inside them but honestly the movies like amityville, exorcist, and the entity are all based on real events. now of course they could be made up but there seems to be more evidence they are realrather then fake and thats why those movies scare me.


    I know there is no Jason or freedy but I dont know there arent ghosts or demons in the world taht most cannot see and thats freaky!


    As much as linda blair was hot.....i can never see her in that way cause you cant forget that face in the movie.

  7. Think about this Sue.


    The scariest movies are what you cant see or cant give an explanation to becuase you can see crazy people or killers with knifes and run away from them such as movies like friday the 13th or halloween, but when you cant see something or explain it(amityville or exorcist).....thats when it really becomes scary!



    BTW the scariest movie of all time is exorcist cause that sh-- really can happen!

  8. The national media for teh most part seem to understand the move to cut Drew but also now think we arent that good and that pisses me off that the bills would do this to the fans considering we were on the verge of playoffs and now likely to miss again!


    Imagine how pissed Takeo and other vets are who felt we were playoff bound this upcoming year and now have to wait 2-3 more years till we probaly sniff the post season again!



    Most people i talked to (general football fans) all seem to think we have taken a big step back by releasing drew! I am still on the fence but i think we cna make the playoffs but its unlikely!


    The more i think about it the more mad i become since it will be 7-8 years without playoffs which is just not acceptable for this franchise and if that continues then this franchise will be on the move if you know what i mean.


    Bad timing by the Bills! they just screwed the fans big time and the vets like Takeo+fletch!

  9. Lets face it other than 2002 moulds was not ahuge Bledsoe reporter infact I honestly think that the team told Moulds way back when drew wouldnt be here and thats why he restructured and i also feel that moulds must think alot of JP to redo his deal and stay here since he really wants the playoffs and must feel we have a legit chance at getting there, i however have my doubts about JP but anyways do you guys think that was a big part of Moulds coming back and redoing his deal.....did he have alot of negative input on drew since he caught the balls from him?

  10. I would think no.....just because we won 9 games and still they are giving him the boot. the only way maybe Bledsoe would ahve come back is if he had won a playoff game with solid play cause clearly this frnacjise doesnt have any confidence in him if they are releasing him for a rookie.


    Just curious on your thoughst though on wether he would still be here had he beat pitts second stringers?

  11. We have not made the playoffs for 5 friggin years and have a probowl players all over on defense and a solid offense but TD has decided we will let Losman run the show and that makes me nervous cause this franchise needs playoffs. Losman does not have time to adjust.


    Let me say im not a bledsoe supporter cause he has killed us many sundays but losman looked a little scared out there with no clue.....they should sign a vet who can play and get us in the playoffs while losman learns 1 more year...we cannot miss the post season again....TD will be let go if thats the case! I think Losman will be great for us but we gotta make the damn playoffs!

  12. IMO....Moulds and Evans are the best duo in the AFC east and Moulds is teh best WR in the division!


    Santana Moss, Deon Branch(who i still say is average) are the only two guys you could even make a case for so moulds is still the class of the AFC East when it come to wideouts and to be hnest Id take Evans over both Branch and Moss since hes a rookie and had just as good numbers as moss/branch!

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