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Posts posted by Rudyc80

  1. You cant sit there and tell me this offseason wasnt a disaster. First we ccut bledsoe and i was never a fan but now we have a rookie QB who did not look ready last year even in mop up duty. Then TD goes cheap and fails to sign Jennings or Williams which i can live with but how does TD not get 1 quality lineman at some point. We have missed out on some solid guys that would have helped our ROOKIE QB who now might be out cause of injury by week 3. Then TD basically says we will stick with Lindell and not draft nugent.


    YA KNOW this franchise has missed the playoffs 5 years in a row and TD wants to make it 6. There is no way we are better then the jets, ravens, pats, jags, and probaly cinnci since they actually improved their team this winter unlike us who sat and watched.


    Whats more painful is we have no 1st round pick and an untradeable player in henry. Not to mention we cut one of our BEST ST players in Preleau. Now you can mark this post down now or quote me...whatever you want but theres NO WAY IN HELL TD GETS NATE LOCKED UP LONG TERM OR MCGEE FOR THAT MATTER.....so i wonder what in the hell was all that restructuring for or the cuts or not resigning our own?


    Sorry but you cannot tell me this team has any shot at postseason and taht our oline will be fine. Gandy is not a starter and was cut this past season. Also if anyone tells me that Peters is a lineman than i hope they dont complain when the bottom line reads JP Losman sets record for being sacked 90 times in one game. Please this line might be the worst in teh league and is laughable at this point. Put Teague wherever you want but regardless it sucks.


    I just dont understand how TD can let us get worse instead of better while every other team has improved in our division. Mimai might have more quality as far as players than us. I guess i shouldnt be suprised since TD is the same guy who thinkslindell is solid and will miss out on the best kicker in the next 5 years in nugent.


    what a great fuggin off season huh guys?

  2. Considering we have lost our second best olineman, our best defensive lineman, our best special teams player, and have basically said we will keep Lindell. This team is a 7-9 if we are lucky with a rookie QB...lol. And i bet anything Clements and Mcgee dont get an extension done...watch. Maybe TD knows this is his last year and doesnt give a !@#$!







    Gandy....cut from Bears(enough said)

    Holcomb.....has he made it through a season healthy?









    yah we look great and oh yah the lions are gonna sign demulling today for those who saw him as the light at the end of the tunnel!

  3. after i posted asking about an update on Demulling...i went to the lions board and 2 guys say that 1270 this afternoon reported that demulling would sign with the lions on wednesday. Now if you go by that then demulling should have signed on Monday but thi is suppose to be from a radio station but who knows.


    Its funny if you look at one the newest threads on their board...they are scared that they wont get him cause we released Preleau, so now they think he will be a BILL and the posters who talked about 1270 are nowhere to be found. heres the thread about them crying over us releasing preleau... http://forums.detroitlions.com/boards/mess...&threadid=29768


    Where will Demulling land? obvioulsy you can make a good case for both teams but a lion fan (close to the situation0 claims demulling wants to be a bill....so maybe that why preleau is now on the waiver wire..lol!


    I think i should stop reading lions message boards!

  4. The Detroit board cliams to have insiders all around yet they claim he was gonna sign today and it didnt happen. then the guy covers up and says the latest by Monday afternoon. One claims to have family on the bills whos the bills equipment manager and says taht TD told him not to make a demulling jersey(which is funny since olineman like demulling would not get a jersey at his press conference since last time i checked he wasnt a star player like randy moss lol)and its funny since this guy really thinks TD called him and said we MIGHt sign this guy so have a jersey ready...are you kidding me!


    My point of all this is...im wondering if anyone knows any facts like if we are still in teh running or has there been a real source saying he has chose that weak ass lions team over ours? I know Bills-guy-in-malta will say hes a lion but id like to think we have a shot at this guy regardless of the two teams cap situations!


    So i ask...does anyone have solid info on teh latest? Bils daily seems to think we are his likley choice after reading todays headline.



  5. As you all know the packers announced Farve will return....which makes packer fans happier then if they had won 1 million $$$$, but with all the Farve returning talk, the Packers did something very quietly on the side or should i say in the background as the fans celebrated.


    They released their best defender in Sharper. This is a team whos secondary already was a joke but now might be the worse in the NFL with the release of Sharper. The packs front office did this with greta timing....how can you be upset about that news when farve is returning? I give the packers credit since now they might have the worse defense in football while the vikes have improved greatly.


    But hey its ok cause Frave is playing one more year behind a terrible oline. very good heads up move by the packs except they are really gonna suck with or without Farve.


    all teh storys in Gb papers tomorrow will read....FARVE BACK FOR FINAL SEASON....and on the bottom of the article it will say......News and notes, the Green Bay Packers release Darren Sharper on Thursday who was their only good player on the defense. LMAO

  6. Im reading the jets will try and grab him at some point while theres no chance we draft him with our 2nd pick since we have a pretty bad o-line with no replacements in FA(nice job by TD)!


    in fact we have soooo many positions like CB, oline, and DT to take before we evn glance at Nugent.


    Meanwhile the Jets get a top kicker while we take a project and watch lindell miss 28 yard fg's all next year at crucial points in big games but hey who needs a reliable 40+ yard kicker, we got lindell!


    Unless we trade for a pick for henry but even then it doesnt seem like TD likes kickers or puts much stock in them but that might be why we havent made teh playoffs going on 6 years.

  7. Everyone seems to differ on wether Adams, Milloy, Kelsay, Fletcher, and posey. i know Clements is done after this season coming up but i though those guys were locked up(assuming they arent cap casualtys) for this season and next.


    Im not sure however when some say 06 if thats for the 05-06 season or are free agents heading into january of 07 but still considered the 06 season till the superbowl is over. I guess im asking are these guys other than clements here this season+next or just this season upcoming?

  8. The JEts have now officailly passed us if tehy get Law and Putzier who they signed to an offer sheet! How the hell did Td not make an offer for this solid upcoming TE?


    Is TD just handing the damn Jets the wildcard?





    Lets see the Jets have gotten....Putzier, Blaylock, Coles(it ill happen) and likely Law.


    bills have gotten, Holcomb and a no name from the waiver wire while losing top players.


    looks GREAT

  9. http://cbs.sportsline.com/nfl/story/8249573


    heres my favorite part of the article.....




    The biggest eye-opening deal was the seven years and $36 million the 49ers gave to Buffalo left tackle Jonas Jennings. It included $12 million to $14 million in bonuses, which is amazing considering Jennings is a decent player whose value is up because he happens to be one of the few left tackles available. That had to drive his price up. He certainly isn't worth that kind of money.


    "Worst deal I've seen," said one personnel director. "But hold on. I'm sure there's more to follow."

  10. Since it appears we wont resign either of our main FA'sthen what the hell was the point of restructing Moulds and being 8 million under the cap? You cant tell me we are gonna give Clements an extension since TD wil low ball him and lose him as well.


    My point is i dont understand why we even bothered to get 8 milllion under teh cap and then sit and watch other teams get better...

  11. I will say 1 thing though....the jets are smart getting 2 guys that will wanna kick the sh-- out of buffalo twice a year.


    But to stay on topic i thought their secondary was downright bad. they have no corners or safetys taht matter yet they are spending ridiculous amounts of $$$$$$$$$$ on their lines.


    But i guess we now know where clements will end up next year....we should just trdae him now and let the jets have him so at least we get a pick.

  12. Where the !@#$ do tehy get the money from? They have so many over played players and are players in free agency every fuggin year.


    How can they afford top notch free agents when they already have Pennington, Martin, Moss, McCariens, Mawae, Kendell, a franchised Abraham, and a bad contract to cowart?


    Also does it seem they love to steal our players from us? Cowart a few years back, then they TRIEd to get Winfield and now Jennings.


    Meanwhile TD has decided to let the Jets who we will be battling for aplayoff spot get our LT and theres no replacement in site...what a sickning way to kick off free agency.

  13. How are the Jets affording all this? While we are not mentioned for any top players and are likely to lose Jennings+Williams? how in teh blue hell do the fuggin jets have al this cap space to be such a player in FA? They just franchised Abraham, they signed Penninton long term + Curtis Martin+McCariens and signed Kendell to a long term deal last summer with cowarts huge contarct as well while giving both rookies from their past 2 drfats. Something is wrong there taht they are mentioned everywhere as far as Free Agents go while we have almost $10 million and are not mentioned.


    Is it becoming clear that TD has claimed this a rebuilding year? It just seems ridiculous that all these teams we play next year are getting better while we let players go. Dont forget these same teams we will be fighting with for the playoffs!

  14. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/p...315/1007/SPORTS


    Also i really think TD makes a play for Wahle since hes teh best out there and lets face it...we need to upgrade the oline not have it take a step back with shelton. As much as it would cost...TD should get Whale and make that our big splash of free agency.


    We cant go backwards with our bad oline so if we dont get Whale....who else is out there...nobody! TD has conytinued to say that the big focus of the offseason is to improve our oline....the key word is IMPROVE THE OLINE which makes me think wahle has a good chance to be a bill!


    (G) Marco Rivera is also likley to be released says his agent today. Either of these guys would be great! Also with Farve losing both lineman RIvera+Wahle.....hes probaly gonna retire.

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