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Posts posted by JoPar_v2

  1. 2 hours ago, Virgil said:

    My concern with McKenzie is that he’s too small to block or contribute well on special teams.  We rarely throw to him and he’s more of a decoy.  

    Since Foster can contribute on special teams as well as run block, I’d like to see him try those plays one week.  

    I like Duke as the #3 out there.  

    Honestly, we aren’t hitting on the deep balls and Brown is out there. 

    foster’s done ZERO this year. I’ll take McKenzie’s occasional contributions over Foster’s lack of any all day every day. 

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  2. 14 minutes ago, BringBackOrton said:

    Everyone is within their rights to act like a crybaby. The company was also within their rights to laugh in their face when they whined about it.


    There is also zero bearing on journalism when it comes to auto play ads. It may have annoyed some consumers, but it would not have affected their ability to report or write ethically. They were the ones who made it a story, and who ended up costing their company money.

    Again, they made it a story to alert their braindead bosses on how annoying those autoads were to their customers. Maybe you think alienating your longtime customers is good business, but I tend to think differently. Deadspin writers were looking out for their terrible bosses when they posted that protest blog.

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  3. 1 minute ago, BringBackOrton said:

    Yeah, asking customers to publicly complain about something your parent company is doing, which cost them a million bucks, is being a bad employee.


    The thing the deadspin idiots forgot is that they don’t own deadspin. Their snarky sports coverage is done by everybody on the Internet now. Barry wasn’t talented enough to be worth that kind of nonsense.

    You can quibble about the talent level of late Deadspin and I can’t honestly argue that the level did decrease at the end, but the editorial shop is supposed to be independent of the business end and if (which i am sure they did) raising the autoplay ad issue internally produced no results then they were entirely within their rights raising the issue publicly through their blog. Being a good journalist (and good consumer advocate) trumped being a “good employee” and bootlicker in that case and kudos to them for that.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, BringBackOrton said:

    I don’t enjoy them. But the thing about businesses is if the employees want to get paid, they need to make money.


    It was a bunch of crybabies acting exactly like that.

    so they are “crybabies” because they alerted their readers that they agreed with them on a very annoying ad change that they sympathized with and encouraged the readers to ask for change? Yes sure. I disagree with late Deadspin’s politics for the most part but this ad issue that contributed to the implosion is entirely on management.


    the real reason why this occurred is G/O media itself - a vulture capital operation who is in the deadspin business to turn a quarterly increase in profit so they can flip it, at any and all expense to the writers, editors, and readers. Gotta get that State Farm money quick after all, so they can flip the sites for a profit before people realize their a bunch of idiots when it comes to modern day digital media.

  5. 2 hours ago, BringBackOrton said:

    They lost a million dollar ad deal because of the writers hissy fit prior to quitting. 


    Are you a deadspin exec?

    Lol. Do you enjoy autoplay ad videos with default sound all over the sites you visit? The editors put out the protest blog about those ads because readers complained loudly. Jesus man. Sort yourself out.


    stick to your supposed “humor” threads that get shut down in 3 hours.

  6. 1 minute ago, TwistofFate said:


    I think it is.  What is the strength of this offense?  Are we playing to it?  What kind of offense does this regime want, passing? Running? Balanced? 


    If your identity is passing, you design plays to attack mismatches in the secondary.  You scheme guys open and attack.  Think patriots, saints, any passing offense really.  They do it week in and week out regardless of the opponent.  Why?  It's their identity. 


    If your identity is running, you design plays and blocking schemes to create running lanes for your backs.  Think Ravens.  They didn't change their identity against the Patriots top ranked defense, did they?  No, they smashed them in the face with smash mouth running football and are on pace to break an NFL rushing record. 


    You don't change your identity to face opponents, you attack the weakness of that team and create plays to suit the strength of your offense.


    There is no identity on offense at this point, but it sure as hell looked there was one the first couple of weeks.

    yeah I get you and that’s the right counterpoint to what I was suggesting (again, I don’t know what Daboll’s cooking up.) 


    But what you’re saying, I think, is the sort of offense that is imposed on the opponent’s defense, no matter what. I agree with you I don’t think that’s been established and I don’t think even the coaches may know at this point. 

    I think it is an improvisational effort at this point for McD and Daboll. The offense is, in contrast to the defense, in the early stages of coalescing with all the new starters. We may not see some sort of consistent “strategy” all year on offense. But I do got to give daboll credit for operating on the fly.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Teddy KGB said:

    Snap counts ^^ ???


    He catch any footballs ? 

    zay is a marginal 4 in oakland and that’s most likely where he’ll stay, barring the guys ahead of him getting all 6 of their knees blown out. 

    Oliver, I obviously have higher hopes for. We’ll see. But if Phillips is playing better right now Phillips should play. And that doesn’t make Oliver a bust (yet.)

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, SydneyBillsFan said:

    Not sure why anybody would be bothered by this. We have not beaten any team with a winning pedigree.


    Besides, I prefer Superbowl by stealth.

    As would I.


    also, and apologies I didn’t read this whole thread, but they do get credit. Sure, it may only be in the power rankings. But those are put together by national outlets. Bills are what? 6,7,8 in just about every one of them? That’s credit.


    Yes, I am sure we would all love a glowing, long-form profile in SI or ESPN of Jordan Phillips or Micah Hyde. Won’t happen until the team does damage in the playoffs (or perhaps earlier, if they can sneak the division away from NE.)

  9. Perhaps the offensive “identity” is being dictated by the Bills’ opponents, week-to-week? Obviously with acknowledgment of the rosters’ strengths and deficiencies? Maybe that’s why we don’t see a more consistent suite of plays or strategies from Daboll? Is that a bad thing? 

    I don’t really care if Allen throws for 400 or 100 yards. I’d like to see penalties reduced on offense and for the team to keep winning. They’ve already cut down turnovers.

    • Like (+1) 2
  10. 4 hours ago, GG said:

    Doesn't appear that it's quite dead yet.  In fact, it looks like it's getting better.

    it’s not better. It seems they have secured some ghostwriters that still employ some trademark deadspin snark in their writeups (perhaps ex-deadspinners long forgotten who are afraid of showing their face yet?) but a big part of going to deadspin for a very long time was the comments. Comments are obviously still disabled by management because they’d be excoriated in them. 

    Again, whoever these nameless ones are, they’re doing decent work. It is just so bland now overall. 

  11. Deadspin caught a groove for a while. It had mostly moved past me by its later run but I always enjoyed Magary. The implosion is not surprising. The Hogan lawsuit crippled Denton and original ownership. Then Univision bought it on the cheap and didn’t care what they wrote. Then G/O bought it from them and want to turn it into an aggregator. Sucks that they’re gone, even if you didn’t agree with their politics. 

    Barstool used to be a cesspit but even I can admit they are getting better. Portnoy still angers me to no end though (mostly for the boston fandom.)

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Call_Of_Ktulu said:

    If he can’t start hitting those intermediate and deep routes his windows will get smaller and smaller on the short routes. Defenses are already starting to stack the box and force Allen to throw the football. 

    Depends on how you define “intermediate” vs “deep” but he has been pretty good on 10-15 air yard passes. It’s the very long balls, the 9 routes, where he’s struggled.

    59 minutes ago, PUNT750 said:

    He's improved as a QB in general.  If you don't need 300+ yards passing why make that your game.  He will improve more in all aspects of his position.

    Pretty much. Again, talking about wins and much more goes into that than just QB numbers and QB “style” but Lamar and Allen seem to be examples of molding a new way to win (so long as most other things are buttoned up as well.) maybe Murray is the next one. Not so much success yet, but he hasn’t come in full spread air raid. He has looked decent at times though.

  13. 10 minutes ago, wvbillsfan said:

    Hard pass. Even for league minimum the guy comes in and has to take someone’s roster spot. Who are we cutting to sign him Foster, McKenzie, Duke? 
    I like all three better than Dez at this point. 

    Very good point as well. Dez seems very humble and willing to be a situational guy at this point but you still gotta cut someone to get him on your roster. Doesn’t need to be another WR of course, but it most likely would be. I wouldn’t cut any of those 3 bottom guys you named for Dez, even if Foster has done **** all this year.

    8 minutes ago, Dr.Mantis_Toboggan said:

    What harm does bringing him in for a workout do?

    He said he’s not looking to be a starter, just to contribute. Seems to have the right attitude, still the same age as AJ Green. They’d be crazy not to kick the tires.



    A workout does no harm. But let’s say it does go reasonably well...who you cutting to make room?

    11 minutes ago, 32ABBA said:

    Didn't the Cowboys hire a minder/babysitter to watch over Bryant and keep him out of trouble?


    I don't care if he has grown up (or not), I don't want a guy that needed that at ANY point in his career.


    He's an idiot.


    dude that was a long, long time ago. You’re not wrong his personal family and maturity issued have been well documented. Long time ago though

  14. How about no. I feel for Dez, a little bit. I think all the brinksmanship in Dallas in his last years there around the QB and other things probably robbed him of some late career fireworks. But no, in my amateur opinion i think Dez is shot at this point. 

    then again, I think John Brown has been awesome for this team so far and those that don’t share that opinion may want to roll the dice.

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