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Posts posted by ch19079

  1. the topic: "compare war time service"


    but your trying to compare what bush is doing now, to what Kerry did 30 years ago. diffrent times, and diffrent wars.


    to say ALL kerry did was drive a little boat in vietnam is just crazy.

    then to say.."but bush was in the national gaurd they both served their country".

    yes they both served their country, and the national gaurd is important, but i think being in a forien nation and getting shot at, and earning 3 purple hearts and a silver star, while Bush takes a few months RR, kinda tip the scales a little.


    ok, that said...


    i DO like how we invaded iraq, we thaught they had nukes (or going to get them), and i dont think you want to wait untill the missles are in the air to mobalize your forces. he acted on intel he had. we should be looking in to how we got that intel and where it came from, not the actions as a result of it.


    our military is over extended and more troops are needed in afganistan and Iraq. if those "piece first" countries wont send troops, than what good are they as allies??? our policies over there are not strict enouph for the job. any man standing on a US truck with a gun cheering cus he just killed an american should be shot on site. i dont see why we just take pictures and pull back??? we are trying to be "the nice little country who is there to help" that we wont do what is needed. drill some wells, build some schools, but negotiating with rebels is unacceptable, even if you say "the iraqi police made the negotiations", we were the ones there, we just didnt want to see a bunch of dead people on CNN.


    I DO NOT think that by electing Kerry, france and all those "piece first countries" (which i really really HATE!!!!) will not just jump up and say there our friends. i say to hell with them anyways.



    what was i talking about agian.... ;):lol::D

  2. I figured this was a joke until you bumped it...


    First off, the Jets need Quincy as much as we would.  They didn't have a bunch of injuries, but after losing Vinny they have a bunch of Zolman's behind Chad.


    Second, are you actually suggesting that if we had a #1 pick next year we use it for a backup QB?  :D




    a first rounder for Carter.... lol ;):lol:


    i havent lauphed that hard in a while. :):):)

  3. early Sunday morning when their black 1992 Chevrolet Z-71 pickup hit a curb near a telephone pole.



    Brohm, partially outside the window at the time, was decapitated by a guide wire on the telephone pole, according to police, who recovered his head at the Rosen site. "Alcohol is believed to be a contributing factor," police said.

  4. The release of Douglas will save the Jaguars considerable money. Douglas would've earned a $3.345 million salary this season. His salary cap hit would've been $4.545 million but is now reduced to $1.2 million of prorated bonus amortization. The remainder of Douglas' bonus amortization following this season, $3.6 million, will be charged to the Jaguars' 2005 salary cap.

  5. Actually M. Williams played a heckuva game and Jennings did not play at all.  :blink:




    well, whoever was at our Left OT, didnt play well at all. and i saw williams pushed back in to bledsoe a few times. and on one of the sacks, both OTs missed there man, and get bledsoe killed.


    i did see williams down field on that long run :P , but i think by then they had a few backup in.

  6. i was at that game. brady had all day. they also tried to run alot, so brady didnt drop back to many times. but when he did.... he had all day to wait untill a WR came open. also IMO, Dillon looked slow, and didnt run like i heard he did in bungle country. i hope they try to run 30+ times a game in the regular season. cus they will be punting often.


    75 to 80 yards on 28 carries. thats the best he will do.

  7. i like running the ball too, and after a few runs the playaction really looked good, but bledsoe needs to work on his acting skills. after the first playaction noone baught it the next few times. he jsut goes through the motion, he doesnt sell it like manning.


    and im still wondering why it was run on first down, run on second, and pass on 3rd and 3?? bledsoe is sacked, and we go for a fieldgoal.... :blink:

  8. also, M Williams needs to play better, he keeps getting pushed back in to bledsoe and giving up sacks. Jennings also gets pushed back, but didnt give up any sacks,(that i saw).


    our O-Line needs to do ALOT better..... but i did see a screen pass, so im happy.


    aiken caught a pass, we should use him more. Evans hasnt done anything, but hasnt been on the field that much.


    if we go with 1 WR and 2 TEs in a "jacks" formation we will run the ball and only get 1 or 2 yards. if we go 3 wide, we will pass the ball, they will blitz and bledsoe will ball up and just try not to fumble.


    i have faith in McGahee and Henry to run out of a 3 WR set. just let them try. you dont have to be in a 2 TE set to run the ball.


    Clements runs to the sidelines to much on punt returns. and doesnt know how to put 2 hands on the ball. i see him fumbling a few more times. how hard is it to use 2 hands???


    Smith should not be allowed to return kicks or punts. and may get cut. Reed and McGee should be our return guys, i like clements but fumbles WAY to much.


    our ST SUCK. i mean come on. who missed the block for that punt? how hard is it NOT to kick the ball out of bounds??? and i say if there return man gets past the 35, than all our special teams players should be fined. o, and if our kicker or punter has to make a tackle, the fine should be 1 game check (except for the tackler).


    did i mention i saw a screen.... :blink: if we do those more often it might cut down on the blitzes.


    no team will jsut sit back in zone and let bledsoe search for a WR. if we show pass, they will blitz. i will even take a sack, just DONT FUMBLE!!!!

  9. first it was.. remove all troops from iraq,

    now its... we want to wear headscarfs in schools...


    is it just me or does the saying "if we leave iraq, the terrorists wont mess with us" really have no meaning...


    and how can you down grade from "remove all troops" to talking about a dress code??


    i think if was the guy hearing the demands of the terrorists first, i would have just lauphed at them, and hung up the phone.. :blink: .. probubly some 13 year old mad at his school.

  10. Won't go to the playoffs if ... it becomes the Rohan Davey era.



    i would say, they will miss the playoffs if there D can not adjust to the no touching for 5 yards rule. there D got them to the SB, Brady just didnt make many mistakes.


    or if they become a run first team. thats not who they are, and they found that out this preseason, trying to run dillon 2 out of every 3 plays. all they did was punt.


    or if Ty law is cut.

  11. when a JUDGE gives you the OK, to go do something, and then they punish you for doing it is just messed up to me.


    i HATE how people say.... "we dont want clarrett in college football, but we DO want Williams. they should let williams in, but to hell with Clarrett...." WTF

    they only want williams back cus he is very good, and will help there team ALOT. but since clarrett has been such a pain they want to say to hell with him... they cant do that.


    first: they should lower the "years from your highschool graduation" from 3 to 2.

    second: they wont make an exception and let him in the nfl, ok, but they have to work with the ncaa to get the player back in college football. the NCAA and the NFL need eachother, and should work together.

    third: you cant look at how "good a player is" when determining his elegability. but you shouldnt screw him over eather.

    fourth: who is to say one year makes you ready for the NFL? younger guys have come out, but there highschool class graduated early or skiped a grade or something. so to say.. hes to young, or to weak is just stupid...



    from what i hear on tv, the ncaa told him, if he gets an agent, and the courts eventually deny him entry in to the nfl, than he could NOT go back to the ncaa. fist off, if the courts tell you one thing, how can an organization punish you for that??

    and it sounds like the NCAA was just trying to pressure him in to not joining the court case, cus hes so good. the NCAA knew that they could screw over Clarrett, but if they screwed over Williams it would be a PR nightmare. now since theyve been through all the bad press, there is no way they will let him back

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